MEMORIZE Chapter 278

00278 Get some rest, please ——————————————– —————————-=

On the way to the Love House, I suddenly felt a strange feeling. The place I am currently walking was Monica’s central square. However, there are unusually more users than usual. There were no special notices posted on the bulletin board, and the atmosphere was no different from usual. The number of users was literally increasing.

I tilted my head for a moment, but I didn’t slow down my steps toward the Love House.

“Su-hyun. “What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”


“You’ve been looking around your head ever since you entered the square, right? “Are you looking for someone?”

“ah. it’s nothing.”


Go Yeon-ju suddenly walked next to me, rolled her eyes slightly and let out a snort. Seeing the soft smile on her lips, it was clear that she was planning some naughty prank again. Now that I think about it, she has been playing pranks more often these days. To be precise, we can say that she got worse after losing to Jeong Ha-yeon for two consecutive times.

‘It’s unfair.’

I never asked him to do that, and honestly, deciding to sleep with him through rock, paper, scissors was quite funny. Even though Go Yeon-joo showed an expression of unfairness with that intention, his unintentional pranks did not stop.


“… … .”

Suddenly, I felt like I knew what Go Yeon-ju wanted. He suddenly remembered the conversation between the users at the gate when he first left Monica. Although rest was the top priority, if my body was to survive in the future, I might need to obtain a potion that would really increase my stamina. With a deep sigh, I walked from the square to the open street to the left. Then this time, the sound of children chatting loudly filled the background.

“Hey, Baek Han-gyeol. How do you feel about your first expedition?”

“yes? Ahaha. Well, I don’t know. It felt like something just passed by… .”

“Sister, sister. “What are you going to do first when you get back?”

“Bath, food, sleep. “I feel like I’m going to die because I couldn’t shower.”

“Ah, baby. We’re almost there, so just stay still a little longer. huh?”


‘You seem very frustrated.’

Currently, the unicorn was buried inside Kim Han-byeol’s robe. Of course, since I brought him into the city, I had the intention of revealing it, and I couldn’t hide it until the end. But not now. I was already so tired that I wanted to avoid doing anything that would be crowded, and since I returned earlier than scheduled, the clan house renovation work was probably in progress. I didn’t want to do anything that could possibly cause damage to the Love House.

The timing of the unicorn’s reveal is set after it enters the clan house. Anyway, listening to Kim Han-byeol’s voice, which was now almost pleading, I increased my walking speed even more.


We finally arrived at the Love House. The eyes of the clan members right in front of the building were scary. If I hadn’t been in front of him, it felt like he would have rushed in and kicked in the door. Feeling a silent pressure stabbing my back, I pushed open the door that felt scratchy and entered.

Just like that, it was the moment I took a step inside.

“I’m really sorry.”

The sight that came into view as soon as I opened the door was very subtle. Outside, the dim light was slowly falling. For normal users, it was time to finish their day’s work and return to the city, but for Night Flowers, on the contrary, now was the time to get active. As if they were about to leave, several women in skimpy clothes were surrounding the first floor with anxious faces.

The Love House was originally an area where men were not allowed to enter. However, one man was standing proudly in front of the counter on the first floor. Behind them, three or four users wearing combat gear were looking at the counter with interested faces. And in front of them, Imhanna was bending her back at 45 degrees.

Finally, the man in front spoke.

“Hannah. “Are you really unable to accept my feelings?”

“I’m really, really sorry.”

Im Hanna apologizes repeatedly, and the man shows a bitter expression. I stopped and watched the situation unfolding before my eyes. As I said earlier, there was a subtle atmosphere going on that made it difficult to just ignore it and go in.

There is silence. It’s quiet. The man seemed to be trying to display a calm expression, but the corners of his eyes were becoming increasingly distorted. Finally, he chewed his lip once to make his blood bleed, and then sighed heavily.

“Fuyu, I understand. “I put you in trouble.”

“My heart feels truly grateful. but… .”

“Raise your head. You don’t have to say any more. I’m going now, so please forget about today. Madam Lim.”

“… … .”

“let’s go.”

The man let out a cold sigh and immediately turned around. Then one of his colleagues, who was quietly watching with his arms crossed behind him, shouted in a sharp voice.

“You’re paying the worst. “Anyway, at best, Madam’s pride is too high.”

“You are speaking too harshly.”

“Shin Ye-seul. stop. “Can’t you come out soon?”

In response to the woman’s harsh words, Hannah lifted her bent back and answered in a calm voice. The woman, who was called Shin Yeseul, looked upset as if she didn’t like it, but the man’s subsequent restraint silenced her. Then she gave me a look full of curiosity and turned her body so that I could hear the sound of her pack. I moved aside a few steps to let them pass.

Those who seemed like uninvited guests all left like the tide. The clan members all had awkward looks on their faces as if they had just seen the previous situation.

“oh. Mercenary Road? “Are you back?”

And then, as if she had discovered us, Im Hanna opened her eyes round and let out a surprised voice. I cleared my throat once or twice and opened my mouth.

“Ah yes. I just came back… . “It seems like it came at a bad time.”

“Ho Ho. no. It happens all the time. Don’t take it to heart too much. Anyway, congratulations on your return.”

“thank you. “Then let’s go in.”

“As much as you want. Come on, you guys, just stay still. “Hurry up and do what you have to do.”

“sister… .”

The faces of the flowers at night were all covered with dark shadows. However, when Im Hanna reassured them that it was okay and urged them, they hesitantly walked out the door.

Eventually, Lim Hanna, who guided us to the table, seemed to have recovered her expression before she knew it, and spoke with a polite and kind expression.

“First of all, you came, but starting with the meal… . Oh, shall I call the group?”

“Do you have everything now?”

“Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong said they were going out to see the clan house. He said he might be a little late today… . Vivien must be on the second floor right now. “I’ll call her right now.”

“Oh, it’s okay. Hyun Ahn. “You should come back.”

“Your brother.”

Ahn Hyeon, who was just about to sit down, ran up the stairs at my words. After watching the guy climbing the stairs, I turned my attention to the kids lying face down on the table.

“I didn’t know you two wouldn’t be around at this time. “I don’t know when I’ll be back, so would you all like to have a meal in the meantime?”

“yes! yes yes yes!”

“Wow! Wow!”

“I agree~”

All of my companions agreed without exception. No, it wasn’t just approval. In the first place, the day I returned from the expedition was almost decided as the day to eat as much delicious food as I could. Everyone began ordering as much food as they wanted, as if they were trying to soothe their mouths that had been soothed by only dried meat and hard bread. Im Hanna was surprised by the influx of orders, but smiled and nodded her head calmly.

“Aren’t you going to order, Mercenary Lord?”

“hmm… .”

I’m not very hungry. I just wanted to hear what Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong had to say about what happened, but they said they would come home late.

I thought about it for a while. After leaving the ruins, the fatigue I felt in my body was getting worse. I debated whether I should wait or sleep first, but eventually decided to wake up first. If I was coming in late anyway, I needed to rest in a proper place and monitor my body’s progress afterwards.

“My order is fine. Then, I’ll go up first and sleep, so make sure everyone eats properly and gets some rest today. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”

“uh? “Brother, can you go in first?”


“Then the product appraisal… .”

“Anyway, we don’t even have Goods Appraisal ready right now. Su-hyun. Go in first and sleep. Rest well.”

He hid it all this time, but it seems that Go Yeon-ju was aware of it. I smiled bitterly, let out a short sigh, and stood up. And after confirming that Im Hanna was going to her kitchen, she quickly received a lump of robe (?) from Kim Han-byeol. The baby unicorn must have fallen asleep from exhaustion before he knew it, and Rob only tossed and turned slightly, but did not move much.

Just as I was patting my sore shoulder and going up the stairs, I saw Ahn Hyeon and Vivien coming down together.

Vivien came down the stairs with hurried steps, but then slowly slowed down as she must have seen me. And he started to come down with a relaxed expression, holding on to his weight as much as possible. And as soon as I met him on the stairs to the first floor, he greeted me haughtily, pretending that he had just discovered me.

“Hoo. Who is this? Kim Soo-hyun is here!”

“Uh, Vivian. A long time. “I’m tired right now so I’m going up right away, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Uh, huh?”

When I tapped her shoulder once and passed by, Vivien immediately lost her expression and narrowed her eyes.

“brother. “Do you mind if I don’t eat dinner?”

“are you okay. It’s because I’m a little tired. “When Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong come later, I’ll briefly explain the situation.”

“Ah, your brother. Well, Good night.”

“okay. “Don’t drink too much.”

“Now, just a moment… ! “This isn’t it!”

I thought I heard something crying below, but I walked up the stairs quickly.


“Then that’s what happened… ?”

“yes… . Still, she always called me “Hannah” or “Hannah,” and then suddenly she called me Madam Lim. “It’s such breaking news.”

“Ho Ho.”

Before we knew it, the table was a mess. Dishes and liquor bottles rolling here and there. Users sleeping on their backs. An Sol, Kim Han-byeol, Baek Han-gyeol, and Vivien, who had restrained themselves earlier, went up to their dorm a long time ago, but the other two were snoring and wandering in dreamland. Only Ko Yeon-ju and Lim Hanna remained in good spirits and were leisurely drinking.

Just as I finished my cup, I heard the door open. The two women reflexively turned their heads. Through the door, Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong were entering, their faces slightly red as if they had been hit by a cold wind. Go Yeon-joo looked at them and waved her hand with a faint smile.

“Welcome. It’s been a while?”


“User, high performance?”

As soon as Jeong Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong took a step, they paused for a moment and then looked at Ko Yeon-ju and exclaimed at the same time. Go Yeon-ju pointed to Ahn Hyeon and Yu-jeong Lee who were sleeping and said, “Shh.” He placed his index finger on his lips. The two laughed for a moment, then carefully approached the table and sat down.

“When did you come?”

“This afternoon. “Why are you two so late?”

“I went to see the Clan House, and then I went to Istantel Row.”

“Is this Istantel Row?”

“yes. I guess you were worried that the Mercenary’s return was too late. “They said they would dispatch a rescue team right away, so I came to explain the situation.”


Go Yeon-ju nodded with an expression of understanding and took his drink again. When Im Hanna quickly tried to pick up her bottle of alcohol, she shook her head and nodded towards the two people on her back.

“are you okay. Hannah, can you take the kids over there? “Put me on the bed.”

“Your sister.”

“I will help you too.”

As Lim Hanna stood up, Shin Sang-yong immediately followed suit. Soon, Im Hanna supported Lee Yu-jeong and Shin Sang-yong supported Ahn Hyeon and they started climbing the stairs together.

“Huh~. “Did I drink too much?”

“… … .”

The table, which had been noisy just two hours ago, suddenly became quiet again. Jeong Ha-yeon looked at the messed up table with a tired expression on her face, and then looked at Go Yeon-joo filling up his glass and said.

“How was work?”

“Has the rumor spread yet? I just pulled out the mulberry. Rescue users and excavate ruins. “It was a huge hit this time too.”

“ah. okay. Good for you… . “Now that I think about it, what about Soo-hyeon?”

“When I heard that Hayeon was going to be late, I went up immediately. “You seem very tired.”

At that time, for a moment, a dark shadow passed over Jeong Ha-yeon’s face. And after thinking about something for a moment, she asked in a tone full of concern.

“if… . Did you use that power during this expedition?”

“yes. But the opponent was not easy. I didn’t show it the whole way, but it looks like it was a bit difficult. I barely even noticed it. To be honest, given Suhyun’s personality, he probably would have waited, but this time he said he needed to rest first. “I think it’s really hard.”

“oh my god… .”

“Just wait for now. “I said I would take a break, so I will have to see the reaction tomorrow.”

Go Yeon-ju also sighed heavily and took another drink. Her full body of alcohol is rapidly decreasing, and in proportion to it, her throat is moving mercilessly. Ha-yeon Jeong rested her chin on one side and tapped her cheek with her finger. She said as she watched Yeon-joo put down her glass.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“I don’t really like it.”

“Then I can hear the details.”

“Ho Ho.”

As Jeong Ha-yeon adjusted her posture and spoke, Go Yeon-ju smiled softly. Then he buried her body behind the chair and crossed her legs so that her right leg was on top. Then she took out a piece of tobacco, put it in her mouth, and opened her mouth in a drowsy voice.

“Prepare to be surprised.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Throwing two rice cakes! Ah, readers. Today’s review, I’ll take a day off from Re-Ripple. (I’ll do Re-Ripple together next time~.) I took the medicine the hospital gave me today. The doctor said it was poisonous, but as expected, I still feel very dizzy. 🙂 We ask for the readers’ understanding, and I hope you enjoy this episode as well. As always, thank you for reading!


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not work with dark mode