MEMORIZE Chapter 294

00294 Junction ——————————————– —————————-=

The next day, the clan house became busy from the morning.

A request for a visit from the Istantel Low Clan and the priest. In other words, the representative clan and Monica’s temple were coming. Especially since the two of them said they were coming together, I felt something was out of the ordinary for this to be a casual visit.

But there were also people who actually liked it. Perhaps because Jeong Ha-yeon prefers neat things, she became a fish out of water as soon as she received this news. To be honest, I didn’t think many people would come, so entertaining them in the VIP room on the 4th floor was enough. However, since she moved into the clan house, she took the lead in leading the general cleaning, including opening the conference room that had been closed and cleaning the interior. Accordingly, the employees had to be busy within two days of coming in.

By the time we were ready to welcome everyone, the sun had already risen to the middle of the sky. However, even as the sun in the sky slowly set to the west and dark dusk fell on the garden, the two were nowhere to be seen.

All the employees had already left work. A few quick-witted Night Flowers said they would stay if necessary, but to be honest, their absence was more helpful. In any case, even though I heard yesterday that it might be a little late, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was getting wet.

With my body buried in the soft sofa, I slowly looked around the VIP room. The high ceiling with beautiful patterns and the interior decoration with colorful decorations created a luxurious atmosphere. There was a pretty round table in the center of the room, and three sofas were arranged in a circle around it.

A few people seemed very satisfied with today’s cleaning, but I felt like the day was wasted without meaning. Even though it was in the VIP room, I felt like burning cigarettes right now. I thought about it for a moment, but in the end, I ended up taking a cigarette out of my pocket. There was a magic circle with a spell to purify the air engraved on the wall of the VIP room, so I thought it would be okay as long as no one else was there. That was the moment when the spark stone was lifted and the fire was lit.

Crash! Boom boom boom! Jump up!

“brother! “We’re in big trouble!”

“pooh! “Cluck!”

‘Anyway, it was like this.’

Even in modern times, if I were waiting at a bus stop and picked up an odeng from a street food stall, the bus I was waiting for would come. I coughed hard and spit out the smoke stuck in my throat. And when I looked at the wide open door, I saw Lee Yoo-jeong with an urgent look on her face, as if she had rushed up in a hurry.

“Why is it such a big deal that it’s so urgent? “Take a breath first.”

“Oh, no! brother! Now the people who said they would come yesterday have arrived! But there was a fight with Yeon-joo… !”

“what? fight?”

“quickly! The atmosphere is so scary! “It’s a total mess right now!”

I quickly got up and ran out into the hallway. I can’t think of anything else. All I could think was that I had to get to the first floor quickly. As I went down the stairs to the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd floors and got closer to the 1st floor, I felt an exhilarating, crushing feeling of life piercing my entire body. It hadn’t even arrived yet, but if it was this intense, it would take two level 10 users to fight against each other.

Perhaps because I was running at full speed, I was able to climb the stairs in an instant. However, I had no choice but to stop for a moment as I left the staircase that gave me a partial view of the first floor.

There were several users on the first floor. And in the center of their circle, two women were facing each other so close that they could smell each other’s breath. The source of the killing was right there, from Go Yeon-ju and Yeon Hye-rim.

“I was wondering where the smell of rotten rolling pins was coming from, and here comes the princess of a mop?”

Whether they know I have arrived or not. The late Yeonju, who had his arms crossed proudly, suddenly gently held his nose with one hand and frowned. Her tone of voice was full of sarcasm.

“Isn’t that the smell coming from your shadow? Anyway, the princess of a s*ut… . “I don’t think that’s something the Queen of w**res would say.”

Not to be outdone, Yeon Hye-rim, who placed both hands on her sides and straightened her back, also counterattacked with great force.

Then, the two let out a subtle laugh together. It was clearly a laugh that seemed like jade beads were flowing, but the intense murderousness was spreading through the gazes of the two as they made eye contact. In the past, it seemed like it had been tolerated well during convocation orders and user academies, but it seemed to have finally exploded.

It was obvious that if I continued like this, there would be a huge disaster, so I started to go down again, moving quickly from where I had stopped. It was then.

“Yeon Hye-rim!”

As the day grew frosty, a cold, yet somehow familiar voice rang through the lobby. The space that was out of sight from above was finally visible when I went down the stairs. At the entrance to the first floor, Han So-young and a female priest whom I remembered seeing once before were standing.

“I’m going out for a moment.”

“Okay, Clan Lord.”

“Don’t tell me twice. “You can either go out and wait, or go back first.”

“… … .”

Before I could even step forward, someone else came forward and settled the situation. Han So-young’s ‘order’ had a frost-like harshness that could not be refused. The Princess of Execution bit her lip, but then she glared sharply at Go Yeon-ju and took a couple of steps back. Finally, seeing Yeon Hye-rim turning around, Go Yeon-joo laughed lazily. No, she was trying to laugh.

“Ho Ho. Goodbye, little one… .”

“High user performance.”

“K-Clan Lord?”

“What are you doing now?”

Go Yeon-ju must have felt that I had come only then, and turned around in embarrassment.

Slowly moving towards the center, I opened my mouth softly.

“Please go back to your dorm.”

“… all right.”

Perhaps because Yeon Hye-rim retreated first, Ko Yeon-ju answered more calmly than expected.

An awkward atmosphere suddenly fills the lobby. I immediately looked at Han So-young. Now that it was like this, I was planning on guiding it myself.


In the end, Han So-young and the female priest guided me directly to the VIP room, which calmed the commotion for a while. If I made a mistake, the situation could have escalated, but Han So-young’s quick response and my timely appearance were able to put an end to it. Of course, it didn’t simply end there.

“sorry. “I sincerely apologize for causing a commotion at the Mercenary Clan House.”

“it’s okay. “It seemed like there was some problem between user Go Yeon-ju and Yeon Hye-rim.”

“You saw it right away. If she had known this would happen, she wouldn’t have brought Hye-rim… . “I’ll tell her what happened today, so I hope you’ll let her get over it.”

“It’s really okay. “I will also warn Go Yeon-ju.”

Han So-young takes appropriate action and apologizes in advance. Considering his status as the representative clan and clan lord, it could be seen that he made some concessions. I also had no intention of making a big deal out of it, so I gladly accepted her apology. Anyway, now that I’ve received enough apologies, it’s time to get to the point.

“I was surprised when I first got the call. “I didn’t know you two would come together.”

“Originally, I was planning to come a little earlier, but as I stopped by other places, there was a bit of a delay.”

“yes… . okay. “Then can I hear what your visit was about?”

“Of course.”

Han So-young answered politely and turned her head to the side. As she turned her gaze to follow her, her female priest was quietly drinking her tea. She was faking her polite expression, but her fingers were shaking. Perhaps the aftereffects of receiving the 10th lecture at close range still remain.

Finally, the priest let out a long breath and then gently opened his lips.

To be honest, the priest’s story that eventually began was within the expected range.

This investigation team has confirmed the achievements made by Mercenary, and the clan rank will rise accordingly. And while following our traces, we found clues that showed a high possibility of ‘herding’, and we also found traces of vagabonds around the Mountain of Delirium.

The only thing that caught my interest was that there was no trace of the tramps returning to Monica.

“So then you are saying that you are not a vagabond wearing the disguise of a user, but a natural vagabond.”

“no. Before the investigation team departed, I made a separate request. I asked them to keep track of whether the tramp had followed the mercenaries from the city. “There were too many traces to catch it, but it is possible that it came in from the side through another door.”

“Then he left the city and never came back…” . “Do you mean this?”

“I’m not sure, but personally, I think it’s the most likely.”

After talking for a while and feeling thirsty, the priest picked up the teacup again and brought it to his mouth.

I was quiet and lost in thought. If you think about it calmly, it wasn’t anything to be scared of. Regardless of whether they wore a mask or something else, tramps were originally people who wandered around from place to place. However, I didn’t feel comfortable leaving it like this.

‘It’s unlikely that we’re still waiting… . ‘I’ll have to keep several things in mind.’

Anyway, this was a big harvest, so I nodded calmly.

“You must have been concerned about just the investigation alone, so thank you for looking into it separately. But there is no need to come… . “It would have been okay for me to come and see you.”

“Oh, actually, I have one more thing to tell you. actually… .”


“Herse. wait a minute.”

Was the female priest’s name Herse? Except for the occasional explanation once or twice, Soyoung Han had just been listening quietly. But when she came forward, Herse’s eyes brightened and she nodded her head slightly. Somewhere in her eyes, there was an unknown earnestness mixed in.

Han So-young seemed to catch her breath slightly, but then she looked directly at me and opened her mouth. Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed like the previous stories were just a side note and the main topic now.

“Merchantry Lord. From now on, I will tell you.”

“I will listen.”

“I’ll tell you straight. “Does the Mercenary Clan have any elixirs?”

“yes… ?”

The words were so sudden that I frowned slightly without realizing it. When she asked again in a puzzled tone, Han So-young looked regretful, perhaps interpreting it in her own way.

“It looks like you aren’t there… . but… . “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Oh, wait a minute. “Why are you suddenly looking for Elixir?”

Han So-young’s face suddenly began to look tired. I wondered if the reason she came late today was because she was wandering around this clan to find her elixir. She shook her head, looking truly sorry for my question.

“I keep having to apologize. Sorry, Mercenary Lord. “I would like to reveal the reason, but I cannot tell you in detail because the circumstances are complicated.”

“It could be helpful in Mercantilery. “Did this investigation team find anyone injured in Istantel Row?”

“no. The investigation was completed successfully. It wasn’t something I needed from Istantel Row, but a request came from the eastern city. There is a user in the Eastern Clan whose life is so critical that he needs Elixir. “That user is someone I know well.”

“okay. “I’m curious, but you can’t tell me at all?”

Han So-young looked like she was thinking for a moment, but then quietly opened her mouth.

“The newly created clan is called the Hamill Clan. They say you need elixir there. All this can tell you… .”

“yes? “Clan Hamill?”

The moment I said those words, I felt like my heart sank.


The night was deep. I went into the private lodgings on the 4th floor of the main building, lay down on the bed, and tried to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep.

Elixir. There were a total of three bottles of elixir currently in stock at Mercenary. I originally had two bottles, one I used on Vivien, and I later got two more bottles from Chaos Mimic. All uses had already been determined. One bottle is mine, one bottle is Kim Yu-hyeon, and one bottle is Han So-young.

If Han So-young’s life was in danger, he would have given it to her without a second thought. However, the user needed was not Soyoung Han. After the conversation with her, her mind was very confused. I closed my eyes and slowly recalled the conversation I had with her.

‘The Hamill Clan.’

‘Kim Yu-hyeon? Do you know the Lord of Clan Hamill?’

‘no. The user who needs it is not Kim Yu-hyeon.’

‘I am a user who was attacked by a banshee, and the only way to save my life is using elixir. He said he had less than 2 weeks left… .’

When I first heard about the Hamill Clan, the first thing that came to mind was my older brother Kim Yu-hyeon. I immediately asked back, and was relieved to hear that it was not Kim Yu-hyun. But that didn’t mean the complexity went away.

During the first round, I was just an ordinary user. Finding a caravan for a day trip at the square is a daily routine. A person who is busy earning a living and earning a living. It was much later that I met my brother by chance and joined the Hamill clan.

Of course, I vaguely remember my brother’s actions. The Hamill Clan continued to grow over the next few years, later becoming one of the best clans. However, I did not know the details of the time before I joined. What this means is that we don’t know who the users in the Hamill Clan currently need Elixir are.

‘Why on earth don’t they tell me…? . ‘Who are you?’

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was losing sleep. I tossed and turned for a while, but eventually gave up on sleeping and raised my upper body. It looks like I have to sweat at least once in the underground gym before I can sleep.

It was the moment I got out of bed with a sad heart and grabbed the Sun and Moon God Sword.

Squeak… .

At that time, I heard the door being gently opened.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I have something to tell you today, readers. I heard a story from a writer I know at lunch, and it seemed like some Noblesse users were misunderstanding it, so I borrowed the review to clear up the misunderstanding and to see if there were any readers who thought the same way. 🙂

When you upload a novel to Joara, it is divided into ‘content’ and ‘review’.

Content is literally a place to post the content of the series, and Review is a place to post the author’s review. And the content included in the review is ‘not included in the capacity.’ This means that since reviews are not included in capacity, they are not directly included in calculating the Best Index.

I once contacted Joara about this issue. I will paste the answer I received back then.

Member Ro Yujin! hello.

This is Joara Customer Center ‘Blue’.

Review columns that are not serial columns are not processed as serial portions.

If you write comments such as reviews in the serial section, it will be recognized as a serial length, which can be a big problem. However, we would like to inform you that there is no problem at all in the review section.

Thank you for using Joara.

have a good day.

I understand that if Jo Ara raises more than 10K per episode, she can receive the highest best index for that episode. There is a loss in getting the best index from 9K or below, but from 10K or above, you get the same score as 10K whether you raise 12K or 16K. And I am recently updating the pure serial volume to 11K (10K based on Notepad).

So, I would appreciate it if you could eliminate the misconception that writing a long review increases the capacity. 🙂

Today, Riripple will take a day off. (I will combine the comments from this episode and post them together in the next episode.)

Thank you for always reading. Have a relaxing day today. 😀

P.S. The next episode contains some s*xual content. If you don’t want it, please skip that part!


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not work with dark mode