MEMORIZE Chapter 305

00305 What is reverse tourism? ————————————————– ———————-=


Kim Soo-hyun’s new model jumped forward with the sound of air bursting. With just one kick to the ground, he shortened the distance to the wizards on the opposite side by nearly a third. The leaping power and speed were truly terrifying.

The vagabonds seemed to vaguely feel the momentum of Kim Soo-hyun coming towards them after lightly defeating his colleague. But they also did not just sit by and watch.

The vagrants in the square now were ‘real vagabonds.’ People who are constantly moving from place to place without a safe haven in the city and are in danger of their lives. It’s not that they never faced someone who surpassed their abilities, and they were talented people who crossed the line of fire many times.

“Concentrated fire! “Prepare for concentrated fire!”

When the wizard located in the very center raises his staff high and shouts, the wizards who were in the middle of preparing their spells turn their heads at once. Eventually, they must have spotted Kim Soo-hyun coming at them at lightning speed, and they all aimed their canes at the same time.

Each jewel embedded in the tip of the wand was glowing with colorful lights. If you include the number of magicians who belatedly prepared the spell, a magic number worth twenty times was targeting Kim Soo-hyun.

Even though they were watching Kim Soo-hyun shorten the distance by the minute, the tramp wizards did not fire their magic right away. The crowded square could have been nerve-wracking, but he just maintained a calm demeanor and waited for someone’s orders.

In their center, the wizard who had first called for concentrated fire was chanting a spell in a soft voice. As if he had learned a vag!nal chant, a green sphere was instantly created at the end of the staff he was holding, and it gradually grew in size and roundness. Eventually, when the sphere reached the size of a soccer ball, the wizard shouted the starter word in an even louder voice.

“───. ───. ───. Ensnare!”

Soon, a green sphere was shot in a straight line from the cane that was aimed at Kim Soo-hyun. The sphere soon spread out like a wave and rushed toward Kim Soo-hyun as if covering him. At the same time, the waiting wizards fired their magic all at once, as if they were waiting for the spell.

“Water Spear!”

“Ice Canon!”

“Chain Lighting!”

“Thunder Bolt!”

Numerous lights flashed. Magics flowing with terrifying magical power rush to Kim Soo-hyun in a competitive manner. The chain of magic shooting down raindrops like raindrops was so perfect that it was reminiscent of a bombing.

Eventually, the Ensnare magic at the forefront of the bombardment reached Kim Soo-hyun’s close range.

A fiery haze began to rise from the red belt that tied the sea-colored gi. Eventually, a blue light appeared in the haze and seemed to materialize, and as the green net was about to hit Kim Soo-hyun, it formed a bluish defense shield.

Chi-ik! Chiiik!

The eyes of the wizard who had memorized the Ensnare spell opened wide. The magic that flowed like a wave was futilely blocked by the shield created by the interaction of ‘Glory of the Sky’ and ‘Glory of the Sun’. The insnare spread like paint in water, and then suddenly shrunk in size along with the sound of burning meat. And in the past, it completely disappeared, spraying green water.

Kim Soo-hyun’s appearance was revealed next, and he was holding a sword in both hands, not a one-handed sword. Before he knew it, the Ilwol Shingeom had been moved to his left hand and held. In his right hand, he held a sword with only the handle left, with no sword body visible. Kim Soo-hyun stopped his stormy pace for a moment and took his stance. And he cut down with his sword without hesitation at the countless magic that came rushing in.

The first hit was a water spear shaped like a pointed spear.

Suddenly! Sigh!

Surprisingly, the invisible sword cut the water spear cleanly. The magic that was forcibly cut off lost its target and disappeared, scattering small water droplets in the air.

However, there were still countless magic spells that followed.

The concentrated fire that filled all directions and all directions was rushing with a bloody force as if it was trying to destroy Kim Soo-hyun’s very existence. And if you combine the magic that prepares a secondary attack in case of an unexpected disaster, the destructive power will be enough to blow away part of the ground.

Suddenly, boom! Clink, clink!

Eventually, a bundle of magic arrived for Kim Soo-hyun. The disbelief that had been in the wizards’ eyes since he cut the water spear became even worse the moment the shots were fired.

pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop!

How should I explain it?

An invisible sword in his right hand. In his left hand is the Sun and Moon God Sword. Kim Soo-hyun was swinging his two swords like windmills, accurately striking down each and every spell that attacked him in succession. Just like a skillful gardener quickly pruning the side branches of a tree, Kim Soo-hyun did not show the slightest hesitation. There were no exceptions for him coming in at different times or at almost the same time.

As Kim Soo-hyun’s son-in-law, numerous sword lights flashed. The light of the blade, which leaves an eerie trace every time it is swung, is so fast that the eye cannot follow it, giving the illusion of seeing an elaborate sword screen.

It would have been possible to get at least one foot in, but Kim Soo-hyun did not allow even one foot to approach. The sword light that Kim Soo-hyun scattered was so detailed and dense. Every time Kim Soo-hyun’s sword sweeps, the magic is cut without a doubt, and like a paper airplane with its wings torn, it loses its goal and circles the air. And soon it disappeared into thin air.

Eventually, after the intensive shooting ended, Kim Soo-hyun appeared through the thick smoke caused by the explosion. Her bluish shield still had the color of a calm sea, and not a single soot was visible on her clothes. As a result of the impact, only the ground where he stepped on was left with the floor swept here and there, and Kim Soo-hyun did not even suffer the slightest scratch.

Before we knew it, the central square had become quiet. The screams of a longing for survival and the madness that reflected a burning desire for revenge have all disappeared.

The screaming and madness that filled the square subsided, and shock and disbelief took its place. Both the user and the tramp instinctively kept their distance and focused their attention on a single man.

For users, especially ordinary swordsmen, blocking magic with a sword is an unreasonable action. Even if you have thick armor and a sword full of magical energy, it is difficult to handle the explosion that occurs when magical energy clashes with magical energy. Additionally, since wizards generally belong to the class with the highest magical ability, it was taboo for swordsmen to directly engage with magic unless they had the ability to fight magic.

But now, a user has emerged who has broken that taboo head on. And not just one shot, but dozens of magic shots were knocked out and shattered. What was thought to be extraordinary has become a reality.

After Kim Soo-hyun blocked all attacks, a short period of one second passed. His eyes seemed to flash once as he raised his head, and then his body jumped up into the air in front of him. He must have combined the abilities of Gunshin Tanyoung and Orothoros Boots, and his leaping power and speed were incomparable to what he had just before.

It only took a blink of an eye, but Kim Soo-hyun’s new model was already entering the empty space of the place where vagabond wizards were gathered. The tramps tilted their heads blankly and looked up at the sky. Kim Soo-hyun’s body was drawing a gentle curve, as if he was slowly descending.

Then, as if they had finally regained their composure, the tramps exhaled loudly, which they had been holding for some time.

“Shoot, shoot!”

Shoo shoo shoo shoo!

The archers’ arrows were fired.

“───. ───. ───. Gust Of Wind!”

“───. ───. ───. Fire Rance!”

The spells of the wizards who were preparing for the second attack exploded.

Once again, arrows and magic soared into the air. It was an unavoidable attack aimed at the moment Kim Soo-hyun’s leap reached its peak and was about to come down. However, no embarrassment could be found on Kim Soo-hyun’s face. No, seeing the slight smile on his lips, I might have expected it from the beginning.

Wedge! Wedge!

Pubbung! Pubububung!

The arrow and magic pierced Kim Soo-hyun without a doubt. Joy appeared on the tramps’ faces as they saw holes all over their bodies. However, that joyous expression completely collapsed the moment he saw the arrows still splitting the air even after hitting Kim Soo-hyun, and the magic that caused an explosion by colliding with each other. Soon, the afterimage of Kim Soo-hyun, left in the air and torn here and there, slowly melted into thin air. It was Lee Hyeong-hwanwi (移形換位).

“Back, back!”

Someone shouted loudly. The tramps, who had been staring blankly into space, hastily turned their heads. The wandering wizard who had been directing the concentrated fire earlier also hurriedly turned around at the shout. However, Kim Soo-hyun had already occupied the rear of the tramp that he had targeted a long time ago.

The last thing the vagabond wizard saw, as he quickly turned around, was Kim Soo-hyun slashing his invisible sword in a wide line and a blue trail emblazoning the air.



The sword was cut vertically from the top of the head, completely splitting it in half all the way to the mouth. He was the guy who used Ensnare magic on me earlier. Although his skills were quite good, I had a strong feeling that he was a commander, so I took him as my first target.


The wizard, whose head was split in half, tore his body apart. His blood poured out from his fallen neck and slowly wetted the floor of the square.

With this, he succeeded in settling down in the middle of the vagabonds. I quickly looked around. Although there were a few melee classes, the majority were ranged classes, and 80% of them were wizards.

Even though they were vagrants who had been through a lot of hardships, everyone’s movements stopped, as if they didn’t expect that it would be so easy to break through. It was an opportunity. Without delay, I returned the Sun and Moon God Sword to its scabbard and held the martial sword tightly. The performance of the Sun and Moon God Sword is not bad, but in order to wipe out these guys as much as possible, a martial sword that can absorb 100% of my magical power was better.


As the magic power slowly arose, the martial sword let out a clear cry. Even though they can’t see it, people without visual impairment will definitely be aware of the danger. Seeing some of them flinch, I further increased the speed of the magic power flowing through the circuit.

Eventually, as the magic power flowed through the right hand as a channel, unusual vibrations began to occur around the sword. Perhaps because it contained the magic power equivalent to 96 points, it was a vibration so strong that it shook the air.

When I thought this was enough, I took one look at the martial arts sword. I could see a bluish energy flowing through the sword like a wave. The sounds of hurried incantations and protests could be heard from all directions. I jumped right next to him and slashed with my sword as hard as I could toward the place where the most wizards were gathered.


When I hit the empty air, the empty atmosphere rumbled loudly. And the moment he felt a heavy repulsive force in his right hand, the magic power riding throughout the sword body immediately became a single wave and attacked the wizards.


“f*ck, f*ck!”

“Don’t block, avoid!”

The wave that tore the air apart expanded its range in a fan shape as the distance from them decreased. The wizards within the range must have felt the force of the wave coming from the front, so they quickly split to the left and right and shouted. But only the lucky ones on the left and right ends of the arc were able to avoid it.



Soon, a huge wave hit the place where the wizards were gathered. Since I was also running after the wave, I was able to see in detail what they were doing.

The wave sent out cut through the bodies of the five people in the first row without hesitation. Then, the bodies of the four people in the second row were also cut off, and it was only when the cutting power reached the third row that the cutting power seemed to have dulled, and the two remaining people were levitated into the air. Of course, that didn’t mean they would like it. Because the shock wave contained in the wave did not go anywhere.

Quack! Quad Deuk!

The wave failed to cut the remaining two bodies, but instead completely destroyed them. They hit the central bulletin board of the square violently, and the bulletin board collapsed with a crackling sound in the aftermath. And as the blood poured out, the limbs exploded and fell to the floor.

With one blow, eleven people were reduced to a bloody mess. But there was no time to get carried away by it. By now, those who came to their senses quickly would have completed the spell. It was necessary to deal with those who had escaped the arc first and then finish off the remaining ones. It was then.


An angry shout struck my ears. When I turned my head, I saw a guy screaming and running towards me. The speed was fast and agile enough to slightly surprise me. Maybe his agility score will exceed 90.

ping! ping!

Thing! Thing!

arrow. Ice magic. Several traces were captured by detecting the spread of magical power. The first priority was to deal with the tramp that was right in front of us. He had knuckles with protruding needles on each of his hands. And it was rushing straight towards my face.


Although it was certainly fast and powerful, it was an attack that was clearly visible to the eye. As I lightly turned my head, I felt a strong wind passing by my ears. When I glanced down, I saw that he was holding his left hand backwards, and it seemed like he was planning to deliver a series of hits. One step ahead of him, I adjusted my strength appropriately and punched the guy in the abdomen with my free left hand.


In an instant, the guy bent his back and leaned forward. It was the end if the sword was sheathed like this, but this guy still had work to do. I immediately grabbed the tramp by the back and lifted it in the direction where the signs I had felt earlier came from.

puck! puck! puck! puck!

Two arrows to the head and two ice picks to the abdomen. Fortunately, there were no accidents involving arrows or magic piercing the body, as the durability level was quite high. I could feel the guy shaking from the hand holding the guy’s back. And soon, the guy let his arms and legs go limp.

I threw the useless corpse on the floor. Then, I could see the tramps gritting their teeth while looking at me.

There were now a little less than thirty people left. I was just about to kick the ground, thinking I would quickly deal with it and go to the warp gate. At that moment, a huge roar of hundreds of people was heard behind me.

As I slowly turned my head, I was able to see the users who had been overwhelmed so far stand up, each holding a weapon.

The users’ eyes were burning with revenge, as if they wanted to repay what had been done to them.


“Huh, huh. “You were such a great user.”

“Wouldn’t it be better not to talk while you’re running?”

“Yekki. Even though I am old, my body is not dead.”

“okay. Anyway, we’ll arrive at the warp gate soon. I’ll go out first and check the situation, so please follow me. Then, Go Yeonju, please.”

After confirming that Go Yeon-ju nodded, I ran straight ahead.

In the end, every single one of the vagrants in the square was eliminated. This is because the area that formed the center of the firepower that was massacring the users was shaken up in a big way, and the users who had been quietly watching until then rushed forward all at once. It was an unexpected Wonho, but in any case, thanks to it, we were able to clear out the guys in the square more quickly.

After the battle at the square, users flocked to me one after another. After I appeared, countless words of gratitude poured in, such as, “The tide has turned,” “Thank you for saving us,” “You are our hope,” etc., but I didn’t have time to respond to them one by one.

The people in the square were merely people who responded from within. The guys running from the east, west, and north gates right now must be truly elite level. My plan was to escape the Mule right before they hit the warp gate or the square.

So, I quickly took care of my clan members and left the square. I sensed a few people following me, but honestly, I had no intention of paying that much attention.

Eventually, the warp gate slowly began to appear in front of me. I increased my running speed and strengthened my eyesight even more. And then he let out a long sigh.

‘As expected, it has been occupied.’

Now the distance to the warp gate was decreasing rapidly enough to be visible to the naked eye. The situation was similar to the square. And dozens of vagabonds around the warp gate and hundreds of users surrounding it.

However, there were a few differences. That means the vagabonds were focusing on defense, not a one-sided attack. And the hundreds of users surrounding them were shouting and attacking in an attempt to somehow recapture the warp gate.

In any case, it could be said to be better than the square in that it didn’t get attacked one-sidedly, but the screams coming from three directions at every moment showed that the tramps were also almost here. I was lost in thought for a moment while running, then quickly stopped.

‘I’m glad I saved it. ‘Let’s just use it once.’

I once again created a great deal of magic. Then, he applied force to his foot and rolled heavily on the floor. Then, a ripple appeared on the ground, and along with it, dozens of energies spread around and began to materialize. It soon took on a bluish glow and formed the shape of a ‘sword’. And I immediately awakened the power of Hwajeong sleeping in my heart.

Good luck! Grumble!

The unique clear sound of fire, proof that Hwajeong has awakened. At that moment, red energy mixed into the ‘sword’, which had been bluish until now, and soon the flower essence began to bloom red.

‘Don’t let the warp gate get damaged.’

I resumed my stopped steps and vigorously stretched out my right hand. At the same time, dozens of blazing fire swords were fired towards the warp gate.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Ah, I think a lot of people misunderstood. I wasn’t talking about combat. haha. Well, anyway, Mule’s escape is scheduled to take place within episode 2, so please look forward to the story after that. (The return chapter is scheduled for about episodes 8 to 12. Haha.) The weather is very hot! All readers, take care of your health and have a restful night! 😀


1. Miwolya: Miwolya! long time no see. haha. Still, if you put your mind to it, Miwolya will take first place. 🙂 Please enjoy this episode as well!

2. Human life: Haha. Still, I think it’s really worth trying. Personally, I think so. 😀

3. Flute: Kim Yu-hyeon does not appear in Mule! lol.

4. EH Yeon: Black. You’re leaving for the military in a month. ;blanket; I am now in my 2nd year~ (sigh!) @[email protected] Stay healthy! ha ha ha.

5. superrobot: When I thought about it, the word digression didn’t quite fit, so I modified it to fit the context. thank you _(__)_

6. POWERED: There will probably be a little or a lot of battle content for the time being. 🙂

7. Reader is angry: Right? It’s been a long time since I wrote about battles. lol.

8. Shi-ryong: Ah, at the latest, I’ll finish it within 12 episodes until I return! Don’t worry too much! (Of course, there may be errors.)

9. shadowΞghost: Episode 40 or 50! Ugh haha. no. It doesn’t go that far!

10. Sunsets: That’s right. In some cases, it happened because you wanted it, and in other cases, it happened because you were swept away. That’s correct.

11. Office2Lub19: Haha, I always read comments! 😀

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode