MEMORIZE Chapter 302

00302 Vagabond’s Tears ———————————————- ————————–=

As soon as I left the warp gate, I went straight to ‘Young Master’s Jeweller’. It was late, but more than anything, it was because Ansol’s words kept getting stuck. I thought it would be better to just take care of some loose ends and go straight back to Monica.

Contrary to my feelings, the streets of Mule were extremely peaceful. To the point where I thought it was funny that I was so nervous. However, my general belief was that there is nothing wrong with being prepared no matter how much, so I did not stop looking around even when I entered a shopping street lined with buildings.

After about 15 minutes, we were able to arrive at our target jewelry store. As I pushed through the wooden door, which had some flaws here and there, I could see the old man with a sharp look on his face, intently reading some record. They were so absorbed that they didn’t even seem to notice me coming in.

“Young Master.”

“Yes… ?”

The old man took his eyes off the record and sighed heavily, but as soon as he heard my voice, he calmly looked away. As our eyes met and three seconds passed, the old man’s eyes soon turned round.

“So, are you there?”

“Long time no see. “Did you have a strong body and body in the meantime?”

“… “That unusual greeting is still the same, huh?”

“haha. Fortunately, you remember. Well, I don’t use it often.”

“Yeah, I see. By the way, you must be very busy these days. What did you come all the way here for? There’s something to see here… . Hmm.”

Even though he said that, he was already getting up and handing over the chair. With a light laugh, I took my clan members and sat down on the chairs.

“Still, it’s nice to see you alive.”

“yes. “I had a promise in the past, and I had to visit another city for a while, so I stopped by for the sake of it.”

“oh my. Well, I ended up here because of such an insignificant promise… . “It must have been a bit awkward to come here.”

“ah. Did you know?”

When you say it was uncomfortable, you probably mean the conflict with the representative clan. When I asked in a puzzled mood, the old man nodded with an expression that seemed like it was no big deal.

“It was quite a buzz at the time. “Isn’t it common for a knife fight to occur with a representative clan?”

“okay. I wonder if the old man knew anyone at that time… .”

“There is none. Anyway, I’m glad it was later treated as self-defense. “I got scolded.”

Younggang changed the topic in a nonchalant manner. I nodded once or twice. It doesn’t really matter since the not guilty verdict has already been announced, but it was a sensitive topic to continue talking about. Knowing that, the old man would have changed the subject at this point.

There was silence for a moment. I unconsciously lowered my gaze and scanned the shelves. The records that the old man was reading earlier were neatly placed on the shelf.

“And what were you reading? “He was so engrossed in reading that he didn’t even notice when we came in.”

“huh? You mean these? It’s nothing! Look, don’t look.”

The old man hurriedly gathered the records, but my eyes had already scanned most of them. And the records on the shelves all contained information about the Mercenary Clan.

“Hmm! “Ugh!”

“… … .”

Suddenly, I felt like I was going to burst out laughing. The old man quickly closed the record, but the back of his neck had turned red, as if he had already noticed that I had seen it. I controlled my breathing, suppressed laughter, and opened my mouth quietly.

“It’s a little unexpected, but it would have been nice if we had just gone together then.”

“W-what do you mean? “I think there’s some misunderstanding, but I just read it out of boredom.”

“Ohh. okay.”

“Yeah, yeah. Since there are no customers these days… .”

“I didn’t mean it that way. “I just honestly said it would have been nice if you had gone with me then.”

I could hear people bursting into laughter left and right, as if they didn’t have as much patience as me.

“Yekki. While I haven’t seen you, I’ve only gotten older. “But at that time, I felt quite refreshed and showed spirit.”

“It’s a joke.”

Just by telling a joke, he turned into a spiritless young man.

Anyway, the atmosphere was going smoothly. This would have been enough for the pleasantries following the aftermath. Now it was time to get to the point.

“Hanbyeol Kim.”

When he called out with his hand, Kim Han-byeol immediately stood up, came to the side, and stopped walking leaving a short distance away. Reaching out her hand, he grabbed her arm and he felt her flinch. Slowly leading Kim Han-byeol towards me, I opened my mouth to the old man.

“Young Master. This kid is the Gem Wizard. “Hanbyeol, greetings.”

“Oh, hello… .”

Although she stuttered a little, Kim Hanbyeol bowed her head in a respectful manner. The old man nodded a couple of times, raised his glasses, and smiled slightly.

“like. This beautiful-looking woman is a gem mage. Yes, nice to meet you… . By the way, I managed to get him from the Golden Lion. “Awesome.”

“oh. “You knew that too.”


The old man snorted loudly and glared at me sharply.


The sky, which was dyed red, was gradually becoming dark starting from the end. The sun is ready to set to the west, and dusk is setting over the land. Soon evening would come and it was time to prepare for the pitch-black night.

The shopping streets that had been crowded with people until just a moment ago had now become sparse. In fact, there are only three streets that are active during the evening hours. A sleeping inn, a tavern selling alcohol, or prostitution. Although the lights were not turned off in all the buildings in the shopping district, it was true that the number of people visiting the area was relatively less frequent.

“Su-hyun. “What are you thinking like that?”

When I turned my head at the sudden sound, I saw Go Yeon-ju leaning against the wall of the jewelry store just like me.

Currently, Go Yeon-ju and I had left the jewelry store for a moment. Of course, it wouldn’t have mattered if he stayed inside, but the old man was considering it so that he could talk more comfortably with Hanbyeol Kim.

Of course, I also had a purpose. The purpose was to have a private conversation with Go Yeon-ju. In that case, Ansol’s whereabouts(?) were a problem, but fortunately, he was able to leave it inside under the condition that he would quietly look at the jewels that filled the interior.

“I have something to think about for a moment.”

“I see… . “But how did you get to know my grandfather?”

“I found out about it when I was working at Mule in the past. “He is a person who has been good to me.”

“Well, contrary to appearances, you have a cute side. Ho Ho. Oh, by the way, I was really surprised. “I didn’t know there was a rare class called Gem Appraiser?”

“is it so?”

After Kim Han-byeol revealed that he was a gem mage, the old man immediately revealed his class. Of course, he already knew about me, so he just pretended to be mildly surprised. However, the clan members seemed quite shocked, perhaps shocked by the fact that there was a rare class in a job that looked like a non-combat class. Even high performance.

However, I don’t think angels created the gem appraiser class for nothing. Surely it was given a rare class setting because it had some use?

Although I was hesitant, I felt like I could make a good match with the Gem Wizard class. And even if that wasn’t the case, recruiting the old man was a definite advantage in terms of future clan management.

Anyway, I think the possibility is high, but the recruitment of the old man has not yet been confirmed. Moreover, the clan wasn’t that big yet, so thinking about running it was already like drinking kimchi soup.

After roughly organizing my thoughts and looking to the side, I saw Go Yeon-ju playing with her feet with her head down. I looked at her for a moment, and then she softly opened her mouth.

“Good performance.”


Go Yeon-ju smiled prettily and answered. Soon, a pair of light gray eyes looked at me. As I quietly stared at the corner of my eye, it immediately became gently curved. I can’t find a single bit of regret towards me. If I were a woman and she was treated like an animal, I would definitely be offended. In fact, the late Yeonju even saw her cry.

Nevertheless, Go Yeon-ju has not shown any resentment ever since she woke up in the morning. That might be why I feel even more sorry.


“Su-hyun… ?”

“I’m sorry. I was out of my mind this morning. “I am truly sorry about that.”

“… … .”

Go Yeon-ju looked puzzled for a moment. Then she smiled softly, and she slowly shortened the distance between me and me. Eventually, she took a quick glance at her door, stretched out her arms, and hugged me.

“What else can I say? I received plenty of apples this morning. “You don’t have to be more sorry.”

“I was surprised to see you crying… . “Did it hurt that much?”

At that moment, Go Yeon-ju burst out laughing. She buried her face in her chest for a while, her shoulders shaking slightly, and said, “After all, insensitivity is hereditary.” she muttered and raised her head again.

“I didn’t cry because I was in pain.”

“… … .”

“What can I say… . Actually, I thought about my first night with Soo-hyeon throughout our relationship. The eyes of Suhyeon back then and the eyes of Suhyun this morning were very different. I just felt sad and scared for no reason. And the moment the relationship ended, a sudden surge of sadness broke out. That’s why I cried. Well, honestly, I didn’t expect incontinence either. Ho Ho. Come to think of it, I ended up having to pee? Will you keep it a secret? Oh, should I get some salt?”

Ko Yeon-ju spoke one by one with sad eyes, but then smiled widely and burst into laughter. Judging by the fact that she ended it with a joke, it seemed like she just wanted to cover it up at this point. But I slowly hugged her.

“Go Yeon-ju. I am truly sorry. I’m serious. then… .”

“I’m really okay? “I know Su-hyeon’s feelings well.”

“I am… . town.”

“Stop talking about that now. Soohyun, do you really want to see me not knowing what to do? It’s embarrassing because you keep saying that. And if you think about it, I may have provoked it first.”

I just wanted to convey my sincerity, but Ko Yeon-ju covered my mouth with one hand and poked my chest with the other. Then he gently took my hand and led me towards the jeweler’s door.

“Why don’t you treat me better than Hayeon?” Anyway, let’s go in now.”

“yes? But still… .”

“The conversation is over. Actually, I was eavesdropping on it earlier.”

Jump up!

It was then. Coincidentally, the moment I approached the door, the jeweler’s door opened wide and Kim Han-byeol slightly stuck out her head.

“brother. I’m done talking… yo. this?”

And when he saw us standing right in front of the door, he subtly raised his tone.


A man emerged from the forest. He glanced around with sharp eyes and then made a light gesture.

Sasak! Sasasak!

Soon, users who appeared to be hundreds of years old quietly appeared from the forest.

The man turned his gaze towards the users standing behind him. The man’s gaze looking at them was full of pride.

“Kim Gap-su, Baek Seo-yeon.”

Soon, the man quietly called the two people. Then, a man with massive muscles and a woman wearing tight tights slowly walked forward.

“I received a call from the university yesterday. Advance notice may have already been given, but the decision will be held before the end of tonight. “I’m sure everyone has made sure to spread the word to their respective units, right?”



The man nodded in response and immediately turned his attention to the rugged man, Gapsu Kim.

“Kim Gap-su. “What happened to the people inside?”

“Everyone is now waiting with bated breath near the North Gate and the Warp Gate. And the moment the North Gate is breached, we plan to open each door and occupy the warp gate.”

“good. I lead the unit first and storm the north gate. The north gate will be breached and a stir will be created from within, so the moment the gate is breached, you will immediately begin attacking the west gate. And the warp gate… . “You must have conveyed this clearly, right?”

“yes. I definitely conveyed it. “You don’t have to worry.”

This time the man turned his attention to the woman.

“Seoyeon. “To be honest, I’m still not sure if I should entrust you with this mission.”

“Oh my, I’m so sad. “Is it because you don’t trust my skills?”

“Skill is not the problem. You have so much affection. “Not like a vagabond.”

“Isn’t it that effective? Don’t worry, just leave it to me. “I will get through the East Gate and reach the warp gate before Hyeon or Gapsu.”

The woman called Seoyeon nodded, swinging her dagger around as if she were confident. Kim Gap-su’s frown slightly frowned, but she soon calmed down her expression as she noticed Hyun’s eyes.

“Keep in mind. This is war. Since we are at war, we have no choice but to die. If he goes on a rampage again like he did then without a solution… .”

“Don’t worry~.”

“… i get it. And again, the south gate is left behind. I would like to exterminate every single one left, but I still have to open a hole. “Just like they did.”

Hyeon stopped talking and turned around. And she opened her mouth with a voice as sharp as a knife.

“Kim Gap-su. Seoyeon Baek. Lead your units and move to the target location right now. “The signal will be given clearly, so be careful not to act first.”

The moment those words ended, Kim Gap-soo and Baek Seo-yeon started running left and right like lightning. At the same time, the presence of thousands of people felt in the forest also split to the left and right.

It was now the beginning of a war for revenge.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Sorry, readers. I was planning to post a review and review soon… . I was lying down for a while just a moment ago. My head is still heavy and my body feels weak. sorry. I will take a break from reviewing and re-ripple for just one more day today. Normally, I would recover to a certain extent after sleeping for a day, but strangely, my condition has been going downhill these days. Tomorrow, no matter what happens, I will post a proper review and a combined review of the three reviews. We ask for your understanding and understanding from our readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode