MEMORIZE Chapter 292

00292 Vivien’s Awakening %26 Don’t come expecting that ————————————— ——————=

The tramp stared at Simon with a puzzled look. In fact, what I heard her say during our second meeting was, ‘I will think about it if I murder my godmother.’ That was all.

The tramp slowly began to build up tension. If you look at the outside, the young man in front of you appears to be a weak scholar. But inside, he was one of the big men who controlled the lawless western continent. Among them, Simon the ‘Slaughterer’ is said to be the most vicious. That was the true face of the young man.

“Continent protector? “I don’t know about that.”

“Gosh, that’s what it sounds like. The one who protects the continent. Or it can also be expressed as a leader.”

“He who leads… .”

“The one who leads? Well, it doesn’t really matter if you think that way.”

Simon nodded as if that was enough and started rummaging around in the fountain again. The vagabond knows the identity of the fountain that the young man discovered. Simon had many enemies as he was a major player in the Western Continent, but he also had a nasty hobby. That is, among the enemies he faced, one thing he found quite amusing was collecting his corpse in a fountain.

As if the prediction was correct, Simon lifted his head again this time and smiled brightly. Some time had passed since he threw his body into the fountain, and the head he lifted up was a skeleton. Looking at the faded golden hair that was occasionally visible and the skeleton, it was possible to guess that it was originally a woman.

“This skull was the one who protected and led the Western Continent. The name was really pretty too. Lawrence.”

“What does that skeleton named Lawrence have to do with the murder of the Godmother? “I just don’t understand.”

“Since wanderers are also users, there must be an angel in charge as a helper, right?”

“That’s natural. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”

The tramp answered immediately. To get to the summoning room where the angel in charge is located, you must go through the portal of the temple within the city. You wouldn’t know it if it was a vagabond wearing the mask of a user, but the vagabond holding the scythe was officially wanted. I could see that I would be killed right away if I went near the city, so it was absurd to go into the temple and meet an angel.

“To put it simply, you can think of it as the exact opposite role of a wanderer. A leader has a closer relationship with angels than an ordinary user and refers to someone who secretly helps an individual or a group on a large scale.”

“hmm. “I’m getting older, but this is the first time I’ve heard of such a story.”

“You will. “The true identity of the leader is information that is treated as extremely confidential.”

“It piques my interest. Can I hear a little more detail? No, in as much detail as possible.”

The tramp flopped down in his seat, speaking in a slightly more subdued tone than at first. The ground was already soggy with blood, but it didn’t seem to matter one bit. Simon nodded kindly with a look that said, “Why not?” and calmly began to talk.

Just like that, about 10 minutes passed. During that time, one person continued talking and the other just listened quietly. Eventually, Simon let out a light snort as if he had finished telling the story, and the tramp, who had been listening without stopping once, finally opened his mouth.

“You speak quite vaguely. “There’s nothing refreshing about it.”

“I can’t help it. I only know the basics and don’t know the details. I also found out about this by chance. “To be honest, I admit that about 88% of the guesswork is mixed.”

“What is that needlessly accurate percentage? Anyway, then 12% is true… . How could you know? According to what you said, it really seems like this is information that should be treated as a top secret?”

“I once received help from this person. That’s when I got the chance and was able to get a clue. Oh, if you spread this, you’ll be in trouble. If the leader who appears next knows that I am after him, he can hide. Then it gets a little annoying.”


The tramp felt goosebumps rising as he watched Simon pull up the skull. It wasn’t something I felt particularly repulsed by, but for some reason, the thought that Simon might have killed the guardian named Lawrence also stuck in my head.

Simon looked at the vagrant nodding his head and subtly lowered the curled corner of his mouth.

“In a way, he is a really ambiguous user, just like the rumors say. Because we have to lead a hole plane that is primarily dominated by ‘user information’ and we don’t know where it will go. However, one thing is certain: Even those who lead do not always operate without purpose. “As a user, being given special authority by angels means that you have something to do with them.”

“For purpose… .”

“Think about it calmly. Did angels bring people here for no reason? I think I was brought here for a purpose. And for that purpose, the leader was appointed as a more direct agent.”

“The angels work in secret to achieve their unknown goals. It was good, I got the idea roughly. “Then Simon thought of his godmother as the one who would guide the northern continent.”

Clap clap.

As if that was the correct answer, Simon clapped lightly a couple of times. The tramp raised his dry-looking face, tilted his head and spoke.

“But isn’t there a possibility that it isn’t? No, even so, was it really necessary to kill her godmother? “I’m just asking because I’m curious.”

“I’m not even sure about the possibility. That’s why I said it was insurance. And it was necessary to kill.”

“Is it to ruin the Northern Continent?”

“It’s similar. It would be great if that happened, but let’s say it’s precisely to buy time. because… . “I’m scared of users from the Northern Continent.”

Perhaps it was an unexpected remark, but for the first time, the tramp’s expression, which had remained calm until now, changed. Simon scratched his head slightly, feeling embarrassed even after saying what he said.

“I don’t know what you think, but it’s true. There are quite a few users from various continents coming to this western continent. To be honest, the eastern continent is just stupid slaves, and the southern continent is pretty useful. But if you look at the users in the North Continent, they are really awesome. However, thinking that those people were defeated and kicked out of the Northern Continent, I was able to get a good idea of ​​the level of users on that continent. Are there really monsters gathered together?”

“That can’t be possible…” . In other words, you’re okay with bullying, but you’re afraid of revenge.”

“At first, we said it was fun, but we agreed to the offer anyway because we had something we were aiming for. That’s why I’m using you. Oops, sorry. “Did you feel bad?”

“at all. On the contrary, I would be grateful if you came out like that. Feel free to use it. “We will use it in the same way.”

They both laughed at the same time. The tramp, who had been laughing quietly for a while, then let out a long sigh and said.

“Anyway, today’s story was useful. “I clearly understand why you asked me to kill her godmother.”

“It’s just a possibility. It may not be true, and even if it were true, there is no way that the Northern Continent would become like the Western Continent. “It is the users who drive Holplane.”

“There is a limit… . It is said that a new guide may appear. Still, the possibility seems pretty high. “The events that have happened so far fit together too closely to be called a coincidence.”

“That’s my opinion too. The failure of the expedition to the Steel Mountains, the return of the Great Mother from hiding, the death of the Great Mother, and the present. Although the period of seclusion took a while, it is not completely incomprehensible considering that the Northern Continent enjoyed the greatest prosperity during that time. “Maybe there was no need to come forward.”

Simon stood up from the fountain, dusting off his pants. Then he spread his arms wide, took a deep breath, and spoke in a cheerful voice.

“My butt hurts after sitting for a long time. Would you like to get up now? “Let’s move her place.”

“huh? “Is there still something left to talk about?”

“haha. a lot. Not a lot. Let’s go to my own castle. I’ll treat you to some delicious tea. “Please don’t refuse.”

“hmm. “Then let’s accept the invitation.”

The vagabond stood up shakily and landed diagonally on the ground again. Soon, the two men began to walk slowly. The tramp walked looking at Simon’s back. And I walked about ten steps. A voice suddenly came from Simon, who was walking ahead.

“however… . I also have one question. “Wanderer.”


“Suddenly, an interesting idea occurred to me. Which road did you take when you killed her godmother before?”

“It wasn’t an easy road.”

The tramp grinned and answered in a low voice.


“Then please take care of me again. “I will contact you as soon as possible.”

“I am truly asking you to take care of me. There is no need to rush, so please prepare slowly and contact us.”

“thank you. Well then, I’ll just leave. “I know the way out, so you don’t have to come out.”

“All right. Please go in carefully.”

Im Hanna politely bowed her chest, or rather, bowed her head in greeting. Soon, I watched her back as she walked down the hallway, and I slowly closed the door and sat down on the sofa. Then Go Yeon-joo came running up to me and put her butt on my lap. She was about to raise her thighs, but decided to bear it since she was credited with bringing Im Hannah.

“Su-hyun. I have a question. “Why didn’t you tell Hannah?”


“Hannah, she’s an archer. Mercenary has rare classes for archers, and almost all archer equipment is available in sets.”

“… … .”

Before answering, I gently grabbed Go Yeon-ju’s waist and gave him upward pressure. It was a signal to wake up. However, she instead applied downward force and pressed her body closer to me. Feeling Go Yeon-joo’s buttocks pressing against her thighs, I breathed lightly.

“If Im Hanna comes in, the equipment can be lent in the form of a rental if you are a clan member. If she ends up leaving her clan later, you just have to retrieve it. But rare classes are different. “Once a Twilight Shaman is inherited, it cannot be retrieved.”

“Hmm~. is it so?”

“Of course, there is the Shadow Queen’s guarantee, but I think this is separate from that. Ahn Hyeon and Yu-jeong Lee have been following me since Rites of Passage, and Ha-yeon Jeong and Sang-yong Shin have been with me since the caravan days. But Im Hanna is different. “I’m not saying I won’t give it to you, but I’m saying you need to keep an eye on it.”

“Ho Ho. Su-hyun. I think there is a misunderstanding. I’m not asking why you didn’t tell me. If Soo-hyun had brought it up all of a sudden, I would have secretly followed Hanna and told her. Well done. side. side.”

Go Yeon-ju said that and then started kissing my cheek with her lips. I grumbled inwardly as I felt a soft touch on my cheek. I know this is her own way of expressing affection, but still, she sometimes treated Ko Yeon-joo, Jeong Ha-yeon, or me like her children. Especially in bed.

Ko Yeon-ju must have seen me frowning and burst into laughter.

“Oh my, why are you looking like that? Even though it’s like this, do you think I’m popular? “If you received a kiss from the Shadow Queen, which all men long for, try to be more happy.”

“I’m not very happy.”

“lie. “Then what is that hard thing poking my butt?”

“… … .”

When I couldn’t answer anything, Go Yeon-ju laughed again and hugged my head. As she quietly buried her face in her arms, I heard her voice talking excitedly, saying that she was so cute and that she would secretly visit her room in the early morning. I opened the user information window and checked my physical strength, then slowly closed my eyes and made a promise in my mind.

‘Okay, come in sometime. Just… . Let’s wait and see that day.’


The garden of the Clan House seen from the terrace was beautiful and peaceful. The sun was high in the sky, shining warm sunlight across the entire garden. Savoring the comfortable feeling I felt for the first time in a while, I calmly lost myself in thought.

Time passed quickly after the clan house cleaning and reorganization began in earnest. As if the pressure at the meeting had had an effect, the attitude of the clan members, who had only been paying attention a week ago, changed 180 degrees. As if it had been a while, people were rushing to request the necessary items. To put it mildly, this week’s spending alone was over 7,000 gold.

The affairs of Imhanna and the Flowers of the Night were able to be handled smoothly. She eventually quit being the madam of the Love House and was staying at a nearby inn with the Night Flowers. After completing the handover of this and that, it seemed that the Night Flowers were preparing the basic knowledge and attire they needed to have as employees. She said she was paying for it all with her own money, so she could see that Im Hanna really valued the former building owner’s will.

There were a total of 12 Night Flowers selected as employees. The reason I decided to choose my own employees was because I wanted to check user information with a third eye. Firstly, they were filtered based on their tendencies, and secondly, they were selected based on their true names and abilities. The flowers of the night that were not selected showed signs of disappointment, but it was none of my business. Also, Go Yeon-joo had something planned, so I planned to slowly report on its progress.

‘They said Im Hanna and the employees would come in tomorrow… .’

“Yah. how old are you… !”

“W-Why are you screaming all of a sudden…” .”

“You said you were eighteen… . Oh, and I’m 20 years old? “I’m the older sister, so I’m right!”

“Where is that?”


It was then. While I was sunbathing on the terrace, angry voices rang out from below. Out of curiosity, I peeked my head out and sharpened my eyesight and hearing, and was able to see an unexpected sight.

In the garden below the terrace, two people and a divine beast were seen. The people were Ansol and Baek Hangyeol, and Shinsu was, of course, a baby unicorn.

Perhaps because the weather was nice, the baby unicorn was sleeping soundly, lying down under a beautiful tree. It looked so happy as it occasionally opened its muzzle and licked its appetite. On the other hand, Ansol and Baek Hangyeol were confronting each other next to each other. Ansol, who must have been so angry at her, was straightening her back with both hands on her sides, and Baek Hangyeol was standing awkwardly, but still showing a dissatisfied expression.

“His name is Yuni, not Kkyun! Unii!”

“Ah, there is no name decided yet. “I’ll just call it whatever name I like.”

“… Joe, okay. Let’s say that’s true. “Then why did you laugh at me calling you Uni?”

“I didn’t laugh at you! Honestly, I thought it was strange… . Soo-hyeon also said that Kyungkyu is better!”

Ansol must have been shocked by those words and absentmindedly lowered his hands that had been resting on his sides. How long has it been since that? She swallowed the lump in her throat with wide eyes and screamed.

“Well, that can’t be possible…” . No! Uni is better!”

“Well, I think it’s better.”

“no! “Uni!”

“It’s kkyun!”

‘… … … … … … .’


In the end, Ansol, who lost the argument with Baek Han-gyeol, collapsed into tears. Looking at her like that, I quietly took out a piece of her tobacco and put it in her mouth.

For some reason, it seemed like I was sighing for no reason more these days.




Fly! Fly!

“Hoo… !”

Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

“Hoo… … … !”

Mercenary Clan House, Vivian’s private residence.

Vivien was lying face down on the bed, her eyes burning brightly with a hot fire, and she was constantly expressing admiration. She carefully turns the pages of the thick book, one by one, with a very absorbed expression on her face. Sometimes she underlines important parts, even to the point of folding one side over. Even though it was late at night, anyone who saw him reading a book with the light stone turned on would think, ‘This is an alchemist with deep research.’ It was so passionate that you could see it as such.

At that moment, Vivian’s eyes seemed to light up as if she had discovered something, and she began to use her quill pen to add to the records she had written down next to her.

“Slap my butt… . Tie it tightly with a rope… . Shaving… . Shame slave… . puppy… . whip… . Triangular wooden horse… . Okay, that’s it for today! Huyu~.”

Vivien spits out words one by one that smell strongly of something dangerous. She put down her quill and carefully filed away her notes in a book. Then, I closed the book with a loud thud and looked up at her ceiling with faint eyes.

Vivien stared at the ceiling for a while and muttered in a low voice.

“i envy you.”

What are you jealous of?

Soon, Vivien got up, turned over the pillow she was sleeping on, and placed it against the wall. Then, the back of a pillow with a man’s face on it was revealed. She knelt down on her knees in front of him, cleared her throat once or twice and opened her mouth.

“Master Su-hyeon… .”

Vivien stuttered, as if something was still awkward. However, he soon seemed to have made up his mind, his eyes tightened and he continued his next words. twisting his body.

“Please, please, to this obscene Vivian…” . Master Suhyeon… . Punish as much as you want… . Please take me down… . Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!”

The moment she barely finished speaking, Vivien clenched her hands and began to roll over on the bed, letting out a high-pitched scream.

“I did it! I did it! Gaaaaaaa! Dunno!”

With a squealing sound, he rubs his head against the pillow like crazy and frantically sweeps the blanket down with his legs. Soon Vivian quickly burrowed into the blanket, and soon the blanket began to bulge with a plopping sound. It looked like they were making a fuss inside, kicking the blanket violently.

The luminescence continued for about 3 minutes. After three minutes, the blanket, which had been constantly shaking as if I was losing strength, quieted down. After a while, Vivien popped her head out from under the blanket and let out a hot breath. Then he raised the corner of his mouth with an expression full of excitement.


A subtle laughter that smells like something dangerous.

In a place unknown to Su-hyeon, Vivien’s dangerous awakening was progressing step by step.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Aftereffects. This roughly concludes the rest chapter. We’ve laid out a lot of rice for the new episode, and now we have to reap it. 🙂 Soohyun must be satisfied since she got a lot of rest, right? (Huh?) Hahaha. Well then, I will leave for today. Have a restful night, all readers!


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place! yes This fan art was drawn by Broken Fan, and it’s Vivien La Classidus. It’s pretty, right? 🙂

2. Crowdis: Thank you for the coupon! _(__)_

3. alsdkniqe: I don’t plan on giving away the twilight shaman right away but will wait a little longer, and Su-hyeon carefully selected the night flower!

4. Cheonnyangboeun: I hope you enjoy watching this episode as well~. 🙂

5. Paradise Fantasia: It is expected to show its true value in the war that will decorate this episode. haha. 🙂

6. Office2Lup19: Haha, sorry. However, the story about the Western Continent that I posted yesterday and today is a very important story. Really, very much. Hehehe.

7. Pretentious: Modification complete! thank you!

8. KeaR、Royal: Oh, I see. Since the Western Continent is where Americans mainly gather, I wrote it in English to show that it is a foreign continent. haha. 🙂

9. MC Record 2: Of course! Of course not~. 🙂

10. ads123: Each class’s specialization ability is supported by other abilities. (If supported, the degree also varies depending on the class.) If Su-hyeon’s current stamina is 90, she can handle 101 agility. However, since he is currently holding Hwajeong, if he uses Hwajeong together, he will not be able to handle it completely with 90 stamina. Since I will definitely need to use Hwajeong in the future, I left the points for the sake of body balance. However, if you put all this into physical strength, you will feel a subtle sense of anxiety if you don’t raise it to 101 for what will happen in the future. There is no way that the opponent that will appear in the future will not have similar powers to Hwajeong. (The important thing here is that you should not view Hwajeong’s 101 ability as the same.)

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

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not work with dark mode