MEMORIZE Chapter 291

00291 Vivien’s Awakening %26 Don’t come expecting that ————————————— ——————=

2 months ago

A young man wearing comfortable clothes was sitting at the fountain in the square. He was quietly humming his tune with his eyes closed. Just looking at his face, he seemed like an attractive young man from the neighborhood. However, with the blood-red water gushing out intermittently from the fountain and the piles of corpses strewn about in horror, against the backdrop of such a scene, it would be impossible to view the young man with a soft smile as peaceful.

Jump and jump.

The young man’s humming, which had been humming for a while, stopped when he heard heavy footsteps. The young man opened his narrowed eyes and looked ahead of him, then he smiled and opened his mouth.

“You’re here. “Wanderer.”

“Wandering? It’s not wrong, but it’s a bit weird to hear it like that every time. “Rather call me a bum.”

low voice. There was no pitch, but the voice contained enough horrifying murderousness to make you shudder. However, the young man was just smiling as if he was having fun.

“Oops, sorry. “I activated the interpretation spell earlier, but I guess I chose the wrong word.”

“There’s no need to apologize. “I was the one who came here to express my regrets anyway, so I complained for no reason.”

“ha ha ha! it’s okay! “I’m not that narrow-minded.”

“is it. Well then, I’m glad. Anyway, I’ll just show myself now. “I think that’s polite.”

As soon as those words were finished, a man wearing a piece of cloth covered in blood suddenly appeared. He was holding a huge scythe, and his feet were on the ground at an angle. As blood flowed from the sharp scythe and soaked the ground, the young man showed an interesting expression for the first time.

“oh. “I guess the welcome from my friends was a little rough.”

“Not only was it rough, it gave me goosebumps.”

“huh? why?”

“One guy attacked me so aggressively that I knocked him down. I didn’t mean to kill you. But then he suddenly started giggling, picked up his knife and cut off the head himself.”

Once again, applause broke out. The young man clapped and squealed as if he thought the man’s words were really funny. Eventually he wiped his eyes and calmed his breathing. When the constant shaking of his shoulders subsided slightly, the young man spoke in an even brighter voice.

“okay. Please understand. “They are really like that.”

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about the West Continent. But every time I come here, I feel like the rumors have actually diminished. Literally crazy… . Even a lawless area wouldn’t be like this.”

When the man glanced at him and changed his words, the young man responded with a warm smile. Eventually, the young man reached into the fountain, looked around, and then grabbed something in his hand and lifted it up. In the young man’s right hand was the head of a man with a grim face. When he died, his expression was distorted, as if he had died in great pain.

“This one was called Jackaline, and this one was called the traitor. “He is a friend who is quite powerful and has a large following in the Western Continent.”

“So you are Simon the Slayer?”

“That’s what they call it. It’s not a very flattering name, but… .”

“Then let’s call him Simon.”

After those words, silence passed between the two for a long time. The young man, named Simon, seemed to be thinking about something as he stroked his severed head and then repeatedly squeezed it. How long has it been since that? Soon, Simon’s lips slowly opened.

“I thought the West Continent was getting boring after this friend died… . The wanderers’ suggestions were certainly interesting in their own way. “We also conducted our own investigation and found that it matches to some extent what the wanderers say.”

“It’s fun… . “It’s funny to say this when you’re asking for a favor, but are you guys considering this for fun?”

“The interpretation spell is not perfect. There will be differences in interpretation. In any case, the West Continent has now become a place where trash driven out from each continent gathers.”

“They’re trash… .”

The man muttered in a voice full of bitterness. However, since what Simon said was not entirely wrong, he accepted it silently. Slaughter, robbery, rape, war. In recent years, speakers on the Western Continent have become very familiar with such words. No, would you say that it went beyond what was familiar and took root deep within the marrow?

“Jackie, ah. It’s a nickname. In any case, since Jackie’s death, the space he was filling has been greatly emptied. Peace is not suitable. I needed a place where I could turn the tip of a knife and be able to accept such things. Well, there are many organizations here, and each organization has its own complicated circumstances, so I will stop complaining here. If I were to go into detail, it would be a long story. And you don’t seem to care.”

“I’m sure it’s because I used interpretation magic, but I hear words that I don’t understand from time to time.”

“Ahaha! I can’t do anything about that, so please understand. Alright, let’s leave the boring stuff to this point. “Shall we go back to the fun story?”

“Of course. “Is this officially your third time meeting with you guys?”

Simon rolled his eyes and lifted his fingers one by one, then nodded sharply.

“I guess that’s official.”

“The second time we met, your subordinate made one condition. With that said, we murdered the godmother and fulfilled our promise. “Only then will I be able to meet you.”

“The evidence was definitely handed over. “Then you must be wondering why I made it a condition that she kill her godmother, right?”

“Telling me the reason first will serve as a foundation for moving forward with the next story.”

Simon tilted his head, as if the word cornerstone didn’t make sense to him. The way he widened his eyes and tilted his head looked so innocent that it was hard to recall his reputation as a massacre.

“The murder of the godmother was for insurance. “Of course, it’s not a sure thing, but it has a lot of potential.”

“Can I listen in a little more detail?”

“Of course I will. if… .”


Simon paused for a moment and raised the corners of his mouth. Then he continued speaking in a quiet voice.

“Do you know about the guardians of each continent?”


I lightly pinched Lee Yu-jeong’s cheek as she hurriedly ran over to me, and I went straight up the stairs. And when I entered the office on the 4th floor, I could see two women calmly waiting for me.


Im Hanna supported the cup with one hand and held the handle with the other hand and brought the tea cup to her mouth. Her lithe yet confident appearance revealed her noble elegance that could not be hidden. I don’t know if her analogy is correct, but if you were to wear one of her rich dresses, she would look just like a precious daughter of her noble family.

“I heard the story. “I heard that an acquaintance was included in the first rescue team at the Canyon of Hallucinations.”

“yes… .”

“Why didn’t you tell me in advance? “Then I would have gone out of my way to go earlier.”

“no. I didn’t want to put any unnecessary burden on the Mercenary Lord as he was risking his life. And she even heard from Yeonju that she did her best… .”

Sadness flashed through Im Hanna’s eyes, as if she was thinking of an acquaintance who had died in this rescue team incident. I nodded once or twice and took a sip of tea.

There was silence. It didn’t take long for Lim Hannah to regain her original expression. After studying her face for a moment, she softly opened her mouth.

“I heard that there has been some discussion with Go Yeon-ju.”

“yes. I. “If the Mercenary Lord is willing to accept it, I would like to shamelessly ask you a favor.”

“I also have that intention, so I prepared this event. But before that, there are a few things I’d like to ask, do you mind?”

“Of course.”

Im Hanna’s eyes seemed to look to the side, and then Eo-soo nodded. Next to me, Koyeonju was living in a small area. Maybe he’s not used to seeing her like this.

“First of all, I heard that another clan offered to recruit the user Lim Hanna. Will you be able to defeat them and find out why you chose Mercenary? “Is it because of the night flower?”

“Of course, that is the biggest reason. There were a total of two companies that offered to recruit us, and both of them suffered significant damage during the first rescue team. “He said he didn’t have enough time to accept my request.”

“Are there any other reasons?”

“and… . I had the opportunity to get to know many Mercenary Clan members while living at the Love House. The atmosphere felt like a family, unlike other clans. I think I started to like it more and more. “I was also personally curious about the clan that her older sister played.”

It was an answer that was simple, but full of sincerity. Although this was enough, I was worried. Should I ask this question or not?

‘I guess it’s better to do it anyway.’

There was some conflict because it was a bit sensitive, but I still wanted to point this out.

“I have one more question. “It might be a little rude.”

“are you okay. Please feel free to ask questions.”

“then. I know that Im Hanna is a skilled archer. Enough to do it on my own. But I’m curious as to why you’re so obsessed with the flowers of the night.”

“… … .”

Im Hanna did not answer right away like before. Just slowly lift the teacup and bring it to your mouth. Just as I was wondering if I had asked the wrong question, I heard the sound of a teacup being put down.

“The story may be a bit long.”

“I will listen.”

As soon as I answered, Hannah Lim’s eyes seemed to become faint, and she slowly began to tell the story.

The owner of Love House is said to have been a fairly successful user for 4 years until recently. It was said that one relic was excavated almost every year, if you count the big and small, so it was possible to roughly guess. By chance, Im Hanna was able to enter a caravan led by the building owner, and there, her skills were recognized and she was able to establish herself.

However, a year ago, the caravan led by the building owner suffered a major accident during an expedition, and it is said to have suffered near-total damage in the aftermath. A few people, including the building owner and Lim Hannah, barely survived, but it was an irreparable blow that would not have been enough to rebuild the caravan.

Im Hanna was greatly shocked by what happened at that time and decided to suspend her activities for the time being and take a break. And the building owner is said to have gathered the remaining members and responded to merger inquiries from other clans.

This was Hannah Lim’s story.

“I was able to recover from the shock little by little, but it was a little scary to not do anything for several months. At that time, I was in the position of Madam of Love House. My brother has always had a laid-back personality. “I think he was trying to give me work first and gradually bring me back to Hall Plain rather than dragging me in right away.”

“okay. “I think it’s a male user since it says oppa, but it’s surprising to think of a building called Love House.”

“I hate to say this, but… . Her brother had a girlfriend at the time. I think she had a sister who did something similar to that in her modern days. Not only was she very kind-hearted, but perhaps because she had heard so many things about her, she felt particularly sorry for the night flowers. She would always ask me to take care of her kids. Those were the last words I left before leaving for the first rescue team. Although both of them are not in the world now… . “But since you always cared for me, I want to think of it as a will and finalize it.”

“hmm… .”

I fell asleep for a moment. What I felt while listening to Im Hannah was that there must be a more hidden story. Of course, that was just a feeling. And since it was clear that it would be really rude to dig deeper, I decided to end the story at this point.

“I heard what you said. I didn’t know such a thing existed. But I have to apologize first. “The Mercenary cannot hire all the Night Flowers.”

“yes. I heard. But Yeonjoo has an idea for the rest… .”

“That’s true, but strictly speaking, it’s a job left to the individual high performance. “How many night flowers are you taking care of right now?”

“There are 25 people. “We are hoping to hire 20 of them.”

That means that the remaining five people will continue the Night Flower. Among the flowers of the night, successful women sometimes earn quite a decent profit. Even more so than combat users. Anyway, I was more willing to do this as the number of people decreased.

“10 people. For now, I’m thinking about half of it. At most, 12 people… . Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“If it doesn’t work out, I was thinking about giving away the money I’ve been saving. As the number decreases, the money going to the children will increase. “I think this is the best option.”

“It’s nice that you talk quickly. I assume you agree. Congratulations on joining Mercenary.”

“Thank you for accepting my rude request. I will work really hard from now on. Please take care of me.”

Im Hannah and I shook hands lightly. I heard Go Yeon-ju clapping softly next to me.

Eventually, as she was taking her hands away, a thought occurred to her, and Lim Hanna opened her mouth with a cautious look on her face.

“Then, shall I take care of bringing in the children who will be hired?”


I said clearly. They say they are confident in their security, but that is just an idea. Clan house security planning was one of the priorities on my mind right now. Security does not happen automatically just because you are distracted, so you can only put your mind at ease if you pay attention to it yourself. And I think the first step is to select people.

After taking the last sip of tea, I opened my mouth in a powerful voice.

“I will personally select the users who will come in as employees. “I didn’t tell you before, but that is the final condition.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I originally tried to include information about using the call seat today, but I couldn’t. ㅜ.ㅠ In today’s review, I will briefly tell you about the call seat. 🙂 It’s not that big of a deal. The call stone is a pair of two magic stones (stones engraved with magic and trapping magic power). One for calling and one for receiving. Let’s assume there are person A and person B. If A and B store their own magic waves in each magic stone, they can immediately activate the summon stone. At this time, if A has a dragon that B uses to call, when A infuses his magic, some kind of signal will be sent to the call seat (receiving dragon) that B has. B, who receives the signal, can then tell that A is calling him. Although it seems convenient at first glance, it also has many disadvantages. The more call seats there are, the more difficult it is to tell which one is whose, and the recipient simply recognizes that he or she has been called, but cannot tell the location. So, you need to distinguish them well in advance and decide on a calling location. 🙂

P.S. Broken fan! Thank you for the Seraph and Vivian fan art! Vivien was so pretty that I put it on the cover without permission. If you leave a comment or message, I will take it down right away. _(__)_


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. Yes. In fact, the time since we broke up was quite long, and Kim Soo-hyun has changed a lot. In particular, what Kim Yoo-hyun remembers is the modern Kim Soo-hyun, so the sense of disconnect will be even more severe. 🙂

2. So Soo Young-seo: Yes. Kim Yoo-hyun is Kim Soo-hyun’s older brother. Elixir will be an important key to opening Part 2 beyond the new episode. Now you will start to see the rice cake. haha.

3. shadowΞghost: This is a new chapter after finishing work with Im Hanna and showing the clan house being organized. This is the chapter that marks the end of Part 1. 🙂

4. Mongu Hunter: I really want to tell you right now, but I’m sorry. Both of the things you mentioned will appear in this chapter. So please look forward to the content!

5. Fallen Wing: Is it really so? haha. There is a sin committed, so it remains unspoken. I’ll try not to go for a month though! 🙂

6. Shin Yujin: That’s right. As revealed in the previous content, one elixir was originally for Yuhyeon. Is it really worth it for Hyoeul to use the elixir? Hehehe.

7. Dalidakum: Yes. Not a daycare center. lol. It might be described as a bit pitiful. No need to worry!

8. Kussen: Oh, I can do that too. It’s not difficult, just copy and paste. But sometimes there are long comments, and I think it would be too long if I copied and pasted them all… .

9. Garlic: Then I will stand up with both hands up!

10. Hyeonoh: Hyeonoh’s comment is the best! Ansol Comment Chajim Death!

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode