MEMORIZE Chapter 327

00327 The future is distorted. ————————————————– ———————-=

As soon as you open the door and enter, the spicy smell of various herbs fills your nose.

The floor of the workshop, exposed under the deep amber light shining from the ceiling, was in such a mess that it could have been seen as if it had been opened five minutes ago. Not only are the herbs scattered here and there, but the materials I bought in large quantities because I said I would need them this time are also scattered in a disorderly manner.

The magic gin is still used during the refining, and the jin glowing red can be seen under the bubbling brazier.

Even though I came in, Vivien didn’t look back. As if he was going through some very important process, the Ordo of Order held in his right hand kept flashing, and dozens of magic circles appeared and disappeared in the air. Then, without even looking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed about three roots of tabrosia, then threw them towards the brazier.


The roots melted exactly into the furnace, and then a puff of purple smoke began to rise with a faint roar. Vivien glanced at the brazier and nodded. That was it. She started playing with her hands again, showing her gesture that everything was going well.

A thought crossed my mind, ‘Can I help you?’, but I quickly gave up that thought, roughly cleared the space, and placed my butt on the floor.

Vivien has very strong pride as an alchemist. That side is evident in his words, but it can be seen even more clearly in his actions. And that was precisely why I recognized her for who she was.

How can I say that I have a very strong professional spirit? Anyway, it was really beautiful to see Vivien taking action with passion.

Even the hair that was soaked with sweat and stuck to my cheek. I don’t even know when I changed my robe, and it was covered in traces of herbs and ingredients. And the plump-looking buttocks that suddenly started to twitch slightly. All of this… . huh?

‘haha. Me too.’

I massaged the bridge of my nose and let out a soft laugh. Thinking that I had made a mistake because I was tired these days, I stared at Vivien again with a happy heart.

How much time has passed like that? Now, as the late night passed and we entered full dawn, Vivien’s finishing work slowly began to come to an end.

The amount of liquid in the furnace, which seemed to be overflowing just a moment ago, had now decreased significantly. Vivien carefully stirred the brazier with a long stick, then scooped up a ladleful of liquid and began to carefully pour it into the empty bottle next to her. She repeated it about three times and then raised her arms and shouted.


I didn’t say anything. Instead, I just applauded lightly a few times. Vivien looked back at me with his hand raised and smiled proudly. It was a smile that showed quite confidence.

“Thank you for waiting, Kim Soo-hyun.”

“Good job. So is it completely over now?”

“huh. Originally, I could have finished it earlier, but it took some time to break down the plan. wait a minute.”

Vivian seemed to want to quickly show off her accomplishments, so she started collecting bottles containing potions. There were a total of four bottles of the purple potion she had just made. She wondered if this was the end, but it wasn’t. Vivien presented potions in a total of three colors, excluding the purple potion. There were a total of 4 bottles per color, so it was exactly 16 bottles.

Dark blue, black, pink, purple.

While looking at the potions arranged neatly from the left, I glanced at Vivien. “Ahem,” she said, perhaps sensing eyes asking her to explain. She cleared her throat once or twice and began talking.

“You know about the core material, the rotten Yggdrasil fruit, right?”

I calmly lowered my head. If it is the original fruit, it clears the mind of the user and helps the flow of magical energy. However, rotten fruit has the exact opposite effect. To put it simply, it was a poison that would kill you if you consumed it.

Vivien seemed to have seen my reaction and spoke immediately.

“First of all, what these four potions have in common is that they contain the same basic efficacy of fruit. As I said, I took a total of eight pieces and divided each piece in half, making a total of sixteen bottles. At first, it was so powerful that I thought about dividing it into four pieces… . “Considering the time, I thought half would be better.”

“Right. Because they have something in common… . So you’re saying there are differences?”

“yes. Marvolo’s book has so much content that it can be considered a collection of all teaching assistants. Among them, I carefully selected the ones that hit the Fairy Queen the hardest. The difference lies right there. “I plan to aim for a synergy effect by giving potions appropriate for each situation.”

“What if the situation?”

“To put it simply, this indigo potion sharpens the senses of your entire body. The pink potion is a poison. Since the medicine is my organ, I can expect good results. And black is pain. Lastly, purple makes me dizzy. “This set of four bottles can be used a total of four times.”

Suddenly it occurred to me that Vivien was very meticulous. What she meant was that she was not saying that she would only solve the problem with potions. Of course, I will have to try it myself to find out the details, but for some reason, I have faith in it. I felt satisfied and opened my mouth willingly.

“Okay, I understand. So now all that’s left is to get to work?”

“Yes, but… . “I guess I’m worried.”

Vivien nodded, lightly crossing her arms and making a rather serious expression.

“What are you worried about?”

“Yggdrasil’s fruit is a really difficult ingredient to obtain. It’s good that it’s so effective, but the problem is that even though it’s effective, it’s too strong. Especially considering the synergy effect… . cadet. “Maybe you should have just divided it into four pieces?”

“I heard that the Fairy Queen endured quite a bit. Or, you can only feed half of it.”

“I don’t mean to belittle human mental power, but it cannot be compared to the Fairy Queen. The spirit that has maintained integrity for hundreds of years cannot be considered the same as the spirit that has maintained it for just over 20 years. And you might not know it before you make it, but you can’t think about it that easily once you’ve already made it. Do you know how much calculation went into this?”

Vivien answered in a loud voice. Then he regained his appetite a few times and suddenly raised his head and looked straight at me.

“Anyway, as you said, we should hope that Baek Seo-yeon’s mental strength is as strong as possible. Enough to withstand this potion.”

I burst out laughing inwardly. Vivien was already worried, not worried. I was curious about how effective it was and why they were talking about it like this, but it didn’t really matter. As long as you don’t die until you spit out information in abusive language. No, anyway, the final destination for vagabonds was death, so I guess this doesn’t matter much.

I opened my mouth to Vivian, who was still frowning.

“They are the ones who will kill everyone if they take out only the things they need anyway. Even if an unexpected accident happens like you said, you don’t have to die in the middle of it.”

“… huh.”

“The most important thing is Baek Seo-yeon. If you can capture Baek Seo-yeon, the others won’t care what you use it for. Vivien. I have given you full authority over this matter. “You know, right?”

Vivien remained silent for a moment. But, it was literally just for a little while. A dazzling light seemed to pass through her eyes, and then she raised the corners of her mouth slightly and spoke.

“Is that really true?”

I nodded deeply. Vivien opened her mouth once again.

“Is it really okay for me to do anything?”

“I don’t like saying things twice.”

Vivian seemed to have finally relaxed and returned to her usual cheerful expression. And without hesitation, he grabbed a bottle of potion and led me by the arm. The bottle she was holding in her hand was filled with a dark blue liquid. In addition to the existing efficacy, it was a potion that had the additional effect of sensitizing the entire body’s senses.

“Good good. “Then let’s go straight to the dungeon.”

“dungeon? Right now? “I’m fine, but shouldn’t you get some rest?”

“The real work will start tomorrow. Everything is in order. The first step is just to feed this, so it will be over quickly. “Are you going to come with me?”

I quietly nodded at Vivien’s words. Eventually, we left the workshop side by side and walked down a hallway bathed in moonlight into the dungeon.

This was the first step to creating the butterfly effect, which would later create a storm that would hit the northern continent.


next day. At Vivien’s request, I finished my afternoon work and went down to the basement.

The training ground, which boasted a large area, had been transformed into a relatively nice underground prison due to renovation work. Of course, the structure is very simple as it can be dismantled at any time.

If you think of the training center as one huge rectangle, there are two prisons placed on each line, for a total of eight prisons. Seven of these rooms contained vagrants, and the remaining room was a utility room that Vivien had specifically requested.

The dungeon was dark and gloomy, lit only by a few light stones. The inside was filled with an unexpectedly hot heat, and a foul odor that made you squeeze your nose was flowing everywhere.

As I crossed the basement, which had an eerie vibe unlike before, I soon saw a door made of steel. This is the prison right next to the utility room, where Baek Seo-yeon was imprisoned.

I could feel the presence of two people along with faint moans from inside, and it seemed that Vivian had arrived first. I pushed right through the door and went in. Then, the moans that had only been faintly heard flowed more clearly into my ears, and at the same time, I could feel that the stench was getting worse.

“ah… . ah… . green onion… . it hurts… ! ah… .”

“Ah, is Kim Soo-hyun here?”

As soon as I entered, I heard Vivien’s voice welcoming me. She was crouching down, looking at Baek Seo-yeon sobbing on the floor. I thought that if someone who didn’t know the situation saw me, they would think that Vivien and I were evil, and Seoyeon Baek was good. Well, I don’t think I’m good either.

In any case, more important than that was Baek Seo-yeon’s condition.

Vivien took indigo potion from Baek Seo-yeon early yesterday morning. The effect was clear. The basic effect of her negligence, which was to pollute her mind and disturb her magical powers, took full effect and she screamed for the prison to go away. She later tried to harm herself by twisting and rolling around on her body, and eventually had to restrain her by standing her up against the wall. Vivien said that since she maximized the sensations in her entire body, she would be in even more pain or something.

Anyway, I don’t know if Vivian released her again today, but Baek Seo-yeon was lying on the floor with restraints tied to one arm and both legs. She was looking miserable, as if she had been suffering from her potion for a day. Since she was imprisoned, she has not been able to wash properly, so her body smells and dirt can be seen on some parts of the floor. Even without looking closely, you can tell that it is urine and feces.

The effect of the potion seemed to be strong, and Baek Seo-yeon’s eyes, which had had a poisonous look in them until yesterday, were depressed.

“Then Kim Soo-hyun is here too. Should I try the second potion now?”

It was then. Vivian, who was quietly observing the white paper kite, took out a pinkish potion from his arms. It was a potion that was said to have the effects of a mixed drink.

Soon, Vivian uncorked the potion, grabbed Baek Seo-yeon’s chin, and forced her into it. In the meantime, she barely seemed to be able to keep her mind alive and shook her head in protest, but it was a meaningless protest. As I did yesterday, I lightly touched her neck and she immediately said, “Gulp.” She could be heard slurping liquid.

“Ugh… . Big… . Puha! ha… . ha… . Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… ! it hurts… . it hurts… ! Ah ah ah ah ah!”

Eventually, Baek Seo-yeon, who had swallowed all the liquid, began to tremble and breathe heavily. The effectiveness of Vivien’s potion does not appear immediately. It takes about a minute to spread throughout the body and take effect.

Vivien wiped her hands on Baek Seo-yeon’s clothes to see if there was saliva on them, and then stood up in a panic. Then he turned his head towards me and opened his mouth.

“Then Kim Soo-hyun. “What do you want to do?”

“huh? what?”

In response to my question, Vivien raised her finger and pointed at Baek Seo-yeon.

“Yesterday was just a taste, and I plan to start teaching properly from today. Looking at it, the face is quite smooth… . how is it. “Do you have any thoughts?”


I answered immediately. Baek Seo-yeon is definitely pretty. Even though she was missing one arm, her face and body were s*xy enough to rival Go Yeon-joo’s. But she felt sorry for the late Yeon-joo and Ha-yeon Jeong, and most of all, she felt sorry (?) for mine too.

Still, I was wondering if she had rejected it too sharply, so I looked at Vivien’s expression, and unexpectedly, I could see her face looking happy for some reason.

“ah… . okay?”

Vivien smiled at the corners of her mouth and opened her mouth in a sonorous voice.

“Then there’s nothing we can do. Please open the other prison door. “To a prison filled with male vagabonds who asked you to transfer.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I fell asleep while writing the review. I guess I went out early this morning and didn’t get enough sleep for one reason or another. The problem is that today I go out at the same time as yesterday. Still, it seems like my body is gradually getting used to it compared to the first day of school. I think I’ll probably get used to it sometime next week.

Much of the teaching assistant part will be omitted. Personally, I find it uncomfortable to write about, and some readers may find it uncomfortable to read. I think it will probably end as early as the next episode.

ah. And let me tell you in advance. There is a high possibility that the next meeting will be late as well. Friday is the worst day of the week, so I go early in the morning and am the last to return home. No matter how early it is, 19:00… . For those of you waiting at midnight, if it doesn’t come up even after waiting, I recommend getting a good night’s sleep and waking up in the morning to see it.

『Reripple (Episode 325)』

1. Usain Bolt: Congratulations on first place. haha. In Lee Hyo-eul’s case, Kim Soo-hyun thought she would kill her for another reason.

2. Debaran: I’m sorry that the plot is slow, but I think it’s the minimum courtesy to keep the series running once a day unless there are unavoidable circumstances. 🙂

3. Gwangma (狂馬): Once Baek Seo-yeon’s part is finished and the summons is over, the board will be made. From then on, only war remains. You can think of it as the beginning of the resolution of the first part of the beginning of the war.

4. hohokoya1: Thank you for always supporting us. The equipment settlement is scheduled to take a short break after the convocation order before proceeding with the conclusion.

5. Sunsets: I almost had a mental breakdown just by reading the review on the blog. It was scary. Oh, congratulations was marked as incorrect when run through the Korean spelling checker. I was a little surprised too. I’ve asked other people, and opinions are divided. haha.

『Reripple (Episode 326)』

1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on first place. The nickname stabs me in the heart. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. podytop: I am currently thinking about it. For now, I plan to continue until at least part 1.

3. Cheetos: Currently, the e-book editing speed is very slow. I’m definitely going to delete that part.

4. Fritez: That’s correct. This takes place within the novel over a two-year gap, and I’m thinking about how much of a break I should take. Is one week too much?

5. Lea: Thank you for saying that. haha. I feel strong. 🙂

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


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not work with dark mode