MEMORIZE Chapter 330

00330 What is it? Then I won’t do it. ————————————————– ———————-=

Before we knew it, there were more than ten Mercenary clan members, but the conference room was still spacious. There are still enough seats left in the small conference room on the 3rd floor, but when will the large conference room on the 4th floor be available?

While lost in a trivial thought that suddenly occurred to me, I placed the record in my hand on the table. Then I felt the eyes of the clan members sitting on the chairs turn to me.

“Clan Lord. “Where did the messenger come from?”

“… This is a convocation invitation. “It’s a convocation covering the entire eastern and southern regions, and they asked me to come this time as well.”

“oh… . So that means the representative clan can also participate. “Are you saying that mercenaries were also included there?”

“It’s not inclusion, it’s invitation.”

In response to Ha-yeon Jeong’s question, I only told the truth that was revealed on the surface. In Go Yeon-ju’s case, even though it was unavoidable, the angels asked him to keep it a secret, so he planned to keep quiet as much as possible.

“yes. But since we are still managing the vagabonds, participating would be a good thing in many ways. Where is the venue?”

“The representative clan of Prinsica, an eastern city. “It is a Goryeo clan house.”

“okay. Anyway, I think it would be a fairly large-scale convocation order to encompass the southeastern part of the country… . “I think we’re finally going to discuss a proper solution.”

“well. “You’ll find out when you go.”

‘It’s massive. I think it’s rather small-scale.’

Even though it was known on the outside as being hosted by the Goryeo Clan, in reality, Lee Hyo-eul was the host. Anyway, I already knew roughly what was going on, but I can’t reveal it yet. They had already finished their stories in their respective cities and had already begun the actual action. In other words, the solution has already been found, and this summons is focused on the vagabonds I have with me.

“brother. “Do you have any attendants?”

At that time, Lee Yu-jeong asked with sparkling eyes. Everyone seemed flattered that Mercenary had been invited.

“huh. there is. There is… .”

I picked up the record again. The invitation letter stated that the number of participants would be limited, like the previous convocation hosted by the Golden Lion. However, this time, there is a clear reason, so no one will have any complaints.

And of course, the Mercenary Clan also has people who can accompany you. First of all, Ko Yeon-ju and Baek Seo-yeon were essential personnel in this convocation. Therefore, it was natural for the two to accompany each other, but the problem was in the postscript written at the bottom. There was a handwritten note there requesting Ansol’s companionship. I thought it was probably written by Lee Hyo-eul herself.

‘I think it has something to do with Jinmyeong… .’

When I thought about Lee Hyo-eul’s reaction the last time I saw Ansol, I felt like something was bothering me. After taking a moment to collect her thoughts, I turned her attention to the girl sitting in the row to her left. Ansol was just smiling as if she had everything in the world. As she looked at her without a single trace of worry, two questions suddenly occurred to her.

How on earth did Ansol become a Priest of Radiance in the first round? And why did he go to Odin instead of remaining in the North Continent?

Many questions followed, but I decided to stop thinking at this point. Not only was it not a problem that could be answered now, but it seemed like a breakthrough would have to be found through direct action.


On the day of the summons.

This was my second visit to Prinsica since my second visit. The last time I came was to meet my brother, but this time I came to participate in the convocation ceremony.

If you look at it from this point in time, the difference between the first and second rounds was as big as heaven and earth. In the past, he was an insignificant user borrowing here and there, but now he is a clan lord participating in a gathering of leading users in the Northern Continent.

Feeling slightly awkward due to the difference from the first round, I started moving to Goryeo’s clan house.

According to my memory, the distance from the warp gate to the clan house could be covered by walking slowly in about 15 minutes. But it took nearly 30 minutes for us to reach our destination. This is because Baek Seo-yeon was unable to come to her senses to the point where she could not walk properly, which caused considerable difficulties in movement.

Although it was a little late, we were able to reach Goryeo’s clan house anyway. Eventually, as soon as we arrived at the main gate, the users waiting in front came closer and immediately opened their mouths in a polite tone. The symbol of Goryeo (Goryeo) was shining blue on their chests.

“Please identify yourself.”

“Lord of the Mercantile Clan. “This is Kim Soo-hyun.”

The moment I revealed my identity, Ichae flashed across the users’ eyes. They looked closely at me and the people behind me, then bowed their heads politely again.

“Thank you for accepting the invitation to convene. “We will guide you directly.”

“thank you. “Are we really late?”

“Everyone has already arrived, but there are some who entered just now. But you’d better go quickly. Then this way.”

I was surprised by the majesty, which was several times larger than the Mercenary Clan House, and dragged Ansol, whose mouth was wide open. And then I started following the guide who opened the front door.

Currently, it is a war situation. But Prinscina Monica… . No, looking at the atmosphere within the Mercantile Clan right now, it doesn’t feel like there’s a war going on. Bulgu-gyeong across the river. Isn’t this the right expression?

Perhaps the intensified conflict between clans following the Great Mother’s summons also affected users living in the city. Although users who experienced at least a little bit of war might not feel the same way, I was curious about how they would react if they knew the reality of other invaded cities.

We passed through the large grounds and entered a large building that looked like the main building. I didn’t climb any stairs. After entering the first floor, the Goryeo clan member turned right into the hallway and guided me to a door that was 3 meters beyond. At the top of the door, the words ‘Conference Room’ were engraved in beautiful colors.

“Whoa. Whoa.”

“… “I will open the door.”

The user seemed to find Ansol’s nervous exhalation cute, so he held back his laughter for a moment and then spoke quietly. Knowing how important external reputation is, no matter how small it may be, I decided to thank the user who guided me.

“yes. thank you.”

“It was nothing.”

The user answered in a polite voice and slowly squeezed the handle. Eventually, the gap in the door slowly began to open, and the heavy air unique to the conference room flowed out and enveloped my body. I took a deep breath and calmly walked inside.


As I entered the door, the view of the spacious conference room came into view. The internal structure was so similar to an open-air theater that it reminded me of it. The space was twice as large as the main conference room on the 4th floor of the Mercantile Clan, but the number of people sitting was extremely small, around 30 people.

First of all, three people are sitting at the head table in the front. Two of them, Lee Hyo-eul and Cho Seong-ho, diplomats of the Goryeo clan, were acquaintances of mine. And although I couldn’t quite remember the person sitting next to her with a solemn expression, I could guess that he was probably a clan lord from Goryeo.

As I walked toward the center and slowly looked left and right, I could see that quite a few clans had participated in this convocation.

The representative clan of the eastern city of Prinica, Goryeo. And Dalbam and Han, the representative clans of the subordinate cities of Eden and Dana.

Blue Wolf, the representative clan of the southern city of Khan. And the representative clans of the subordinate cities of Coran and Monica, Istantel Row.

In addition, although it is not a representative clan, it is visible that most famous clans such as Hamill and Rivers participated. I was able to feel Lee Hyo-eul’s influence on the eastern and southern regions once again. Without stopping, I used the interlude to exchange greetings with users I knew, including my brother and Han So-young.

When he finally stopped in the center, Lee Hyo-eul, who was sitting with his arms crossed, opened his mouth with a subtle smile.

“Everyone pay attention. “Then, since today’s hero, Mercenary Lord, has arrived, I will hold a summons right now.”

A unique, sharp voice rings through the air. There is no place for me in the conference room. However, there is only one chair placed in the center. Since we had already talked about it before, I didn’t panic and dragged Baek Seo-yeon to the chair.

The moment I was about to seat Baek Seo-yeon on the chair, I stopped moving for a moment. There was a record on the chair. As I picked it up, thinking about something else, I saw Lee Hyo-eul standing up and walking towards me.

“I’ve organized the questions to ask. “It’s more convenient because the users who can ask questions are limited to the Shadow Queen, right?”

At Lee Hyo-eul’s reasonable words, I quietly nodded. After handing over the record to Ko Yeon-ju, I made Baek Seo-yeon sit on the chair. (She kept trying to slouch, so I had to struggle a bit to get her posture right.) And when I raised my head again, I saw countless eyes focused on me. Each of their gazes contained great interest.

Although there is a slight difference, there is nothing to be intimidated by. I straightened my back and looked directly into their eyes. And then he stepped forward confidently and opened his mouth.

“Nice to meet you. “This is Kim Soo-hyun, who currently lives in Monica and runs the mercenary clan, a free mercenary clan.”

After the brief greeting, light applause followed. And at that moment, his brother’s face caught his eye.

My brother was staring at me with an expression on his face that seemed very moved. It’s like the look in a parent’s eyes when they look at their grown child. Anyway, I prayed that he would remain quiet this time, and passed the baton to Lee Hyo-eul. Before I knew it, she had completely reduced the distance between me and me.

“Everyone probably knows this because they heard it from me, but there are probably a lot of people who want to see it with their own eyes. Actually, there were many people like that?”

Lee Hyo-eul, who finished her remarks, suddenly grabbed my arm and continued speaking.

“This person here is a user I have a very close relationship with. He is the younger brother of Hamilrod over there, and the benefactor who saved my life. Of course, there is something else that is most important. I’m sure you’ve all heard the rumors. The Mercenary Lord was in Mule that day when the first raid of the vagabonds took place… .”

“Regarding that, I have one question for the Mercenary Lord.”

At that time, someone spoke in a quiet voice. As I glanced over, I could see a man on the left southern line raising his hand. Examining the pattern, it was confirmed that 秀 (Su) was drawn. Just as he was about to nod, Lee Hyo-eul took a step forward and stopped him.

“Can’t you see I’m talking to you?”

“S-sorry. But I was so curious… .”

“You told me several times to tell when I wear it and when I don’t… . Tsk. Anyway, I can’t allow you to ask questions now. “I’ll give you time later, so take your time.”

“yes! All right.”

Lee Hyo-eul snorted lightly. At the same time, he lifted Baek Se-yeon’s limp hair and made her face visible to everyone.

“sorry. I’ll say it again. The woman sitting on the chair right now is a vagabond named Baek Seo-yeon, and she is quite infamous. Well, I’m sure there’s no one who doesn’t know her. Mercantile Road? For the sake of the people here right now, could you briefly explain how you captured this vagabond?”

“yes. As they left Mule and returned to the city, a tracking party of vagabonds followed them. I battled with the users I was with, and was able to defeat them and take several prisoners. That is all.”

I answered simply as Lee Hyo-eul said. However, as if the content was not simple at all, I could feel a subtle commotion rising in the previously quiet conference room. Well, they probably knew that I was in my 0th year, so it wasn’t all that strange to get this reaction. I quietly listened to the commotion going around the conference room.

“what. So were the rumors true? “Isn’t that an exaggeration?”

“It doesn’t make sense… . I also thought it was an exaggeration. However, I recently met a user who escaped from Mule… .”

“That damn bitch. “I finally got caught.”

“It looks good. Damn tramp bitch.”

And, in the meantime, there were several users who checked on Baek Seo-yeon and expressed their anger. It seems that Baek Seo-yeon had an even worse relationship with him than I did.

About 1 minute has passed. Lee Hyo-eul raised his hand to calm the commotion, let go of Baek Seo-yeon’s hair, and opened his mouth.

“Then, since there are many people who want the facts, we will begin the confirmation process right away. “Shadow Queen?”

“yes. “I’m ready.”

Lee Hyo-eul narrowed her eyes at Go Yeon-ju’s refreshing answer and gently nodded.

“okay. So, could you please ask the question listed on the record right away? “You can do steps 1 through 4 at once.”

“yes. “Then just for a moment.”

At Lee Hyo-eul’s request, Go Yeon-ju moved to stand in front of Baek Seo-yeon. I stepped back slightly and walked next to Ansol, who was standing with an anxious look on his face. Soon, Go Yeon-ju lifted Baek Seo-yeon’s chin and looked around at everyone.

“I’ll start right away.”

Then, holding the record with the question written on it in his left hand, he began to read it in a languid voice.

“no. 1. What is the total number of Western Continent users and vagabonds who invaded the Northern Continent?”

“I don’t know the details… . “I believe there are about 15,000 people.”

A hoarse voice that could not be traced as a fingernail echoed throughout the room. Then, the noise that had been subtly reverberating in the conference room until then suddenly quieted down, and Ko Yeon-ju continued with the next question.

“No.2. “Then who is the user in total command of the users of the West Continent?”

“The name is Simon. “I don’t know the details, but he is a young man who is said to be the closest to a ruler in the lawless West Continent.”

“number 3. “The reason you vagabonds invaded the Northern Continent this time is to take revenge on the vagrant annihilation plan?”

“That’s not it. “It is true that revenge is a part of it, but it is not the final goal.”

Unexpected words. The unrest that seemed to have finally calmed down begins to become chaotic again. However, Baek Seo-yeon’s light gray eyes were shining as if she had not finished answering yet.

“Then what is the tramps’ ultimate goal?”

“that… .”

Baek Seo-yeon seemed to pause for a moment, but then finished speaking in a quiet voice.

“It is the western continentization of the northern continent.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

OMG. The weekend is over. OMG. Black, dark, dark. Starting tomorrow, I will have to go to school again. And the lectures… . ;cow; Still, since September is a new start, I will do my best! Everyone, office workers and students, have a lively Monday!

ah. There is still one more summons left. It is scheduled to end in the next episode. 🙂 Personally, the scene I’m most looking forward to is Han So-young Vs Kim Yu-hyun surrounding Kim Soo-hyun. Giggling.


1. Usain Bolt: Congratulations on first place. I think I revealed too much in the subheading. lol.

2. Heungya Hongya: I counted, and you are in 12th place.

3. Oricon: Hmm? no. Transfer is possible to successors. It will probably come out soon after the summons is over. 🙂

4. Kakakkyutkyun: Ansol’s true name is the one who guides light.

5. Ryu Messiel: Yes! If you’re feeling frustrated, I recommend binge-watching it!

6. Soshi is just awesome: LOL. That’s why Soohyun thought that too. They’re having a great time. lol.

7. Mongu Hunter: After the summons is over, a meeting with Seraph is planned. It will come out then. 😀

8. araoj: Don’t hate me. ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Gamjatteot: Yes. We will make this clear in this part.

10. ROK1198: Thank you for the coupon. I will try harder. _(__)_

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode