MEMORIZE Chapter 295

00295 Junction ——————————————– —————————-=

(This episode contains a s*xual scene. If you do not wish to do so, please skip that part.)

“Suhyeon, are you sleeping?”

The person who opened the door and came in was Go Yeon-ju. When I turned my head toward the door, a pair of gray eyes that did not lose their light even in the darkness were staring at me.

“You’re awake.”

His moon-like eyes suddenly curved prettily as if he saw me waking up. Go Yeon-ju smiled lightly and slowly began to approach me.

Let’s go. Let’s go.

Step by step. Slow footsteps. The moonlight coming through the window was dim and hazy. The sound stopped in a place filled with moonlight, and only then was it possible to see Ko Yeonju. Soon, her appearance reflected in the moonlight was so obscene and seductive that it was slightly shocking.

A top that exposes not only the shoulders but also the cleavage. The bottoms that connected to the top were short and transparent enough to show the underwear. It was definitely an extremely s*xy one-piece dress, but when Go Yeon-joo wore it, the atmosphere was quite different. It’s tempting enough to feel fatal, but it’s not vulgar. Although it felt slightly washed out, there was also a deep taste.

“I came to apologize for what happened last night. sorry. “As soon as I saw Yeon Hye-rim, I unconsciously lost my temper.”

“Was it someone who knew? Tsk… . Anyway, fortunately the work was covered well. I heard you have a personal grudge, but be careful next time. I will end this warning with this one time. “It won’t happen twice.”

“Yes, I will engrave those words deeply in my heart. I was really wrong. From next time, unless you start an argument, I will just ignore you.”

“All right.”

Go Yeon-ju’s voice was filled with sincerity. At her level, there was no way she would lie, so she could be trusted. Just as I was about to think that, Go Yeon-ju came one step closer.

“Ho Ho. thank you. I’ll be really careful. but… . “I think an apology that is only verbal is insincere.”

“… So you’re saying you’ll apologize physically as well?”

Thinking that it was a good excuse, I burst out laughing without realizing it. Ko Yeon-ju also showed an embarrassed smile, as if he thought it was ridiculous even after saying it himself. Anyway, she seemed to have taken my reaction as silent approval and slowly extended her hand towards me.

Eventually, when I felt a soft hand gently wrapping around my shoulder, I lay down on the bed again. Then, the late Yeon-joo fell down and collapsed on top of me. I calmly stroked her back, smelling the rich scent of ripe flesh flowing into her nostrils. A weak breath tickled my chest, and I felt soft skin on my palm.

Go Yeon-ju, who had buried her face in her chest for a moment, quietly opened her mouth.

“I will serve you with all my heart, so please accept my apology.”

“I’m expecting an apology.”

“It will be quite sweet. “But I have one concern.”


Suddenly, there was a playfulness in Go Yeon-ju’s voice. As I look at her quizzically, I see her face with her head raised. Go Yeon-ju’s eyes were even more curved than before, taking on a beautiful shape like a crescent moon.

“Hmm~. Everyone is probably sleeping in the annex by now. There is no one in the main building… . Today I want to scream as much as I want… .”

“Yes. “But what are you worried about?”

“But I’m too worried about Su-hyeon’s physical strength to do it that intensely. Maybe you’re having a hard time today… .”

“… under.”

Judging from his facial expression and words, this was a clear provocation.

And the moment I heard those words, I was able to reflect on the resolution I had made before.


Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

“Ah ah ah ah ah! Su, Suhyeon! Oh, no! Jebaaaaal!”

Go Yeon-ju screams and thrashes like crazy. But I was pressing her breasts with both hands to prevent her from moving around. She squeezed her hand once, and I could see her breasts distorting under the pressure, along with the soft texture. Meanwhile, my man was ruthlessly prowling through Go Yeon-joo’s precious places, going in and out of her roots all the way.

Ko Yeon-joo cried out in an intense love affair that was quite different from before. When she saw her weak appearance, she felt a strange sense of déjà vu. The Shadow Queen, whom I thought was a tree I couldn’t climb during the first round, is now crying out loud as she falls beneath me. When I thought about that, I couldn’t help but smile.

“S-Stop! Su-hyun! Now, now, wrong… ! Please stop!”

I dug in hard once again. Go Yeon-ju screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn’t pay any heed to him, and as he teased her waist even harder, he could feel her legs struggling behind her back. Both hands are shaking violently, holding the torn sheet.

Before I knew it, the confusion that had filled my mind had completely disappeared. In its place was a desire for conquest filled with animal-like desire. Maybe I’m venting my frustration and complexity that I can’t solve onto Go Yeon-ju.

I let go of Go Yeon-ju’s breasts, which I was holding tightly, and moved my hands to her slim waist. Then, he pulled out the man who was deeply lodged in him and lifted his waist for a moment. She lifted her head slightly, breathing heavily, as if she thought it was finally over. However, I was quickly betrayed such expectations.

The hand that was stroking my waist quickly moved to my buttocks, shins, and grabbed my ankles. When he was lifted up from below, his stomach folded inward and his buttocks rose, as if he couldn’t overcome his strength. Soon, Go Yeon-joo’s slender legs passed over her breasts, which were slightly hanging from side to side, and placed her head between them.

Go Yeon-ju’s eyes are filled with despair again and her lips part. I moved my gaze from her tightly folded toes to her legs forming a V shape. Eventually, the moment my eyes landed on her raised buttocks, which were at the peak of her body, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of admiration.

You can see the precious spot swollen red and shiny with thick liquid. And underneath, Go Yeon-ju’s shameful face, which I had never seen before, was shyly showing itself.

“Su-hyun… ! Please don’t look… ! shame… ! Black!”

Ignoring the pleading voices, I spread my legs wider. As the round buttocks opened wide, the precious areas also opened to the left and right, showing off their lewdness to the fullest. Go Yeon-joo moaned and cupped his face. Maintaining that position, I aimed the man into the reddish hole.

As he tried to slightly enter the vag!na, Go Yeon-ju’s waist twisted this way and that. It seemed like he was trying to avoid it somehow, but the end had already been covered. Rather, such actions resulted in the man being pushed inside with even greater pleasure.

I felt weak resistance inside Goyeonju, but it was a place I had already been in and out of hundreds of times throughout the night. The road had already been made. As soon as I applied a little force, the man easily penetrated inside. And the moment my groin and hers collided, Go Yeon-ju’s body dropped loudly.



It went all the way down to the root at once, with the feeling that it was going in. The inside of Go Yeon-ju was hot and cozy as always. The inner wall reflexively tightens around the man and a moan comes out from the pleasant pressure. Is this what it feels like to bite down tightly? Enjoying the feeling that made me feel like I was going to ej*cu!ate at any moment, I pushed down while still holding on to my ankles.

Creak… . Creak… . Creak… . Creak… . Creak… . Creak… . Creak… . Creak… .

“Ah, ah, ah, ah… .”

Go Yeon-ju began to make a voice that was close to a scream again. Tasing the inside of her, which I thought was still small, I slowly shook her waist.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

However, as soon as she began to quickly increase her speed, her large breasts, which were not only voluptuous, began to bounce up and down in time with the beat. The more she did, the louder her screams became and her body shook mercilessly. Occasionally, a trembling sensation came from the ankle she was holding on to.

“Ah, ah, ah, evil! Ah, ah, ah, evil!”

The desire to vent was slowly rising. I immediately let go and covered Go Yeon-ju’s upper body and pressed it. Then her breasts pressed against my chest, giving me a strange pressure. Enjoying the feeling of the erect part of her breast being crushed against my chest, I teased her waist even harder.

“Su-hyun! Tsk, tsk! Boo, boo, tak, do it, do it, yo! “This, my, that, town!”

Go Yeon-ju’s plea. In response, she placed my lips on her pretty lips. Then, with a soft touch, her lips opened slightly, and hot, sweet breath flowed into her mouth. Inhaling it, I stuck my tongue in without hesitation. As our tongues mixed together, I was finally able to feel the current heat. A sweet smell came from Go Yeon-ju’s mouth, and the area where flesh met was shiny with sweat rubbing against each other.

At one point, Go Yeon-ju’s hands appeared to push my shoulders. After lightly brushing it off, I hugged her tightly. And as she felt that it was too much, she began to press it even more roughly.

“Ah, bam! Ah, black! Black… . Ah! Ahhh! Aaaaaaaaa!”

slam! slam! slam! slam! slam! slam! slam! slam!

The obscene sound of water splashing and flesh rubbing against flesh formed a duet with the high performance’s screams, creating a beautiful harmony.

So, how much time has passed?

“ah… . Black… . ah… . Black… . ah… .”

Go Yeon-ju must have lost the power to speak now, and all she could do was twitch and make the sound of the wind falling. The legs that were wrapping around my waist as if I was going to break it just a moment ago, and the hands that were fiercely scratching my back are all lying around helplessly. It was shaking as I moved, like a doll whose strings had been cut. Still, the senses were still alive, and every time the man was pulled out and re-entered, he only sobbed softly.

At that moment, the desire to ej*cu!ate that had been slowly building up from before rose to the top. I lifted my waist and held out both hands. Then, I grabbed the breast that was shaking like a wave and held it in my hand. Then, Go Yeon-ju’s eyes, which had remained as thin as thread, and her lips, which had been weakly parted, suddenly opened wide.

That reaction must have been the catalyst, so I finally stopped my movements while thrusting as deeply as possible, and at the same time, I could also feel an explosiveorga*m. The blood that had been hot throughout the morning rushed to the man, and it soon spurted out violently into Go Yeon-ju.

“omg… . omg… .”

“Ahhhh… !”

Slurp slurp! Slurp slurp!

The man vomited out a sticky liquid consisting of ooze without hesitation. Pure white essence flowing into the inner wall as if knocking on it. Every time Go Yeonju vomited, her body convulsed along with a weak moan. While I was enjoying the afterglow of ej*cu!ation, I had a fleeting thought as to how many hours the lovemaking had actually lasted.

After letting out all my affection, I raised my head and suddenly saw the morning sunlight vaguely illuminating the bed.

‘No way, it was really all night… . huh?’

It was then.

pee… .

While I was feeling a little absurd, I felt a warm sensation wetting my lower abdomen.

I was startled and pulled out the man who was attached to Go Yeon-ju’s precious spot and quickly straightened my back. Then he lowered his head and stared at the center of her legs, which were spread mercilessly.

pee… .

In Go Yeon-ju’s precious place, white liquid was flowing and a yellowish stream was gushing out like a fountain. She ended up losing her incontinence.

“Go, Go Yeonju.”

“Well… . Black… .”

When Ko Yeon-ju called her name in a dazed state, she immediately burst into tears. In the meantime, it seemed like he was trying to close his legs, but it seemed like he had no strength and only moved slightly.

I felt dazed as I watched Ko Yeon-ju cry silently. She has always been confident and relaxed, but now she is crying sadly in front of me. I couldn’t think of anything else. The thought that she had made a mistake was the only thing that dominated her mind. I slowly stretched out my hand, feeling possessed by something.


“Well… . Wow… .”

“Go Yeonju, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Well… . why… . Black… . too… . Ugh… . Ugh… .”

Go Yeon-ju moved his lips as if he wanted to say something. However, she seemed unable to overcome her sadness and ended up crying.

I grabbed her trembling shoulders and reflexively hugged her. And then he started to comfort her by gently caressing her back.


It felt like about 30 minutes had passed since I held and comforted Go Yeonju. She didn’t respond to my apology and just shed her tears, then fell asleep from exhaustion.

For a while, I looked at Go Yeon-ju’s face, who was fast asleep. Then I carefully covered him with a blanket, opened the door, and came out.

‘… … .’

It’s complicated. As she walked down her hallway in a daze, she felt a pang of guilt prick her heart. She suddenly remembered the time when she had her first relationship with the late Yeonju. Although it was less intense at that time than it is now, it was a relationship in which both were satisfied and confirmed each other’s feelings.

But not now. That he did it to shake off the complexities in his head and that he fell for Go Yeon-ju’s provocation were all childish excuses. The shabby desire to conquer Go Yeon-joo as a man, which has been going on since the first episode, has now exploded.

As I went down the 4th floor stairs with a sigh, I let out another short sigh. And I calmly composed my mind and made a promise. When Go Yeon-joo wakes up later, he will formally apologize for what happened today.

With that bitter taste in my mouth, I was about to turn around the stairs and enter the third floor hallway.


At that moment, I heard someone coming up the stairs.

As I stood still and waited, I could see a figure lightly coming up the stairs on the second floor. The identity of the footsteps was Im Hanna.


“oh! Clan Lord!”

When Lim Hanna saw me, she opened her eyes and blinked as if she was surprised.

“It’s a little early to say it’s morning. “You woke up early.”

“Ah yes… . I’m not usually a sleeper, and trying to sleep in a new place feels a little unfamiliar. I also wanted to look around the clan house here and there. “Is that rude?”

“User Lim Hanna is also a Mercenary Clan member. “There’s no way it would be rude.”

“Thank you for your generosity.”

Im Hanna bowed her head politely and smiled softly. And then came the quiet silence. She must have felt awkward when her conversation stopped, so she avoided my gaze and just looked down at the ground. Then, as she was contemplating whether to tell her to leave like this, Im Hanna suddenly spoke up.

“But what happened to you, Clan Lord…?” .”

“I was thinking of stopping by the warehouse on the third floor for a moment.”

“ah… . I see… .”

“… If it’s okay, would you like to take a look at the warehouse with me?”

Im Hanna was still staring at the floor and twiddling her fingers. But she soon gave her answer by quietly nodding her head.

‘Was this your personality originally?’

As I walked down the hallway, I quietly got lost in thought. Although Lim Hanna showed a kind side in Love House, she was not a shy person. Even when she was talking about me and the night flower, she did not show any servile side even though she asked for a favor. Rather, we could see a glimpse of her confidence and overflowing elegance. Since we were the same age, I thought it wouldn’t be awkward at least, but now I see that he is having a hard time.

Eventually, I arrived in front of the warehouse and held out my hand towards the magic circle drawn in the center. And the moment the cold touch touched my palm, I slowly began to infuse my magic power. Then, the magic circle reacted by glowing blue, and soon I could feel the lock being unlocked inside.

“Currently, a total of three people, including me, can enter the warehouse. “I own a small amount of equipment, so I have to manage it out of necessity.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of it. “They use magic to determine who enters and exits.”

“that’s right. “Shall we go in then?”


I immediately pushed the door open and went inside.

Inside the warehouse, the equipment that had been placed on hold in the last settlement was neatly displayed. Some of the equipment was hanging on the wall or placed on a display stand, while other items, such as eggs, gold and silver jewelry, were neatly collected on the floor.

While wandering around where the potions were, I looked back at Im Hanna, who was looking around cautiously, and spoke to her.

“So, how old is the user Lim Hanna?”

“Me? I’m twenty-four years old. “Then how old is the clan lord?”

“I’m also twenty-four. “We’re the same age.”

“Oh really? thank god.”

I just threw in a few words to break the awkward atmosphere, but Im Hanna’s reaction was surprisingly surprising.

“What are you glad about?”

“ah. I just like the fact that I met someone of the same age. Strangely enough, everyone around me was either younger or older. So, I wanted to have a friend.”

“Friend. I am the only twenty-four person in Mercenary. So would you like to be friends with me? “It may be difficult in public settings, but in private we can talk freely.”

“Oh, no! How dare I tell the clan lord… . “I didn’t mean it that way.”

All users are modern people. Even though people were polite in public settings, it was not uncommon for them to speak poorly in private. Han So-young, who has great charisma, sometimes allowed some clan members to speak comfortably in private. For example, Yeon Hye-rim.

As I was looking at the area where the potions were collected, I soon found three water bottles filled with yellow liquid. Picking up one of the bottles, I raised my lower back and said,

“I’m fine. It seems like you are finding it too difficult. “If that attitude continues, it will be difficult.”

“Well, then… . “I’m sorry, but can I ask you a favor?”

“yes? yes. “Tell me.”

“I… . I’ll be speaking louder for the time being, so could the Clan Lord please leave it to me? And I’m your brother… . ah. “This isn’t right.”


Im Hanna’s expression was suddenly stained red. She was brought here to look at the warehouse, but instead of looking around, she is focusing all her attention on me. Suddenly, the thought of meeting her in the eyes in her conference room flashed through her mind. At that time, Im Hanna’s eyes were filled with a strange desire.

I tilted my head for a moment, but since it wasn’t a very difficult request, I nodded obediently.

“okay. Then, I will speak comfortably from now on. Im Hannah.”

“Okay, thank you. “I’ll keep it high for a while and let you know later when it’s more convenient.”

“I see. ah. “I’m going to leave now, would you like to look around for a bit?”

“Ugh. no. “I want to go out too.”

Im Hanna shook her head. Eventually, she came out of the storage room and closed the door. She looked at the water bottle in my hand and opened her mouth.

“And what is that disease?”


“and… ! “That is elixir.”

“huh. I was able to get it by chance. hmm… . Im Hannah. “It’s early in the morning, but can I ask you a favor?”

Im Hanna said, “Of course.” He answered, shaking her head. Looking at her like that, I got lost in her thoughts.

Go Yeon-ju’s work and Im Hanna are pushed into a corner for now. Right now, it was time to focus on the story I heard from Han So-young. The Hamill Clan says they need elixir. I felt like I wanted to run at all costs. Not just my older brother, but each and every member of the clan was like a lifesaver to me.

But, it shouldn’t be like that. There are procedures and orders in everything. If I want to, it won’t take long for me to go to the eastern city and meet my brother. Since the East and South still maintain a tacit alliance, it only takes an hour, or even 30 minutes, if you use the warp gate.

‘The Hamill Clan. A user cursed with banshee. There are less than two weeks left. He can save your life with an elixir.’

I calmly organized my thoughts. And then she opened her mouth towards Im Hanna, who was waiting for an answer.

“I’m thinking of going outside for a while. It might take some time. “Don’t intentionally wake them up, but when the clan members wake up, can you ask them to gather in the small conference room on the third floor?”

“It’s not a difficult request. “By the way, where do you plan to go?”


“A temple?”

What I needed now was information. The elixir I am currently holding is an elixir of heaven that is like one life, and it cures any condition as long as it is alive. Using it simply out of emotion was an action that should absolutely be avoided, both as a user and as a clan lord.

I calmly nodded and answered.

“huh. “I plan to meet the angel in charge.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Well, let me be honest with you now. Since the Margarita incident, I have been gnashing my teeth at my readers. Of course, it was a big deal that I boldly cut out half of it because I thought it was really bad, but I was shocked to see that instead of hitting, people leisurely commented. What, what is it? Was I really a eunuch? I almost thought: So this time, let’s use it really hot! I made up my mind and wrote it, but after writing it all down… . Ah, what should I say? This too, just with a quiet smile? Is this strong? I think there are people who would say that. OTL

Anyway, I’m curious to what extent readers felt after watching this episode. ah. Of course, we apologize to those who were offended by this episode. However, Memorize was started with a s*xual scene in mind. Therefore, we ask for the readers’ generous understanding. _(__)_

P.S. My aunt is planning to get a smart phone tomorrow. Currently, you are considering the Galaxy S3 and Optimus G Pro. I’m planning to go to the dealership and buy it, but they’re asking me to help them. I searched for this and that, but I only got the installment principal(?), and the rest is useless. What should I keep in mind when I go? ;cow;

『Reripple (Episode 293)』

1. Flute: Congratulations on first place. 🙂 After Miwolya temporarily lost first place, it’s nice to see many people in first place. haha. Then, please enjoy this episode!

2. Kaarm: Ah, it’s been a while since I saw you! Nice to meet you. ㅜ.ㅠ Haha. If you are publishing a new work, I will go read it. 🙂

3. Triple Warriors: Hello! nice to see you. Thank you for your comment!

4. User Gandalf: Shh. It’s a secret weapon. Kim Soo-hyun still has room to grow. 🙂

5. MT Gom: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ haha. Even these days, I wonder if my work is providing healing to MT Gom. 🙂 I have a small wish that you enjoy reading it.

『Reripple (Episode 294) 』

1. RandomStyle: Congratulations on first place. 🙂 That’s correct. Su-hyeon did not meet her older brother at that time, and Yoo-hyeon did not specifically tell Su-hyeon of her existence. Hyoeul died at this point in the first episode. 🙂

2. dbss: Memorize means to remember or memorize. If we look at it closely, it can be interpreted as meaning to memorize and not forget. Kim Soo-hyun remembers the first episode, memorized it, and has not forgotten it. And he’s acting based on that. I would appreciate it if you could think of it this way. 😀

3. asfdgads: You are enlisting! All I can do is cry. ㅜ.ㅠ Come back in good health! Go for it!

4. Yeon Woo-jin: That’s correct. The death of his older brother can be seen as Kim Soo-hyun’s ‘shovel’, rather than a ‘nuisance’. Of course, he plans to try to avoid creating such a situation. However, elixirs are available for preparedness. 🙂

5. Like Heavenly Luck 2: I think so. There are a lot of things to cut out, and I feel that way myself. The e-book will probably be released after August. 🙂

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode