Memorize Chapter 29

00029 Why are you doing this? ————————————————– ———————-=

‘Just in case, are you also going to the warp gate in the center?’

‘I won’t be able to go.’

‘I’m not just saying this. Don’t go. We were able to get close to the warp gate just two days ago. But it failed. ‘With only 300 meters left.’

‘Why? I stamped my feet and eventually decided to retreat. If only I had made that decision a little sooner… . Jintae… .’

‘You know the conditions for survival, right? It would be better to just hold out for 7 days. In particular, I can never deal with that guy. If it weren’t for Jintae at that time, we would all have been killed by that monster. Even though we were quite far away, the monster was staring right at where we were.’

‘That monster… .’


The condition for the appearance of a boss monster is that it does not stay for a specified period of time at each point. There is a condition of random appearance, but this is something that cannot be predicted. Honestly, I was more surprised by the fact that Woo Jung-min and his group reached the warp gate in three days than by the fact that a boss monster appeared near the warp gate.

Well, it wasn’t completely incomprehensible since there were Woo Jung-min and Seon Yu-un who later became famous in Hall Plain. Suddenly, the face of Won Hye-soo, crying, came to mind. She looked at me and cursed, but nothing particularly bothered her.

Because I knew very well the feeling of losing a precious person. I was like that too back then. After losing her brother and her, I was crazy for a while. You could probably make a few puddles just by collecting the pure blood on your hands.

“Ahn Hyeon.”

While I was walking, I heard Lee Yoo-jeong calling Ahn Hyeon. When Anhyeon raised her head, she spoke to her in an unusually quiet voice.

“thank you.”


“… “Thank you for saving me earlier.”

Ahn Hyeon tilted his head, but then an idea seemed to have occurred to him, and he lowered his head saying “Aha.”

“Anyway, your personality is the problem. Kill your temper and live. “It’s a shame because I was on guard against that guy from the beginning, otherwise you would have been stabbed with a dagger in your forehead for no reason.”

“That guy is making me angry!”

“Anyway, that’s true. Try doing half as much to other people as you usually do to Soohyun. Or maybe he only resembles half of Hanbyul’s personality. What are you doing if you only have a smooth face? “My personality is like a dog.”

“bar… . Half and half? really… ? ah… . Heh, heh! That’s because Soohyun oppa goes through a lot of trouble because of us. Anyway, I don’t like what I don’t like.”

Yu-jeong, who blushed at Ahn Hyeon’s flat expression, turned her head enough to make a noise. Ahn Hyeon’s eyes widened as he saw Yoo-jeong acting surprisingly girlish(?). Even to this extent, it was a huge step forward. She wondered what would happen to her if they got into another argument, but fortunately she seemed to have gotten over it.

It was then. When Sol An, who was listening to the conversation between the two of her, squeezed An Hyun’s collar, An Hyun automatically reached out and gently stroked her head. Looking at Ansol’s pale face, Yujeong Lee’s eyes became sharper. She was moving forward, carefully looking around her, with only the dull Ahn Hyeon unaware of the secrets surrounding her. Anyway, why do all the popular men become dull? Tsk tsk.

After walking hard for a while, we were able to find a save point as the sun was setting. And on the way, I didn’t encounter a single monster. The companions were happy, saying they were lucky, but it was not something to be happy about.

Since leaving the forest, except for the brief times we were in the city, we have always been attacked by monsters. What’s so bad is that Ansol didn’t even scream when he saw Mankey’s corpse. Of course, I intentionally led them to encounter monsters, but in any case, the group was rewarded for their hard work.

Monsters with some intelligence are gathered in the surrounding area surrounding the warp gate. This was evident from the fact that I killed the five Mankies at the top of the Rites of Passage. They probably know that many monsters have been killed by the group in the meantime. Their sensitive sense of smell will pick up the fishy smell of blood on us.

Obviously, that’s what I thought. However, after talking with Woo Jung-min, I changed my mind. If a boss monster has appeared and is wandering around the warp gate, there will be no large monsters nearby that will be active around the boss monster, who reigns at the top of the food chain.

In other words, if we don’t encounter a monster tomorrow, there is a high probability that we will encounter a boss monster ahead of the warp gate like Woo Jung-min’s group. It was an ironic situation. I left the city on purpose to avoid the boss monster, but I ended up running into the risk of encountering the boss monster again.

Of course, there were differences between the two situations. If we were in the city, we would have 100% met, but if we went now, we couldn’t predict the odds.

After thinking about it for a while, I had a question. There are clearly conditions for the appearance of boss monsters. And there are many survivors of this rite of passage, not just us. If so, there will definitely be cases where the conditions for the appearance of a boss monster are met at the same time. What on earth happens in such a case? Adding to the assumption that a boss monster appears with a high probability when approaching the warp gate, the situation becomes more complicated.

Suddenly I realized how little I knew about rites of passage. I’ve been eating at Hall Plain for 10 years and have done most of my research, but it wasn’t a rite of passage. I only had a fragmentary memory of what I heard users joking about from time to time. It wasn’t enough to make my chest feel tight, but the uneasy feeling didn’t go away.

How much time has passed? After walking for a while, we eventually found a point.

“It’s a yellow roof. “But it looks like a cabin.”

“Luckily, I found it today too. Well, it’s a little early, but let’s just rest here today. “Brother, are you okay?”

“Do not stay more than one day. The warning is here too. Anyway, I think it’s still better than last time. “Right, brother?”

“I want to go in first. I want to wash myself quickly. I also want to change my clothes. lol.”

“… … .”



“huh? Uh, okay. OK.”

I hurriedly lowered my head and everyone looked at me with strange faces. I shook my head to indicate that it was nothing.

After looking at my face for a moment, I sighed inwardly as I looked back at my companions chatting away. Immature guys. This is why group action is uncomfortable. If I had moved alone, I probably would have already entered the hall plane. Anyway, even if I think about it now, I can’t think of any clever ideas, so I decided to give up the idea for now. At the same time, I felt like I had loosened up considerably.

Like in the past, when I didn’t know anything, when a problem directly related to my survival arose, I couldn’t sit still for even a moment and tried to figure out a solution. But not now. There was already a deeply ingrained perception in my mind that I would cut down anything if I was wrong.

“brother. What are you doing? “We go in first!”

“… I am coming.”

I walked calmly as I saw Yujeong waving her hand brightly at me. First of all, I wanted to think about tomorrow.


The night was deep. I was sitting on the stairs leading up to the entrance of the hut, keeping watch. It’s no longer just me and Anhyeon who are on watch. The four of us, An Hyun, Kim Han-byeol, and Yu-jeong Lee, were taking turns standing. I don’t know the exact shift, but if a reasonable amount of time had passed, the person was switching to the next person.

The first one was Lee Yu-jeong, and the next one was me. The third was Hanbyeol, and the third was Anhyeon. Each person stands for about 2 hours, but after less than an hour (I feel like), Lee Yu-jeong started to make a fuss about taking shifts. He seemed to know that he was doing something embarrassing by avoiding my face even as he spoke.

As I habitually put my hand into my pocket, I found a candy bar. I decided to roughly give it up and was about to leave, but Yu-jeong seemed to feel sorry and pushed me into her arms. It seemed like it had been secretly left blank. There was no shortage of food or drink, so I didn’t say anything in particular. Since it was almost time to change shifts with Hanbyeol anyway, I thought it would be better to just chew a chocolate bar and then go in.

Just as I was about to open one of the bags, a coffee drink was suddenly thrust onto my right cheek. When she turned her head, Kim Han-byeol was bent at the waist, staring at me.

“You keep it hidden and only eat it to yourself.”

“… “Yujeong gave it to me.”

“She doesn’t give up on sweets, especially chocolate.”

“I didn’t keep my watch time. “He gave it to me as if he felt sorry for making me angry.”

Hanbyeol Kim smiled bitterly at my words and sat down next to me. He cuts the chocolate bar in half and takes it with a sigh.

“I will eat well.”

“I will drink well too.”

Kim Han-byeol was also treating me much more comfortably than at first. She wasn’t as lively as Lee Yu-jeong, but she still had distance, but it felt like it had diminished a little. However, among the group, we were the only ones who still maintained respect for each other. Since we had become so established from the beginning, it felt like it was an implicit promise that we would now treat each other with respect.

“Why are you thinking so deeply that you don’t look so good? “You don’t even know I’m here.”

I knew it. She just pretended not to notice. I said it to myself, but I didn’t show it out loud. I took a sip of coffee and opened my mouth.

“Haha, I guess I was bruised for a while. “But you say I don’t look good?”

“yes. I think I froze up a bit after saying something to that guy this afternoon. is not it… .”

is it. I thought you always kept a quiet expression. As I unconsciously stroked my face, Kim Hanbyeol calmly added,

“But what did you say then?”

“… “It’s no big deal.”

“I’m not the only one who felt that way. Hyeon-i, Yu-jeong, and Sol-i are all secretly anxious. “You barely said anything after that.”

“I was just thinking about this and that. Everything will work out fine. I’m sure of that. Even if something happens, it will be resolved well. “Don’t worry too much.”

With these last words, I threw away the chocolate bar and the remaining coffee in one go. For some reason, the more I talked to her, the more strongly her memories came to mind. She wanted to get away quickly. So she asked me to keep watch and was just about to turn and go up her stairs.

“wait a minute. “I still want to ask you something.”

In novels, comics, and dramas, in these cases, the male protagonist is just sent off in a cool way. Why doesn’t he do that? I screamed inside as I felt like Kim Han-byeol was about to start tackling again. Originally, my next turn would be Ahn Hyeon, but when Kim Han-byeol was asked to do it, I had a strange feeling. I opened my mouth with the kindest face I could.

“I’m a little tired. If you don’t mind, can we do it tomorrow? “I want to go in and sleep quickly.”

“I want to hear it now.”

“I’m not running away anywhere.”

I tried to deliberately joke about the increasingly serious atmosphere, but it didn’t work. Before I knew it, Hanbyeol Kim was staring at me with his cold face that he had never known before. Again, her face overlapped with Kim Han-byeol’s face. I unconsciously avoided eye contact.

“I have a feeling I’ll never be able to ask again if it’s not today.”

“Ah, what did you say then? It’s really nothing. What is that… ”


I closed my mouth for a moment. Did you just listen to your brother? It wasn’t. I’m not a pervert who likes me just because I heard my brother.

“Suhyeon oppa. “That’s not what I want to ask.”

Kim Han-byeol’s face was still cold and calm, but she had a different impression than usual. She was angry now. She was looking at me from the front, giving off a vibe that told me not to run away, that she asked me to stay where I am now. I now realize she is sincere. My expression lowered accordingly and I exchanged glances with Kim Han-byeol with calm eyes. And only then did she begin to speak.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode