MEMORIZE Chapter 319

00319 Reunion %26 Return ——————————————— —————————=

After sharing the not-so-easy story with my clan members (I had to sweat a lot to console some of my clan members who were in tears), I was finally able to hear the situation from my brother.

At first, the older brother tried to leave alone despite the severe opposition of the Hamill Clan members. However, at that moment, the Mercenary Clan members who were tracking my whereabouts came to visit me, and found out that I was alive through Vivien’s contract. And it is said that he came together on the spot and organized a rescue team to retrieve me.

Anyway, even though nothing special happened, I was thankful that they organized a rescue team. Whatever the reason, the users I saw in front of me were people who stepped forward even when their only life could be lost.

“I confirmed that he was alive… . It’s right in front of me… . “Her heart is still pounding.”

Jeong Ha-yeon placed both hands on her heart and spoke in a voice full of affection.

“Sniff. me too. “Do you know how surprised I really am?”

“Yu, Miss Yujeong. Stop wiping your tears now. The leader will be in trouble. haha.”

As Shin Sang-yong spoke with a cheerful smile, Lee Yu-jeong looked around in surprise and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Seeing Jeong Ha-yeon and Yu-jeong Lee like that, Ahn Hyeon smiled sinisterly and then crept closer to me and whispered.

“Hehe. brother. “Do you like it?”

“huh? what?”

“As soon as I heard the news that my brother was missing, there was no panic. In particular, Hayeon, Yujeong, and Lim Hanna were in tears… . Oh, I’m jealous!”

“… … ?”

I tilted my head as I listened to Anhyun’s words. Even so for Jeong Ha-yeon and Yu-jeong Lee, I didn’t quite understand the statement that even Im Hanna showed tears. When I glanced back at her, I found her standing quietly behind her with her hands clasped together.

Im Hanna then made eye contact with me, smiled softly and shook her head. Because she is an archer, her ears are sharp, so she seems to have heard Ahn Hyun’s whispers. Suddenly, I became curious about her inner thoughts.

‘I’ll have to look into it later when I get the chance.’

After making up my mind, I calmly opened my mouth.

“Anyway, thank you all so much for coming. And I’m sorry if any clan members are surprised because of me.”

“No, bro. I had no doubt that my brother would come back. And no one would have expected the attack. I hope he returns safely. Isn’t that right, crybabies? evil!”

Ahn Hyeon ended up being beaten by Jeong Ha-yeon and Yu-jeong Lee. Soon, I saw the guy falling to the floor and moaning, and I looked back with a feeling of regret. Behind them were the old man and Kim Han-byeol with awkward faces.

Go Yeon-ju and An Sol had already rushed over to share their condolences with their clan members, but poor Kim Han-byeol was just looking at the ground with his head down the whole time.

“Anyway, as Ahn Hyun said, my clan members and I returned safely, so I guess you can stop worrying… . Oh, by the way, the introduction was late. This time, a new recruit from Mule… . hmm. This is user Lee Man-seong. Hanbyeol Kim. Old man. Come this way.”

Perhaps thinking that he had finally escaped the burden of being a sack of barley, the old man approached me with a brighter face and said hello.

“Nice to meet you. “This is a new member named Lee Man-seong.”

“nice to meet you. My name is Ha-yeon Jeong. Congratulations on joining Lee Man-seong.”

“Hehe, thank you. “I unintentionally caused inconvenience to the Clan Lord from the beginning, but I ask for your help in the future.”

“Please take care of us. Oh, and I think you’re a little older, so you can talk to me comfortably.”

Among the clan members, Ha-yeon Jeong was greeted as the representative. The old man seemed to have made a good first impression of her, smiling softly and shaking his head.

Eventually, I could barely take a breath as I watched the scene naturally move into the introduction time.

It was then.

““ Mercenary Road.””

At the same time, I heard a voice calling me, and when I turned around, I was able to spot an unexpected person. At some point, two men were standing behind me with humble smiles. One of them was Seong Hyeon-min, whom I saw earlier. And the remaining one is… .

“long time no see.”

It was Shin Jae-ryong.

“One load… . And user Shin Jae-ryong?”

“You remember. “I’m glad to see you alive.”

“Ah yes. But why are you two here… . And Shin Jae-ryong didn’t show up earlier.”

“I felt that sharing stories with my clan members was a priority, so I was a bit absent. haha. and… .”

Seong Hyun-min and Shin Jae-ryong looked at each other for a moment, and then Shin Jae-ryong spoke first.

“Actually, I joined the rescue team by chance.”

“A coincidence?”

When I asked again, Shin Jae-ryong answered with a puzzled expression.

“yes. After returning from that expedition, I had some things to organize. I was running around frantically for a while and when I finally finished cleaning up, I remembered Mercenary Road. Just as I was about to say hello to you for helping me… . “I just received word that he is missing.”

“then… . “Did you join the rescue team to save me?”

The moment I heard Shin Jae-ryong’s words, I thought, ‘Why are there people like this?’ He continued speaking with a faint smile.

“Because you saved my life. I heard that there was no priest in the Mercantile Clan, so I joined in the hope of being of some help. “If you didn’t know at all, you wouldn’t know. I thought it was an unreasonable act to pretend not to know that your benefactor was in trouble.”

“… okay.”

I managed to nod my head, trying to calm my chest, which was starting to get a bit frustrating.

perhaps… . At first glance, I thought that maybe I was looking at the world too bleakly. However, he soon let go of his thoughts with a long sigh, and this time turned his attention to Seong Hyeon-min.

Seong Hyun-min looked at me with a slightly embarrassed face, and opened his mouth in an embarrassed voice.

“ah… . Actually, I received a favor from an acquaintance.”

“Are you an acquaintance?”

“yes. It’s more like a benefactor than an acquaintance… . Anyway, I’ve always had a close relationship with Hamill Lord. So, in order to prepare for the unexpected… . haha. sorry. I feel like I’m being cautious for no reason. “I never dreamed that Mercenary Lord was Hamill Lord’s younger brother.”

“I think I know what you mean. There is no need to be sorry. No, I’m rather thankful.”

What Seong Hyun-min meant was that my rescue was not for the main purpose, but in the worst case scenario, I participated to persuade Kim Yu-hyeon. Rather, Shin Jae-ryong’s behavior was strange, but this kind of reaction was natural in Hall Plain, so I nodded without any discomfort.

Seong Hyun-min seemed to be watching me for a moment, but then he began to glance to one side. The direction his eyes were looking towards was where the vagabonds were being held.

“Merchantry Lord. It may be presumptuous to ask this here and now. “Can I ask you one question?”

“yes. “Is this about the vagrants who are being held over there?”

The moment the word ‘vagrant’ was mentioned, a look flashed across Seong Hyeon-min’s eyes, even if only for a moment.

“also… . They were vagabonds. I saw a few familiar faces, so I wondered if it was possible. But how on earth did you catch it?”

“As I escaped from the Mule, I made a little progress, and it chased after me. So we intercepted most of them and captured some.”

It was a very simple and clear answer, but the weight it carried was not light at all. While hearing the low exclamations of Seong Hyun-min and Shin Jae-ryong, I closely observed Baek Seo-yeon among the tramps standing around. She was just staring at the ground without raising her head even though there was quite a bit of noise around her.

“Do you know a tramp named Baek Seo-yeon?”

“Baek Seo-yeon… ? “Is that evil woman here now?”

I asked him just in case, and Seong Hyeon-min showed a surprising reaction. The way his once polite face suddenly hardened made me wonder if I had mistaken the person.

‘No, isn’t that unexpected?’

Although Baek Seo-yeon is notorious, she is quite famous among vagabonds, so someone like Seong Hyun-min must have heard of her.

“Do you know Baek Seo-yeon?”

“I know. Damn it, because of that evil woman… . “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“no. it’s okay. As I came, I saw that the vagabond named Baek Seo-yeon seemed to be quite famous.”

“It’s not about being famous. By the way, is this really Baek Seo-yeon? I can’t see your face well… .”

The way he was gritting his teeth while talking made me feel like there was something in his heart. Anyway, they say the enemy of my enemy is my comrade, so it wasn’t a bad thing for me.

Seong Hyun-min looked there carefully to see if he really wanted to confirm that Baek Seo-yeon had been caught. And then he opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

“If that tramp is really Baek Seo-yeon… .”

“… … .”

“The Mercenary Lord has made a great contribution to the Northern Continent. Especially in the current situation.”

“haha… .”

I responded with a light laugh to Seong Hyeon-min’s sincere words.

It remained to be seen whether it would end on a meritorious note or whether it would be able to change the North Continent, or even the future.


After dramatically joining the rescue team, we set out on the road back to Eden together. And on the way back to the city, I was able to hear the current situation in detail.

The first thing I asked was whether there was support for Halo. Seong Hyun-min did not say anything about this part. They haven’t received an official request for support yet, and they haven’t given a clear answer, saying they are still discussing it.

However, he euphemistically said, “It was a little funny to see that warp gates were activated as soon as the invasion occurred, even though they had restricted warp gates before.”

It is said that the warp gates have not been closed yet except for the attacked cities, but it was necessary to watch a little more. Perhaps the exact truth will be determined after the western city of Halo has been taken over.

Anyway, compared to the first episode, there was only one thing that changed. It was said that the vagabonds first attacked Mule and then invaded the western city. Dorothy and Beth had already fallen into the hands of the Western Continent, and now even Halo was in danger.

In particular, the current enemy strength was not clearly known, but the Golden Lion and friendly clans had not fully recovered from the damage suffered from the failure of the Steel Mountains expedition. Therefore, the process of organizing reinforcements is said to be fraught with difficulties. To put it mildly, there are even calls to give up on Halo, so even if you don’t watch it, it’s a video.

There is a saying that if you get tired, you will lose everything.

Countermeasures can be taken only when the enemy is accurately identified. Mule lost contact immediately after the invasion, and Dorothy and Beth only received information about the invasion and a request for rescue, but no detailed information.

In this situation, the fact that I personally(?) captured the vagabonds who attacked the city was literally worth more than a thousand gold. In particular, since Baek Seo-yeon is an outcast who is almost at the top level, the value of the key information she spits out is indescribable.

In the end, the key was how quickly Baek Seo-yeon’s spirit could be broken. And this was a question I thought about and pondered throughout my return.

Since I had already started accompanying my acquaintances, it was difficult to openly play games like last time. I also had doubts about whether the method I used once would work again.

‘Either way, returning to the city should be the priority now.’

In today’s limited space, the options available are limited. If you return to the city and the clan house, you will definitely find ways to open the gap.

“… … .”

When I slowly woke up from my thoughts and looked up at the sky, I saw a blue sky. Suddenly, I felt like my head, which had been full of thoughts, was completely emptied.

My mind was a mess because my brother was bothering me the whole way back, but under the pretext of having something to think about for a moment, I slipped aside and started walking.

“Kim Soo-hyun, Kim Soo-hyun!”

After walking for a while looking at the sky in a good mood, I felt someone jumping up and down. It was Vivien’s voice. After a while, I glanced down and saw her face with a very flushed face. I opened my mouth calmly.


“I told you that your brother will arrive in Eden soon. “But why do you walk like that while only looking at the sky?”

“I have something to think about for a moment.”

“What are you thinking? “That one yesterday?”

I nodded and shook my head. I wasn’t alone in my worries during this time. I had a chance to watch the night shift yesterday, and I shared some of my thoughts with Vivien. If her partner was her, it was something she could say without pressure, and she might have thought of a better way to do it than anything else. (Actually, there was nothing I could say to kill her boring time.)

“Hehe. I see “Did you come up with anything good?”

“Just one or two? you?”

“Hehe. Actually, it is. I thought about it a little bit. Hehehe.”


I stared at Vivien with half suspicion and half anticipation because he kept letting out a confident laugh. She raised the corners of her mouth when she caught my gaze, searched inside her arms, and continued her words.

“A very good idea occurred to me. “That’s two things.”

“What. “Say it without worrying.”

“Hehe. Just wait a moment. “Brother.”

“Where did you learn that word again…?” .”

Vivien answered “Ahn Hyeon” in a quiet voice, and then held out both hands. A white glowing sphere was floating above her right palm, and a thick book was held in her left hand. It was the diary of Ordo and Marvolo’s training.

‘No, Ordo aside… . ‘Why do you carry books with you?’

Although I felt very puzzled, I calmly waited for Vivien to speak with the intention of listening for now. She smiled softly, out of place, and opened her mouth in a sonorous voice.

“It used to be. Do you remember the information about Guz Appreasel written in the Ordo of this Order?”

“Goose Appreasel?”

I remember a few things, but not in great detail. Anyway, I just needed to check it now, so it was the moment to activate my third eye towards the white sphere.

“I see Eden!”

I reflexively turned my head when I heard someone shouting loudly.

Ahead, the small eastern city of Eden was literally appearing, albeit in small form. I said straight to Vivien.

“Do you have much to talk about?”

“huh. “A little too much.”

“okay. “Then let’s go back to the city and talk again.”

“Hehe. Okay, I’ll wait for that. I will make sure you never regret giving me the Ordo of Order. “You can look forward to it.”

I don’t know what he was trying to say, but seeing how confident he was, it seemed like he had some clever tricks.

Finally, as I saw Vivien snorting and turning around, I decided that I wouldn’t let her go if she started talking nonsense like Margarita and saying that she was a teaching assistant.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

haha. There are some people who expected the contract to be used. yes. We were able to confirm Kim Soo-hyun’s life or death based on the presence or absence of the contract. Since the terms of the contract did not specifically include a direct condition that it would be handed over to someone else after his death, if Kim Soo-hyun died, the contract would automatically be terminated. You can check the continuity of the contract by contacting the temple. Of course, you can also include post-death conditions, but that makes the contract much more weighty. 🙂


1. Usain Bolt: Haha. Congratulations on first place. yes. Vivien is almost a semi-slave. 🙂

2. MT Bear: Oh my. Many people are scared when I apply with full credits. ha ha ha. Still, I will try my best.

3. Sonjaman: I am Ro Yujin, so you can rest assured. Who is Daejoint Royumi? ?blanket?

4. hohokoya1: There has been a lot of stress so far, so there will be heartwarming content for the time being. Of course there are exceptions. When the vagabonds come out… . 😀

5. irenairis: Haha, no way. If I remove the ansol, I think I’ll probably be in trouble.

6. NinthSky: Oh, how did you know? It was like that in modern times. There was also a setting where a photo was attached to the pillow… . It’s a joke. 🙂

7. Merliwi: I am thinking about banning words about my uncle in the near future. haha.

8.araoj: No. There were no records of the past. The record is information about my brother’s movements that I asked Go Yeon-ju earlier.

9. Anasky: I’m glad you enjoyed it. I hope your hard work gets resolved successfully!

10. Long live Rangi: Thank you for your supportive comment. We will work harder in the future. _(__)_

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I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

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not work with dark mode