Memorize Chapter 32

00032 Boss monster. ————————————————– ———————-=

My left arm was pointing towards the top of the boss monster as it opened its disgusting teeth and rushed at me as if it was going to eat me. A total of 3 arrows can be fired at once. And now my arrow was imbued with a sharp magical power that could pierce even ordinary steel.

Aim and fire.

Paang! Paang! Paang!

The arrow cuts through the air with a much stronger sound than before. There was a time difference, but I could see it hitting exactly in the center between his eyebrows. however… .

Empty! Empty! Empty!

The arrow I fired fell in vain with a strong metallic sound. In other words, it was impossible to penetrate the boss monster’s outer shell. Of course, it wasn’t without shock. The boss monster seemed to have felt the magic shock wave projected inside, and his body immediately flinched.

Even if it contains a small amount of magical energy, can it withstand the power of a normal arrow with twice the power of the outer shell alone? I was curious about the angels’ brains as to why they had allowed this other guy to participate in this rite of passage, but it seemed like the intended goal had been achieved. It was clearly successful in restraining the movements of the guy who was gradually accelerating and chasing him.

The boss monster’s body was shrinking even more, as if it was laughing in the aftermath of the shock. I decided to discuss this issue with Seraph later, so I immediately turned around and started following the group.

Looking ahead, the group was running hard. Looking at the distance they have left, they will be able to get within 100 meters in a little while. At this level, it might be dangerous for me, but I could see that the kids were definitely safe.

As I was just starting my spurt, I felt something strange. It wasn’t like he was seriously injured in the first place and he probably had plenty of time to recover from the shock, but I couldn’t hear him running. There is no pounding sound. Suddenly, I remembered the sight of him cowering and the image of Mankey jumping towards me during yesterday’s battle. The moment I thought, “No way,” I heard the sound of wind rising behind me.


The unexpected prediction became a reality. The boss monster was a clever and meticulous guy. He also knew that if he continued like this, he wouldn’t be able to catch even one person. The reason he flinched was not because he was shocked by my arrow, but because he was preparing to take a big leap.

A huge shadow spread over the empty space around me, including my body. The boss monster was looking at my companions who were running ahead of me. Anhyeon was running in the lead, with Hanbyeol and Yujeong following closely behind him. Ansol was also running hard, but her basic stamina was lagging to some extent. Even though the other three didn’t know, Ansol was a potentially dangerous street.

Without any time for me to pay attention, the boss monster, which cut through the air in a long arc, soon landed with all its might at the rear of Anhyun and his group. A huge sound shook the ground and shook the earth. The vibration was so great that even Ahn Hyun, who was running ahead, shook his body. When I saw that scene, my mind instantly went blank and I couldn’t think of anything.

And at that moment, a message appeared before my eyes.

『The potential ability Mind’s Eye (Zheng) (Rank A+) is activated. The eyes of the mind that can look at the inside of an object, rather than just looking at the outer appearance. It refers to the ability to contemplate oneself, observe or sense all things, or a phenomenon that performs similar functions. A mind that has been controlled to the limit can maintain composure even under mental pollution magic of S rank or lower.』

… .

… … .

… … … .

“after… … .”

A hot head cools down in an instant. My white, thoughtless head was filled with cool reason. My narrow-minded perspective until a moment ago expanded and I began to see parts that were out of sight.

And I laughed. I ended up laughing.

What on earth have I been worried about all this time? What is the situation like this? I have experienced more difficult moments, more painful moments, and more dizzying moments.

It’s not scary, it’s not scary. Don’t overdo it. Always draw a line and do your best within it. These were words that I took as my creed when I played the first hole plain.

Clumsy strength does not work on the hole plane. People who died before they could reveal their outstanding talents and abilities and make them bloom. Looking at those people, I promised myself never to reveal myself. I lived so completely in the shadows that no one knew that although I was a sword master, my magic power was only 48 points. After working at Hall Plain for 10 years, that attitude quickly became a kind of obsession.

Of course, I still thought that if necessary, I should do so. However, then there was no difference from the person I used to be. The same method cannot help but produce the same results.

When I couldn’t protect my older brother, and when I lost the clan lord I trusted, followed, and loved right before my eyes, I regretted it immensely. I never wanted to follow that path again, and I inevitably came back to change it. Now I wanted to change.

Analyze every battlefield situation in an instant and calculate the optimal action. Find efficient ways to accurately calculate and increase the required horsepower. I had no intention of hiding myself to the point where it would be frustrating to reveal myself any longer. Do it if necessary. Of course, it could be difficult if you get caught, but the method is simple. Don’t get caught. Now I have the ability and confidence to do that.

The analysis was completed in less than a second. We located Ansol and confirmed his survival status. The first thing you need to do is eat the aggro of the boss monster. Anyway, my appearance was hidden from the eyes of the group by its massive body. I raised my magic power to the limit and packed the arrow with enough magic power to pierce its outer shell. Now, I pulled the trigger right away without even having to pretend to aim.

Peeing! Peeing! Peeing!

I can see him turning his head in surprise, probably surprised by the intense feeling of life coming from behind him. However, the flying arrow was aiming at the guy at a speed that was completely different from before. Before he had time to react, three arrows pierced the boss monster’s chest. But there is still something left.

pop! pop! pop!

The arrow, which was full of magical power, made a sound like a bomb exploding and lightly broke through the creature’s outer shell. The effects were visible right away.


Does it hurt? It will hurt. I ran at a fast pace as I saw the boss monster screaming in pain. As a result of seeing with the third eye, Ahn Hyun, Hanbyeol, and Yujeong were running steadily even though they were staggering. It seemed like he probably didn’t notice that Ansol had fallen behind. Anyway, it’s good. Rather, this side is more to me… .

for a moment. Anhyeon stopped.

“Sol! Sol! Sol, answer me!”

I heard Ahn Hyun crying out loud, as if he had just realized that An Sol was gone. I thought to myself, “What a fool,” and increased my running speed even further. In an instant, the distance between me and him decreases. The boss monster that was crying saw me running and raised its huge right hand high in the sky. He must have been quite angry as his entire arm was shaking.

I deliberately made him weak so that he wouldn’t die yet, but he was a ungrateful man. Of course he didn’t let me know what he was thinking and he slammed his hand down on me without hesitation. The blade of the flashing finger was cutting sharply at me like a well-forged reaper’s scythe. To an ordinary person, it would make one’s stomach tingle, but to me, the speed was slow enough to make me yawn.

As I accelerated, I kicked the ground with one foot and quickly bent my lower body and tilted it so that it was parallel to the ground. A finger passes over my face, but a few strands of hair are cut and flutter in the air. However, I was able to clearly avoid the boss monster’s attack and go inside. It was a neat slide. And in that direction, Ansol was seen coughing with both hands on the ground.

“Cough! Cough!”

The thick dust around it seemed to be the aftermath of its landing. In the past, I would have tried to comfort Ansol and reassure him, but now I had neither the time nor the thought. I quickly picked her up and placed her in my arms, giving her a princess hug. She looked startled, as if she didn’t know I was coming, and then she opened her mouth in a trembling voice.

“number… . Soohyun’s brother… ?”

“Quiet. “Let’s get away from this guy and see.”

After finishing speaking, I ran forward and fired the three arrows I had loaded backwards. And without checking the results, I immediately started running through the dust. Hearing that guy’s mournful screams again felt like I had hit a painful spot again.

Ansol’s face was a sight to behold. She was looking up at me with tears in her eyes, as if she was seeing her savior. Ahn Hyeon, who was about to come back despite the efforts of Yu-jeong and Han-byeol, soon caught sight of me coming out of the dust and opened his mouth wide.

The funny thing is that the changes in Ahn Hyeon’s expression when looking at me were very diverse. First a blank face, then a relieved face, and finally a crying face, all of the same gender, made me feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, it looked like a brother and sister were going to have a crying party together. I kept running, thinking that I was trembling inside.

At that time, I saw Hanbyeol Kim looking at me and shouting something in an urgent voice. I had a cold feeling behind my back, and as expected, it seemed like he had no intention of letting us go. The boss monster’s tail bends like a whip to hit my back. If I were hit by a wriggling and bending tail, I would be fine, but Ansol would not be able to withstand the shock penetrating my body.

I suddenly felt like I wanted to catch this guy. If you catch a boss monster in the hole plane that no one has caught, it may be considered an achievement, and there may be some reward. And aside from that, as a user, I also wanted to kill the boss monster. In that case, Ahn Hyeon and the others needed to separate for a while. I decided to take this attack as is.

Before long, its tail hit my back hard. There was a loud thud and a huge shock coming through my back. It didn’t hurt, but my body would reflexively jump back. Because that power wasn’t going anywhere.

I generated magical power and accepted the shock that penetrated into my body. The basic principle was based on the principle of Saryangbalcheongeun (handling a thousand roots with the force of four nyangs), but it was a technique to control and divide the internal force that was adjusted to suit my taste. Originally, it was a technique to relieve shock by spreading it throughout the body when receiving a shock that was difficult to handle, but it has also been used in this way.

After delivering an impact that the ansol can withstand, it is thrown and bounces forward. And after directing as much of my remaining strength as possible to the side, I rolled my body too. Before the two of us ran away at the same time, I whispered softly in Ansol’s ear.

“When you wake up, run straight to the warp gate.”

Before Ansol had time to respond, our bodies bounced violently. I went to the left, she went in the direction where the group was. Perhaps the useless(?) luck point was activated at this time, and Ansol’s body was falling exactly into Anhyeon’s arms.

I also fell to the ground and rolled on the floor, but I had no choice but to get up right away. There was definitely something different about the boss monster than the monsters that appear in other rites of passage. Perhaps because it recognized that I was a danger target, it didn’t relax after giving me a punch, but instead jumped straight in the direction where I was. It seemed like he had definitely eaten aggro as he was radiating life with his entire body.


The earth shook loudly again with the sound of a cannonball. Of course I avoided it, but my body was shaking mercilessly. He seemed to be even more angry because I wasn’t hit, so he kept stamping his feet towards where I was standing.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

Yikes. Eck. Yikes. Eck.

What the heck.



Why? I wanted to answer, but I could barely keep my mouth shut for the sake of the silent older brother image I had maintained. Normally I would have waved her hand and smiled that it was okay, but not now. I waved my hand to tell them to run away quickly, but my companions remained steadfast. In the end, I ended up raising my voice again.

“Run away quickly! You fools! “Run to the warp gate!”

It seemed like there was a commotion for a moment because of my words, but then I saw Ahn Hyeon forcibly dragging the rebellious Hanbyeol and running. Look at that guy. When Ansol is caught, he shakes off and runs towards me, but doesn’t even pretend to run. Just as I was about to lick her tongue, I quickly jumped to the side again. It was because his foot struck again.

I was angry at the fact that I was just avoiding a guy who couldn’t even get a fistful of distance away, but I endured it for now. Since I had decided to catch them anyway, I was going to punish them as soon as they went there. Before we knew it, dust was rising again around us. This was because the bastard put his foot down indiscriminately.

First, in order to secure a clear view, I used my magic power to erase the presence of my body and got out behind him. In an instant, my presence disappeared. Because it had no eyes, the boss monster’s head was looking around like crazy, and it seemed like it was desperately looking for me. I turned my head after seeing his tics with a sad face.

Fortunately, it seemed like all four of them had just arrived at the warp gate, as Ahn Hyeon was dragging Kim Han-byeol along well. It seemed like she had swung her hand quite a bit because Anhyun’s hair had become scattered. To be honest, it was kind of funny to see her being so silly.

When the group arrived, the warp gate began to operate, surrounding them with a translucent membrane, and the blue magic sphere in the center began to vibrate. It appears that transmission to the summoning room has begun. Immediately afterwards, I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw the light blue energy surrounding their bodies. In a nutshell, my job is done.

Now all that’s left is… .

As I watched the dust clear to some extent, I quickly fell to the ground. This was because I felt like I would be nagging him again later, asking me why I didn’t come to the warp gate sooner. Hanbyeol was quite capable of lifting and lifting, so she planned to make an excuse by saying that she was unable to get up at the time because the shock of being hit by the tail was so great.

Before we knew it, the dust had completely settled and the group could be seen with the light blue color becoming more intense. Their bodies were slowly being erased from beneath their feet, as if they had been transported from the first preparation room. I placed my body on the dirt floor, raised my upper body slightly and waved at them. It didn’t have any other meaning, it was just a sign to say goodbye and see you later.

however… . Suddenly, Ahn Hyeon wiped her eyes with one hand, and Lee Yu-jeong sat down (I couldn’t see her feet, but she sat down, which was a bit surprising) and she burst into tears. Kim Han-byeol was also shaking her shoulders, covering her face with both of her hands, and her Ansol was also waving her hands in the direction where I was, her tears dripping.

What, what is it? I never meant to make you cry… .

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Typo correction.


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not work with dark mode