MEMORIZE Chapter 285

00285 Escape from physical strength and premature ej*cu!ation! ————————————————– ———————-=

The sun, which had risen in the middle of the sky, was now slowly turning to the color of the setting sun, as if preparing to set towards the west. As the sun went down, the sky was slowly spreading out like red paint.

I suddenly raised my head and gaze as the hot wind caressed my cheeks. You can see crimson waves lapping at the leisurely floating cumulus clouds, embroidering the sky like a painting. It was a moderately warm day, not cool but not too hot.

About four hours ago, we were finally able to receive news that Mercenary’s Clan House was completed. Although it took a little longer than originally planned, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement. Even if he tried to show a calm demeanor as a clan lord, it was a long way to extinguish his swelling heart.

Even before I got the call, I had all my luggage packed. We said a quick goodbye to Madam Lim and left the love house we had been in for nearly four months.

When we exchanged greetings, Im Hanna smiled kindly as usual, but she looked somewhat lonely. At that time, she tilted her head for a moment, but at the glance of Go Yeon-joo, she went outside and was walking towards the clan house.

The distance between the Love House and the Clan House is not far. Although I walked very fast, I was able to reach the front gate in less than 5 minutes. The actual construction was completed around lunchtime, but it seemed like a lot of time was spent cleaning up. Anyway, now would be about the right time. I took a deep breath and pushed open the wooden door.



As soon as we entered, the clan members erupted in exclamation behind us. Although I had seen it before, the garden sprinkled with sunset light boasted another fantastic charm.

And over the gently swaying bushes, two buildings in the thick twilight were casting long shadows. The exterior of the building, stained a light gray color, harmonized with the surrounding landscape, revealing a quiet yet majestic appearance.

There were a lot of people inside. They were casually sitting in the garden bushes, laughing and chatting while looking at the completed clan house. As the wind blew once again and cooled their sweat, we shouted loudly as if someone had opened the door and found us coming in.

“Leader! “The Mercenary Lord has arrived!”

“Oh my! “You came!”

One user who was leaning against a tree in front of him jumped up. Then he turned his head and soon began to stride towards the door. As I looked closely at the people following behind me, I was able to spot two familiar faces.

‘long time no see. Uncle Bongpal, older sister Yehyeon.’

“haha! “You’re here, Mercenary Lord!”

“Nice to meet you. “This is Kim Soo-hyun, Lord of the Mercenary Clan.”

“This is Park Bong-pal of the Istantel Low Clan! This time, I was in charge of the architectural design of the clan house. Oh, this is Shin Ye-hyun, who is in charge of interior design.”

“nice to see you. “This is Shin Ye-hyeon.”

Mr. Bong-pal greets you with a sly look, and older sister Ye-hyeon smiles shyly. Since they both belong to Istantel Row, they had a meal together in the first round. I remember them as pretty nice people, so it would be a lie if I said I wasn’t happy. Anyway, thinking that they were still the same personalities, I held his outstretched hand firmly.

“oh my. Completion was two days behind schedule. I’m sorry!”

“It was unavoidable due to additional demands. it’s okay.”

“haha! Thank you if you think so. I paid special attention to the additions, even though the time was a little short. Of course, if there is something you don’t like, please tell us without hesitation.”

“Uh, boss… .”

While Bongpal and I were chatting, people from all over the place were slowly gathering. Judging from the rather shabby clothes they were wearing, it seemed like they were residents who came in as laborers. Eventually, a resident who seemed to be their representative spoke cautiously, and Park Bong-pal, who was talking excitedly, suddenly turned his head.

“huh? iced coffee. The Mercenary Lord is here, so leave now. great job.”

“lol. All right. however… . “The construction is over, so why don’t you have a drink?”

When the resident laughed and pretended to break a glass, Park Bong-pal burst into laughter.

“Uh-huh! How could you not! Man, shouldn’t I still guide these people? So don’t worry about money, just go and have a drink first. “I’ll follow you right away when I’m done.”

Monica is definitely different. In other cities, people would usually treat the residents as slaves or insects, but the man in front of me, Bongpal, was actually showing a friendly attitude. Perhaps that is why the residents here thought very favorably of Istantel Row and tended to support it.

After looking at them happily, I gave Jeong Ha-yeon a quick glance. She received my signal, nodded her head slightly, and walked with a calm demeanor toward the place where the residents were gathered. Soon, I noticed Jeong Ha-yeon’s slender back as she passed by me. Her hair, which now fell over her shoulders and down her back, reflected a soft blue light.

As Jeong Ha-yeon approached, the residents who were chatting quickly fell silent. Then everyone focused their attention on her with blank stares. After inheriting her secret class ‘Blue Moon Mage’, Jeong Ha-yeon’s aura has become more mature and deeper. Accordingly, it was natural that her beauty also increased further.

“You’ve worked hard all this time. “It’s not much, but it’s a small gesture of sincerity.”

“Oh my! Oops! no! it’s okay.”

When Ha-yeon Jeong handed over a small pouch she had taken out of her pocket, the resident was shocked and waved both hands. However, she gently grabbed the resident’s hand with a soft hand and held it in her pocket. Then the resident’s face turned red and he looked in all directions as if he didn’t know what to do.

“cadet. “It looks pretty thick, doesn’t it?”

“It’s 50 gold. “Not much.”

“Hey, we have a few people, but 10 gold would be a big deal.”

“I heard that you went through a lot in a short period of time. “I gave it to you in the hope that you will be able to fully resolve your concerns today.”

Park Bong-pal responded to my words, “Hehe.” He laughed and shouted loudly to the residents.

“You guys! The Mercenary Lord showed me a favor. “Everyone, please accept it gratefully!”


“Oh my Goddess. “I’ll be grateful!”

“yes? cook! I’m not a goddess. “Cook, cluck.”

Jeong Ha-yeon covered her mouth with one hand and smiled prettily, then immediately turned around and came back to me. And when Park Bong-pal nodded once, the residents started running outside with cheers.

“Hurray! “Drink today and die!”

“Hey, give me your hand for a moment. “Is this the hand that the goddess herself held earlier?”

“I, I have a pocket… . “Give me your pocket for a moment.”

“You guys are cheating! Let go! Let go! I will never wash my hands from now on… !”

Park Bong-pal must have seen Jeong Ha-yeon blush slightly at what the residents said as they left, and he let out a laugh.

“Eh, I probably didn’t mean anything bad. “Because they are so simple.”

“are you okay.”

“haha! thank you then… . huh? “Is that the rumored unicorn that the little lady is holding?”

“yes? yes… .”


Park Bong-pal widened his eyes and showed extraordinary interest, as if he had just discovered it. However, it seemed like the baby unicorn had a cold reaction, as he immediately let out a shy smile. He showed signs of dying out of curiosity, but soon he spoke in a cheerful voice, as if he had read the faces of his clan members.

“I’m sorry. I had only heard of unicorns, but this was my first time seeing them. Anyway, I left it standing for too long. First, let’s take a look around the garden. “I will explain it to you one by one.”

“The garden is fine. I had stopped by once before, so I looked around in advance. “I am satisfied with this.”

“Is that so? thank god. Then, let’s go inside right away. It would probably be better to go to the main building first. ha ha ha. Ah, Yehyeon, what do you want to do?”

“I want to go with you too. “I want to hear the evaluations of mercantile people.”

Shin Ye-hyun answered calmly. Park Bong-pal answered yes and then extended her right arm towards the large building in front of her.

“Then let’s go in.”

Soon, I and Park Bong-pal crossed the garden side by side at the front, with the clan members and Shin Ye-hyeon chasing behind. On the way, the man gave a frivolous but detailed explanation.

“The spaces inside the clan house have several purposes. It can be broadly divided into purpose use, public life use, personal use, and temporary use. When you say purpose-built space, you can think of it as a space with a specific purpose, such as a workshop or training hall. Examples of public use include restaurants or public bathhouses that everyone uses together. Personal use can be seen as a lodging or office, and temporary use is literally a room that is temporarily empty. “It is a place that will be left empty for now and renovated later when space becomes necessary.”


“ah. And speaking of temporary space, this was originally a clan house used by the Pistachio Clan. This is a space where a total of 120 people lived, including 90 clan members and 30 employees. Since we renovated it and even expanded it, there is quite a bit of temporary space. You probably won’t run out of rooms for a while. ha ha ha.”

That was natural. Although the site was large to begin with, it was too large for 10 people to live in. Since you won’t be full on the first drink anyway, you just have to fill it up step by step. After nodding his head indifferently, Park Bong-pal continued speaking.

“The two buildings have all four characteristics mentioned above, but they can be distinguished in terms of which takes priority. Except for temporary use, the building in front of us now has a strong purpose-use character. On the contrary… . “Sigh.”

Eventually, Park Bong-pal, who climbed the stairs and stood in front of the door, turned and pointed to the annex.

“The annex you see over there has strong characteristics for private and public living. As a reminder, the basement and first floors are reserved for public bathhouses and rest facilities, the second and third floors are for lodging, and the fourth floor is reserved for temporary use. Unfortunately, there is no rooftop in the annex building as it was originally built for lodging.”

“okay. “Then what is the structure of the main building?”

Park Bong-pal grinned and answered my question while grabbing the door handle.

“Let’s go inside first. “I will explain it to you by looking inside.”

When Park Bong-pal pulled his arm hard, the tightly closed door opened wide. Soon, we went inside under his guidance.

The first thing that caught my eye was the huge window frame that had been hammered into the tightly closed wall of the first floor. The inside was filled with rectangular crystals so that the outside could be seen from the inside. When I saw it, I felt refreshed and relieved of the stuffy atmosphere.

Is the height to the ceiling about 4 meters? The first floor, with its shiny, smooth floor, was quite long and wide. The ceiling was densely studded with light scarlet-colored rice stones, creating a neat atmosphere inside.

There was a large red round carpet in the center, and with sofas, chairs, and fireplaces neatly arranged around it, it seemed like it was a lobby. Although there were only a few traces of the past, the interior and exterior were all cleanly renovated, so the occasional traces gave off an old-fashioned atmosphere.

‘We could take a break in the lobby.’

Clan members also exclaimed at the same time as they saw the interior, which had changed incomparably compared to before.

“Let me explain here. “Could you please look here first?”

Shin Ye-hyeon, who had kept quiet until now, finally opened her mouth. She lifted her slender finger and pointed to a spot next to her lobby.

“I heard that the Mercenaries are a mercenary clan that operates on commission. In that case, we need a reception desk on the first floor to receive and guide related work.”

At the place Shin Ye-hyeon pointed to, there was a large information desk with a round curve. Behind it, a dark purple curtain was beautifully wrapped around the pillar, and the word ‘Mercenary’ shining in gold was engraved in the exposed space in the center.

“Next, I’ll tell you about the stairs. There are a total of four stairs leading up and down on the first floor. First, there are stairs going up to the upper floor at both ends of the first floor, and there are two stairs beyond the lobby. One is the same stairs going up, but the other is going downstairs. In other words, going to the underground training hall requested by Mercenary Lord… .”

While Shin Ye-hyun continued to explain and the clan members listened intently, Park Bong-pal came next to me and spoke in a soft voice.

“As you know, it is a building with a strong modern scent. So I had to think a lot. There are many differences between Hall Plain and modern architectural styles. Well, honestly, in real life, magic stones and magic jinn were used.”

“Now that I think about it, are they all-in-one or individual?”

“It is an individual type. The all-in-one type is good because it is easy to manage, but the quality is much better with the individual type. It has the disadvantage of being cumbersome to manage, but since the magic circle has its own resilience, you don’t have to worry much about it unless you intentionally damage it. Well, the magic stones need to be replaced periodically.”

While listening to Park Bong-pal’s explanation, I calmly lowered my head. Anyway, it was not an issue to worry about as it would be resolved automatically when new employees were hired.

“Okay then, let’s go to the restaurant this time.”

Finally, as if the general explanation was over, Shin Ye-hyeon took the lead and started walking. I followed her with her slow pace.


After that, we were able to receive guidance and explanations inside the clan house for several hours. As the area was large, the content was also very vast and complex.

To briefly summarize, the first floor could be divided into a total of four spaces, excluding the lobby and counter. The passage on the left of the counter was mainly comprised of a reception room, lounge, and waiting room, while the passage on the right was mainly comprised of a large internal plaza and restaurant.

The highlight of all was the restaurant. It was not a typical rest area restaurant, but rather a scene that looked like a bar had been pulled apart. It felt like a cafeteria, with dozens of tables and a spacious kitchen. And Park Bong-pal boasted that the kitchen had ample food storage and storage space, and was equipped with basic cooking utensils, so chefs would probably enjoy cooking.

It wasn’t until I got to the second floor that the constant explanations that I heard while going around every corner of the first floor began to gradually fade away. This is because, as the main building is a purpose-built building, the second and third floors had to have equivalent spaces. In other words, this was a place where temporary spaces were mainly concentrated.

The second floor was planned to house information processing, internal affairs operations, and equipment storage, and the third floor was to house an alchemist’s workshop, a wizard’s laboratory, a library, and a small conference room. Therefore, except for small conference rooms, special equipment for empty rooms had to be purchased independently. So, I was only able to briefly explain where and what kind of space was there.

The only thing unusual about the third floor was that Vivien gave up looking around on the third floor and went straight into the alchemist’s workshop. She asked Park Bong-pal where the workshop space was, and then took Shin Sang-yong with her and went straight into the workshop. It was clear that she was not very interested in other places as she considered the workshop to be her alter ego.

Shin Sang-yong seemed to want to see a little more, but at Vivien’s urging, he followed her with his shoulders slumped, dragging two big Chaos Mimics with him.

After the third floor explanation was over, we moved on to the long-awaited fourth floor. In short, the 4th floor could be seen as a space exclusively for Clan Road. The main space here is the office, conference room (large), and VIP room? In other words, it was right to see it as a space just for me rather than for a purpose in the first place. Therefore, each space was large and the number of temporary spaces was much smaller.

After quickly completing our exploration of the 4th floor and finally stopping by the rooftop, we were finally able to finish exploring the main building.


Before we knew it, the sun had completely set and dark night had arrived. After finishing the main building, Park Bong-pal and Shin Ye-hyeon went on to explain the annex. They left the clan house after being told to give it a try and tell them at any time if there is anything they don’t like.

The kids were secretly grumbling before they came in, but after they actually looked around, they quickly took action. Honestly, in my opinion, the accommodations were almost the same. Nevertheless, he rushed out to choose a room first.

Since we had free time after that, some people would probably have wandered around to see the inside by now and some would have gone to bed early. Since I had also returned to my office on the 4th floor of the main building, I thought I would leave it alone for a day or two to look around as much as I wanted. I let out a short sigh and looked around the office where I was now.

The office was spacious and luxurious enough to my liking. Soft carpets, comfortable sofas, long tables and well-finished desks, etc. There were many pieces of furniture occupying the office, but what I liked most was the terrace behind the desk.

A crystal similar to the one seen on the first floor served as a window, and in the center was a wooden door leading to the terrace. If you go there, you will have a panoramic view of Monica, including the entire clan house. Sometimes, when you have a headache, it would be perfect to go outside and take a break.

Looking out at the terrace, I was wondering whether I should just wait in the office or go up to the rooftop for a moment. Just as I was about to make up my mind and get up, I heard a hurried running noise coming from the hallway, and then I burst open the door to my office and came in. In his bewilderment, he turned his head and saw Vivien, with a red face and out of breath.

“Huh, huh. Kim Soohyun! “You weren’t sleeping and were waiting for me?”

“You said so.”

“Hehehe. It did!”


“huh? “Why are you sighing?”

The reason I didn’t go to bed even though it was late at night was because I was waiting for Vivien. Before she went to the workshop on the third floor, she said just two words to me.

‘Kim Soohyun. ‘I’m going to give it my all for you tonight.’

‘Don’t sleep, just wait. know? Today is the day we have been looking forward to so much. Hi-Hi. Look forward to it~.’

You might think it was because they were people who knew the situation, but it wasn’t Park Bong-pal and Shin Ye-hyun. Park Bong-pal said, “You’re a hot woman. envious.” He said with envy, and Shin Ye-hyun blushed and avoided her gaze. When she thought about that time, her fists clenched, but looking at her, it seemed like she was about to commit suicide, so she could barely hold it in. She was doing something wrong and she wanted to refuse the wrong ride.

I slowly got up and looked at Vivien. She approached me quickly and immediately grabbed my collar and started pulling it.

“let’s hurry. quickly. “I feel good now.”

“Preparation, stamina. “Shouldn’t we be a little more careful?”

“In this podium process, Shin Sang-yong’s ability and materials are important. “The equipment was not fully installed, but it was sufficient for refining, so we installed it in excess.”

Vivien responded, waving one hand as if she was in such a hurry. I asked one more question while pressing down on the throbbing pain.

“As for physical strength.”

“For your information, the peak time is at night.”

“Not you, Shin Sang-yong.”

“tooth. He stayed up all night a lot with me, so it’s okay. “Anyway, I’ve done everything I can to make sure I follow you.”

Vivien pouted her mouth, dropped her hands, and turned her body so that she made a swooshing sound. He soon saw her going out the door, and I also left her desk and followed her steps out the door. She was so confident that she must have believed something.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

ah. When I first started today, I decided to describe the entire inside of the clan house. Kkkkkkkkkkkk. I don’t think I can go through the whole process to describe it all. So, in this episode, please just understand where and what is there. ‘ㅅ’ I will slowly show you the rest through descriptions while living in the clan house.


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. A writer I know is working hard to win first place. So, when he sees Miwolya, his fighting spirit is burning. lol.

2. Chupa Chick Stick: Calm down. If you get to know Seraph, he is a pitiful child. ㅜ.ㅠ

3. Shin Yujin: It’s a unicorn. yes. It’s a unicorn. ha ha ha. In the future, we will also show you break dancing and Nike! (Pukpuk!)

4. zorney: There are a total of 2 powers. You can find a hint for one of them in the description of the Blue Moon Mage. 🙂

5. River of Tears: Oh my. A lake with a blue moon. Is that okay? Let’s consider it.

6. Like Yuun: Long time no see! Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_

7. Morita Shinobu: That difficult study… . Let’s go study for the exam! I would be very happy if you could rest your head by reading my work sometimes. 🙂

8. Autumn King: I immediately thought of Ash. lol. A free-dealer will be arriving soon. 🙂

9. Suro: Haha. Han So-young is the heroine. I would like to have no comment on this. The decision has been made, but it wouldn’t be fun if you found out in advance. 🙂 Would you mind though?

10. Teshan: I searched and modified the weight and height ratio. thank you _(__)_

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode