MEMORIZE Chapter 309

00309 Demons being hunted, demons hunting —————————————— ——————————-=

The sky was dark. The moon floating in the dark sky was sprinkling blue moonlight onto the world. The lush trees and grass were bathed in moonlight and colored with a razor-blue color.

The forest at night is much darker and gloomier than the city. However, this darkness and environment were actually something that I welcomed. The experiences we had in the fairy forest in the past will be of great help to the situation we face now.

After dealing with the female archer, I left Mule with my clan members. But I didn’t let down my guard. Although we had moved out of the city, it was difficult to say that we had become safer. No, this was the beginning of survival surrounding the environment. Since the warp gate was blocked, users who succeeded in escaping had to walk to another city. And we were no exception.

Anyway. After leaving the east gate, the direction I led my clan members was south. Mul is a city located in the northern northeast direction. Cities close to here could be Eden (a small city in the northeast) or Pamela (a general city in the north). So, first, head south, and when you want to go down a certain distance, turn east or west.

Eden and Pamela had similar distances, but the problem was Mule. Mule is a pioneer city and is less stable. As such, it was obvious that monsters would appear frequently. That wasn’t all. The supply of food and drinking water was also a problem. They say they brought plenty when they first set off, but at most it was enough for three days.

‘For now, it would be better to go through the forest and find the river.’

After making up my mind, I walked in the direction where I could hear the sound of water.

After a while, the land at the edge of the river began to gradually become visible. As I made my way through the tightly tangled vines, the refreshing smell of water along with the cool breeze across the river bank filled my nostrils. The gently flowing river water occasionally sparkled silver in the moonlight. I started walking south again with the river beside me. It was then.


“crane… ! crane… !”

The sound of someone falling helplessly was heard, along with the sound of someone breathing as if they were going to stop at any moment. When he calmly turned his head, he saw Ansol kneeling with both his hands on the ground. She was letting out her breath with difficulty, her face streaked with tears.

“Child, hold your breath for a moment and then take a deep breath.”

The old man quickly bent down and patted his back, and Ansol nodded and lowered his head.

Ansol’s eyes were shaking mercilessly and his lips were trembling. I could fully understand her feelings. It must have been his first time experiencing a large-scale war in which people were killed and killed, as well as the cruel horrors that went with it. In the city, the tension must have been suppressed somehow, but it seemed to burst out all at once when I left the city.

Except for Go Yeonju, the situation of other clan members was not much different. Kim Han-byeol’s complexion was pale, and the old man who was taking care of Ansol also looked quite tired. Although I wasn’t ready to relax yet, I decided to take a short break. Since I would have to walk for a long time to the city in the future, proper physical fitness was also an essential factor.

“I’m going to take a moment to catch my breath here.”

Ansol must have heard me, so he lowered his head. And judging by the way she was shaking her shoulders, it looked like she was crying quietly. The old man and other clan members were startled and tried to approach, but I raised my hand to stop them. In the current situation, I thought it would be better to just let her cry her heart out rather than provide clumsy consolation.

Eventually, after everyone sat down, there was a quiet silence. Only Ansol’s sobbing can be heard occasionally, but no one says anything. I rested my chin on my right hand and looked blankly to one side.

‘Why did they come to the north first instead of the west?… . But it didn’t seem like there were that many… . huh?’

Just as I was about to lose myself in thought for a moment about the question that had been on my mind since the city, I made eye contact with Kim Han-byeol. What she was trying to do was lift her butt back up. She then made eye contact with me and hesitated for a moment, then she stood up and started walking towards me with a look on her face like she was up to something great.

Soon, Hanbyeol Kim quietly knelt down next to me.


“brother. wait a minute.”

When I asked curiously why this was happening all of a sudden, Hanbyeol Kim answered quietly and raised her hand. The sleeve of her blue robe was held cutely in her right hand. Soon I felt the touch of a soft cloth wiping my face. Carefully touch the face as if you were washing a child. Suddenly, it occurred to me that Kim Han-byeol’s face reflected in the moonlight was quite beautiful.

The sleeves, which were bright blue, had already taken on a dark color. The face and head seemed to have been roughly cleaned, but the smell of blood was still strong. If I continued like this, the monsters might get caught for no reason, so I held on to the delicate hand that was still caressing my face. I lowered my trembling hands and immediately unbuckled my belt and took off my heavenly glory.

“This is enough. thanks.”


“I’ll take a moment to remove the blood from my clothes, so please wait.”

“I’ll suck it up. “Please give it to me.”

Before I could say anything, Hanbyeol Kim took the uniform. Eventually, I shrugged my shoulders as I watched her back walking towards the river. I don’t know why it suddenly became like this, but it didn’t feel particularly bad. And the moment I saw Kim Han-byeol squatting in front of the river, a soft voice flowed into my ears.

“sifter. Hitting a player. “I haven’t seen it that way, but it’s quite desirable.”


“Oh, it’s nothing.”

It has already arrived. Go Yeon-ju was also looking towards the river, shaking her head excitedly and putting her butt next to me.

“Su-hyun. What are you going to do next? Are you going back to the city?”

“That’s right. “For now, I’m thinking of Eden or Pamela.”

“It will be quite a distance… . “I’m worried.”

“Still, I have to go. If only we could march without any hindrance… . “Wouldn’t it be possible in three weeks?”

“… “Will there really be no interference?”

Go Yeon-ju answered in a bitter voice. I wasn’t sure about that either, so I just had an appetite. In fact, it was correct to assume that it would take about 4 weeks, not 3 weeks.

With the sound of clothes being dipped into water, darkness and silence came again. When about 10 minutes had passed, the sound of wet footsteps made my son-in-law cry softly. When she turned her head, she could see Kim Han-byeol holding a gi that had regained its original color, albeit slightly. Most of the blood had come out and no moisture had left, which showed that it had been washed with care.

After congratulating Kim Han-byeol for her hard work, I got up and took on the glory of heaven. It was wet and slightly damp, but it didn’t smell like blood like before. I bundled up the glory of the sun tightly and stared at Ansol. She still had a helpless expression, but her face seemed to have calmed down just a little.

“We will leave soon.”

Go Yeon-ju and the old man immediately stood up at my words. Ansol also looked back with an anxious face, and then quickly started to stand up. Although it was a little difficult, there was a desire to widen the distance as quickly as possible.

“Even though it is night, it would be a good idea to walk diligently until you get out of the way. “Then, let’s leave right away.”

It was then. Just as we were about to start walking, we felt numerous signs coming from the direction we had passed.

It was a sign of a large number of people moving.


“… So, you went out the gate? “During the raid?”

“It is said that Jeong Gyu-gang and the gunner of the magic bullet were killed. Baek Seo-yeon confirmed the body and immediately sent a messenger. He’s probably definitely taken his men out by now.”

“Even your subordinates? “How many people are you taking?”

“I took out almost 50 people… . “He said he would come back as soon as possible.”


The man who was reporting stopped talking for a moment. This is because Hyeon lightly swings his hand, and the user’s throat, who was caught before his eyes, is thereby cut off. Red blood splattered everywhere. The man looked at his face rolling around the room and softly opened his mouth.

“Who are you? Are you the Clan Lord of Heaven on Earth?”

“no. I feel like I’m just a clan member. “He was foolish enough to hide here.”

“Then the Clan Lord…” .”

“First, I knocked him out. After the raid, I have something to ask. Still, I had high expectations because they said it was the representative clan, but I lost my appetite.”

Hyun answered in a cold voice and calmly turned around. The moment she made eye contact with him, the man felt goosebumps rising. Hyeon showed a calm demeanor the whole time, but the man knew. Hyeon was angry when he heard the report.

Hyeon commanded a total of 1,200 men and invaded the North Gate. The place he was aiming for was neither the square nor the warp gate. As soon as Hyun broke through the North Gate, he led only his direct troops and immediately stormed the Clan House in Paradise on Earth. Before the users could come to their senses and fight back, he quickly destroyed the command and control room. And, it was just about to succeed.

At that moment, bad news came. The Dongmun invasion situation was not supported, and the commander was even more upset and left his position. That wasn’t all. It is said that he took up to 50 of the best vagabonds, even though the number was already small. In a situation where things were going smoothly, there was an unexpected brake.

“This is not why I was appointed commander… . It’s my fault. Tsk.”

“I am rather worried. From what I’ve heard, it seems like he’s a pretty skilled user… . If this happens, Baek Seo-yeon… .”

“well. It’s hard to think that Baek Seo-yeon will lose. Once I go into crazy mode, I get a little scared too. They say they took up to 50 people there… . Anyway, I understood the situation. If you’ve already left, you can’t do it. Instead, I will hold you accountable as soon as I get back. “For now, the remaining personnel will focus on attacking Mule as much as possible.”

“yes. So what would you do? “The east gate is slow, and users are flocking to the south gate earlier than expected.”

At the man’s words, Hyeon tilted his head left and right, as if he was lost in thought. Drop, drop. I heard the rhythmic sound of bones. He looked at the man’s tightly held hand for a moment and spoke in a cold voice.

“… I can’t help it. Change your plan a bit. I will go to the east gate. And let’s open the south gate a little earlier than planned.”

“All right.”

“You are in charge of commanding the North Gate. I’m going to clear the east gate and run straight to the south gate. “I will control the timing, so if I get a call, let me know right away.”

“You have to be careful. It is said that the trap was a major contributor to Simon’s emergence as the number one figure on the Western Continent. “I saw it once the other day, and its explosive power is truly incredible.”

Hyun nodded slowly at the man’s worried tone. Then he lightly kicked the body on the floor and turned towards the door.

“okay. “Then please take care of this place.”

“I will go out with you, too.”

The man also turned to follow the string. Then the ‘something’ he was holding in his hand let out a faint scream, and at the same time, a sound was heard dragging across the floor.

Hyun asked with a laugh just before he left the door.

“But what is that?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. In fact, I thought he was a clan lord, but it turned out that he was the lord of Mul’s former representative clan. Just in case… .”

“… … .”

“sorry. Actually, it would be a waste to kill him like this. “Something with big breasts and some kind of elegance is exactly what I like.”

As the man scratched his head with an embarrassed expression, Hyeon let out a soft snort.

“I have no intention of saying anything in particular. Still, please cover the time. Stun him for a while and then stick him in a corner. “After the raid is over, I’ll make sure you enjoy it until you get sick of it.”

“thank you!”

The man bowed his head and shouted, then lifted the back of his hand that he was holding in his right hand. In his hands, there was only one female user trembling with a devastated face.

“Just sleep for a while. “I’ll give you lots of love when it’s over.”

“I don’t like it… . Buy, save… .”



Stumbling. The woman barely opened her mouth and screamed as the man struck her in the stomach.

puck! puck!

The man struck two or three times in succession without giving any time. Then, the woman began to tremble, gasping for breath and then lowering her head. Soon, she saw her light brown hair hanging down on her voluptuous breasts, and the man raised the corner of her mouth with a smirk.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

One of the ways to reveal this invasion was slaughter and violence. This is because I thought it would suit the situation the tramps have endured so far and their characteristics. And Yoo Hyeon-ah is just a character in the novel. She hopes she doesn’t overheat unnecessarily again like she did then. _(__)_


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. haha. Thank you for your anticipation. Among webtoons, I find Born Idiots the most interesting. 🙂

2. Crammy: Thank you for the coupon. I will always try my best. _(__)_

3. MK: Yes, calling is still possible. However, since Baek Seo-yeon has her own position, something big will happen. Hehehe. 🙂

4. Cidel: Baek Seo-yeon had a bad relationship with the main character in the past. It’s not as bad as Belphegor, but a bad relationship is a bad relationship. You can just think of it as feeling a little sad if someone dies. There are some things to pick out.

5. 輝雅: Oh my. I was confused. It’s corrected. thank you _(__)_

6. Mongu Hunter: The chase and battle are scheduled to last about 2 times. Since Kim Soo-hyun and Baek Seo-yeon have a bad relationship, it seems unlikely that they will become colleagues. 🙂

7. Demon Temple: No. I like gags like that. LOL!

8. spika: Haha, no. Secret or rare classes generally cannot be duplicated. However, there are exceptions. Examples include Soo-hyeon’s special privilege, Vivien and Shin Sang-yong. 🙂 I caused confusion as a magic gunner. sorry!

9. Smoked snail: That’s right. They don’t think about how they killed their users, and only see their colleagues dead. He is a selfish character. 😀

10. Harem Manias: There are so many and diverse. The reasons are also varied. Of course, it also has an ‘origin’, but it has deteriorated over time. As such, each type can be subdivided as well. There are not just users and vagabonds, but there are also those who have a foot in both worlds. 🙂

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

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not work with dark mode