MEMORIZE Chapter 313

00313 Game ———————————————— ————————=

It was then. Victoria’s glory was just a brief moment before it hit its target.

Suddenly, a fog in the shape of a human jumped in and blocked the space between me and Baek Seo-yeon. I was shocked for a moment.


If I remember correctly, this is a unique ability that temporarily transforms the user’s body into fog. It has the disadvantage of having a short duration, but other than that, it is a fairly useful ability. Its movement speed increases dramatically, it easily ignores physical force, and has a high resistance to magical power. It was an ability that was quite difficult to deal with using normal means, other than compatible magic.

Eventually, the fog began to emit a hazy light, and soon it flowed out like water and wrapped around my sword.

‘Now that I think about it, he’ll become quite famous too.’

I remember hearing of a tramp using the fog ability once or twice. After expressing my condolences lightly, I accelerated my downward swing of the sword.

Sook, sook!


The sensations coming through my palms were quite varied. I felt the sensation of cutting the soft flesh, cutting through the air, and then cutting the flesh again. As I looked down, I saw that the fog, which had been white just a moment ago, had been cut in half and was gradually turning red. Baek Seo-yeon’s body was slightly tilted to the left. And her right arm was not visible from the shoulder down.

Slurp! Tuk!

Eventually, the fog seemed to have lifted and a body cut neatly in half slowly emerged from the ground. And next to it, a smooth arm could be seen still clutching the dagger. The two were sitting on the floor side by side, bleeding together.


The faces of all the tramps, without exception, were frozen. It was literally a moment of desperation. Just when Baek Seo-yeon, their leader and commander, was about to be defeated in vain, one of them showed his wit. They used their unique ability, fog, to block their path. But the relief was short-lived.

The vagabond who used fog shoes clearly showed off his abilities. It didn’t just stop at blocking, but it used some kind of ability to hinder the sword’s path. However, cutting through the shining black fog without hesitation was not enough, and Baek Seo-yeon’s right arm was amputated.

It was the result of an error in judgment. The vagabond who used fog painting thought that Kim Soo-hyun was using high-level cutting magic, and responded with his unique ability accordingly. If I had known the power of ‘Sword Specialist’, which is classified as the highest level of Secret Class, I would never have rushed at him.

In other words, the vagabond who had just been murdered had taken his own life.

But there were still many things the vagabonds did not know. It was not just simple user information. They didn’t even know that Kim Soo-hyun deliberately cut off Baek Seo-yeon’s arm.

Anyway, Baek Seo-yeon’s subsequent actions were swift. The fact that his own arm was cut off, that he lost all his weapons, and that the fog painting was destroyed were all in the background. Now her head was full of thoughts that she had to somehow distance herself from Kim Soo-hyun.

After my right arm was cut off, my sense of balance was a little off, but it wasn’t to the point where I couldn’t move. Baek Seo-yeon firmly believed that thanks to her fog, she had saved her life, and she quickly positioned herself to retreat.


However, there is no way Kim Soo-hyun will just watch it. As soon as Baek Seo-yeon sensed that she was about to fall behind, he raised his right foot and struck her in the abdomen. Her body seemed to float in the air for a moment, but then she fell to the ground and started rolling around.

At this point, you might think you’ve won, but Kim Soo-hyun’s movements didn’t stop.

As if this wasn’t enough, Kim Soo-hyun quickly shortened the distance between Baek Seo-yeon and climbed on top of her. Even though she was in the middle of the tramps, she seemed completely unconcerned. Soon, Kim Soo-hyun’s left arm seemed to be bent wide behind her, and she struck Baek Seo-yeon, who was lying down, on the face.



Baek Seo-yeon had never screamed in any situation before, but for the first time, she let out a feminine scream. Kim Soo-hyun’s strength ability is 96 points. Her power was truly incredible, incomparable to her simple punches. If White Paper Yeon’s durability wasn’t at a decent level, her head would have exploded or her face would have been crushed by her blow.

And the moment Baek Seo-yeon’s scream was heard, the tramps flinched as if their frozen bodies had finally thawed. In reality, only about 5 or 6 seconds had passed, but the situation had changed dramatically.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

“evil! Argh! Oh, stop, ahhh! Argh!”

A high-pitched scream is heard once again. Her bums came to their senses and quickly ran towards Kim Soo-hyun. But he wasn’t embarrassed. Kim Soo-hyun looked around with vague eyes and touched the ground with his blood-stained left hand. And then he jumped upwards.

Shoo shoo, shoo shoo!

Kim Soo-hyun’s body rotates in the air, drawing beautiful curves. At the same time, seven yellow rays were aimed at him and shot from all directions.

The archers’ shooting was accurate. The point at which Kim Soo-hyun would jump was precisely predicted.

But that was all. No matter how accurately you predict, it is of no use if you don’t get it right. The arrow ray containing magical power pierced Kim Soo-hyun as it was, and each person disappeared far away in the direction they were flying. Finally, the moment his new form disappeared into thin air, a scream came out from somewhere again.

Kim Soo-hyun’s feet were already trampling on someone’s chest, probably because he was using a different position in the air. He had a priest pinned to the floor at his feet. After seeing what happened to Baek Seo-yeon, he came out to treat her, but Kim Soo-hyun blocked him from the beginning.

Among the wanderers chasing the users this time, there were only 10 wizards and priests out of 50. Even then, nearly half of them were lost due to early surprise attacks and attacking first. In fact, there was only one priest left, and even he was caught by Kim Soo-hyun.

Kim Soo-hyun kept pressing his foot as he did.



The vagabonds looked at Kim Soo-hyun with faces as if they had seen a ghost. He was scanning his son-in-law, looking for his next prey.

It was then.

“every… . backwards… . Fall in… !”

A voice that seemed to have been vomited with difficulty trembled and rang softly in the air. Surprisingly, the person who stood up was Baek Seo-yeon. Although one of her arms was missing and her face was bloody, she was back on her feet. She gave her body one big twist. It looked like she was trying to keep her balance somehow, but she ended up falling on her left knee helplessly.

At that moment, a fierce wave of magical power began to surge behind Kim Soo-hyun.


And as soon as Baek Seo-yeon’s crying voice was heard, countless magic and arrows shot up into the air.

Soon, they began to rush somewhere beyond Kim Soo-hyun. That direction was the direction where other users were.



As I watched the magic and arrows passing above me, I was able to understand what Baek Seo-yeon said. When I wondered why 10 people were missing, it seemed like they were wasting time and preparing for concentrated fire. Perhaps he was thinking of dealing with the users behind him first and then focusing on me and using his tactics.


For a moment I thought about running towards that direction, but I soon stopped. This is because where the users were, a tremendous amount of magical power was released along with Tyrving’s eerie sound. The surrounding shadows are gathering one after another. Although I was a little worried, I decided to trust Goyeonju and the users.

Then, there were two options left to me. I looked in the direction where Baek Seo-yeon was, and then looked back at the vagabonds who had concentrated their fire. It was surprising that Baek Seo-yeon woke up. Aside from his arms and abdomen, he must have received a shock that shook his brain, but he stood up like a jerk.

I was impressed by his mental strength, but that was it. She has already lost her fighting skills. Now that she had lost her favorite weapon and one of her arms, it was impossible for her to show the same inaction as before.

When I thought about it that way, I was able to make up my mind. For now, the priority was to destroy the concentrated fire formation rather than deal with Baek Seo-yeon and the vagabonds around her.

I immediately rushed towards that place.

My first targets were wizards. My magic resistance was so monstrous, but the firepower of skilled wizards was definitely not something to be underestimated. It was necessary to deal with them as quickly as possible and cut off their continued fire support.

The tramps must have seen me coming in and immediately started watching me. The wizards took a few steps back and cast spells, and the archers aimed at me.

I also felt the presence of melee units running from the rear, aiming for my back. They must have thought that I was the only one, so they formed a perfect encirclement formation. This could also be seen as a concentrated fire formation in its own way.

Shoo shoo shoo! Shoo shoo shoo!

I hit the incoming arrow with precise timing. The guys at the front were all archers or wizards. In other words, as long as the distance is shortened, everything is ready. Since I wanted to deal with it as quickly as possible, I filled ‘Victoria’s Glory’ with magical energy and swung it forward widely.


The fan-shaped waves that were shown in the square earlier hit the tramps. The few who were on the left or right or who fell backwards hurriedly recovered, but the tramps in the center could not. Instead, they nimbly jumped upward and tried to escape the range of the wave. And at that moment, I raised my sword upward. Then, the wave changed direction and instantly rose upward.

Puff! Pubububung!



In the meantime, sparks flew for a moment as if they were resisting by using magic power, but soon after, everyone who jumped had a part of their body cut off without exception. After easily overcoming them, I was able to enter the center of the concentrated fire formation.

I swung my sword straight at the nearest tramp. Perhaps he was taken aback by the speed at which he came in, but a light flashed on his face as he didn’t know what to do, and then a bright red crack was drawn in the center of his face.

Afterwards, I killed two more tramps within range and this time launched myself at the wizards.

Since they had been scattered in all directions since I came in, I was wondering where to go first, when I felt a flow of hot magical energy on both sides. As I looked at my son-in-law, I could see two streams of flame coming towards me. After a while, I lightly struck the sword left and right as if throwing a jab at the magic that was about to reach me.

bang! bang!

The sound of someone quickly swallowing a groan was heard as they saw the magic being cut away and disappearing with a loud noise. And that was the moment when the tramps running behind me caught up with me.

After sending one wave to each of the wizards who sent out magic, I immediately turned around. In the lead was a tramp holding a huge mace with a sharp iron core sticking out of it.

The moment the tramp reached me, he struck down the blue colored mace with both hands. I turned my body to the left and at the same time gently swiped his mace with my sword. Then, the tramp’s elbow, which was going down, folded in the opposite direction, and soon he was seen smashing his head.

Then, using my left foot as an axis, I kicked into the air using the rotating force.



I felt something dull on the top of my foot. Swing the sword in a direction that is not visible but can be sensed. It felt like I was cutting something soft.

After spinning about half a turn in that state, I was barely able to stop and catch my breath.


When I looked up, I could see that the concentrated fire had been completely destroyed.

I moved my gaze forward for a moment. Baek Seo-yeon was lying on the ground as if dead, and in the distance, I could see bushes that had suddenly grown tall.

I tilted my head for a moment, but I decided not to worry too much. Potential power and the protection of the battlefield were letting me know that my clan members were safe.

Out of a total of 41 people, 26 including Baek Seo-yeon rushed at me. Nearly thirty people rushed in, but the number of vagabonds remaining was now in single digits. The victory was perfectly determined. And most importantly, Baek Seo-yeon lost her mind. If that’s the case, then the rest are just small children.

I immediately turned on my magic detection to detect the presence of the vagabonds and quickly flew to the nearest place.

Now I needed to leave some behind.


“Go Yeon-ju. “Are you feeling okay?”

I took out a cigar from my pocket and spoke to Go Yeon-ju, who was sitting on a rock. There was a faint trace of blood on her lips. Go Yeon-ju slowly looked back at me. When I cracked open her tobacco, she responded by shaking her head excitedly.

“I can bear it. I knew it was a concentrated fire attack, but it was really scary. “Is Su-hyeon okay?”

I nodded and nodded. Then, he put his butt next to Go Yeon-ju and put a piece of tobacco in his mouth.

Chiik, chiik.

“after. “What is the damage?”

“Three people. “The clan members are safe.”

“Three people. “You did well.”

The battle with the tracking party is over. The death toll among vagrants was 39. 11 people were injured and fainted. Only 3 users died. With this, the battle between the tramp and the user ended in a complete victory for the user.

“If you just look at the results, it’s true. To be honest, I almost got hit hard once by concentrated fire, but fortunately, thanks to that man, I was able to reduce the damage.”

The person Go Yeon-ju pointed to was Seung-woo Cho. He was busy organizing the battlefield. Perhaps the lush bushes I saw were magic created by Seungwoo Cho for defense.

“By the way, Su-hyeon.”


“Why did you spare the 11 vagabonds?”

“Because it’s worth keeping alive. “Right now we don’t have enough information.”

“Yes, but… .”

Go Yeon-ju had a generally sympathetic face, but Miyak could see a hint of concern. Somehow, she felt like she could figure out the true nature of that worry.

“Then even if we throw away the body… . “What are you going to do about the passed out bums?”

“I told them to put it all in one place. And, you have to take off all your clothes.”

“yes? Oh, equipment?”

“Well, there’s that too… .”

“… only?”

Of course, I was planning on taking all the equipment with me. It was unavoidable that it was damaged during the battle, but what remained was something worth looking forward to.

In any case, information and equipment were secondary issues. In particular, there was something I had to do first to obtain information.

I roughly extinguished the tobacco and got up from the rock. Then he slowly stretched and opened his mouth.

“First, I plan to destroy their magic circuits.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

Readers. sorry. I’m going to take a break from reviews and reviews today. I came home after drinking too much today, and I’m completely out of my mind. (My head hurts like it’s splitting. ㅜ.ㅠ) Hahaha. If I hadn’t written it down in the morning, I would have been in big trouble. We will combine the re-ripple in the next episode. We ask for our readers’ deep understanding. @[email protected]


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not work with dark mode