MEMORIZE Chapter 300

00300 Butterfly Effect —————————- —————————–=

“Huff, huff, huff, huff!”

A man was running through the forest. He ran as hard as he could for a while, then fell heavily in front of him as if his feet were twisted. The acceleration it had gained while running so far was so great that it only stopped rolling after three or four turns.

“Tsk… . town!”

The man let out a pain-filled groan and quickly covered his mouth. His face was distorted and cold sweat was rolling down his face, but he never took his hand away from his mouth, even though it was shaking. Eventually, when his hand trembling subsided, the man slowly lowered his hand covering his mouth.

“under… … … … .”

The man took a deep breath, wondering if anyone would hear him. He immediately tried to stand up, but soon fell down again. The man turned his attention to his ankle. His ankle was swollen, probably because he twisted and fell earlier. One strange thing is that, although swelling is normally red or yellowish in color, his ankle was discolored to a bluish color.

“Damn you bastards… .”

The man cursed softly and rummaged through his pockets. At the same time, as he turned his head here and there, he seemed to be on high alert to see if someone might appear.

The man looked quite miserable. He was wearing thick leather armor, but it was heavily scorched and torn in places. So much so that it could be considered a rag rather than armor. Moreover, blood was seeping out from the cracks in the torn armor, and the amount was quite significant. The injuries were serious enough to be considered scratches or rolling, so it was clear that someone had deliberately attacked them.

“Thm… . Tsk… .”

The man was pouring a potion from his pocket onto his ankle. Eventually, as the swelling slowly subsided, I sprayed it evenly on the wounds on my body, and when there was about a sip left, I brought it to my mouth. With a gulp, the ridge of his neck moved and he straightened up. The wounds were still visible here and there, but he looked much more relaxed than before. The man started running again.

Did it run like that for about an hour? The moment the man reached a narrow, secluded road, he suddenly stopped walking. He immediately lowered his posture and pushed himself into a dark place. And only slightly sticking out his head, he fixed his gaze in one direction. Soon, the moment his eyes turned blue, several people appeared on the other side of the street.

The man looked at them with a tense face. The total number of users who appeared on the other side was six. He slowly lowered his gaze from head to toe, and for an instant, his expression became brighter. The man immediately got up and ran towards the users.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute! “Huh, huh.”

“Everyone stop.”

“Are you, by any chance, members of the Mule representative clan, Heaven on Earth?”

“… … .”

The actions of the six users were agile. As soon as the man jumped out, they were immediately put on alert. The user in the lead looked at the man for a moment and then slowly raised his hand. Looking at him, he seemed to have concluded that he wouldn’t do any harm.

“you’re right. However, it looks like you were seriously injured. First of all, treatment… .”

“no! Treatment is ok! “For now, we have to get back to the city quickly!”

“hmm… . “You say I have to go back to the city?”

“Something terrible is happening in the forest right now! All my colleagues were hit, and I was the only one who barely escaped! “I have to tell the city about this before they track me down!”

The users turned to each other at the man’s desperate cry. It was then. Between them, “I think I found it?” The moment the voice came out, the man opened his eyes wide. Eventually, as the priest chanted a spell and gradually shortened the distance, a look of fear flashed across his face. And without even a moment to flinch, the priest’s staff was aimed at the man.

“───. ───. ───. Cure.”

“uh… ?”

The man opened his mouth with a puzzled expression. The priest spoke kindly, tucking his long straight hair behind his ear.

“I know. So don’t worry too much.”

“yes… ?”

“There have been a lot of strange missing person reports since a week ago. We are the Dark Forest investigation team sent by the representative clan. “I left this morning and didn’t expect to get a lead so quickly.”

“then… !”

“yes. “I think you know something about the disappearance case. Could you tell us?”

The man looked like he was about to cry. He seemed very thrilled to finally be alive, but then quickly looked back. And Spleen nodded and said. No, that’s what I was trying to say.

“All right. But first of all, avoid this place… .”

Pingrrr! Push!


A sound like a thin tearing of air was heard from somewhere, and the priest’s forehead was split in half, revealing the sharp tip of a sword. The woman tore down her body with a single scream, and the man reflexively took her body.


“Damn it, it’s an attack! Wake!”

“Tongue, bro! That man and Heeseon… .”

“Bring the man quickly, but leave the body alone! “Move quickly!”

Amid the various shouts of users, the man collapsed into his seat. It seemed like his legs had lost their strength. As a result, the priest’s body fell to the floor, and the back of his head was seen torn apart. It was an incredibly powerful force for a simple dagger throw.

By the time the hot blood flowing from the back of his head wetted the floor, the man could clearly feel it. Dozens of figures running through the thick bushes nearby.


I was dragged to the warehouse and it was only then that I came to my senses. In front of me, my brother was looking at the equipment with his eyes burning. It was as if he felt a sense of duty to protect his younger brother at all costs.

And as I watched my brother pick out each piece of equipment with a serious look on his face, I had to put in a lot of effort to explain the gloves I was currently wearing. TOPG, Orothros long boots, and even the glory of the sky and the glory of the sun, I had to explain over and over again until my mouth watered.

After a while, my brother seemed to have some understanding of my equipment. And it would have been okay if I had just explained that my magic defense is very high right now. But I ended up adding a note.

My brother thought about it carefully and asked, “Then what about physical defense?” I answered that I had a coat of plates but didn’t wear it because it was inconvenient. That was the mistake. My brother’s hand, which had stopped for a moment, began to move quickly again.

If Jinha hadn’t come in with Victoria’s glory, the inspection equipment in the Hamill clan’s warehouse that day might have been destroyed. No joke, really.

In the end, after arguing for over two hours, I was finally able to leave the warehouse.

And now, we’re back at the table. A total of three pieces of equipment were shining in beautiful colors on the table. One was a luxurious pair of earrings with a pure white sheen, and the other was a soft-looking T-shirt that radiated a soft golden glow. And the other is a coat made to be worn over the shoulders without sleeves, with the gentle sea waves lapping at it. In other words, it was a cloak.

All three devices had goose applicators attached. I let out a weak sigh and raised my head to see my brother’s still dissatisfied face. And even the Hamill clan members shaking their heads excitedly.

When I looked at him sullenly, my brother immediately changed his expression and smiled awkwardly. And the quick glance seemed to indicate that he was telling me to read the explanation first. I licked my lips and activated my third eye.

『Victoria’s Glory』

(General Description: This is the ‘King’s Sword’ symbolizing the Kingdom of Victoria, which was called the most powerful country in ancient times. Although many kingdoms have been born and fallen, Victoria is one of the kingdoms that lived the longest. People from other kingdoms are Victoria. They were a warlike nation, to the point where they were called a ‘warring people.’ Although it went down the road of 200 years of unreasonable wars of conquest, what is clear is that Victoria was once a prosperous nation that was aiming for the unification of the Hall Plains continent. ‘Victoria’s Glory’ is a historical sword that has been traditionally handed down to the royal family, and there is a legend that only a person with the qualities of a king can bring out the sword’s true power.)

(Detailed explanation: 1. As it is the sword of kings that has been passed down from generation to generation, the pride of the sword is very strong. It makes its own judgment and chooses its owner. If someone qualified to become the owner appears, it will undo the shape of the earring and change the shape of the sword. (If the wearer wishes, it can be converted back into the earring form.) 2. Stamina increases by 2 points. (However, the effect cannot be received if worn by a user who has more than 95 points when first accepting the effect. (No.) 3. It revitalizes the user’s body. Physical activity and the flow of magical power become more free (this does not mean that the ability level increases), and it provides some resistance when evil energies such as curses and fraud penetrate inside. It is effective. 4. When the earring shape is removed and the wearer is revealed, the wearer can exude a corresponding dignity (charisma) based on the wearer’s magical power. 5. When the earring shape is removed and the wearer is revealed In this case, you can use the sword’s latent ability ‘Sword Light’.)

『Noble Mithril Shirt』

『Blue for the Dragon Knight’s Coat』


While reading the explanation, I was left gaping. I had seen the Noble Mithril Shirt and the Blue Dragon Knight’s Coat in the first episode. But when I think about it, I don’t remember Victoria’s glory. When I raised her face to see what had happened, I saw my older brother with an expression on his face saying, “How do you like it?”

“Brother, this… .”

“are you okay. take it. “Maybe because the sword was so proud, none of our clan members were recognized.”

“still… . “I might not be recognized either.”

“Still, take it. Even if you wear it just as an earring, it will be quite effective. Oh, your physical strength isn’t over 95 points, is it?”

I nodded quietly. And as soon as I heard about physical strength, I suddenly became curious about my brother’s user information. The third eye was still activated. I immediately looked at my brother.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Yuhyeon Kim (2nd year)

2. Class: Secret, The Lord of the Thunder, Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Hamill (Clan Rank: Performance is being evaluated.)

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: The one who controls thunder and lightning, the younger brother Fool · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (26)

7. Height/Weight: 180.7cm/70.8kg

8. Alignment: Blood and Iron · Cool

[Strength 70] [Durability 87] [Dexterity 88] [Stamina 97] [Magic Power 97(+2)] [Luck 94]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 562 points.

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 90] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(The remaining abilities are free abilities, with a total of 6 points.)

2. Kim Yu-hyeon: 533 points.

[Strength 70] [Durability 87] [Dexterity 88] [Stamina 97] [Magic Power 97(+2)] [Luck 94]

(The remaining ability points are 0 points.)


The first thing that came to mind when I saw my brother’s abilities was a question mark. No, honestly, I was very embarrassed. It is said that the total number of abilities is important, but in general, wizards have high magical power but tend to have slightly lower physical abilities. As such, it was foolish to judge wizards based on their total abilities.

But no matter how… . This was a somewhat shocking stat considering he was a wizard.

‘Is this why it flies around like that? ?’

As I opened my mouth without even thinking about looking at the achievements, unique, special, and potential abilities below, I heard Jinha’s kind voice.

“It’s okay, master… . Mercenary Road. The story has already ended in the warehouse. You don’t have to feel so burdened. Anyway, I was thinking of giving away some of the equipment to get the elixir, and I actually put some of it up for auction. Now we can retrieve them all. “If we think about that, we can say that we have reduced our spending in our own way.”

“yes. To be honest, among the clan lord equipment, the equipment that increased agility and luck was a bit of a waste. Anyway, I’m glad.”

‘It’s not like I’m particularly burdened… . But what?’

Are you saying that my agility and luck increase again there? Of course, if I had Victoria’s glory, her physical strength would increase, but the surprise didn’t go away.

“Yes, Suhyeon. “I’m really sorry for not being able to take care of you more.”

“Oh, no. “This is enough.”

“okay. If he didn’t want to receive this, I would have tried to force him to wear it, but I’m glad he did. So why not quickly lay your hands on Victoria’s glory? “I’m curious about the results.”

“… … .”

Suddenly, I felt cold sweat running down my back. My brother smiled and added words of encouragement not to be too disappointed even if things didn’t work out. When she turned her head for a moment, I saw Ansol looking at me with sparkling eyes, and her face covering her mouth with her hand as if she was dying of laughter. For some reason, after meeting my brother, I felt like the dignity I had built up as a clan lord had completely collapsed. I sighed again.

“Hello. “Don’t expect too much.”

“know. I’m the guy who rejected it too. Still, I think you can do it, Suhyun. So don’t stress too much. haha.”

What on earth are you talking about? I’m telling you not to be a burden.

I slowly raised my hand and gently placed my hand on the earring. It was then.


It didn’t take even one second. As soon as I touched the earring, it transformed into a sword as if it had been waiting for me. On the table, a sleek and majestic sword, radiating a soft white brilliance, was showing off its appearance. When I looked up in a dazed state, I could see users copying the same expression I had seen earlier. Including my brother.


“Suhyeon! “My brother will go to Monica soon!”

“Su-hyun. “Are you calling me?”

“Let’s pretend we didn’t hear.”

“Suhyeon! You have to take care of yourself! Absolutely! Soohyun!”

The more I heard my brother’s voice, the faster I walked.

After the compensation issue was over, I immediately said goodbye to my brother. My brother tried to hold me back by telling me to eat until dinner, but he flatly refused, using the excuse that he had work to do. It was all for me.

He was the brother I wanted to meet so much, and it wasn’t that I didn’t want to see him more. But if he took his brother’s advice and stayed a little longer, he was afraid of what would happen next. For some reason, it seemed like once I started leaning on it like this, I would lean on it a second or third time. I didn’t start the second round to be protected by my brother again.

Anyway, this is how my relationship with my brother ended. However, there were still a couple of unresolved problems.

The first is that the user I saved this time is the guardian of the Northern Continent, and the second is to tell my brother the truth. I thought about it, but decided to reserve judgment for now. Lee Hyo-eul would not wake up until she recovered from the aftereffects to some extent, and there was only a little bit of information she knew about the guardian.

‘The guardian of the Northern Continent was saved. And Lee Hyo-eul’s true name and An Sol’s true name. Finally, telling my brother the truth.’

Regarding these three things, I thought it would be better to take time and think deeply about them, rather than making judgments based on emotions right away. And to do that, the priority was to solve the problem at hand.

‘First, let’s finish recruiting old man.’

okay. First of all, we confirmed that each other was alive. That was enough for now.

It had been a long time since the sun rose in the sky and was slowly filling up with sunset light. Now it was time to head to the warp gate.

“Suhyeon! I’ll just take you home! huh? Just until I take you away… !”

“I told you not to come out!”

I ended up running.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

《 Added: Thank you so much to those who congratulated us on the 300th! 》

yes. This concludes the post-separation part with my brother. I wanted to go into detail about the breakup, but I thought it would be better to just end it at this level. Anyway, we will meet often in the future. haha. And at that time, Hyoeul will wake up too. This subheading, Butterfly Effect, is a part that focuses on saving Lee Hyo-eul. haha. I would like to go into more detail, but I will save my words here for the day when Lee Hyo-eul and Ansol meet. Now it’s time to go mule!

P.S. I will never wake my brother up again. To be honest, it’s been 3 years since my brother was discharged from the military, and he still reacts violently. As soon as he woke up, he was staring at me with a hideous and evil face, and my spine went numb. I’m glad I turned it off right away. Aftereffects.


1. Miwolya: It’s been a while since you won first place! congratulations. 🙂 haha. Itachira. Now that I think about it, that’s true. I haven’t read it all, but I still remember the scene where he hits his brother’s forehead at the end. ㅜ.ㅠ

2. mfsm: eh. Fried dumplings? Please give me a meat side dish! Salad, please! Please give me some fish too! (sigh!)

3. Flute: Ah, flute. The comment you made last time was really interesting. lol. Ansol is bleating~. Bia~. While doing so, he acts as a protector of the continent. It’s so funny just thinking about it. lol.

4. Fallen Wing: Actually, I was contacted by editor Jo Ara not long ago. He wanted an e-book manuscript. I asked them to wait a little longer. It’s so scary. Sobbing. ;cow;

5. Broken electric fan: Hehe. My daughter is also good. I wonder how other people would have reacted if it had been my older sister instead of my older brother. 🙂

6. Yurikenne: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ Has that acquaintance ever left a comment? I’m curious about your nickname. haha. ah. What do you think of Kim Yu-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun? (I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding! Sorry!)

7. Replion: I gave in right away just by looking at his eyes. It’s really cold… . ㅜ.ㅠ

8. Moonflower: Ho. Are you provoking me? ha ha ha. A place is available. There must be a large public bath in the clan house, if you happen to come across it… . Puk puk! No, I’m kidding. @[email protected]

9. Ali: Oh, really? Where did you work? Is it a pearl? Is it Sacheon? Haha

10. Mr. Waryong A: … … . ha ha ha. ha ha ha. ha ha ha. okay. You are trying to awaken what is latent in me! Wow! Now that it’s like this! With a lot of work… ! haha. Oh, no. Since you guys keep saying that, I keep… . ;blanket;

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I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

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not work with dark mode