Memorize Chapter 31

00031 Boss monster. ————————————————– ———————-=

The weather was clear. The sunlight that could not be seen in the forest was caressing our heads. It certainly wasn’t a bad feeling, but it was a problem if the only problem was that the group was walking without saying anything.

I think it’s been about six hours since we left the cabin. During that time, we barely spoke except when absolutely necessary. The atmosphere between me and Kim Han-byeol was cold, but if you look at the inside of the group, it wasn’t necessarily that way.

anyway. If you walk for a long time, you might get tired, but we walked and walked without even a single break.

How long did it take to walk like that? Eventually, more than half of it can be seen, or even though only half of it is visible, the large warp gate comes into view. The closer we got to the warp gate, the less we spoke as if we had made a promise. All I can hear is quiet breathing. Everyone is probably feeling a little excited at the thought that the end is in sight.

It was good to go with strength, but it was impossible to go with peace of mind. As expected, we did not encounter a single monster on the way to the warp gate. Maybe that’s why everyone seemed to have relaxed, knowingly or unknowingly.

I was distraught. When a boss monster appears, there is no time for maintenance or discussion. They’ll notice where we are and run towards us like ghosts, so we’ll be lucky if everyone doesn’t scatter. No matter how much I have, if I don’t reveal my true abilities, there is a high possibility that someone will die.

The warp gate is in front of you. If you go just a little further, the rite of passage can be successfully performed. However, it was such a waste to give up the concept and plan that we had maintained so far, leaving behind a little distance that was barely visible to the eye.

I estimated the remaining distance and it seemed like there were roughly 600 meters left. Woo Jung-min said that he was attacked by a boss monster with 300 meters left, so he was saying that if we go half a mile further, we can meet him too. I wanted to organize my thoughts by going as slowly as possible, but contrary to my wishes, my group’s steps were getting faster and faster. Anhyeon must have felt this as well, so she broke the silence she had maintained for a while and spoke to Ansol in an excited voice.

“Sol. Let’s cheer up a little more. If you go to the big oval building you see in front of you, you will definitely be able to get out of this damn place. Until then, just wait a little longer.”


Ansol also nodded vigorously with a bright face at Anhyeon’s gentle words. He seemed quite happy to even see a smile every now and then. I was about to say that I should take a short break, but I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut. No matter how much I think about it, I can’t come up with a clear idea. I had no choice but to keep pace with them, and as time passed, the distance to the warp gate became increasingly shorter.

Of course, it may be a needless worry. It is true that the best way is to just quietly enter the warp gate. A happy path where no one gets hurt and no one gets hurt. But the ominous feeling did not go away. There was an uneasy feeling somewhere in my heart. Although I was using the most extensive and detailed magic detection since entering the rite of passage, I was unable to detect the slightest hint of the boss monster.

Before you know it, there are 500 meters left to the target point. The warp gate was slowly revealing its full grandeur. The upright altar supported a huge oval building, and its appearance was as grand as that of an ordinary building. There was a large hole in the center, like a donut, through which a light blue sphere was floating. It was clear that the thing that occasionally flowed a thin blue electric current was the magic sphere that operated the warp gate.

It looked like a pretty beautiful bead, so everyone’s eyes immediately turned to it. An Sol was admiring with a pure expression, and Kim Han-byeol also seemed to like looking at her with fresh eyes. In particular, Lee Yu-jeong could not take his eyes off her beads, which were emitting brilliant colors with her hazy face.

“really pretty… . I want to break it into pieces and make earrings. It would be really beautiful to wear it on your ear. Want.”

“sister. I just want to leave it as is and just watch. “I think it’s really beautiful.”

As Lee Yoo-jeong and Ansol talked about various things, Anhyeon seemed to be lost in thought. She seemed to be thinking of Yu-jeong wearing earrings. Eventually, after finishing her thoughts, he shook his head and opened his mouth.

“That’s terrible.”

“oh? What does that mean in our county… ?”

“I found it a little funny that you said you wanted to call it earrings. “It would suit our Sol-i better.”


When Anhyeon made a fuss with a displeased look on his face, Yujeong got angry and hit his waist hard. From the looks of it, Ansol’s face changed to a more radiant look because he heard that her earrings looked good on her. She didn’t seem particularly upset. Because she had a shy smile on her lips. In some ways, wouldn’t it be a bit of a misfortune for a guy with the temperament to become a harem king to be a siscon? A dull thought that occurred to me without realizing it made me laugh out loud.

400 meters remaining distance. Looking around, the environment was quite similar to the vacant lot where we first started (starting point). Grass roots grew slightly here and there and clumps of dirt covered most of the land. However, sometimes I noticed groups of dirt that were particularly dark in color, and when I stepped on them, it felt like I was stepping on something hard rather than soft like other dirt. Did the blood seep in and harden the soil?

If so, they are probably prospective users who were hit by the warp gate in the previous rite of passage. I was probably the only one who noticed, but I walked quietly without saying anything.

There are 300 meters left. Now we were running at an almost brisk pace. Everyone’s faces were soaked in joy that we had survived and that we had made it. Ahn Hyeon and Lee Yu-jeong, who were growling just a moment ago, smile at each other. Ansol was openly laughing. Hanbyeol still had a calm expression on her face, but she seemed relieved somehow.

Even after reaching 300 meters, the boss monster did not appear. Then, in the end, Woo Jung-min and his group were unlucky. Since we have Ansol, who boasts 100 luck, I thought this could be possible. After a final inspection and seeing that nothing was detected, I was about to relax and release the spell.

I didn’t know then. That we popped the champagne too early.

Patchoux! Partschut!

With 200 meters left, I heard a noise that seemed to split space. The air around me changes, and the empty space becomes strangely distorted. It was a phenomenon that appeared when something huge magical power moved. The companions also stopped walking, probably because they felt something uneasy. I quickly activated my third eye.

As expected, a sudden wave of magic energy was occurring surrounding the vacant lot. At first glance, it seemed like it was just spreading in all directions, but if you looked closely, it was moving in a certain direction. The moment to control your mind and calmly analyze the pattern drawn by magical power.

With a loud sound echoing throughout the entire space, a huge true form began to appear in the middle of the path we had walked along. And the moment I saw the pattern on the magic circle, I was like, oops. It was a high-level summoning magic circle. I quickly tried to damage Jin’s form by secretly sending my magic power, but… .

It’s too late. Before I knew it, the magic circle that had completely floated in the air began to operate, emitting light.

is it. Did the boss monster appear through a summoning magic circle like this? Before I knew it, the group, including me, was staring into space with blank faces, where a magic circle had appeared. The magic circle was definitely visible to their eyes. But no one could open their mouth. To that extent, the magic circle was pouring out an evil and ominous energy.

Ugh! Ugh!

Finally, the magic jin began to summon. The first thing shown was the face and fingers of the boss monster. That guy’s face was literally grotesque. His elongated face had no eyes, but his open mouth and sharp teeth were exposed. He also showed a finger that was so sharp that it could be mistaken for a giant scythe. The deck was dark as if it were made of jet-black steel, and a long tail also popped out.

Eventually, the boss monster that was summoned boasted a huge body that seemed to be over 5 meters long. It was the appearance of a boss monster.

Jeokjeok, Jeokjeok, Jeokjeok, Jeokjeok. gulp!

Red blood was smeared around its mouth, as if it had just eaten its prey. Nevertheless, he was still licking his appetite while looking at us, as if it wasn’t enough.

I quickly looked at the faces of my companions. I wanted to praise him for not panicking and running in all directions as soon as he saw him, but Lee Yu-jeong, Kim Han-byeol, and An Sol also looked like they were in a state of panic. Everyone’s bodies seem as frozen as ice statues, unable to leave even a single step off the ground. I was overwhelmed by the incredible killing power that this guy was emitting.

Anhyeon was the only one who barely opened his mouth with an expression of disbelief.

“mind… . Nonsense… . What the heck is this… .”


Before Anhyun could finish his words, the boss monster’s loud howl hit our entire bodies. Your whole body will probably tingle because you were hit by a sound wave containing deadly force. Everyone moved their bodies hesitantly, as if they had been released from a spell, but only one or two steps were all they could take. There was no time to delay. I looked at everyone and opened my mouth in a low but clear voice.

“Everyone, don’t lose your mind. Don’t panic. “React calmly.”

“Tongue, bro… . It’s impossible. It’s impossible this time. You can’t win. “We must run away!”

Ahn Hyeon must have misunderstood my words as he saw me aiming at the crossbow, and answered in a trembling voice. Everyone lost their will to fight due to the immense intimidation of the boss monster. In this situation, shouting and urging could only create confusion. I had no intention of catching up with these kids anyway. I comforted everyone’s stiffened bodies with a voice that contained as much soft magic as possible.

“I’m not talking about fighting. Dealing with that guy is nothing short of crazy. As you said, we run away. But if you go anywhere, you’ll just be hunted. So, we will run towards the warp gate.”

“Yeah, that’s right. hurry… .”

I sighed inwardly as I looked at Lee Yu-jeong, who agreed but was still confused. Still, Ahn Hyun and Kim Han-byeol seemed to be slowly awakening from their fear, and although their eyes were very faint, there was a liveliness in their eyes that yearned for survival. He seemed to think that there was some way that he didn’t know when I, who had used his magical powers to caress my entire body and had trusted and relied on him all this time, showed a calm response.

“From now on, everyone, throw away all your luggage or weapons. Make your body as light as possible and run with all your might toward the warp gate.”

“Eh, eh… ?”

The boss monster howls once again. There really was no time now. My frustration rose as I looked at Ansol, who was still looking around his head in confusion. I walked up to her, forcibly removed her bag, and opened her mouth.

“Ahn Hyeon, what are you doing? Drop your sword and shield quickly! Are you planning on running with that?”

“yes… . yes!”

An Hyeon, Lee Yu-jeong, and Kim Han-byeol all threw away their luggage and weapons. Before we knew it, the boss monster was running toward us on all fours. Every time I put my foot on the ground, there was a loud thud, as if a series of weak earthquakes were occurring.

And with the first earthquake as a signal, I held Ansol’s hand and started running. At the same time, our entire group ran towards the warp gate at full speed.

Run. Run, run, run. Even though everyone was running as hard as they could, the thumping sound coming from behind was getting shorter and shorter. When Lee Yu-jeong tried to glance behind her with an anxious look on her face, I immediately opened my mouth.

“Don’t even think about turning your head to check. “Just think about running forward.”

The point where the boss monster is summoned is 300 meters from the warp gate. We have 200 meters left. There was a gap of 100 meters, but we will definitely catch up at least once. If so, my goal was to get past that one time. The boss monster seems to accelerate the more you run, so if you stop it just once, the speed you’ve built up so far can be negated.

If we start from the beginning again, it will have no choice but to chase us at a relatively slow speed, and we will take advantage of that gap and enter the warp gate. I held the crossbow mounted in my left hand tightly.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

Distance remaining: 180 meters.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

Distance remaining: 160 meters.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

Distance remaining: 140 meters. As the sound period became shorter, I could feel the guy’s speed getting back on track. Even if you keep running like this, it will be a long shot to shake off the boss monster. I felt the time had come. While everyone else was busy running, I let a certain amount of magic seep into the loaded arrow. Regular arrows won’t be able to pierce the iron deck. As soon as I finished transmitting magical energy, a sharper anticipation than before was coming out of my left wrist.

A series of preparations have been completed. Now it was really my turn to step forward. If you hesitate, you may end up in an irreversible situation. I stopped running and released Ansol’s hand from my tight grip.

Everyone seemed to reflexively feel a strange feeling as they passed by me and heard Ansol’s shocked voice as I suddenly stopped. I scolded them in a strong voice before they turned their heads.

“Run and don’t look back!”

I think everyone was stung by my angry voice, which was their first time hearing it. However, as soon as I confirmed that the head that had been hesitant was facing forward again, I immediately turned around. Seeing the boss monster running toward me as if it was me as its first target, I quickly raised my left arm.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode