MEMORIZE Chapter 311

00311 Demons being hunted, demons hunting —————————————— ——————————-=

“oh. “Look at them.”

When Ko Yeon-ju, who had been resting her palms on the ground, stood up and shook her hands, everyone turned to look at her.

Go Yeon-ju opened her mouth with a bitter smile.

“These guys have really grown horns, haven’t they? Life is very sticky… . I think the tracking unit is correct. No, I’m sure.”

When Ko Yeon-ju spoke as if confirming, everyone let out a deep sigh. Just as she said and as I felt, a tracking party of her vagabonds appeared. I was overcome with emotions that I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry. The thoughts I had in my mind while looking at the bonfire just now have actually come true.

“Uh, what should I do? Shouldn’t we run away quickly?”

“that’s right! Run away quickly before the tramps attack! yes?”

Soon, voices filled with fear began to emerge from all over the place. As they have personally experienced the massacre of vagrants in Mule, the fear of them seems to have been imprinted deep in their bones. However, Go Yeon-ju shook her head left and right in response to the users’ cries.

“It’s okay to run away. “They’re sure we’re here now.”

“but… .”

“I’m running to my death. “Even if she runs away now, she’ll eventually catch up.”

It was the Shadow Queen’s judgment, not anyone else’s. The female user who had spoken out when she first ran away opened her mouth with a grim expression.

What Ko Yeon-ju said is correct. Assuming that the vagabonds had formed a normal tracking party, it would have been brave for them to have escaped this far without being caught. Also, even if they turned their backs and ran away, there was a strong possibility that slow runners would be caught up. In the end, it was just a matter of time.

But most importantly, I had no intention of running away. It was a moment when I was desperate for information. Here, “catch me and eat me.” He attacked me and of course I welcomed him with open arms.

“Then we…” . I’m going to die here… ?”

A voice so pitiful that it touched the hearts of those who heard it from somewhere. I thought I barely survived, but I feel a sense of shame at the thought of being so close to death again. At the moment when the atmosphere was about to become gloomy, I took a step forward.

“High user performance. “Can you tell me the distance and number of the tracking party?”

“The first time I felt it was at 800 meters… . Oh, it’s even smaller now. “I don’t know the exact number, but I think it’s about 40 people.”

‘Forty people.’

“About 40 people, which is less than the number in the square. “It’s more worth doing than you think.”

“number… . is it so. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to tell her wanderers about the Shadow Queen’s great name. Ho Ho.”

Go Yeon-ju was about to say something for a moment, but changed his words immediately after receiving my signal. Then, a moment of hope appeared on the faces of some who had been drenched in gloom. Users who have seen me from the square will remember the overwhelming display I showed against dozens of vagabonds. Moreover, there is also the Shadow Queen, one of the top 10, so she is ‘dead.’ In ‘Uh. Come to think of it, I see. Then wouldn’t it be worth a try?’ My thoughts may have changed.

And, what I was aiming for was precisely that change in thinking.

Whether it is a small battle or a large-scale battle, morale plays a very important role. And even though I didn’t hear what Go Yeon-ju was trying to say, I was able to guess it well.

It was difficult to imagine that the vagabonds would have picked just anyone to form a tracking party. At once, more than sixty vagrants were killed in the square alone. Nevertheless, sending 40 people meant that the level of the tracking team was not easy. Or, there is a possibility that they sent someone with great talent.

“That is correct. I lost many of my precious colleagues to these vagabonds. It’s too unfair for me to die quietly here. “Even earthworms squirm when you step on them, so I’m going to try my best to struggle.”

“You mean this? You f*cking bastards! Just come and just come. Although I lost my left arm, I still have my right arm. “Even if I die, I will take at least one person with me as a companion.”

Seungwoo Cho responded in a timely manner. He seemed to understand my intention to boost morale by the way he squinted slightly. The guy next to me just looked angry about losing his arm, but it worked anyway.

I calmly looked around at the users around me.

A total of 15 people, including myself and newly joined Mercenary Clan members. If we were to classify them by class, there were 6 melee class members, 2 archers, 5 wizards, and 2 priests. It was fortunate that all of them were combat users, but even so, there were no users in particular who wanted to do this.

Strictly speaking. It was true that everyone except me and Go Yeon-ju were at a different level than the vagabonds who attacked Mule. There were only about six or seven people who could be of help in the battle, and the rest, including the injured, were mana. But I didn’t bother to say that out loud. Even if it doesn’t help in battle, it can at least provide a meat shield.

‘What should I do…? .’

While I was lost in thought, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation on my face. Before she knew it, everyone here was looking at me expectantly. As long as the power level is similar, you can try anything, but since the level is so low, the range of strategies you can choose from is very narrow. It got to the point where I thought it would be better to just appoint Go Yeon-ju as the keeper and fight alone.

After roughly organizing my thoughts, I quietly opened my mouth.

“Let’s move to our seats first.”


As the cold voice scanned the room, Lee Jun-seong looked back with a surprised face. Before I knew it, the door was wide open. There stood a handsome man with a cold expression and a dark shadow on his face.

“like. Yuhyeon Kim. long time no see. Junseong Lee? “I’m out.”

“Congratulations on waking up, Lee Hyo-eul. As expected, my younger brother is amazing. “Stay out, Lee Jun-seong.”

Lee Jun-seong just turned his head in turn with a look on his face as he was greeted by a man and a woman. But soon his shoulders slumped and he began to walk feebly. Eventually, when the sound of the door closing was heard, Kim Yu-hyeon slowly approached the bed and looked down at Lee Hyo-eul. She made eye contact with him for a moment, then said, “Hmph.” She said, snorting.

“What is your first word? Isn’t that too much to do to someone who just woke up on the brink of death? “Just be a little happier when I wake up.”

“Congratulations on waking up once again. If it weren’t for my sister, you might not have woken up. So, thank Suhyun.”

At Kim Yoo-hyun’s calm words, Lee Hyo-eul gave an expression of bewilderment. But even for a moment. She immediately straightened her face and opened her mouth.

“okay. What do I expect from you? Aside from that, what are you talking about all of a sudden? And what is a mule?”

“When you were losing your mind, the user who cursed you with Banshee is my younger brother, Kim Soo-hyun. And Soohyun left for Mule right after treating you. “There has been no contact since then.”

Clear answer. Lee Hyo-eul tilted her head. He blinked three or four times as if he was thinking about something, then sighed softly and said,

“The vagabond attack has begun. One of those places is Mule. The person who treated my body is your younger brother, and his name is Kim Soo-hyun. And your brother left for Mule. We lost contact after that. “If there is anything wrong, please tell me.”

“does not exist.”

“He was really my younger brother… . Anyway, Ok. And you are saying that you will leave for Mule to save your own brother. If contact had been cut off, the warp gate would have been cut off as well. “Then what should we do?”

“The warp gate to Eden is alive. “I plan to go there first.”

“so. “I will walk from Eden.”

Kim Yu-hyeon slowly nodded. And Lee Hyo-eul, who confirmed the reaction, raised her eyes fiercely. Assuming you just walk at normal speed without any interruption, the distance between Eden and Mule will take about 3 weeks. If you think about it with common sense, it was, of course, a nonsensical action.

Lee Hyo-eul chewed her lips and sighed again. If it had been anyone else, he would have cursed and asked if he was crazy, but the person in front of him was Kim Yu-hyeon. Kim Yoo-hyun’s tone of voice contained an extreme amount of seriousness, which was difficult to just laugh off, knowing his actions and personality.

“Kim Yu-hyeon. Since I’m you, I won’t say anything else. “I’m only going to say two words, so calm down and listen.”

“… … .”

“Even if you go to Eden, it is three weeks away from Mule at the fastest. And the raid will be over in two days at most. “Do you understand what I mean?”

“What you’re saying is, it sounds like there’s a high possibility that Soohyun is dead.”

“It means that there is a high possibility that the situation will already be over by the time you arrive. He could have died, or he could have escaped alive. I’m sure it’s unfortunate what happened to your brother, but there’s nothing you can do now, right? Let’s think rationally. huh?”

Lee Hyo-eul’s persuasion was absolutely valid. But she was overlooking one important thing. It was the fact that Kim Yu-hyeon was a serious idiot. Kim Soo-hyun was already imprinted in Kim Yoo-hyun’s mind, her eyes trembling and crying out for her brother Roy.

“Sure, you might be right.”

“joy. I just need to know. I was really surprised. Look at the situation, the situation. No, before that, are you really Kim Yu-hyun?”

“Lee Hyo-eul.”


Kim Yu-hyeon slowly bent down and shortened the distance between Lee Hyo-eul and Lee Hyo-eul. And when their eyes met, she turned red and gently avoided his gaze.

Eventually, Kim Yu-hyeon opened his mouth softly.

“I am. I don’t know how things are going right now. “To be precise, the correct answer would be that I am not interested.”

“Uh, huh?”

“It’s nice to have even the slightest possibility of being alive. For me, getting Soohyun back is the priority. Rational thinking and looking at the situation. “That is something to think about later.”

“you… !”

“Listen carefully. I’m going to save my brother. Whether I’m alive, dead, or captured, my decision doesn’t change. Even if it means bringing out the power of the Thunder God, I plan to find my younger brother somehow. Take good care of yourself. “I have no intention of taking my clan members with me.”

With those words, Kim Yu-hyeon lifted her lower back. Lee Hyo-eul looked at him with blank eyes, then immediately distorted her face and shouted.

“You, you! What to say now… ! “You idiot!”

“It says so in the name. “I’m personally proud of it.”

“Noisy! What on earth are you going to do by yourself! And Thunder God? Using the power of the Raijin? In the worst case scenario, you too will die… !”

“If Soohyun died, I would definitely be in pain to the point of death. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to die there rather than go through that.”

“What about the clan members who only followed you? You idiot, tell me to do as much as I can! uh? Go, don’t go! hey! hey!”

It was then. Just as Kim Yu-hyeon was about to ignore Lee Hyo-eul’s words and leave, the door suddenly burst open.

“excuse me… .”

Eventually, with a small voice, Seo Ga-hee carefully pushed her face into the open gap. She looked around her room with an awkward expression and spoke quietly.

“I came from the Mercantile Clan.”


Run with all your might. Around me, the forest was passing by quickly. Fortunately, after infiltrating the outskirts by surprise to see if there were any tramps with higher speed than me, I was able to gain some distance. But it was less than 30 meters away. I could feel numerous figures chasing me with angry shouts behind me.

Sasasak! Let’s go!

“Stay there! “You damn bastard!”

“Don’t get excited! “Beware of traps!”

‘As expected, did you know?’

A faint laugh came from the sound coming from behind. But it’s okay. They were the ones who could understand this much in the first place. And my plan was made with that in mind.

It wasn’t going to take too long, and it was going to be a big hit in the beginning.

After running like that for about 10 minutes, I saw a huge darkness in front of my eyes. At first glance, it was darkness surrounding the forest, but I knew the identity of the darkness. It would be correct to think of it as a ‘film’ made by gathering shadows.

Just when it seemed like I had finally dragged them inside, I suddenly turned around. And when I aimed my sword, I could see the tramps chasing me startled. Now in my hands, I held the ‘Glory of Victoria’, emitting a soft light.

“stop! “Everyone stop!”

“Beware of the sword light!”

It was then.

As the tramps suddenly stopped, the shadows that had gathered together were released at once. At the same time, users who had been hiding inside revealed themselves. They must have remembered my words to never give them a chance, and as soon as the curtain was lifted, they fired the spells and arrows they had been preparing without delay.

Shush! Shoo shoo shoo!

Pubbung! Pubububung!

Magic, arrows, and countless shadows rush forward. But the vagabonds did not stay still. Those in the advance group thought that a round membrane had been created, but then translucent membranes were erected layer by layer in an instant. It looks like they were preparing in advance.

Seeing that, I unleashed the sword light, the latent power of the ‘Glory of Victoria’ that I had been preparing for a while ago.

At that moment, countless sword lights flashed before my eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

oh my. I was about 10 minutes late today. sorry. T^T I started writing a little late today… . I wrote that I was working hard, but in the end, it was too late. Ugh.

You may have a general idea of ​​the situation through inference, but you may still have a few questions. Among them, Victoria’s glorious ability ‘Sword Light’ has not yet been explained. These things will be explained along with their effects in the next episode. @[email protected]

P.S. Ambassador Kim Yu-hyeon… . He was originally going to say something like the Taken line, but he was going to say that Soo-hyun would kill 100 people for every hair, but he changed it to this. ha ha ha.


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. oh. Then, today will be Miwolya’s last first place. This is literally the retirement of a legend. Thank you for your hard work.(?)

2. days0314: Please recommend some delicious cigarettes. The one that blooms mainly is Parliament Light. I try smoking other ones occasionally, but they don’t really suit my taste. ;cow;

3. Phantasynia 2: My wish is to be number one in the comments before it’s finished. Really. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. dbss: It’s more like a massacre than a real game. (Huh?) The vagabonds have been running wild so far, so they should pay for their sins. 🙂

5. Pineiro: Please look forward to future content. Hehehe. And wouldn’t it be a little difficult to do it 3 times or 1000 times? ;cow;

6. JF: If only Hwajeong can be handled ‘properly’, there is no one among users who can beat Kim Soo-hyun. 🙂

7. Autumn King: No. I am truly grateful that you always read. 🙂

8. Pureblood: I changed it differently. How do you feel? ‘blanket’?

9. NinthSky: Currently, Kim Soo-hyun and his group do not have any means of communication. yes. That’s correct.

10. Shincheonmuzon with a thousand aeons of blood: Shincheonmuzon with a thousand aeons of blood. Baek Han-gyeol is a man. Are you sure you want BL?

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode