MEMORIZE Chapter 299

00299 Butterfly Effect —————————- —————————–=

I suddenly felt depressed. I know. If it is the Kim Soo-hyun that my brother remembers now, it will be the modern Kim Soo-hyun, not the Kim Soo-hyun who has been in Hall Plain for 10 years. I don’t even remember it myself… .


When I raised my head to hear a voice full of concern, I could see my brother looking at me with concern. He must have read my face, or maybe he made a mistake. He seemed to be burning inside Mujin. I quickly calmed my expression and shook my head excitedly.

“If you came on the day of your discharge from the military… . “Then when exactly did you enter Hole Plain?”

“It hasn’t even been a year yet. According to user information, it is year 0. “What about your brother?”

“It’s been a little over two years. Anyway, it’s been 0 years… . So that means you came in about two years later than me. Then I… .”

“There was. I definitely saw it. That was when I was still in the military, right? I sent a letter and even visited with my parents. That’s not all. “The day before I was discharged from the military, they even called me to say something happened suddenly and that they wouldn’t be able to come to pick me up.”

“… Right. “Father, mother, are you well?”

I nodded once and looked at my brother’s face closely. He seemed a bit bitter, but surprisingly he didn’t seem to be greatly shocked. Well, since he has been active for two years, he must have heard the story at least once.

“Fuyu, I don’t know what happened.”

“I can’t help it. Even if you ask angels, the answer is always the same. I can’t tell you. do not worry.”

Wow! Wow!

The raindrops were getting thicker. It was raining so hard that it felt like I was standing before my eyes at a waterfall. His brother still had his hand on my head. I wondered if it would fly away if I blew on it or if it would go out if I held it, I felt a hand moving carefully on the top of my head.

“Honestly, I still can’t believe it.”

“… so do i.”

“I thought about you a lot even after I was summoned here. Did he get out of the military well? Are he eating well? Are he doing well in school? Are he making good friends? .”

“You too, brother. “Am I a child?”

Feeling embarrassed for no reason, I removed my brother’s hand from my head. I tried to speak brightly on purpose, but the young worry on my brother’s face did not disappear.

“Sometimes, when I was having a hard time, I thought about wanting to see you a few times. But when I actually see it like this, I feel a bit guilty. Maybe that’s what I thought… .”

“That’s nonsense. Where is that? “Stop being in needless trouble.”

My brother and I smiled at the same time. And then my brother put his hand on my head again. Oh, please pat me appropriately.

“after… . Anyway, I’m really sorry and thank you.”

“There’s no need to feel sorry, brother, what are you thankful for?”

“It’s just everything. “For coming to help me, for meeting me like this, and for staying alive until now.”

“Oh, why do you keep doing this? don’t do it. “It’s strange.”

Every time I hear a sound like that, my body twists for no reason and a feeling of shame fills me inside. The moment I tried to twist my head this way and that to remove the hand that had not left my head, my brother continued to say one more word.

“It’s been very difficult so far, right?”

At that one word, I stopped moving without even realizing it.

What my brother said just now probably means that he has lived in a world called a rite of passage or a hole plane. It wasn’t entirely wrong. However, there was a clear difference between what I thought were difficult times and what my brother said. This cannot be said openly… .

‘No, should I just say it… ?’

Suddenly, a worry occurred to me. The fact that I was now starting my second round was a secret I never told anyone. But my brother is different. My brother would definitely listen to me seriously and not dismiss what I say as nonsense. We will think together and sympathize with you. And there was a strong possibility that it would add strength to the plan. No, it will definitely happen.

“So, Soohyun, won’t you tell me how you’ve been living in Hall Plain? When you were young, you were so weak-hearted that you couldn’t kill even a single bug. haha. “I’m suddenly curious.”

I calmly raised my head and made eye contact with my brother. There was a warm light in my brother’s eyes. Her eyes were cold when dealing with others, but when they were directed towards me, they always contained warmth.

I kept my mouth shut for a moment, but slowly opened my mouth, guided by those eyes.

“brother. Listen carefully. “I’ll tell you everything from now on.”

“okay. “I will listen carefully.”

“actually… .”

“You two are here~.”


It was then. A lively voice was heard along with the sound of the terrace door opening. She hurriedly stopped what she was saying and turned her gaze to see Jinha’s older sister sticking her head out through the crack in her door.

“I’m sorry if I disturbed you. By the way, Clan Lord, do you have any plans for dinner? Lately, Rod and we haven’t been able to eat properly because we’ve been worried about our sister. Everyone is gathered now except Kahi.”

“meal? Jinha Baek. “She must have said she was talking to her brother.”

My brother’s attitude changed in an instant, as if the warm attitude he had just moments ago was gone.

“You can come too, Master, right? The people who came with you are also in the restaurant right now. “You can talk while eating.”

“Soohyun too? Ah, now that I think about it… . Right. “I hadn’t thought of that.”


As soon as he included me in the meal, my brother’s cold attitude changed 180 degrees. No, that wasn’t what mattered now. For a moment, I felt dumbfounded by the subtly given title of ‘Master.’ However, judging by the way the corners of Jinha’s mouth turned up subtly, it was clear that she had said this intentionally.

“I’m sorry, Suhyeon. My brother had a lot of questions, so I couldn’t think of you. Are you hungry? “Let’s eat first and then talk.”

“Oh, no. are you okay. I ate at the clan house… .”

“Baek Jin-ha. I told the chef to bring in more meat. Soohyun eats meat well. Oh, and noodle dishes too.”

“Yes, yes~. Then, please come slowly with me, Master~.”

My brother grabbed my arm again and started dragging me. Then Jinha drew a thin line with her lips and then started running down the hallway. As she was looking at that image, she suddenly remembered something. She is Jinha’s older sister. She was one of the many female users who adored her older brother during the first episode.


In the restaurant, as Jinha said, about ten people were gathered at a table. I saw the people I saw in the room earlier, Ko Yeon-ju, Kim Han-byeol, and An Sol. Seeing that his facial expressions were quite stable, it seemed like he had accepted to some extent the fact that my brother and I were brothers.

Soon the food came out and the meal began. The three Mercenary Clan members had taken off their hoods that covered their bodies.

I don’t know if they knew it originally or if Go Yeon-ju revealed it herself, but the Hamill Clan members were not that surprised even though the Shadow Queen was right in front of them. Just say, “Wow, she’s the Shadow Queen.” Like this? In fact, the individuals here were also proud of their own abilities, and strictly speaking, the current position of the Hamill Clan could be seen as being higher than that of the Mercantile Clan.

“I couldn’t say hello to you earlier because I was in a hurry. I am so grateful that Hyoeul saved her sister. young master.”

“From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like you’re even a priest class… . How on earth did you purify it? young master?”

While we were eating and chatting with like-minded people, we heard the voices of Jinha and Hyerin. Looking at his soft voice, it seemed like he was more worried about saving Lee Hyo-eul’s life.

But, that was my mistake. When I turned my head away from my brother who kept forcing me to eat something, I saw two women looking at each other and making eye contact.

“Soohyun is having trouble answering. “Don’t ask me anything weird.”

‘okay. Now that I think about it, my brother was also an insensitive devil.’

I sighed briefly as I looked at my brother who immediately started mediation. At that moment, I heard a sigh that I presumed to be Ko Yeon-ju’s from somewhere, but I decided to assume it was an auditory hallucination.

“Now that I think about it, Suhyeon. “I don’t think I’ve heard any details about you yet?”


“There’s a story I tried to tell earlier. How did you go through the rite of passage? Oh, you must have completed the user academy, right? And what happened after that, how I met my colleagues next to me, etc. “My brother has so many questions about you.”

“Oh well… . just… .”

I roughly blurted out my words. Now that things were like this, it was impossible to reveal all the facts here. But when I saw my brother’s eyes shining with the will to listen, I felt like I had to tell the story somehow. So, I turned my attention to the clan members sitting to the left. It was a typical topic changer(?) that I often use.

“Go Yeon-ju. As you may already know, Hamill Lord is my older brother. I could tell you, but why not introduce yourself anyway?”

“Of course. “Rather, I wanted it.”

I felt a bit of anxiety when I heard that he wanted it, but I quickly nodded. Eventually, Go Yeon-ju put down the spoon in a calm manner and smiled softly. It wasn’t a seductive smile like always, but an elegant smile like any other woman’s girlfriend.

“hello. This is Go Yeonju, a user currently active in the Mercantile Clan. “It’s a shame, but we are sometimes called the Top 10, which is an undeserved title.”

“hmm. okay. If you say 10 lectures… . “You must be the Shadow Queen.”

“yes that’s right. “My uncle.”


bang. bang. bang. bang.

The moment Go Yeon-ju finished speaking, I violently spit out the water I was drinking. It wasn’t just me who was embarrassed. The sound of spoons being dropped simultaneously echoed quietly in the restaurant. So, there was silence for a long time.

The conversation started again when a clattering sound started coming from the end of the table.


“Don’t say it. “Because I know what he’s going to say.”

“I guess those brothers saved the country in their past lives.”

“Oh, don’t say it.”

Junseong and Taewon were chatting in somber voices, each clucking their chopsticks.


The older brother cleared his throat loudly with a solemn look on his face and gulped down the water in front of him. Then he set the cup down with a thud and said in a voice that sounded a little uncomfortable.

“I think it’s too early to call you uncle.”

“I apologize if you were offended. “But other people call our clan lord ‘young master.’”

“I will definitely fix that.”

“Ho Ho.”

The older brother glared at Jinha and Hyerin with sharp eyes. The two lowered their heads with stinging faces.

After barely getting past Go Yeon-ju’s introduction, Kim Han-byeol’s self-introduction continued. There were a few of her users who recognized her, even from her Hamill clan. She advertised herself as a gem mage when she was at the Golden Lion, so it wasn’t completely incomprehensible. Kim Han-byeol had an anxious face throughout her introduction, but she ended her self-introduction with a relieved face when she was not asked why she came from Golden Lion to Mercantile.

After the easy introduction (I felt very grateful to Kim Han-byeol at this point), Ansol’s turn finally came.

“Hello. My name is Ansol. “My brother and I have been together since our rite of passage.”

When I heard Ansol’s words, the anxiety that had barely subsided rose again. No, why do you keep focusing on me? She asked me to introduce myself, not my relationship.

I pressed my aching temples. Now was not the time for this. I need to get this over with before another storm comes… .

“Oh, we’ve been together since Rite of Passage?”

“yes! From the beginning until now~~~~. “We were together.”

All the way~~~~. When she said that, her eyes were tightly closed and her lips were sticking out, which must have been cute, and I could hear the sisters’ voices screaming softly.

“It’s a bit curious that we’ve been together all this time. “Can I hear for a moment how my brother has been doing?”

“brother. for a moment. Why are you asking him that? That’s me… .”

“Brother Soohyun, you’re really amazing~.”

“haha. I see. But how was it so great? A little more detail… .”

My brother showed extraordinary interest, raising his hand as if he was okay. Ansol smiled proudly at the late Yeonju, and then she waved her hands and continued her words.

“Onii-sama, you did it for us during the rite of passage. They also lured monsters. Go to the User Academy. Just~~. I was also a senior. ah! He also received an offer from Golden Lion, but he turned it down because he was taking care of us! And after leaving the academy, just~~~. The ruins were also excavated. “You even went on an expedition and built a clan house!”

stop. please.

In the end, I just hung my head down. Even though there was no battle, it felt like something had burned me white.


After the stormy meal time, we had a leisurely tea time. Thanks to Ansol’s performance(?), the atmosphere became more cheerful. Of course, it wasn’t for me at all.

In the meantime, my brother showed an attitude of trying to protect me in any way possible, telling me not to worry and that he would protect me from now on. But fortunately, Jin-ha and Hye-rin stopped the story, so we were able to return to the original story.

“I would like to stay here and see what happens, but I think I have to leave immediately because of the role I am currently in. Anyway, Banshee’s curse was definitely resolved. “You can say my life was saved.”

“Suhyun. Can’t I just join my brother’s clan? As you know, Hall Plain is a very scary world. My brother is so worried… .”

“under… .”

My brother repeats the same thing again. As I quietly sighed in frustration, Jinha and Hyerin quickly started whispering.

“Clan Lord! Why are you like this today? It’s called the Mercenary Clan, Mercenary! “That’s also a clan lord!”

“Suhyeon is my younger sister. He’s also my younger brother. You are breaking my heart right now… .”

“Let’s look at the reality. This clan has excavated four ruins in less than a year, and has 5 secret class members and 4 rare class members. Plus the Shadow Queen… .”

“No, I know that.”

“What do you know? What the Clan Lord is saying now is that you should join the Hamill Clan after seeing the Mercenary Clan. Even if he is my younger brother. “Are you doing this because you don’t know how rude it is to say that there are other clan members in front of you?”

My brother immediately opened his mouth as if he still had something to say. But when he looked at me sharply, he shut his mouth with a shocked expression on his face.

“sorry. Mercenary Road. I think our Lord is really happy to see you, Master. “He’s not usually like this, so we’re embarrassed too.”

“it’s okay. Even in modern times, I always lived with worry. I understand. Anyway, continuing the story, although there was treatment, the aftereffects still remain. And that too very badly. However, if you provide continuous nursing care, you will definitely be able to recover.”

“okay. Do not worry. “We have many capable priests, so we will be able to treat the aftereffects.”

“If you combine medicine and treatment as well as divine spells, you will be able to accelerate the treatment time. Anyway, I’ll leave that to you.”

“yes. Now, I have to compensate you for treating me… . “Can I know at least a little bit about how you were treated?”

Jinha’s older sister trailed off and glanced back at her older brother. She was leading the conversation now. Although he is an archer class, he has a meticulous and quick-thinking personality, so he is probably in charge of the overall internal affairs of the Hamill Clan.

“Suhyun. You said earlier that you had a secret class called swordsmanship expert, not priest, right? “Then what was the power that healed Hyoeul?”

The issue of compensation is ambiguous. If it were someone he didn’t know, he would have squeezed as much out of it as he could, but for some reason, he didn’t want to do that in front of his brother. To be honest, he just wanted to do it for free. However, that cannot be the case because of what was said at the meeting before coming here. In that case, the best way would be to just tell it like it is and stop at the level of being moderately condescending.

“You can just think of it as an extra-standard force. “If you increase the output to a level that your physical strength cannot handle, it will be hard on your body, but for simple treatment, it is not that burdensome.”


“no. “It’s okay for treatment.”

“hmm… . Swordsman expert. In other words, it is a melee class… .”

My brother looked like he was thinking about something. Eventually, the older brother tapped the table with his index finger and opened his mouth to Jinha, who was moving the lump in his throat.

“Baek Jin-ha. You know the sword you got when you excavated the king’s tomb last time? Please bring that first.”

“If it is the king’s tomb… . Victoria’s glory? That’s what Hyoeul and her older sister are wearing as her earrings right now… .”

“It doesn’t matter because I did the Banshee curse.”

My brother blurted out a word indifferently and turned his head towards me.

“Suhyun. “You said that using that power would put a strain on your physical strength, right?”

“huh? huh. Oh, by the way, you can adjust the output.”

“Great. My brother used to excavate a relic called a king’s tomb. It’s Victoria’s honor and it’s a sword that increases her stamina. Since it is a class that uses a sword, it will be a perfect fit for you. There are many other options, so you can look forward to it.”

‘Musword, Sun and Moon God Sword, Caligo Abraxas… . I only have three swords… .’

However, the idea that it would increase physical strength was quite appealing. He also said that she could change her shape with an earring, so she was definitely attractive.

“So, don’t you have a helmet?”

“huh? huh. “It’s inconvenient and there’s no need for it.”

“Then it won’t work. “Melee classes always have to watch their heads.”

“No, really… .”

“Looking at him, he wasn’t even wearing any armor. Tsk, the overall armor is poor.”

If the glory of the sky and the glory of the sun had ego, wouldn’t they have been angry?

My brother clicked his tongue as he looked over all of my equipment, then straightened up and came towards me.

“It won’t work. Jinha Baek. You first bring Victoria’s glory. And Suhyeon, you and your brother should go to the warehouse for a while. “I need to look into the whole thing.”

“… … .”

As I looked at my older brother forcefully holding my hand up, I remembered this.

The times when I was protected by my older brother.

The fact that my brother has a serious brother complex.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Kim Yoo-hyun’s true nature has finally come out. Her original personality was a cold, charismatic, cold-hearted man. She is an exception for her biological younger brother (Kim Soo-hyun). This is Kim Yu-hyeon, who has a severe brother complex (her younger brother is an idiot). But anyway, we’ll have to say Bye Bye to her next episode. 🙂 Just in case, Memorise is not BL. Although Kim Yoo-hyun cares for Kim Soo-hyun very much, she only cares for him as her younger brother. Both have normal views of the opposite s*x. ha ha ha. So don’t worry about BL! I will never write BL unless readers make fun of me for being a roman! 😀

P.S. I plan to wake my brother up this morning. My older brother graduated from the Air Force, and he played Jeobeokga (is that right? It makes a jumble sound in the beginning… because I didn’t graduate from the Air Force…) and said, “Get up, get up. Sergeant X. “I wake up.” I’m thinking of saying that. I will let you know the reaction in a review tomorrow. Hehehe.


1. Hwieul: Congratulations on first place! Long time no see, Hwieul. 🙂 How have you been? haha. Please enjoy this episode as well!

2. Yuiver: Happy birthday! Happy birthday~. Happy birthday~. Dear YouTuber~. Happy birthday~! and! Clap clap clap! As a gift, give me a kiss -3-. (Pukpuk!)

3. Astrain: You guessed it correctly. yes. Kim Yu-hyun has a brother complex!

4. Pineiro: That’s correct! Kim Soo-hyun is a boring character and a nuisance in the first episode. He is a person who changed as he went through various events. 🙂

5. JF: Right. That’s why Kim Yoo-hyun said she felt awkward when she saw Kim Soo-hyun, and it still remains in Hyundai’s memory, so she treats Soo-hyun the same way.

6. Deluxe Sandwich: I am still considering that part. Even if it’s impossible right now, won’t there come a day when we can make it clear?

7. Ronoe: Thank you for your comment. _(__)_ And although it’s late, congratulations on your second! Loyalty!

8. Goraon: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ We will continue to strive to repay you with better content.

9. Melis: You have eagle eyes. I didn’t know you would catch it. 🙂

10. Doyoung: Thank you for following along. And I am even more grateful for your many comments. First of all, what Doyoung said is correct in the beginning. At that time, many people told me not to be swayed by comments and to write according to my convictions. I thought I would value the comments of my readers. Of course, I think full responsibility for that lies with me. It is my sole responsibility to write and decide the direction of development. As for relationships with women, I don’t know. One thing is for sure, I don’t think I’ll ever go to the octopus’s feet (for example, having dozens of women, etc.). I calculated the population of Hall Plain myself, and it seems to be between 40,000 and 60,000. In fact, this part contains very complicated settings. The number of users coming through the Inn of Beginning is extremely large and shows irregular variations. When there were a small number of people coming in, there were around 100 people, but when there were a lot of people coming in, there were times when there were over 2,000 people coming in. And the last part is definitely true, Doyoung. There was someone who pointed out that part before. I think subsistence users will definitely be able to survive for a long time. I am now slowly revising from episode 1, and I plan to make sure to point out that part. (Childbirth is not preferred by users. Even if they are in a relationship, they often use contraception.) I hope this provides a sufficient answer. thank you _(__)_

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode