MEMORIZE Chapter 296

00296 Junction ——————————————– —————————-=

7 days ago.

The forest at night was quiet and dark. A pitch-black darkness that seemed to swallow everything. The moon in the sky was sprinkling brilliant light, but the densely grown trees and lush dark blue bushes were blocking the light illuminating the forest.

Rustle, rustle.

At that time, the sound of stepping on dry leaves and black pepper softly broke the silence of the forest. The source of the sound was a hill somewhere in the forest. And surprisingly, there was a man there, carefully climbing the hill.

The movement of carefully climbing the hill stopped for a moment. Then the sound quieted down in an instant. The man looked around quietly for about 10 seconds, and then began to creep up the hill again.

There was a strange tension in the man’s son-in-law. Various sounds, such as the sound of insects and birds, occasionally flowed into his ears. And when the cold wind passed over the hill, the man was finally able to climb to the top of the hill.

A forest covered with a pitch-black curtain. It was so dark that it was impossible to see even an inch ahead, but the man’s movements were as if his vision was clear. He eventually settled down in the center of the hill, opened his eyes wide, and began to look around.

And for a moment, the man’s eyes seemed to take on a light amber glow, and he fixed his gaze in one direction at lightning speed. Immediately after, his expression, which had been looking into the distance for a while as if he was observing something, became slightly frowned.

A faint light was blooming where the man was looking. Surrounding the light was an unfamiliar scene that did not fit in with the quiet forest. Three women were hanging naked from the branches of a long tree. And a larger group of people were surrounding the tree, giggling and making fun.

The man who was watching this quietly muttered in a voice dripping with regret.

“Crazy guys. “Can’t you tell the difference between time and place?”

“You understand~. It’s already been 7 days since you’ve been waiting here, right? “You should be lenient on having that much fun.”

“The presence I felt earlier was you.”

“Hi-Hi. “Did you get caught?”

Although the voice came suddenly, the man responded calmly and turned his head. Where he looked, there was a woman wearing tight tights that clung to her body. When the man gave her a look asking when she was here, the woman shrugged her shoulders and pouted her lips.

The woman who came next to the man without saying anything immediately collapsed on the floor and opened her mouth.

“Hello. When is the next move?”

“Two days later. “At that time, we plan to leave the unexplored area.”

“Then, on the second day, you’re going into the pitch-black forest?”

“I received a call from our university not long ago. It is said that we have finally entered the swamp of death.”

The man nodded and shook his head. The woman looked lost in her thoughts and said, “Then I guess it’s about the right time.” she muttered. The woman watched the man for a moment, but then she lay down on the ground and continued her speech.

“But they are there, aren’t they pretty fast? Hasn’t it been a little over two months since we left the Western Continent? But if you are already in the swamp of death… .”

“The passage between the northern and western continents has already been opened. Still, you have to be careful once you leave the swamp of death. “The likelihood of being noticed by users increases.”

“yes. “That’s why we came here.”

“Okay, that’s three or four days difference. Anyway, don’t worry about the main team for the time being. “We just have to do our jobs well.”

The man answered bluntly, wondering if there was something he was feeling uncomfortable about. After those words, there was silence for a while.

The man’s gaze was still focused on the sight of the group harassing the woman, and the woman was lying on her back looking at the sky. The two remained silent for a long time. And the silence that followed was broken when the woman spoke first.

“You know, Hyun. Can we succeed? ?”

“Assuming the surprise attack is carried out properly, it can be successful.”

“It barely exceeds 2,000 people? No matter how pioneering the city is… .”

“Not everyone has gathered yet. Until the day of the event, people will continue to gather, and there will be over 100 people responding internally. Above all, we are brave warriors who have crossed over into unexplored regions one by one. Even if there are two or three ships in the city, you can still win.”

The man’s voice was full of confidence. In response, the woman laughed quietly and said, “Yes, if the surprise attack is successful.” As she repeated this, she started giggling even more.

Eventually, the woman must have laughed heartily, lifting her waist and jumping up. Then, with an elastic movement, she wrapped her arms around the man’s neck and whispered in his ear.

“I hope that day comes soon. “The day I can get revenge on those guys.”

“You just have to be patient a little longer. “Don’t worry, just have faith.”

“Hehe. It’s reliable. all right! Then, I will follow the captain’s instructions and wait quietly.”

“… … .”

The woman spoke in a humorous voice, laughed and ran down the hill. Her man glanced at her indifferently and burst into laughter. Then she let out a long sigh and began to look closely at the place she was looking at earlier.

Just like that, the night in the forest deepened.


“User Kim Soo-hyun?”

“Long time no see… . “Isn’t it?”

As I entered the summoning room, I saw Seraph sitting at the altar as always. It seems quite surprising that I visited on my own two times in a row, raising the ending sound strangely. In fact, in the past, he only came once every three months, let alone once a month, so it was understandable that he was puzzled.

Seraph quickly recovered her expression and spoke in a calm voice.

“also… . “Are you here?”

“huh. I have a question. “Then why are you so surprised?”

“I was surprised that you came to see me even though I didn’t call you.”

“Even your recent visit wasn’t by invitation.”

I answered roughly and sat down to face Seraph. Then I took out a pack of tobacco and decided to go straight to business.

“Anyway, I have a question to ask about Hwajeong.”

“yes. Say it. “I will answer you with all my sincerity.”

“hmm… . How should I say it? Yes, in a nutshell. For example, let’s say there is one user who is cursed with banshee. “Can the user’s curse be lifted with the power of Hwajeong?”

“it’s possible.”

An immediate answer without any hesitation. But I also vaguely knew that much. What I wanted was a little more detailed explanation. Seraph seemed to have read my thoughts and immediately began to explain further.

“The Curse of the Banshee is a very effective, high-rank curse. No amount of magical power, luck, or anti-magic power can fight it. But it is nothing compared to Hwajeong. To put it simply, I also have a saying. “It’s almost a shame to even compare the level of Hwajeong and the level of Bansi’s curse.”

“good. So, you’re saying that Hwajeong is quite useful not only for combat, but also for healing, right?”

“That is not entirely wrong. However, there are limits to using Hwajeong for treatment.”

“… … .”

What Seraph said just now was what I really wanted to know. Until now, I had no vague sense of using it for any purpose other than combat. Shouldn’t the boundaries be clear to avoid disruption in future use?

“Depending on how you use it, Hwajeong can be used for combat or healing. It feels a little ambiguous, though. Assuming it is used for treatment, it can be seen as simple purification. In other words, it does not mean complete healing. For example, if user Kim Soo-hyun healed the user mentioned earlier, Banshee’s curse can definitely be burned away. However, the aftereffects caused by the curse cannot be cured.”

“… okay?”

“Let me give you another example. If a user is affected by mental taint, the taint can be purified. However, if a user develops psychosis due to contamination, the self-induced psychosis cannot be treated.”

“Well, there are more restrictions than I thought. “Wouldn’t it be possible to set everything on fire?”

Suddenly, I remembered the time when I used the power of Hwajeong on Margarita. At that time, I mustered up my will to burn away the bad memories. Looking at the Fairy Queen’s reaction later, I thought there was a possibility if I did well, but the Seraph in front of me was completely denying that possibility.

‘So does that mean it was really a coincidence?’

As I bit my lip and was lost in thought, Seraph’s calm tone flowed into my ears.

“Hwajeong’s second name is the fire that burns forever. You can burn everything, but that’s just literally burning it. The focus is on destructive activities; healing is only an additional element. Also, please keep in mind that the current Hwajeong level of user Kim Soo-hyun is only S rank.”

“In the end, your life can be saved, but what happens after that cannot be guaranteed. What do you mean? . Tsk.”

In that case, the only answer to complete healing was elixir. When she clicked her tongue while taking out the elixir she had kept in her arms, Seraph tilted her head and opened her mouth.

“Elixir? “Does user Kim Soo-hyun intend to use the elixir?”

“I’m thinking about it.”

“I don’t know how valuable the user we are trying to save is to user Kim Soo-hyun. However, if you are not sure, I would recommend holding off on your current thoughts. There are many different types of aftereffects. Symptoms may become more severe, may remain the same, or may gradually improve over time. Elixir, it is a potion of heaven and earth that is like one life. “I don’t know who would use it, but I think using it in vain is something that should definitely be avoided.”

“huh. Actually, I think so too. After all, if you can save your life, you have time to spare. “We will need to watch the trend from now on.”

As he nodded obediently, a mysterious light appeared in Seraph’s eyes.

Seraph’s words were clearly clear at a glance. The most urgent thing right now is your life, so take care of urgent matters first and take your time. And, of course, I didn’t intend to do that, but I was saying not to waste elixir by using it all the time.

Anyway, by talking with Seraph, I was able to sort out some of my complicated thoughts. By this point, I had all the information I could, so I stood up easily and blurted out a word.

“I heard you right. Anyway, I’ll leave now. thanks.”

“Yes, yes?”


“Oh, it’s nothing. You are welcome. It is the helper’s role to help the user.”

‘Why is this happening all of a sudden?’

Seraph’s reaction was a little subtle, but he had made up his mind, so he quickly turned around.

“User Kim Soo-hyun.”


And just as I was about to throw myself into the portal, a quiet voice came from behind me. I stopped walking reflexively.

“I… . Would you please come again next time? ?”

“… … .”

I launched myself straight toward the portal.


After meeting with Seraph, I left the temple. After finishing my business by going to the square and looking at the public bulletin board, I walked towards the clan house.

Before we knew it, dawn had passed and morning had arrived. Im Hanna had faithfully carried out my instructions. She entered the main building and immediately entered the small conference room on the third floor, where she could see the clan members sitting in ten seats. Of course, some of them had their heads on the table with messy faces.

“Where have you been since early in the morning?”

“I had business to do at the temple and square.”

After sitting at the head table, I watched An Hyeon shake An Sol and Lee Yu-jeong awake and answered Go Yeon-ju’s questions. At that moment, a thought occurred to her and she looked at her. Go Yeon-ju was staring at me with the same attitude as always.

“… High user performance.”

“Ho Ho. “Yes, did things go well?”

“It worked out well.”

“I was worried, but I’m really glad.”

Go Yeon-ju’s last words contained a meaning that only I could understand. She is currently smiling at her as she reads the emotions she is feeling. Seeing her still smiling despite being f*cked so badly last night made her feel an inexplicable warmth in her heart. She knows even if she doesn’t say it. I am OK. It was as if he was saying that. I felt relieved when I saw that reaction, but I still felt uneasy when I saw the slightly swollen corners of my eyes.

‘I’ll apologize, but I’ll do it later when I get the chance. Let’s focus for now.’

Ko Yeon-ju would also like this attitude. I let out a short sigh, feeling grateful for her deep consideration. After looking at all the clan members, he opened his mouth in a powerful voice.

“Everyone’s eyes are full of sleep. “I told them not to wake me up, but I still feel grateful that they gathered earlier than usual.”

“Kyuu… .”

“… The reason I brought you all together this early in the morning is because I have something urgent to tell you. I will let you know as soon as possible. “Today, I and some other clan members will have to leave the clan house for two to three days.”

“Eck! why? yo. this?”

Lee Yu-jeong, who had been half-asleep as if she was surprised by the news that she was leaving the clan house, suddenly woke up and looked at me. Although she had the worst reaction, it wasn’t just Lee Yu-jeong. Thinking that a more detailed explanation was necessary, I calmly began to explain what had happened from last night.

There is a user in the Hamill Clan who is under the banshee curse, and they are asking for help in various ways. At their request, they are looking for help in Istantel Row. And lastly, the curse of Banshee can be cured with Hwajeong, and this morning, I checked with the angel in charge to see if it was true.

Of course, I didn’t explain it as it was.

‘The elixir… . Let’s put it in for now. If you look at the situation and think it is really necessary… .’

Because my brother and Han So-young are not in danger. You may feel a little disappointed, but if the aftereffects are of a nature that improves, it would be a waste of a bottle. Therefore, I was finally able to finish my explanation after making the internal decision to return the elixir I had stored in my chest to the warehouse.

Eventually, the clan members who heard the entire explanation began to ask questions one by one. The first batter was definitely Jeong Ha-yeon.

“Clan Lord. But if you use that power… .”

“You probably know that I raised my physical strength not long ago. “The output when used for therapeutic purposes is quite manageable.”

Ha-yeon Jeong immediately voiced her concern, but was able to silence her immediately. At that time, Go Yeon-joo, who had been listening quietly until now, quietly raised his hand and asked her to speak. I immediately nodded and gave permission to speak.

“I roughly understood what you meant. Clan Hamill is looking for a way to save clan members from the banshee curse. And the Clan Lord has the power to cure it.”


“Then I have a question. What does the Clan Lord want from Clan Hamill by helping with this matter? Is it a reward or an alliance? Of course, as you know, the price of life is quite precious.”

“Of course there are reasons for that. To put it bluntly, it could be a superficial reason. But, there is one more reason besides that. This is a very personal reason, so I cannot reveal it in detail yet. But I can tell you one thing for sure: personal reasons will never influence my public judgment.”

When I told him clearly, Go Yeon-ju looked satisfied. I paused for a moment to catch my breath. What Go Yeon-ju was saying was that if anything is done for free, don’t do it for free and take care of what you need. And since I am the clan lord of a clan, I do not take that responsibility lightly. Even if the pending items were in my hands, I planned to let my clan members know where and how I would use them before using them.

“Anyway, the Hamill Clan is very famous in the eastern city. I don’t know if you remember what I said earlier. Users gather to form clans, and clans gather to form cities. As a mercenary, this is an opportunity to owe Clan Hamill almost for free. If I take a little effort, I might be able to lay the foundation for maintaining a good relationship with the Hamill Clan in the future.”

“As long as it doesn’t put too much strain on the Clan Lord’s body, I will agree.”

“Obviously, once you create a clan, the relationships around you are also important. Well, it’s a bit of a hassle since we’re a clan in the eastern city, but since we asked for help from Istantel Row, there’s no need to worry. “I also agree.”


Ko Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon seemed to think that what I was saying made sense and agreed with bright faces. In fact, the two people who currently have the most influence within the clan after me agreed, so it was safe to say that no one was opposed.

Eventually, after some time had passed, everyone’s eyes focused on me except for Ansol, who was still trying not to doze off. He declared from the beginning that he would not just go with me, but would take a few people with him. And the number of people to be taken was already decided.

“High user performance.”


“User Hanbyeol Kim.”


Ko Yeon-ju answered leisurely, while Kim Han-byeol was surprised.

“There is a saying that you should remove the horns of an ox as quickly as possible. We plan to leave as soon as preparations are complete. So, two of you, please be ready to leave immediately after this meeting. Oh, no matter how long it takes, it won’t take more than three days, so you can prepare accordingly.”

“If you’re just going to Hamill for a short while, wouldn’t one day be enough?”

“The Hamill Clan is located in the eastern city of Prinsica. “I’m not going to come back right away after doing my business there, but I’m planning to stop by Mule one more time.”

“Is it a mule?”

Go Yeon-ju’s mysterious voice. I calmly lowered my head and buried myself in the chair. When I looked at Kim Han-byeol for a moment, I saw that she was still in a daze. and… .

‘joy. 1000 gold. ‘I added a little more.’

‘If you happen to recruit a jewel wizard, would you bring him along?’

Thinking of my old man, who was still running a jewelry store in Mule, I slowly opened my mouth.

“There is one user I would like to meet on Mule. When I was working there, I made one promise. Ah, it’s more of a request than a promise… . Anyway, he is a person who has been quite good to me.”

Of course, I also had the intention of making a recruitment offer. I smiled softly as I saw Go Yeon-ju tilting her head as if she still didn’t understand. The old man was also a user with a rare class called ‘Gem Appraiser’. If we could recruit the old man, it might be of great help to Kim Han-byeol.

Even though we failed to recruit him at the time, this time will be different. Comparing the foundation at that time to the foundation now, there was a big difference.

“Okay then… .”

“to? It’s a mule… ?”

It was then. Ansol, who had been dozing off until now, raised her head as if she had been hit with cold water.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Ro Yu-jin “I had a dream.”

Reader “Did you have a scary dream?”

Ro Yu-jin: “No. “I had a dream of hearing compliments about the s*xual content from Memorize readers.”

Reader “Hehe, it’s a compliment. That’s good. “Then why are you crying so sadly?”

Ro Yu-jin “That’s because I saw reality yesterday.”

P.S. The cover has changed. The main character on the cover is Seraph. I’ve posted it on the cover, notice, yard, and work settings, so if you want to see it larger, come take a look! Also, I would appreciate it if you could leave a review. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to illustrator SILVESTER. _(__)_


1. Oriental medicine mode: Congratulations on first place. It seems like it’s been a while since I last saw you in 1st place. haha. Please enjoy this episode as well!

2. BandSVIVA: Oh, sorry. During the comment, ‘Squeeze.’ The moment I saw the words, I felt it was somehow cute. ;cow; Tighten, tighten, completely tighten. 😀

3. Paedeep + Muyeongseogwi: Thank you. Thanks to you, I changed the original 3-year contract to a 2-year contract. 🙂

4. Soul Soul: Thank you. I stopped by a total of five places today. My feet hurt a lot, but fortunately I was able to purchase a good device at a satisfactory price. 🙂

5. Yosuri: I was also surprised. Oh my, my nickname is Ansol!

6. Ivian: … … . yes Laugh at me! You can laugh as much as you want! Ugh! ;blanket;

7. GradeRown: The feelings with Ko Yeon-ju will be briefly resolved in the next episode. 🙂 haha. Have you seen the jungle game? I enjoyed that too!

8. Rest. : Oh, no. What I meant was that it was a work that went into it with that in mind, rather than being the center of it all. 🙂

9. Miwolya: Puhahahaha. Ah, I laughed so hard after seeing it. Salt in the world. lol.

10. Best part: Haha, Kim Soo-hyun doesn’t know yet. If we were to give an example, it would be fair to say that Im Hanna herself(?) is ‘contemplating’ whether to pick the flag or not. 🙂

11. Risky: Haha. There were many reasons. I also wanted to reflect on my relationship with Ko Yeon-ju, and you can see it as a one-time event that showed off my stamina. Actually, there is a real reason, but it seems that Soo-hyun’s inner self was not conveyed well to readers. It must be entirely my lack of ability. Next time I get a chance, I want to prepare thoroughly and approach readers again.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode