MEMORIZE Chapter 335

00335 Ansol’s past %26 Before the Storm —————————————— ——————————-=

As Ahn Hyeon said, preparations for the party, or rather the unity meeting, had already been completed, and everyone was waiting for me. Seeing that everyone was craning their necks, it seemed like they were very excited about their first unity meeting.

Soon, as I walked to where the clan members were gathered, Ha-yeon Jeong gently held out a glass of wine. The glass was in the shape of a rectangular semicircle, and was about one-third full of a clear liquid with a mysterious water color. I recognized it right away.

The water-colored liquid was named ‘Mermaid’s Tears’ and was a luxurious drink with a sweetness that melted across the tongue and a subtle refreshing sensation. Also, the nickname has the meaning of ‘prosperity, glory, and endless development.’

All preparations are complete. Since I could no longer ignore the passionate gazes of my clan members from earlier, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Originally, I was going to have a long talk before starting, but I can’t bear your stares any longer. So let me keep it short.”

I just said this as a joke, but I can see clan members here and there looking relieved. The expression of genuine happiness was clearly evident on their faces. I continued speaking, feeling shaky.

“Although the clan was founded less than a year ago, it has been so eventful that it would be endless to talk about it. And it is true that I have been busy with external activities these days and have been neglecting the inside of the clan. Today, this is a special festival prepared for you at the suggestion of user Jeong Ha-yeon. I have only one instruction for you now. Just for this moment, let go of all the complexities. I just hope that everyone eats as much as they want, drinks as much as they want, and enjoys this reunion. That is all.”

After finishing my encouraging speech, I raised the wine glass I was holding high. And with a slightly stronger voice than before, they shouted for the start of the festival.

“For the mercantile.”


The clan members must have been eagerly waiting for these words, as they all shouted in unison and raised their glasses high. And the moment I raised the glass to my mouth, the clan members also started drinking ‘mermaid tears’ at the same time.


At that time, as I took a sip of the glass, I felt something spicy in my mouth. Originally, ‘Mermaid’s Tears’ was a drink with a calm and soft feel, but it actually had a sweet and refreshing texture. But she soon noticed that she had added something extra, because she felt a little more excited and better. It was a glimpse into Jeong Ha-yeon’s careful consideration in order to properly enjoy the pep rally.

“Oh! it’s good!”

“Whoa… ! Sister, what on earth is this… ?”

The faces of the clan members who drank ‘mermaid tears’ became even more flushed than before. Some people had a slight blush on their cheeks, as if the effects of the medicine were already taking effect. When everyone was just laughing with excitement, they heard someone lightly clapping their hands.

Clap clap.

“ruler. Well then, shouldn’t we start eating some food now? As far as I know, there are people who starved all day just for today. “Cook, cluck.”

“sister! That’s me! meat! meat!”

Go Yeon-ju’s voice. Her words made everyone’s faces whet their appetites, and soon she could be heard swallowing here and there. In the center of the garden, the tables used in the restaurant were spread out widely. And you can see a huge amount of food and alcohol occupying the top. It felt like I was looking at her buffet, as if she paid a lot of attention to it.

Eventually, we moved to the table, each one holding a plate piled on one side, and quickly dispersed to the table where each person had food that suited their taste.

“Sister Yeonju! “I want to eat this meat.”

“okay? Then just wait a moment. I’ll cook it deliciously for you. ah. How should I bake it?”

“Please just lightly cook the outside. Hehehe.”

“Anyway, I know how to eat.”

As I watched Anhyun drooling and pointing at the large, thick piece of meat, I also slowly started moving to put the food in it. Ko Yeon-ju was clearly a woman with a keen knowledge of food. She glanced at the table and saw that it was stocked with everything from fish and meat to fresh vegetables. She said that she did not spare the gold coins for this unit meeting, and it seemed that she really did not spare any gold coins.

Anyway, I thought I’d make sure to enjoy what I was enjoying, so I ate an appropriate amount of food and sat down at an empty table. The clan members also began to sit at the table one by one with smiles on their faces, probably because they were greedy for their food.

Finally, Ahn Hyeon and Go Yeon-ju, who looked satisfied as if they had grilled the meat they wanted to eat, belatedly joined the table. And I signaled the start of a pleasant meal by lifting the spoon.

“It’s the first time I’ve tasted Go Yeon-ju’s food in a long time. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Ho Ho. You can look forward to it. Mr. Shin Sang-yong.”

“thank you for this food!”

“There’s a lot left, so don’t worry and eat a lot.”

The clan members also started eating food while chatting brightly with each other.

I was just about to rummage through some vegetables for a quick bite when a beautiful hand suddenly reached out in front of my mouth. When I looked at it, I saw a ssam under my slightly curled hand. It was a really delicious-looking ssam with a variety of colors, probably due to the addition of a little meat and various vegetables.

When I glanced up, I saw Go Yeon-ju slightly tilting her head and squinting her eyes. She immediately opened her mouth.

“Su-hyun. You’ve worked really hard during this time. He said that he was actually negligent, but I know that he was busier than anyone else for Mercantile. “This is my small gesture to comfort you for your hard work.”

“ah… . yes. thank you But I will just eat it.”

“kid. Are you going to keep embarrassing me?”

When I reached out and tried to pick it up, Go Yeon-ju shook her head with a sad look on her face. And then she spoke in her characteristic languid voice.

“ruler. Oh~.”

I felt all the attention of those around me. At first there was extreme resistance. However, the late Yeonju had put up her own smokescreen under the guise of her sincerity, and as she said, I thought it would be a little too cold to refuse this. Anyway, I didn’t think it was that strange, so I obediently opened my mouth and took the wrap.

“Ho Ho. Rejoice! Su-hyun! “Do you like it?”

“yes. “It’s delicious.”

As he tells the honest feelings that spread from his mouth, a bright smile blooms on Ko Yeon-ju’s face.

“Then I’ll pack you another one…” ?”

It was then. Just as Go Yeon-ju was about to continue speaking, the same ssam was suddenly held out from the side. As soon as she turned her head, she could see Jeong Ha-yeon raising her eyes ever so slightly and smiling brightly.

“I’m also here for the clan lord. “Please don’t refuse.”

“ha ha ha. User Jeong Ha-yeon.”


“… “Eat some of this.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s eyes were trembling. It seemed like I would be greatly hurt if I refused something, so I felt there was nothing I could do. After swallowing what she had been chewing and taking her ssam, Ha-yeon Jeong turned her head and made eye contact with Yeon-joon, her elation showing. The two were making eye contact in the air with the corners of their mouths slightly raised.

I looked around to see if my clan members would think anything strange.

“Hey, hey. Clan Lord. Is your popularity really skyrocketing? envious. haha!”

“Hol hole. It’s hot, it’s hot. cancer. “It’s good to be young.”

But my worries seemed unfounded and everyone seemed to think it was no big deal. As I was gently stroking her breasts, I felt the presence of hands busily moving here and there. Yu-jeong Lee and Han-byeol Kim were not to be outdone and started wrapping ssam.

For a moment, I was about to fall into deep worry again. But fortunately, the female clan members seemed to have noticed, and their hands were directed not to me, but to the men they had just envied.

“I am indeed. I’m jealous of everything. I’m not really this kind of girl, but she used her insecurities. Now, Sangyongi oppa. ah.”

“Yu, Miss Yujeong? If you do this… .”

“grandfather. Try this once. “I packed it myself.”

“huh… ? “Keuhum, kheuhum!”

Shin Sang-yong and the old man were giggling, but when the situation finally came, they kept clearing their throats with embarrassed faces, as if they were burdened. When I saw it, I suddenly felt a bittersweet feeling. Anyway, the two soon cautiously took the wraps and ate them. Each of their faces were flushed as if they were about to burst, but their lips seemed to be twitching in a good way.

I thought it might be an awkward situation, but thanks to Lee Yoo-jeong and Kim Han-byeol, the atmosphere became more mature. Since the purpose of the unity meeting in the first place was to strengthen friendship and strengthen relationships among clan members, it could be seen as a quite gratifying situation.

“Ohh. This has a strange atmosphere, doesn’t it? “Then I can’t just sit still.”

It was then. Ahn Hyeon also smiled, as if he was happy about this situation, and began wrapping the wraps by hand. Eventually, he committed the atrocity of placing a whole piece of meat on top of a piece of herb the size of his palm. Then, he finished off his atrocity by randomly putting herbs in his hand and squeezing them tightly into the palm of his hand.

“how is it? It must be delicious, right? Someone to eat, hands! “I’m not really this kind of guy, but as a special service, I’ll feed you it myself!”

Meat fat drips down my tightly clenched hands. Anhyeon shouted with confidence, but of course no one came forward. Rather, he was avoiding everyone’s gaze with an expression of displeasure. The guy scratched his head for a moment as if he felt that too, and eventually began to hold out his hand himself.

“Sister Yeonju! I am… .”

“go away.”

“ha ha ha. As expected, you are bouncing. That’s the charm. anyway… . “Well, then, Hayeon?”

“Clean it up.”

“Well, then… . Vivien!”

“huh? Hey Lee! I’m having a great time eating it! Put it away! “The food tastes bad!”

Vivian paid no heed to the situation and was busy eating. However, she seemed to be truly angry at his displeasure for offending her, and glared at her guy with a twinkle in her eye.

Anhyeon hesitated and retreated. Then, he looked at someone with a sad look, as if he had found the last bastion, and then immediately turned his head with an expression that said no to this. Then, for some reason, I heard Lee Yu-jeong getting angry next to me.

“lol. “Everyone refuses.”

“… … .”

“Well, then I can eat it! Actually, I didn’t even plan on giving it to you from the beginning. ha ha ha!”

“… … .”

“Wow, that sounds delicious. It must be really delicious. Now take a look. Eat. “Munch!”

Do you know or don’t you know that the more you do that, the more miserable you become? Finally, Anhyeon swallowed the ssam in one mouthful and began chewing it, puffing out his cheeks. At the same time, he sometimes made gestures that indicated that it was really delicious, such as “Hmm~”, but the listeners had already realized that his throat was choked.

Anyway, it was Ahn Hyeon’s personal situation, and I was about to turn my head to eat again. Suddenly, I made eye contact with Ansol, who was looking at me with a pitiful expression. As soon as he met my gaze, she started to blink and then started to wiggle her fingers. In Ansol’s hands, there was a cute wrap.

Ansol seemed to hesitate for a while, but then he lowered his head. And as I watched her take the wrap into her own mouth and quietly munch on it, I sighed inwardly.

“Hehehehehehehe… .”

Suddenly, a very pitiful, sad, throaty sound flowed into my ears from somewhere.


After the meal, we immediately started paying off the equipment. But at the moment, it didn’t mean much. It was just a matter of checking what equipment was available. Not only was there a large number of them, but if distribution began in this atmosphere, there was a possibility that conflict would arise. So, in order to maintain this ripe atmosphere, it was put on hold, with each person being asked to think about the equipment they wanted to have.

I enjoyed my meal and finished paying off my equipment. It had already been quite some time since the unity meeting began. The evening had already turned into deep night, but the festival showed no signs of ending yet. Rather, like-minded people were gathering in groups of twos and threes to enjoy alcoholic beverages, as if they had now passed the halfway point.

As I stared at the clan members chatting, I found Ahn Hyeon.

“Man~. Tears~. “Don’t criticize me for being weak~.”

Ahn Hyeon, who must have already been very drunk, was singing while holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand. And next to him, Shin Jae-ryong, who unintentionally matched the rhythm, was sweating profusely.

“Brother Jaeryong. We are comrades. comrade.”

“haha. “Yeah, that’s right.”

“Fight Comrade Cross!” Now, have another drink!”

“Okay, Cross. But you. “I think I’m too drunk.”

‘Now slowly… .’

Actually, I have been watching Ahn Hyun since a while ago. This is because he had to figure out when to bring up the story.

After thinking about it for a while, I walked towards where the liquor was gathered. Anhyeon probably enjoyed this to a great extent, and thought that now was the best time, as the clan members’ nerves were scattered.

As I dug my hand deep into the mountain of liquor, I found two bottles of liquor with light green water lapping at the back. This was something I had specifically requested from Ha-yeon Jeong. It was a liquid that was closer to a potion than alcohol, with the effect of calming the stomach and calming the mind.

I bent down as much as I could and held a bottle in each hand, then straightened my back again and turned my head to look at Ahn Hyeon. Then, I was able to see an unexpected situation.

“What should I do? I fed you, so you are no longer my comrade? Shin Jae-ryong. Leave this idiot alone and play with us. “We should use this opportunity to become friends.”

“Oh, no! behave shamefully!”

Ahn Hyeon and Shin Jae-ryong were just a little while ago, and Ahn Hyun was sitting down as if something had happened. And Shin Jae-ryong was caught by Lee Yu-jeong’s hand and was being dragged away. Seeing that Shin Jae-ryong’s cheeks were bulging and there was a bit of ssam sticking out of her mouth, it could be assumed that she had ruined her comradeship by feeding him ssam.

I thought it was very unfortunate, but personally, it was good timing. After expressing a small thank you to Lee Yu-jeong in my heart, I walked towards Ahn Hyeon, who was frustrated. The guy didn’t even know I was coming, so he lay down and sighed heavily.

Ahn Hyeon’s face, which was soon revealed, was unexpectedly very cheerful. Should I say she looks happy?

I couldn’t guess what he was thinking, but I didn’t stop walking. And soon I was able to reach the guy. Anhyeon was still humming a song.

“man… . tear… . Cursing me for being weak… .”

“Ahn Hyeon.”

“what… . uh… . Tongue, bro? oh my. What is the popular guy doing here… .”

As if he knew it was my voice, Anhyun lifted his head and looked up at me.

I lifted the bottle of alcohol I was holding and calmly opened my mouth.

“Let’s have a drink with my brother. “The two of us.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Today was a day with a lot to think about. Normally, Friday is the earliest day of the week when I go to school and the last day I come home. But today, I am so disappointed in school and I feel very confused.

oh my god. For the first time since I was in school, I thought that time was a waste. No, is it different? After the lecture, all the kids were grumbling. Were the professors I had in the first semester too passionate? It’s not simply the quality of the lecture that’s the problem, but the attitude… .

Being 40 minutes late without saying anything is a given. data? take notes? doesn’t exist. Read a book once and think about it for 20 minutes. I read the book again and left for 20 minutes. Read the book again and take a 20-minute break. This is my first major subject with a lot of technical terminology, but you know this, right? While doing so, I just move on. I had no idea how to study. The only thing I liked was that he was 40 minutes late and gave an extra 40 minutes of lecture.

I was so displeased that I complained to my brother as soon as I got home, and his two words knocked me out.

“I know what you mean. I have been like that too. But in the end, that’s something you have to adjust to the professor.”

“Take a look after the exam. What are the kids’ scores? There are also kids who follow along stubbornly. “Don’t think about complaining, just try your best.”

^_ㅠ I have to study in advance.

P.S. I don’t know what will happen to the adult grave. I was supposed to talk to my father at home after talking to him on the phone today, but he hasn’t come yet.

PS2. Where and what is he doing right now?


1. Usain Bolt: Haha, congratulations on first place. hmm. Please be curious. ㅜ.ㅠ Ansol is also a really poor kid. After Seraph.

2. Renea: Thank you for the coupon! _(__)_

3. Raisina: If you remove trauma, you become a priest of brilliance. Probably not. ha ha ha.

4. Office Tour 19: Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin Ro Yu-jin.

5. Cheonnyangboeun: Cheonnyangboeun! It’s not like that. You are mistaken. Please stop misunderstanding. 🙂

6. Waryong Teacher A: Waryong Teacher A teacher! I think something is wrong! There is no answer at first glance!

7. CemeteryGates: Thank you for the coupon. As for mental issues, I looked into this and that when I first set up Ansol. However, I am very worried because I lack professional knowledge. haha. Even if it’s a little lacking, please look at it kindly.(?)

8. namdab: Hahaha. Thank you for the coupon. I didn’t forget. However, the ripple is just random. Whining. ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Angel’s Affairs: If I were to give you one keyword, what is the zero code that causes angels and devils to be in such conflict? 😀

10. hohokoya1: I don’t know if I’ll be able to serialize tomorrow, but if I can, I’ll do my best to write! Thank you so much for always leaving comments!

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode