MEMORIZE Chapter 315

00315 Game ———————————————— ————————=

It was while I was walking down the street. Suddenly, a cool breeze blew, gently caressing my nose. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, a tide of fresh air rushing into her nostrils. It was a cold breeze that lifted her stuffy heart and cooled her to her bones.

When I opened my eyes again, a vast meadow with no end in sight spread out before my eyes. You can see the grass growing long enough to reach below the knees and the sloping hills rising here and there. It is difficult to say that it was touched by human hands, but traces of comings and goings were still left here and there.

“I think we’re halfway there?”

“It’s more than halfway done.”

“is it? Anyway, I think I’ll have to change direction sometime today or tomorrow… . It’s ambiguous. Soohyun, what are you going to do?”

I stopped and half-turned. Go Yeonju turned her head here and there as if she was looking for a way, then fixed her gaze on me. Her eyes were shining golden, perhaps because they were bathed in the morning sunlight. After looking at the slightly pursed lips, I looked back and opened my mouth.

“I think I need to check my direction for a moment. “Is there anyone who knows more about the geography of the place where we are now?”

“… … .”

“… We are scheduled to leave again in 10 minutes. “Please keep an eye on the vagabonds and take a short break.”

I asked just in case, but there was no one. Everyone was just looking at me with blank eyes. I had some hopes for the assassin girl who first discovered us, but she rushed at Ansol as soon as she heard her declaration of rest.

“Hey, hey.”

“Yes? Ha, don’t do it… . Why do you keep bothering me? .”

The archers did not come forward, and Go Yeon-ju, who was also an assassin, was in an ambiguous situation. It would be a long shot to hope for anything in the first place.

After watching the two of them having fun, I walked forward. I felt Go Yeon-ju following behind me.

The forest where the fierce battle took place with the vagabonds had already been cleared a long time ago. The next area we encountered was a grassland, and that was where we were passing through right now. As for its characteristics, it is a grassland with nothing special about it, except that it is called a cloud grassland. Aside from the four battles with monsters after entering this place, it was a very boring area.

It wasn’t a place with a mess of brush like a forest, but the problem was that it was too wide. And the terrain was almost similar, so it was really difficult to know which direction to turn.

“The direction is… . Based on the direction we are going, we plan to turn west.”

“It’s the west. So you’re saying you’re going to go to Eden after all?”

“yes. However, I have no idea exactly where to turn to see Eden.”

“Ho Ho. “Is there something even our clan lord doesn’t know?”

Go Yeon-ju scoffed in a mischievous voice. I answered with a light sigh.

“What I learned when I first came to Hall Plain was a map. However, looking at it on a map and walking it in person are completely different things.”

“I see~. “I thought he was Dr. Cheokcheok because he was always doing it alone.”

“I am in year 0.”

“oh? Isn’t it 10 years apart? “Carr.”

It was obvious that he was joking, as he was laughing hard, but the feeling inside me was indescribable. I managed to maintain a calm demeanor. And he lifted his finger at Go Yeon-ju. It was a signal to come closer. She suddenly raised her head and began to tease, slightly moving her head from side to side with her eyes wide open. I lightly flicked my finger on Go Yeon-ju’s pointed nose.

“Ako. Ouch. too bad.”

“Stop acting harshly and stop being so picky.”

“Yes, yes~. Suhyeon seemed very frustrated, so I tried to play a prank on her. Don’t worry too much. There is no need to go after getting it right. “Isn’t that right?”

“… … .”

What Ko Yeon-ju was saying was to go in the opposite direction and make the right path. Eventually, as I watched her sitting in her seat and tapping the ground, I calmly nodded her head. I seemed to have become anxious without knowing that the tramps had attacked me.

Of course, it would have been better to take the shortest route, but when my memory was vague like now, struggling alone was in vain. Also, since I don’t know if I’ll come across an area I know as I go, I thought it would be beneficial to think a little more leisurely, as Go Yeon-ju said.

“How are you feeling? Eyes of temptation again tonight… .”

I pretended not to win and placed my butt next to Go Yeonju and asked. The ground had been pounded so hard that the upright grass was completely crushed.

“yes. are you okay. “I think I can use it at least once today.”

Go Yeon-ju answered without looking at me, looking at the place where the users were gathered.

After fighting the vagabonds, we were able to capture a total of 11 people. Among them, there were 9 people still remaining. One person tried to escape at dawn and was killed as an example, and the other person committed suicide. And using Go Yeon-ju’s unique ability, Eyes of Seduction, he was digging up information from the remaining nine people every night.

Thanks to this, I was able to understand the general situation, but it was only a partial picture. I had not yet been able to dig up the advanced information I wanted. There was a reason for that, and that was because of the restrictions placed on the eyes of temptation.

According to Go Yeon-ju, there are some limitations to her abilities.

The first is that it can only be used once a day. The second is that there is a relatively high chance of success when used against the opposite s*x. (It can be used on same-s*x people, but it almost fails unless the target is a lesbian.) Third, it is not necessarily successful even if the target is the opposite s*x. The stronger your mental power, the higher the chance of failure. And finally, the fourth thing was that if the subject’s mind was damaged, there was a very high probability of success regardless of whether they were of the same s*x or the opposite s*x.

It was a limitation that was a bit disappointing in the current situation, but when I remembered the time when I resisted Go Yeon-ju’s tempting eyes, I could roughly understand it. If there were no such restrictions, it would literally be an incredibly fraudulent ability.

Anyway, what I wanted was advanced information. It is not information that is simply spread around, but information that only the leadership knows. And the only vagabond who knew such information was Baek Seo-yeon.

‘Then that means we have to destroy Baek Seo-yeon somehow… .’

“Su-hyun. “Look over there.”


The moment I was lost in thought for a while, I suddenly raised my head when I felt a tug on my arm. Go Yeon-ju was still not looking at me. He was still fixating his eyes on the place where the users were gathered, as if he was watching something.

To be precise, it was a place where users were in charge of monitoring vagrants. Their arms were tied with strange things such as torn leather and cloth clothes. In the case of female vagabonds, the situation was slightly better. Still, they gave me at least a cloth or a hood.

It was like looking at a slave. Without exception, the vagabonds were on their knees, enduring the humiliation inflicted by the users.

I immediately had a boost in my eyesight and hearing.

“He said he was thirsty. So you gave it water. huh? “But why don’t you drink it?”

“… … .”

“Is it because there is not enough water? Then why didn’t you say something? Well, here’s some more for you. “Tsk!”

“Tsk… !”

The one-armed user spit straight down the tramp’s face. He looked down at the man with a face full of scorn, and then his expression distorted into a grim expression.

“Why don’t you drink it? Are you ignoring my sincerity? Suck it up you bastard!”

Soon, the one-armed user raised his foot and violently struck the tramp on the head. The man fell helplessly with his head on the spit-covered ground. And the users around were giggling and watching the scene.

“I can understand it, but it’s scary to be human.”

Go Yeon-ju raised her shoulders and spoke in her usual voice. I watched the scene a little longer and then answered softly.

“… “I agree.”

It wasn’t just one-armed users who did this. Three female users gathered around Baek Seo-yeon and committed similar acts. Two of them were forcibly holding her face and body, and the other was continuously slapping her cheek while swearing.

Not long ago, users would tremble at the mere mention of the name of a tramp. However, after realizing that they had lost their power, they seemed to have let go of their fears while directly watching and leading them away. Now that the fear that had been suppressing my anger has disappeared, I will naturally express my anger.

“Well, if you look at it from a woman’s perspective, I can understand it. Can you see the priest over there waving his hands excitedly?”

“yes. “I can see it.”

“Someone said it was a woman who was being raped by a tramp at the time. Oh, she hit a little hard just a moment ago. “Baek Seo-yeon’s cheeks are very red?”

“… … .”

I was about to get up and leave, but decided to wait a little longer. He was thinking of pretending not to see that the water was rising right now. Instead, he watched Ansol and the assassin girl with a happy heart as they put headbands made of grass on each other.

“oh! Put it up to your chin? Su-hyun. Are you looking at it like that?”

“Just leave it alone. “It’s not something that happens once or twice.”

“But it seems like the severity is worse today… . If I do that, someone will die. Girls still have a lot to discover… .”

“haha. Do you really want to kill me? And the intensity will gradually get worse. Users are also colleagues, friends, family, and lovers. No, he might even have lost his life. Let’s think of it as retribution.”


Go Yeon-ju narrowed her eyes and finally turned her head to me. A sharp look. I reflexively looked away and looked at the distant mountains. But there was no mountain in sight.


Go Yeon-ju made a noise and immediately clung to my arm. When I turned her head, I could see her leaning her head on my shoulder and gently rubbing her head.

“Why are you like this? suddenly?”

“What happened all of a sudden? What is it? “Tell me.”


“Don’t act like you don’t know. Have I seen Suhyun like this once or twice? Don’t be like that, just say it quickly. It was so excited during the battle, but it hasn’t been touched since the magic circuit was destroyed. “What on earth are you planning?”

“I’m not planning anything in particular… .”

I deliberately avoided eye contact and looked the other way. Soon, I felt something soft rubbing against my arm, but it didn’t shake me at all.

“Is it really like this?”

“It’s not time yet.”

“Is it time?”

“Hehe. I need a little more time. “Not yet.”

I deliberately made a euphemistic statement and then stood up.

I know the characteristics of vagabonds. I know very well what kind of person Baek Seo-yeon is. And my ultimate target was her, Baek Seo-yeon. No amount of threats could make her give in to her spirit.

If so, you have to shake it slowly, very slowly. And to do that, it was necessary to push the vagabonds around him to the limit.

I smiled softly as I looked at Go Yeonju, whose cheeks were puffed out.

“Get the air out of your cheeks. “I plan to play a very fun game soon.”

“A game?”

“yes. “I will definitely invite Go Yeon-ju then.”

“… … ?”

Go Yeon-ju just tilted her head with an expression of ignorance.


“so. “We haven’t found it yet, and it’s not coming back.”

“yes. Park Dong-su under Baek Seo-yeon is diligently searching… .”

“after. “I’m really going to go crazy.”

Hyun held his forehead with a face that said he truly had a headache. The man standing in front of him looked at Hyeon for a moment and then opened his mouth in a cautious tone.

“I… . Two weeks have already passed.”


“Captain. At this point, wouldn’t it be right to assume that the tracking team has been caught?”

Hyun did not specifically respond to the man’s words. Instead, she removed her hand from her forehead and let out a deep sigh.

“I don’t get it. Baek Seo-yeon wasn’t the only one who went. Kim Da-hye, a person with fog abilities. Archer Lee Hae-in. and… . Who was the wizard? Always in a daze… .”

“Are you talking as if you were a lice?”

“okay. That rare class. A tracking party that included people of that caliber was attacked? Does this make sense?”

“… … .”

This time the man kept his mouth shut. But they both knew. That the man’s words are most likely now. It was so hard to imagine that Baek Seo-yeon would betray, and it was something that should never have happened. Hyeon just ate his food with an uncomfortable expression and then looked up at the man.

“If Baek Seo-yeon is dead, it’s still okay. But if he got caught… .”

“I wish he would commit suicide.”

“… First, let’s prepare just in case. Warp gate restoration is finished, right?”

“yes. Dorothy and Beth are already in a relationship. “I think we’ll probably be able to break through Halo next week.”

Hyeon shook his head excitedly at the man’s words.

“That remains to be seen. Anyway, tell them to stop messing around with users. “Starting today, we will thoroughly strengthen security and search in the surrounding area.”

“All right.”

“Same goes for you. There are no exceptions for executives. It’s not banned at all, but… . “I will control it myself, so you will have to do it yourself.”


In response to the man’s question, Hyeon snorted and said.

“Last time, there was a user called Your Taste.”

“ah… . “You don’t have to worry.”

The man answered with a bitter smile what had happened.

Finally, when Hyun nodded his head lightly, the man turned and started walking away. Strangely, the man’s gait was strangely unnatural.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Dear readers. Originally, I wasn’t going to tell you, but there are still a few people who want a warning, so I’ll tell you in the review. (Instead, there is no warning at the top of the next episode.) The next episode will be from the beginning to the middle, and some readers who are soft-hearted may frown. There may be content that makes you cringe (it is not s*xual content). So, if you are uncomfortable with the content, please skip that part and just watch the final reunion part. _(__)_

P.S. We failed to control the amount of the reunion part for the next episode. sorry.


1. Kanesada: Congratulations on first place. 🙂 Now that Miwolya has announced his retirement, is Kane Sada emerging as a strong player? ha ha ha.

2. Merliwi: Haha. I’m currently practicing as a sage, but I still think I’ll find a partner someday. 🙂

3. Brainless: Thank you for always leaving comments. I hope you enjoy reading it. _(__)_

4. podytop: The main content of the next episode will be appeasement and games. 🙂 I think this is probably the episode where Soo-hyun’s personality is clearly revealed.

5. CemeteryGates: Sounds fun. Later, he returned to reality and Baek Han-gyeol became successful as a rocker. Is this how it happens? 😀

6. Flute: I’m thinking about it. Even if I were to use it, wouldn’t it be soft and cute?(?)

7. Mongu Hunter: I’ve already drunk a lot from Mule. 🙂

8. LOVE Autumn: If you know what a wish is, it may sound grand, but it is a truly useless ability. There are a lot of restrictions. haha.

9. Dark Side: Actually, there is a rumor that the love in the Elixir of Love and Respect is Shin Sang-yong… . It’s a joke!

10. Geodeungi: I hope to write the ending soon. haha. I’m looking forward to readers’ reactions.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode