MEMORIZE Chapter 332

00332 What is it? Then I won’t do it. ————————————————– ———————-=

Ansol was extremely dissatisfied with the current situation. It’s good that she was selected as a member of her entourage over her older sister Lee Yu-jeong. But even though her summons was over, she could not escape from her sack of barley. When she entered the conference room, all she did was stare at the floor as users stared at her.

I definitely felt that it was an important atmosphere, but I don’t know the difficult story. All I can think about is a sad feeling that I don’t know what it is. Therefore, Ansol sensed her sullen mood and pouted her lower lip. And then she turned her head and looked for Kim Soo-hyun, who was somewhere, determined to make her own group for the first time in a long time.

No, it was the moment I was trying to find.


“You damn bastard!”

“Clan Lord! calm down!”

“Do I look serious now? A child who is famously an executive… !”

“First of all, we need to check. And it’s not just us. for now… .”

A loud voice echoes everywhere along with a harsh noise hitting the floor. Ansol shrugged her shoulders in surprise, but her new breasts were already in a state of shock. Ansol reflexively looked at the source of her noise, but then she burst into tears. There were a lot of people gathered in the center of the conference room, and everyone was giving off a ferocious spirit.


Anxiety begins to creep in. Ansol covered her hiccupping mouth and quickly started looking for Kim Soo-hyun. The feeling of dissatisfaction that had occupied her mind had already disappeared like the melting snow. My current feeling was that I just wanted to grab Kim Soo-hyun’s collar as quickly as possible for a minute and soothe her anxious mind.

After a while. For some reason, Ansol was able to find Kim Soo-hyun talking to a woman he didn’t like. Eventually, she tilted her head for a moment as she looked at her uncle walking towards Kim Soo-hyun with an expression of ‘How dare you?’, but she decided to move on, thinking of joining him quickly. It was then.


It didn’t seem like it was forced, but a kind voice that somehow felt clumsy flowed into my ears. Ansol stopped the steps he was about to take. And when she looked back at her body, there was Lee Hyo-eul smiling warmly at her.

“Um, me? Hiccup!”

“okay. you there “Are you Ansol, a Mercenary Clan member?”

Although he added the word “maybe,” Ansol could instinctively feel it. Seeing as she knew the clan name and name exactly, it seemed like the woman in front of her knew who she was and had come looking for her.

Ansol nodded cautiously. She then braced herself and brought up her guard. She suddenly felt that Ansol herself had grown a lot.

“This guy. Why are you so scared? It’s me. Lee Hyo-eul. “You saw it once before, right?”

“yes… .”

Although the expression “I won’t harm you~” was revealed on her face, Lee Hyo-eul’s eyes were burning with a strange desire. Ansol swallowed her saliva and took a step back. Then, Lee Hyo-eul took two steps closer. And that too with very quick feet. Ansol was embarrassed.

Eventually, Lee Hyo-eul reached right in front of him and held Ansol’s slender shoulder with a deep smile on his face.

“then… . Should I talk to you for a moment… ?”

“Ta, hiccup.”

Lee Hyo-eul’s tone of speech that followed revealed a strong determination that she could never miss something.


“Nice to meet you. “This is Hamill Lord Kim Yu-hyeon.”

“It’s my first time seeing you. This is Soyoung Han from Istantel Low Road. nice to meet you.”


After briefly greeting each other, my brother and Han So-young brushed each other’s hands. They didn’t shake hands, they just lightly touched their fingertips and took it back.

Eventually, I had to feel very awkward as I saw the two of them staring at each other with cold eyes. The words exchanged are polite, but each person’s eyes are burning coldly. For some reason, I felt like they introduced me for no reason.

‘It wasn’t like this the first time… .’

For me, who wanted to use this opportunity to follow in the footsteps of my brother and Han So-young, and to build cooperation among the three clans of Mercanary, Hamill, and Istantel Row in the future, it was like a thunderbolt in the dry sky. To be honest, if it were Han So-young, I had some thoughts of giving up my older brother.

If you really think about it, there was a problem with my brother’s attitude. As soon as I arrived, I looked at Han So-young as if she was a thief. But there was no way she wouldn’t have noticed that, as she was quick-witted. Naturally, she met her brother’s gaze with cold eyes, and her mood became like this.

As I was lost in thought for a while, I heard my brother clear his throat next to me. And then I felt a figure grabbing my right arm.

“Hmm. Soohyun. “Do you have a minute now?”

“huh? I’m busy right now. I just happened to talk to Istantel Low Road… .”

“This guy. These days, he has no contact with his older brother and is not allowed to come to the clan house. “This older brother is really sad.”

“… … .”

My older brother was putting an accent on the word ‘big brother’. As if someone wanted to listen. But before I could say anything, I also felt a figure grabbing my left arm very slightly.

“Merchantry Lord. I want to continue what I said earlier. “Just the two of us.”

“this. “It’s a bit urgent.”

They were talking to me, but in reality they were communicating to each other through me. So, to put it bluntly, Han So-young’s words were “Get out,” and her older brother’s response was “I don’t like it.”

A moment of silence passed. Even though less than 10 seconds had passed, it felt like a minute had passed. And as time passed, the atmosphere became more and more subdued. In terms of charisma, Han So-young would be a pity if she were the second child, but her older brother is also formidable.

Although everyone looked calm, the atmosphere was already like a battle. I sighed inwardly, feeling as if ice was colliding with ice. Why on earth am I saying this?

It was during such an uncomfortable situation that the situation continued.

“Now that I think about it, Suhyeon. “You escaped from the Mule not long ago.”

The person who spoke first was none other than my older brother. He even had a faint smile on his face, as if he had caught something good. The older brother glanced at Han So-young and opened his mouth in a clear voice.

“Some of the people who participated in the rescue team at that time are here. It’ll only take a little while, so why don’t you come with me? Because they want to see you. “They wanted to hear about the process of taking Baek Seo-yeon captive.”

‘and… . It’s really childish.’

The first thought that came to mind upon hearing my brother’s words was that it was truly shameful. Of course, there is no problem with the words themselves. But there was no way I would have said that for no reason in the current situation. To put it simply, the older brother was saying that he was trying to get rid of Han So-young in the name of participating in the rescue team.

Although Istantel Row was the representative clan, if you look at it closely, the Mercenaries were a free mercenary clan, so there was no obligation to participate in the rescue team. Of course, he probably didn’t mean to say, “Why didn’t you participate?”, but depending on how you accepted it, it could have been enough of a reason to make Han So-young hesitate. It would be very unfair on her part.

At first, Han So-young gave me an expression that said, ‘Why are there such children?’ (I was a little surprised by this too.) But, as expected, I felt that the hand that was holding my arm was slowly pulling away, as if there was something bothering me. She immediately corrected her expression and sighed softly. Then she stared at her brother for a moment and then she opened her mouth in a cold voice.

“okay. Then we’ll talk next time. Have a good time.”

Finally, Soyoung Han turned around and slowly walked away. And when she was about to disappear completely, she heard her older brother’s voice whispering softly next to her.

“Suhyun. be careful. “It was a sight to behold when I saw it from afar.”

What on earth are you telling us to be careful about? When I turned my gaze, feeling absurd, I could see my brother with a rather serious look on his face.

“What is so embarrassing?”

“Didn’t you see it? When talking to you, he suddenly crossed his arms and exposed his chest on purpose. And why are you suddenly covering your eyes? Just by looking at it, you can see that it is sticky and full of lust. “Now that you’re trying to become famous, I’m trying to seduce you and take advantage of you.”

“What nonsense?”

Even though he was my older brother, there was no way he could speak kindly to me, having just experienced the situation before.

“You said that woman is Monica’s representative clan lord, right? I can’t do it. Soohyun. She was originally going to leave it alone, but she thought it would be better for her to come as Prinscica. “I feel so bad.”

However, my older brother instead spoke impassionedly as if he was criticizing the enemy.

“If you only grow your breasts unnecessarily… . I can see inside. see.”

Finally, seeing my brother shaking his head and clicking his tongue, I calmly lowered my head.

Right. Then, can I just say to my clan members, “Han So-young’s breasts are unnecessarily big, so I’m leaving Monica.”

I took a deep, heartfelt sigh. And then I violently slapped away my brother’s hand that was still holding my arm.

“Soo, Suhyeon?”

“Talk to me later.”

“Why are you suddenly… .”

“I’m not kidding. “I don’t even feel like it.”

My brother must have read the sincerity in my eyes, but his eyes narrowed.

I glared at my brother sharply and quickly walked in the direction where Han So-young had gone.


With this, the summons was completely concluded. And we had returned from Prinica to Monica’s clan house. It was a convocation with a lot of talk and trouble, but in any case, I was able to convey everything I originally wanted. There was no problem. Now all that’s left is to wait for them to sort themselves out and implement what they originally planned.

okay. That was all. but… .

“sniffling! “Heungheung.”

I had to touch my forehead as I watched Lee Hyo-eul gulping down a drink right in front of me. Originally, I had planned to leave it to my brother at the summons. However, she secretly begged that she had something to say, and if he listened to this, she would never pester him to join the Mercantile Company again, and he followed her without any hesitation.

Then, what he said as soon as he arrived was truly shocking.

“therefore. “Ansol has talent as a defender of the Northern Continent?”

“Yep. yes.”

“So what.”

I was already upset about what happened to my brother, but now that another problem has arisen, I can’t help but feel annoyed. However, Lee Hyo-eul smiled and answered as if everything would be okay as long as the guardian was handed over.

“well. Anyway, I’ve already explained all the details. You can listen to it from him. No, to the future guardian. Ho Ho.”

I already had a bit of an idea, but hearing the story in person made me feel bitter inside. Originally, I was going to think about it slowly after talking with Seraph, but it seemed like Lee Hyo-eul had struck out first.

While pressing my forehead as I thought about the mountains beyond the mountains, I turned my head to Ansol, who was sitting quietly next to me. Her face did not have the usual bright expression. Rather, she had a solemn face filled with a sense of duty that had never been seen before. There was no doubt that Lee Hyo-eul had boiled it down with sweet words.

Ansol made eye contact with me and opened her mouth in an uncharacteristically clear voice.

“Brother. I know you were shocked to suddenly hear this. But please hear me out for a moment. please. yes?”

As soon as I heard that, I made a decision. If Lee Hyo-eul seduced Ansol with her words, even if he had to fight with her angels, he wouldn’t lose her.

But before that, it was necessary to listen to Ansol’s words and respect his individual opinions. That was the Maginot line I drew.

“Brother. For now, let’s just talk together. “I think that would be better.”

I calmly stood up as Ansol’s hand firmly pulled on my collar. Then he quietly nodded his head and obediently followed her lead. I didn’t walk much. As An Sol left her office where Lee Hyo-eul was, she stopped in the hallway and immediately closed the open door. She then spoke with a look of determination on her face.

“Brother. Let me tell you first. I want to be the guardian of the northern continent. “I think I’m very talented.”

“Ansol. A guardian is not such an easy role. To be honest, it’s true that I was suddenly taken aback. So, speak calmly. How much have you heard about it and what do you know? huh?”

“Brother. Shhh! “I can hear everything!”

It was then. Perhaps I spoke a little loudly, but Ansol put her index finger straight to her lips and looked at the office. Even if the door was closed, it was a useless signal because everyone could hear it if they used magic to enhance their hearing.

However, as someone who was firmly convinced that it would not be taken away before then, Ansol’s reaction was a bit surprising.

Ansol exhaled cutely and continued speaking in a whisper.

“i know. I know everything. But brother. First of all, can you please match my rhythm? “I have a good idea.”

“What on earth are you talking about? You can’t hit me without a reason, I’m your clan lord. “I cannot allow it without a good reason.”

“Oh, brother… .”

Ansol looked briefly touched by my words. But that was only for a moment. She waved her hand as if she knew everything and spoke in a still quiet tone.

“after. It can’t be helped. now. Brother. calm down. And listen. I’ll tell you everything. Sol is coming. “I listened to the story in detail, and it was said that the guardians of the northern continent have many special abilities.”

“… … .”

“If there are any… .”

Soon, Ansol began to talk in detail about the special benefits he had heard from Lee Hyo-eul.

The main content was about unique, special, and potential abilities. If you look at it objectively, the exploration ability, which is divided into various branches such as insight and exploration, was definitely useful.

However, she was overlooking the most important point. It means that once you become the guardian of the Northern Continent, you cannot be tied to one place. Moreover, she has to hide her identity to a minimum and work while helping others, and she did not even think that Ansol could play that role. It’s lucky if it doesn’t make any noise.

After about 5 minutes, the explanation was completed.

“how is it. “Isn’t that amazing?”

Ansol was looking up at me with a very triumphant look on his face, asking how I was feeling. But I answered by shaking my head.

“I know what you mean, but it’s easier said than done. First of all, you have to leave Mercantile. “Will Anhyeon accept that?”

I tried to change Ansol’s mind by even mentioning Anhyeon. But her heart was already in the soybean field, and she answered with a bright smile.

“Honestly, I think I have caused too much trouble. And except for me, my older brother and older sister are all in a special class… .”

“Are you trying to get a guardian because you’re a normal class?”

“Of course there is that, but it is not the main reason. Think about it! If I become a guardian. I can help you as much as I want. What if you use your exploration and exploration skills to bring all the remaining ruins to your brother? “What will happen in the future?”

“therefore. That’s not as easy as it sounds. It’s not like you can do whatever you want. Do you think angels would tolerate such behavior?”

“Hehe. why? “That’s my heart.”

At that time, looking at Ansol, who raised the corners of his mouth and looked at me confidently, I was at a loss for words. Ansol probably thought that his current role as the protector of the Northern Continent was something akin to scolding. She continued talking, paying no attention to my reaction.

“First of all, the most important thing is to get a guardian. I said I would stay close to my brother, but what could they do? “Isn’t that right?”

“no. So it’s as easy as you say… .”

“Hehehe. Do not worry. If you say no, just hit him and that’s it. Anyway, now my brother and I. No, all that’s left is for this Mercenary to soar with all his might.”

Before I knew it, Ansol wasn’t listening to me at all. She was already struggling with excitement, lost in the rosy future she had laid out for herself. In other words, the eyes and ears are blocked. Should we call it dog swimming in delusion?

‘… … .’

Ansol paused for a moment and squeezed his right hand. He then shouted at me, vigorously demanding power.

“Onii-sama is strong!”

Next, he continued speaking, beating his chest with his left hand.

“I am capable!”

And finally, he closed his left hand tightly and trembled as if exerting strength, marking the end of his delusion.

“The good fortune of Hall Plain surrounds us!”


At that moment, the sound of someone violently spewing liquid was heard inside the office.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Now the time has come to reveal the true identity of Ansol’s personality.

P.S. wow. The response is explosive! ha ha ha. It’s nice to get this kind of response after a long time. In the meantime, the comment section was so boring(?). Well, I’m itching too, but I’ll hold on for a while. 😀

PS2. ReRipple will be closed today. (We’ll do it together next time.) E-book proofreading will also be closed. (Sorry, editor.)


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not work with dark mode