MEMORIZE Chapter 334

00334 Ansol’s past %26 Before the Storm —————————————— ——————————-=

There were still many people in the temple. It may have been because everyone had something to do, such as making a call or reporting on an expedition, but I thought the line up to the entrance was a bit excessive.

In fact, Monica had accepted a large number of refugees due to this invasion. Since the overall resident population had increased significantly, it was natural for users to flock to the one and only temple.

“Did you hear the news this morning? I heard that they completely lost contact with Halo as of early that morning… .”

“I heard. I’m really going crazy… . No, by the way. Because we don’t know anything about the Halo situation… .”

“You said you had a close friend there. “Have you tried contacting them?”

“huh. As soon as I heard the news, I immediately tried to connect, but I couldn’t connect. There’s just a lot of noise happening… . Huyu… .”


Today’s hot potato was, of course, Halo. The fact that there is no communication connection with the warp gate really speaks volumes. It may have caused a large-scale wave that disrupted communications, or it may have killed every single person. In the worst case, we would have to consider the case where even the warp gate was occupied.

Of course, I already know the answer, but I can’t reveal it. I quietly waited for my turn to enter, listening to the users’ whispers.

About an hour has passed? The line that had been lined up began to gradually shrink, and eventually it was my turn to enter. I briefly stated my name and purpose of visit at the front door. And I went through the crowd of priests who were busily running around. Perhaps because it was so busy, there was no guide, but it was a place I had already been to several times. After quickly finding the room and going inside, I wasted no time burying myself in the glowing blue portal.

“User Kim Soo-hyun. Long time no see.”

As soon as I entered the summoning room, I could hear a voice welcoming me. When I glance up, I see the Seraph sitting on the altar as always, waving her white wings. After meeting her calm gaze for a moment, I sat down in front of Seraph, leaving a little distance behind.

“I didn’t even call you, so what brings you here today?”



I took out a piece of tobacco from my pocket and asked. Strangely enough, the beginning of the year comes to me when I face Seraph. Soon after igniting the end of the year, I took a big gulp.

“Seup. after… . You’re good at that. “I always put the reason why I come first.”

Seraph tilted her head slightly. But then he made a thoughtful expression, blinked his eyes a couple of times, and opened his mouth.

“Is this about the guardian of the northern continent?”

Did Seraph also know? I nodded in agreement. If I brought up the topic of the West Continent, I would try to explain it from the beginning, but if you know it, the story becomes easier. I decided not to repeat myself and get straight to the point. Seraph would also be more comfortable that way.

“Something really funny happened a while ago. Seraph. “You know me as Lee Hyo-eul, right?”

“yes. I know.”

“Lee Hyo-eul approached Ansol using the Guardian of the North Continent as bait.”

“… … .”

Seraph didn’t say anything. And I didn’t continue talking right away. If the angels thought of Ansol as the successor to the Northern Continent, they were planning to protect him even at the risk of a falling out.

There was a reason why I had such extreme thoughts. Ansol currently has great user information, but he was a user with the potential to become a Brilliance Priest, a secret class called the ultimate leader of priests.

There was a time when I thought there was a connection between the Guardians of the North Continent and the Priests of Radiance. But by now, my thoughts had completely changed. According to my memory from the first episode, several years later, Ansol joined the Odin clan that originated in the southern continent.

Even though Odin was a clan comprised of users from four continents, its main headquarters was a clan located in the southern continent. Of course, there may have been cases where I quit midway and moved on, but I thought it was unlikely.

In any case, you cannot overlook a child who has the potential to become big in the future. Of course, it wasn’t just about possibilities. Even if you don’t become a Priest of Radiance, it’s okay. Ansol called herself a nuisance, but she was still providing help in her own way.

So, I resolutely opened my mouth to say the words I had been planning to say.

“I told you in advance. “I have no intention of making Ansol the guardian of the northern continent.”

“yes… . yes?”

“I don’t know what you guys and Lee Hyo-eul talked about. However, as a user who has raised Ansol with her all this time, I have no intention of handing her over. So tell that to the angels. “Give up.”

At my words, Seraph tilted her head even more with a puzzled look on her face. He then gently closed his eyes as if trying to organize his thoughts, then immediately opened them again and said:

“All right.”

‘… … .’

Compared to what I had been thinking about, it was a very simple answer. Just as I was about to ponder whether I should be happy or wonder, Seraph’s quiet voice rang through the summoning room.

“User Kim Soo-hyun. I think you’re misunderstanding something. “If you wish, I would like to give you a chance to clear up any misunderstandings.”

“… try.”

Out of embarrassment, I only asked about the beginning of the year. Eventually, Seraph continued speaking.

“First of all, we acknowledge that there was an attempt to elect user Ansol as the new guardian of the northern continent. However, that was only the initial stage. Guardians of the Northern Continent are appointed over a long period of time and undergo very strict screening. Even if we chose her as her successor after giving in a hundred times, the process of selecting her as a guardian is not as coercive as her fingernails.”

“what. “Then how should I accept Lee Hyo-eul’s actions?”

“that… . huh? “Gabriel?”

It wasn’t a call to me. It seemed like he was probably talking to another angel. At times like that, I always just pursed my lips and rarely heard anyone speak, so I was a little curious about what kind of conversation they were having.

The conversation didn’t take long. Seraph said, “Yes.”, “Yes.”, “I understand.”, “I’m sorry, but I don’t like that.” Then she let out a soft sigh and opened her mouth.

“sorry. There was a sudden communication… .”

“are you okay. “But what happened all of a sudden?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Anyway, I will respond to what you said. User Lee Hyo-eul has been serving as a guardian for 7 years now.”

I felt like they were trying to change the topic in a hurry, but since they got straight to the point, there were no major complaints. I listened to Seraph in silence.

“But he has been expressing his desire to quit being a guardian for three years, and that was two years ago… . So, after joining the Hamill Clan, I was requesting it even more strongly. In my opinion, user Lee Hyo-eul was probably already exhausted. “I think that’s why things were done so hastily.”

“… … .”

“Of course, it is difficult to say that there was no fault on the part of user Lee Hyo-eul. However, the process of handing over the guardian of the Northern Continent never ends when the two reach an agreement. “Didn’t she tell you this?”

‘Right. Then, is that what you meant to say then?’

Suddenly, I remembered the time when Lee Hyo-eul spoke to me in the office. I intentionally cut her off at the time.

I nodded once and tried to bite the tobacco again, and before I knew it, I could see that the tobacco had burned all the way to the end. I threw it on the floor and then quietly opened my mouth.

“okay. I know what you mean. “So you’re saying you won’t touch Ansol from now on?”

“Gabriel has given permission to disclose a certain amount of information about this incident. To put it within the allowable range, the answer is yes. User Ansol’s talent as a guardian is so outstanding that he can be classified as the top class of all time. Therefore, the angels who fell in love with her talent agreed to nominate her user, Ansol, as her successor. That number amounts to about half of the total.”

Is your talent as a guardian top-class? And throughout history? Of course I didn’t know it would be that bad, so I couldn’t help but be surprised.

“But on the other hand, nearly half of the people opposed the designation of User Ansol as the successor. And, those opposed include me.”

“okay? “Then may I know the reason for your opposition?”

“For personal reasons, I definitely recognize your talent as a guardian. However, user Ansol has a personality that does not fit well with that of a guardian. Maybe if she becomes a guardian in this state… .”

Seraph looked at me for a moment, then muttered in a low voice.

“Rather, the Northern Continent may fall into chaos. “It’s definitely a possibility.”

Seraph seemed serious, as she spoke in a rather serious tone, but I had to do my best to stop myself from bursting out laughing. Anyway, considering that this much was said, I thought Ansol’s matter could be concluded at this point. First of all, I achieved my goal. As I calmly got up, thinking about going home, Seraph continued speaking in front of me.

“already… . “Are you going?”

“huh. “Because I heard the definitive answer.”

It was the moment I gave a cursory answer and was about to turn around. A thought suddenly occurred to me and passed through my head like a beam of light.

I calmly dusted my pants and opened my mouth in the most casual tone possible.

“But I heard you definitely have good talent. “Then shouldn’t I just change my personality?”

“No. That part is beside the point. It’s hard to overcome at the moment… . ah.”

And at that moment, Seraph suddenly stopped talking with a look on his face. She lifted her slender finger and put it to her lips, and then she began to stare at me with a blank gaze.


The sky was slowly darkening and pitch black night was creeping in. As I watched the dark twilight settle over the garden, I took a deep breath of tobacco and looked up at the sky. A pale, frozen moon can be seen in the center of the dark night sky. I didn’t even think about exhaling smoke. Just staring blankly at the moon, I thought about the conversation I had with Seraph a few days ago.

‘sorry. ‘I’m not authorized to comment on that.’

‘The angel in charge of user Ansol is vehemently opposed. User Kim Soo-hyun is a Mercenary Lord and has expressed his willingness to actively help, but for some reason, he is being stubborn.’

‘It’s a treatment method… .’

‘We are just helpers. I cannot personally intervene in that matter.’

‘If it is a set-up disorder, there are definitely ways to treat it. But that’s something I had before I came into Hall Plain. I don’t know if you know this, but touching the human mind is a very high level of magic. As of now, I guess… .’

‘I’m sorry I couldn’t be of much help. However, I hope you understand our situation.’

I threw it out in hopes of finding a way to cure Ansol’s mental disorder, but as expected, Seraph was not caught easily.

First of all, protecting Ansol was a success. But this wasn’t the end. If this continues, there is a high possibility that she will be buried as time passes, let alone become a Priest of Radiance. This was a very important issue that was different from the adaptation of the hole plane. I don’t know what happened in the first round to make Ansol change his mind, but the important thing at this point is that it’s time for a change.

“brother! brother!”

It was then. As I was trying to figure out a way to fix Ansol’s mind, I heard a loud voice calling me. When I turned my head to where I heard the sound, I could see Ahn Hyun with a very flushed face.

“brother. What are you doing here alone? The party preparations are all ready! Everyone is just waiting for you! Yeonju will take care of you quickly and stay for a long time.”

“Why are you so excited?”

“It’s been a long time since I had a party! Party party! Plus the equipment settlement? Yoohoo~! “Hurry up, brother!”

“That guy. i get it. Let’s go now. And it’s not a party, it’s a pep rally.”

Anhyun smiled and dragged me away, as if it was okay. He seemed really excited as he hummed a tune every now and then. I said with a laugh.

“Is it that good?”

“I felt like doing something in the garden felt a bit different. And I heard you are allowed to drink today… .”

“In the end, the purpose was alcohol.”

“no way. brother. It’s been a really long time. And it’s been a while since I’ve had a drink with my brother, so I’m glad to hear that. “Would you like to have a drink with me too?”

“hmm… . Now that I think about it, I remember a time when the four of us had a drink together at the Academic Information Center. Okay, good. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a drink after a long time.”

I intentionally omitted the phrase “two of us.” Anhyeon seemed to get even more excited when I chimed in, humming even more and pacing her steps. I followed behind him at a pace and calmly organized my thoughts.

Ansol’s problem was not something that could be solved in a hurry. Especially if it is related to the mind. The idea was to take a long time and slowly find a way. So, first of all, it was necessary to find out the inside story of why Ansol became like this. And for that, the only way is to get the person involved to open their mouth.

Of course, I had no intention of asking the person directly. Because it has already failed several times.

So, I had set Anhyun as my first target to find out the inside story of Ansol. As they were her siblings, she would have known relatively detailed information about what happened, and she believed that Anhyun had a greater chance of opening her mouth than she did.

“We’re here!”

at that time. Before I knew it, I heard Ahn Hyun vigorously waving her hand and shouting loudly. I stared at the guy’s back.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The midnight update was successful today. haha. I feel really good. ah. It seems likely that the adult cat will go. I plan to tell you properly on Friday, but what my father hinted at today had that kind of nuance. And since his older brother is currently in his senior year, he said he was busy preparing for a job, so he declared that he would not attend. Anyway, I think a decision will be made tomorrow, so I’ll tell you about it in the review.

It’s Friday! Burning Friday! Tomorrow will be the last time I return from school, but I will try my best to accommodate it. Have a nice day everyone! (Fighting workers and students!)

P.S. Certainly, the attacks from readers yesterday were harsh. But in the end, I persevered. But no matter how much you tease me about Royumi, I will never be swayed. ha ha ha!


1. River of Tears: Congratulations on first place. Me too! 😀 Haha. Please enjoy reading this episode too!

2. Nine Spiritual Feelings: I am just grateful. These days, I read works in my spare time while commuting to school by subway, and I find a lot of them interesting. 😀

3. NovaB: Haha. thank you I will try harder to improve the character of the main character. And if you felt stingy when it came to expressing love from Kim Soo-hyun’s point of view, you saw it right. 🙂

4. Myeongbakjjang’s combination of yang and yang: Oh my. You are mistaken. Kim Yoo-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun have a very normal view of the opposite s*x. It’s just that Kim Yu-hyun is her seriously ill younger brother and idiot. For example, Kim Yu-hyun evaluated Jeong Ha-yeon quite favorably.

5. Usain Bolt: I’m trying to make Ansol less popular. It would be best to make her a nuisance, but I think that’s a bit too much, so I criticized her in moderation. is a joke. haha. You can think of it as a rite of passage to become Ansol’s Jjangjjang Girl later. 🙂

6. Merliwi: Haha. Kim Soo-hyun was a loser and a nuisance in the first episode. but! He has a very normal view of love! In the past, when I had a brief mental breakdown over Royumi, I threatened(?) to use BL, but now my mentality is strong. Hehehe.

7. Juary: The content we saw in the next episode begins to appear. I hope that the content reaches readers well. 😀

8. Park Si-on: Thank you for the coupon! But I get anxious if I don’t write even for a day. I can’t help it during exams, but I’m afraid that if I keep taking breaks for one reason or another, it will become a habit.

9. Rising Phoenix: Ah. My mouth is itching. We have already finished planning the content for the relevant number of people. Their sacrifice is for Kim Soo-hyun… . ah. I’ll stop here. I can’t wait to write that part. lol.

10. Pureblood: Haha. I’ve already felt this recently, but I guess it’s difficult for me to be a bad ‘man’. I guess I’ll have to live as a herbivore for the rest of my life… . ㅜ.ㅠ

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode