MEMORIZE Chapter 279

00279 Get some rest, please ———————————————————– —————————-=

When I opened my eyes, the ceiling was spinning. My whole body feels weak and my mind feels very dizzy. I tried to raise my body somehow, but I eventually gave up due to the heavy pressure pressing down on my stomach.

“under… . “It’s going to spin, really.”

I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt empty. I sighed heavily and muttered to myself. And while waiting for the dizziness to subside, I began checking every inch of my body.

‘The magic circuit is fine… . There’s nothing wrong with my senses either. But the power… .’

As I squeezed and opened both hands a few times, I could feel how much my physical strength had decreased.

Magical power has its own unique performance, but it also serves to double the output of all abilities except luck. And physical strength is the pillar and foundation that makes it possible to endure and maintain it. However, while lacking the ‘root’ of physical strength, he used a highly efficient magical power called Hwajeong. Of course, there is no way your body will get tired of it. If it weren’t for the patience I had built up over the years and the ‘impossibility of falling down’, I might have fallen first.

It was only when I thought about it that I could finally feel the fire in my feet. Strictly speaking, his body recovered after a night of sleep. It’s definitely in better condition than yesterday. However, it did not recover as much as before. In other words, the recovery power was low. I had a strong feeling that if things continued like this, something would happen in four months.

‘I can’t put it off any longer.’

I decided to solve my physical fitness problem in the near future. Even if I invested all my remaining points into physical strength, I could no longer sit idly by.

As I lay still and blinked, the ceiling that had been spinning quickly returned to its original state. The dizziness has also completely disappeared. However, the pressure pressing down on my abdomen still did not go away.

“… … .”

Suddenly I had a strange feeling. When I slightly raised my head and looked down, I could see that the center of the blanket covering me was rising. It is slowly moving up and down as if it is alive. I quickly took off the blanket and realized it was normal. A baby unicorn was seen curled up on its stomach and traveling to dreamland.

“Kyuu… . Kyuu… .”

“… “Were you the criminal?”

I burst into laughter as I looked at the baby unicorn sleeping peacefully. Then, after carefully getting up so as not to wake him up, I gently opened the door. It was the moment when I was about to walk out.



When I woke up, the baby unicorn was biting my heel with half-asleep eyes. And when he made eye contact with me, he said, “Kyu.” He cried and put down his heel. I saw him staring at me even though he was sleepy, and it seemed like he was telling me not to leave him alone.

I immediately picked him up and opened the door to go outside. Seemingly satisfied with that, the baby unicorn nodded and looked around the hallway. It was then.

“Ugh, I’m busy, I’m busy.”

As soon as I entered the hallway, a dark shadow passed in front of me. I looked closely and saw that it was Vivien. She was walking towards her stairs, saying “I’m busy, busy,” over and over again, wondering why she was so busy. I decided to just watch quietly for now.

“ah! Did I forget something? I can’t help it. “I have to go back to my room and get it!”

Eventually, as she passed through all the hallways and reached the stairs, Vivien’s steps began to noticeably slow down. (It was to the point where I wondered if she had been under a slow spell.) Then, when she finally reached the stairs, she clapped her hands. He even muttered as if he wanted me to hear him. I pay my respects to her for making me laugh to the core since her morning, and in return I decided to live up to her expectations.


“Hello, Kim Soo-hyun. I slept well. Good morning.”

As soon as I called her, Vivien turned around as if she had been waiting. It was a morning greeting full of tea prepared in advance. Although she felt like she was dying of laughter inside, she barely held back and asked her back.

“uh. What are you doing like that? . Kick. busy?”

“Oh~. I’m just a little busy with something~. But what is that?”

“Unicorn. “Didn’t you hear it yesterday?”

“ah! I heard you! Yesterday I really missed you so much that I thought you were dying? But Go Yeon-joo told me never to go into Kim Soo-hyun’s room. “That’s why I held back.”

Vivien approached quickly, her eyes shining. It looks like Haste magic was used this time. Eventually, she came right in front of her, bent her waist slightly, and pushed her face towards her baby unicorn. The unicorn seemed to be fully awake now, staring at Vivian with her natural bright eyes.

Just like that, their eyes met.

“Heh~. This is a unicorn. pretty… . What is your name?”

“It hasn’t been officially decided yet.”

Vivien looked at him with curious eyes, then waved his hand and said hello lightly.







‘Stop it, please.’

The corners of Vivien’s mouth rise slightly. The corners of the baby unicorn’s eyes were also slightly bent. The moment I tried my best to understand what the conversation between the two meant, she lifted her hips. She smiled brightly and stretched out her hands.

“Hey~! “You’re such a good guy, no, you’re a unicorn, aren’t you?”


“Ho Ho! I liked it. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’m the second-in-command here at Vivien La Classidus… . Maybe. Ah, anyway, I will look after you from now on. So, take it easy!”


‘Well, is something working?’


What the hell. Now to the high five.

The two looked at each other and laughed heartily, probably because it was so good. And I had to just stare blankly at that scene for a while.


Although there was a small incident, I was lucky to meet Vivien in the morning hallway. Because she was able to procure(?) her breakfast to her room through her. It was an error for Vivien, who said she was obviously busy, to bring her own share, but she still created a heartwarming scene of feeding the baby unicorn and each other bite by bite. Of course, she did not forget to ask about the elixir during the meal.

Originally, we had planned to have each person prepare breakfast and hold a brief closing meeting. However, most of the clan members woke up quickly around lunch time. I had no intention of blaming them. The fact that I ate and drank too much yesterday is a secondary reason. They would also be tired from the expedition, so they needed to relieve themselves through sleep. It was a little surprising that Jeong Ha-yeon woke up late.

Anyway, for that reason, it was long after lunch that I was able to hold the closing meeting.

“Yuniya, Yuni.”

“Kkyukkyun, kyukkyun.”

“Delicious breakfast and lunch~. Did you eat~. “Did you eat~?”

Ansol stood the baby unicorn in front of him and made it dance while holding its front legs with both hands.

The baby unicorn became very popular as soon as it was presented to the clan members. It had already passed through Vivien, Lee Yoo-jeong, and Kim Han-byeol to Ansol. At that point, it might have been a bit annoying, but the guy didn’t show any signs of it and was always squealing with a happy face.


While I was watching Ansol and the unicorn playing, Ha-yeon Jeong’s clear voice gently knocked on my ear. When I turn her head, I see clear blue eyes. She originally had an elegant appearance, but after she had her jewels engraved on her, her intelligent and mysterious impression became stronger. As she quietly looked into her eyes, her cheeks turned red.

“Why, why do you look at me like that… .”

“Just like that. “Anyway, why did you call me?”

“ah. “I was wondering if you’ve thought about what you plan to do with the unicorn in the future.”

“well. For now, I think it’s better to hide it until the clan house is completed… . “What do you two think?”

Ko Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon were sitting on either side of me. When I stretched out loud and asked, the two were deep in thought. Then, each person began to tell me what they were thinking.

“Hmm~. If you’re going to make it public anyway, I don’t think there’s any reason to hide it. And it’s not just us who know, right? Other users already know, so the rumor will spread somehow. If you are worried about Hannah, hold on to your concerns. “I will tell you well.”

“I think so. And I heard the story yesterday, and you’re a poor kid. Wouldn’t depression get worse if you confine it and make it frustrating? “I think it’s better for us and the baby unicorn to just leave it free.”

In a way, what they said was correct. I always think of the ‘one in every chance’ possibility. This habit may be helpful when going on an expedition or when your life is at stake, but it is often inconvenient in real life.

Although Jeong Ha-yeon may not know, Go Yeon-ju probably understood what I meant. Among the flowers of the night, there are women with bad hand habits, so there is no harm in being careful.

‘Well, I’ve never had anything stolen before. It certainly doesn’t matter if the release is brought forward. Rather, it helped promote this expedition… .’

After playing around with the abacus in my mind, I was finally able to make up my mind. Although it will not be revealed publicly until completion, there is no need to hide it desperately. Of course, thoroughly protecting unicorns was something that had to be done in the future.

It was the moment I organized my thoughts and nodded.

“Hey, but I don’t think Uni is a good name.”

“Well, what? Why, why?”

“That’s the truth. What is uni, uni? Honestly, you really can’t come up with names. And what else? Who? That lump of white beads. “His name is strange too.”

“Who, who who? It’s Lulu! And what about Uni… .”

A thrilling electricity flows between Yu-jeong Lee and Sol An. Is Ansol dissatisfied with having Unicorn for so long, or does he really just not like the name? To be honest, I also thought that uni wasn’t that good, so I was glad to hear Lee Yu-jeong’s words. Wouldn’t it be better if I didn’t know?

While watching the two of them chatting, I opened my mouth in a quiet voice.

“Good performance.”

“Yes, Suhyeon. ruler! “Everyone be quiet.”

Go Yeon-ju answered immediately and immediately raised her voice. The moment her mouth fell, her noisy mood disappeared in an instant. The unicorn must have sensed something different, as it jumped out of Ansol’s arms and ran straight to me. She was a smart girl after all.

Eventually, I patted the head of the unicorn that quietly folded its legs in front of me and opened its mouth to Lee Yu-jeong and Ansol.

“Let’s think about the name later. This guy is smarter than he looks. “If they hear a name they like, they will definitely react.”


The two responded calmly and returned to their seats. And when everyone’s eyes were gathered, I spoke in a drowsy voice.

“As I said yesterday, the clan members who went on an expedition, and the clan members who stayed in the city to take care of business. Thank you all for your hard work. “It makes me feel good to see everyone’s expressions becoming more lively for the first time in a while.”

“… … .”

“But I think we need to be a little more self-respecting. It’s good to enjoy it in moderation, but too much of anything can be toxic. And the work isn’t completely over yet, is it? There are still things in progress. “I believe everyone knows this.”

Although it became quiet, the atmosphere was not as cold as before. Is it just that some kids are embarrassed? However, I also knew the importance of morale and did not want to be a tactless boss, so I decided to quit at this point.

So, I naturally turned the topic to Jeong Ha-yeon, who was sitting somewhere nearby, and asked about the first item on the agenda.

“User Jeong Ha-yeon. Report your progress to the Clan House.”

“yes. Let’s get started right away. The Lord came back earlier than expected, so I wasn’t able to show you the completed clan house yet. However, it is safe to say that it is almost finished. “The basic structure of the building has been maintained, but the exterior has been neatly renovated, and the interior is only being renovated.”

“What happened to the additional request I made before leaving?”

“Are you talking about a personal training area? It’s completed. All construction will be completed in 5 days at the latest. Of course, there remained the problem of furniture and employees to be brought inside… .”

“All right… . “I’m going out today anyway, so I’ll take a look when I get back.”

Jeong Ha-yeon took out a thick record and smiled. I waved my hand with a weak smile. I was thinking of taking a look, but not now.

“User Shin Sang-yong. I heard something vaguely from Vivien this morning… . “Is this true?”

“yes yes? Uh, something… .”

“Vivien said so. “The probability of success in elixir training was originally 50%, but Shin Sang-yong raised it to 80%.”

“ha ha ha. What are you saying? Well, Master took the lead in the first place, and it only increased the chances of success. Ooh, it was a coincidence. And I can’t guarantee its efficacy.”

Shin Sang-yong answered humbly despite giving off the nuance that he already knew everything about the situation. I smiled softly at him, then turned my attention to Vivian.

“But you said there was a problem, right?”


“Warp gate problem. What are you talking about?”

“I don’t know either. I received the news through a crystal ball the day before Kim Soo-hyun returned. “But the ingredients I ordered from Barbara suddenly arrived late.”

“A little more detail.”

“Honestly, I ordered a little too much, right? Kim Soo-hyun said he would provide support, and there were some experiments to be conducted in advance… . But suddenly, well, I’m a little like that too. Still, they said they would definitely come within 3 days, so you don’t have to worry. “These are things that can only be brought in from Barbara in the first place.”

Vivian wasn’t just playing around either. It is said that in order to somehow increase the odds, he went all the way to the big city of Barbara to look for materials and inspect the utensils needed for pension. However, he was told in the morning that there was a problem with the use of the warp gate and delivery was delayed.

“hmm… .”

In principle, the warp gate is owned by the city’s representative clan. In other words, when there was a disruption in the use of the gate, it meant that the Golden Lion was acting rudely. I quietly knocked on the table and let out a short sigh.

“Well, anyway, the podium can only be done once the clan house is completed. Anyway, you’re saying it will definitely be resolved within 3 days, right?”

“huh. They said that if they couldn’t decide, they would even deliver it via another city. Hi-Hi. “Are they being nice to me because I buy a lot?”

‘I think it’s similar in other cities… .’

There was no way the warp gate could be completely cut off without the Golden Lion going crazy. However, there was a possibility that something had been done to facilitate the passage. I’ve experienced such cases to the point where I’m sick of them, so I’m not surprised.

Anyway, I heard about the progress, at least roughly. But waiting quietly was a waste of time. I nodded once or twice, then turned to everyone and opened my mouth.

“All right. Then, I will briefly tell you our future policy. “First of all, I think I’ll be a little busy today with the expedition report.”

“Reporting the expedition? “Have you already written it?”

Jeong Ha-yeon opens her eyes wide and asks. I shook my head slowly.

“That’s not true. Still, the news must have reached Istantel Row by now. You probably want it to be done as quickly as possible. I plan to visit the temple in person today and give a brief verbal report. “Maybe this alone would be enough to create an investigation team in Monica.”

Beechnut and Mule’s temple looked like a complete idiot, but Monica’s system built by Istantel Row was a shame to compare. There might be someone related to Istantel Row in the temple by now.

“High user performance.”

“Please speak.”

“Just in case, please find out some information about the warp gate. “I’ll be back later this afternoon.”

“I follow the orders of the Clan Lord.”

“Then let me ask you a favor. and… . User Baek Han-gyeol.”

“yes yes!”

“You follow me after the meeting. “We have somewhere to go together.”

“All right!”

Perhaps because he was very nervous, Baek Han-gyeol answered in a stiff voice. I laughed to myself and this time turned my attention to the kids.

Hyeon Ahn, Sol An, Yujeong Lee. No specific instructions were given to the three people. I just told her to take care of the baby unicorn. However, Ahn Hyeon seemed to clearly understand his intention to protect the unicorn, and patted his chest, replying not to worry.

‘That guy only shines at times like this.’

It would be nice if that were the case normally. Anyway, Vivien and Shin Sang-yong had things to do in the first place, so there was no need to say anything else. Then there are two clan members I haven’t called yet. I got up from the chair, looked at the remaining two people, and opened my mouth.

“User Jeong Ha-yeon. User Hanbyeol Kim.”


A pleasant, calm voice was heard at the same time. What I was going to tell them was what everyone was waiting for anxiously.

“You two, please prepare the goose appraiser order form.”

“If it’s Goose Appraisel… . ah.”

“And we took out all the equipment from the warehouse. “Please prepare in advance so that performance confirmation and distribution can be carried out as soon as I return.”

“yes. All right.”

“Then we will end the meeting here. “I’m going to leave right away, and I’ll see you in the afternoon.”

After speaking, I walked towards the door with great strides. Then, Baek Han-gyeol quickly got up and I felt him hurriedly follow me. I immediately opened the door.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Ahaha. yes. Actually, this subheading reflects my feelings. ha ha ha. haha. under. Ahhhhh. It’s vacation, right? Yes? Dear readers. Ahhhhh. ^_ㅠ I talked to Jo Ara on the phone today, and I guess I whined too much. I was even comforted by the fact that I should not be so stressed about the e-book correction. lol. But honestly… . If you look at the beginning… . Ughhaha. My hands and feet haha. Ahhhhhhh. It was like this. There are a lot of things to cut out, and a lot to change. I guess I’m too greedy. However, they say that if you get through the beginning well, the speed will gradually increase, so I will try my best. Once again, I feel respect for the readers who came this far with me. Tsk tsk. 🙂 thank you!

PS. Thank you so much to everyone who gave us coupons!

『Reripple (Episode 277)』

1. River of Tears: Congratulations on winning 1st place, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! congratulations! Congratulations to River of Tears for winning first place! The ability points revealed Su-hyeon’s will today. I don’t plan on using it all, but I definitely need to replenish my stamina. 🙂

2. Blamy: Yes. Elementalist is a Secret class. It exists. This is a very powerful class. I set it to the current setting, but if I go 1:1 with Vivian, Vivian loses. ‘Current’ Vivian. Hehehe.

3. Shin Yujin: Edited. thank you A unicorn is an arm. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Brickio: Item information will appear in the next episode. 😀

5. Lea: Of course~. We need to make a uni room too! I think the clan house is also top class(?). ha ha ha. Ah, I’m proofreading the e-book right now. I plan to soften the relationship between Seraph and Kim Soo-hyun a little in the beginning. Looking at it now, Suhyun is really ticking. lol.

『Reripple (Episode 278)』

1. Minlkj: Ugh. You won first place! Congratulations on first place! It seems like this is my first time seeing you. ha ha ha. 🙂

2. Lamarua: Pat pat. cheer up. ㅜ.ㅠ Hehehehehehehe. How should I ask for this sin of not being able to participate in the retreat?

3. Human life: Ha, if you get one thing wrong, you did well. ‘S’ Of course, I understand that feeling. haha. Perhaps he too will recognize your efforts. 🙂

4. uther : Yes. I downloaded 15KB today!

5. Fallen Dove: We changed the cover because there were people who wanted to see it. Of course, this is good, and I also like the cover for Goyeonju that Broken Fan drew. (That was really great.) Originally, I wanted to post the cover for Ansol, but I’m not good at drawing letters. lol.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode