MEMORIZE Chapter 275

00275 A special thing that happened during the return ———————————————————– —————————-=

I thought you wouldn’t come. Just as he was about to announce his departure, thinking that he had already left the canyon, the presence of a unicorn was caught, as if it were a lie. Suddenly, the image of a baby unicorn rubbing its face against my leg passed through his head. I was just about to feel a little excited at the thought of being able to see him again.

Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat. Beat, beat, beat.

‘huh… ? The sound of footsteps… . There are too many.’

Suddenly, a very large number of presences were felt within the range of my perception. This is by no means a sound that a single animal can make. At best, there may be more than ten, maybe even twenty.

As I just look to the right, Ahn Hyeon quietly grabs the spear. Then, one by one, the kids, led by him, started picking up weapons. I quickly raised my hand and signaled for him to stop. Since unicorns are very wary of people, there is no need to provoke them.

When I looked at my son-in-law, I saw that a hazy fog-like energy was slowly encroaching on the surroundings. I walked slowly in the direction they were coming from. The clan members seemed to sense that something was unusual due to the energy surrounding them, so they moved behind me, supporting the users.

Soon, the protagonists of the footprints began to appear from up ahead. As I strengthen my eyesight, I can see them more clearly. It has a body similar to a horse, but has silver-white fur covering its entire body, a silver-colored horn rising from the center of its forehead, and jet-black eyes.

As expected, there was not just one unicorn that appeared. As many as twenty unicorns were coming in a group, led by a baby unicorn walking in front. And next to the baby unicorn, an adult unicorn that appeared to be twice the size of the other unicorns was walking along. Even at first glance, he was radiating unusual energy, and it seemed as if “I am the leader” was written on his face.

Some time passed as I just stood still like that. The unicorns that had been walking continuously were finally reducing the distance between us to the point where they could be seen with the naked eye.

And sure enough. Upon checking the unicorns coming in droves, a commotion broke out among the clan members and users.

“brother! Um, that… .”

“oh my god.”

“Wow… . A lot of people are coming… .”


I quickly turned my head and put my index finger to my lips, and the commotion died down in an instant. Since they are very sensitive people, in many ways, greeting them quietly was the best option.

“You should never startle unicorns.”

In particular, I looked at the direction from which the unicorns were coming, pleading with Ahn Hyeon, who was trying to pull out a weapon.

Grrrr… . Grrrr… . Grrrr… . Grrrr… .

The sound that an adult unicorn makes is completely different from that of a baby unicorn. Eventually, they also seemed to have discovered us and slowly slowed down, stopping about 10 meters away.

Grrrr… .

“… … .”

A suffocating silence falls around you. Occasionally the unicorn that seemed to be the leader would make a small sound, but neither I nor my clan members would say a word.

After 10 seconds of looking at each other like that, I glanced sideways at the unicorn’s corpse that I had placed near the riverside earlier. Then, the captain unicorn also glanced in that direction. It was then.


At that moment, the baby unicorn, which had been standing still, suddenly jumped forward. Eventually, it toddled towards the lying unicorn and began to slowly circle around the corpse. It looks like they are checking who the fallen unicorn is.

And soon, as if it had finished looking, the baby unicorn stopped moving around. Then he quietly turned his head to the unicorn at the head of the group and howled softly.

“Kyu…” .”

Grrrr… ?

“Kyu…” . Wow… . Kyuuu… . Kyuuuu… .”

The moment the captain unicorn gave his answer, the baby unicorn burst into tears. The boy nodded his head once, then sat down and cried bitterly. Still, it seemed like he had a deep connection with the dead unicorn, as he was constantly rubbing his head against the dead unicorn.

The captain unicorn saw this and quietly closed his eyes, and languid breathing continued to flow from the unicorns standing quietly behind him.

“Kyuuuuu… . Kyuuuuuu… .”

The baby unicorn, which was crying, soon looked at me with tearful eyes. The sight of him crying at the top of his lungs was like seeing a child screaming, asking why they couldn’t bring him back alive.

I just stared at her for a while, and when she showed no signs of stopping, I decided to quietly step forward. Then, the captain unicorn in the lead began to slowly walk forward, following me. He takes one step or two closer. The gaze of the captain unicorn watching me was wary, but did not show any hostility.

Soon, the leader unicorn and I stopped walking at the same time, with the still crying baby unicorn in the middle. Because I was well aware of their strong sense of kinship and their extreme care for their young, I did not make any further moves.

Their gazes collide in the air. I thought his eyes were looking at me closely, and then I saw him nodding slightly. It was a silent sign of permission. When the captain gave permission, I got down on one knee and stretched out both arms toward the baby unicorn, whose face was still buried in the corpse.


“Kyu…” .”

The baby unicorn raised its head with tear-filled eyes, stretched out its front legs as if it had been waiting, and hugged me. I repeatedly patted the back of the baby unicorn who was crying sad tears in my arms, and whispered in a low voice in her ear.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you sooner. By the time we discovered it… .”

“Kyu…” . Wow… .”

As I was stroking its back with a feeling of comfort, the leader unicorn did not take his eyes off the cub and further shortened the distance between me and him. Unicorns are extremely intelligent animals. If you heard the story of how we met from the baby, you would probably have a rough idea of ​​the context, but I decided to tell you the context just in case.

“Just in case, I’m telling you, that corpse wasn’t our fault.”

Grrrr… .

The captain unicorn nodded slightly, as if he knew. Still, I didn’t know what would happen, so I was preparing in my own way, but when I heard the answer, I was able to relax for a while.

“The culprit was a monster living within the barrier of this canyon. He was a human, but not a human, but a wizard. We also had some business to do, so we came to deal with the wizard, and in the process, we discovered this body. This is it. I was thinking of just taking the body with me, but… . Still, this unicorn suddenly came to mind. “That’s why I brought it.”


“Ah, that monster was definitely taken care of with my colleagues behind me. “I’ve definitely gotten my revenge, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Grrrr… . Grrrr… .

Suddenly it occurred to me that this was a little unfair. They seem to understand what I’m saying, but I can’t understand them at the moment. It was true that I felt a little frustrated because I was just guessing based on reactions to my words.

Before I knew it, the baby unicorn’s cries were gradually quieting down. There were still faint sobs, but like before, the heart-pounding sound was gradually fading away. The captain unicorn stared at the whimpering baby unicorn in my arms, then quietly put his head in front of me.

‘Do you mean to put it on top?’

I interpreted it however I wanted and placed it gently on my neck and tried to walk away, but at that moment, the baby unicorn bit my hand. And the way he was pulling me towards him seemed like an action telling me not to go.

But that was only for a moment. As the long tail of the leader unicorn came up and gently caressed the head of the baby unicorn who was biting my hand, the unicorn looked up at me with helpless eyes. Then, the thin tail that had been fluttering ceaselessly when we met before began to droop and gently let go of the hand it was biting.


The captain unicorn cried loudly and shook himself off. Perhaps it was a signal, but the other unicorns, who had been standing upright until now, finally moved on all fours.

I took a few steps back from where the dead unicorn was and watched their actions. The unicorns immediately formed a circle around the corpse and began kissing it one by one. Before sending away the dead unicorn, their own ritual of strong camaraderie began.

That wasn’t all. After kissing, the unicorns soon showed comforting behavior to the baby unicorn that was lying limply on the leader unicorn’s back, such as rubbing their faces or licking their backs.

I quietly retreated to where my companions were, being careful not to disturb the unicorns’ ritual. And, they decided to wait for the action to end.


The unicorns’ ritual did not take long. It took about 30 seconds for each animal, so it took less than 10 minutes in total.

The atmosphere between me, my clan members, and the users was quiet. Their eyes widened when they first saw the dead unicorn. However, when they saw over twenty of them and saw their ritual, everyone was watching frantically.

If the chance encounter with a baby unicorn the other day was a truly rare occurrence, it was safe to say that this was a rare occurrence while working in Hall Plain.

I wondered what would happen if the kids made a fuss like they did when they first saw the unicorns, but fortunately they had the sense to sense the atmosphere. They only occasionally whispered to each other, but generally remained silent.

Soon, the baby unicorn and the slightly larger, almost similar-sized unicorn began to act, and their ritual seemed to be completely completed. When the captain made a low sound, three or four sturdy unicorns walked over and lifted the corpse of the dead unicorn onto their backs.

And after completing all the rituals, Captain Unicorn led his men and approached the group.

Grrrr. Grrrr. Grrrr. Grrrr.

‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

It’s clear what he’s trying to say, but honestly, I have no idea what he’s saying. Anyway, this definitely succeeded in erasing the debt. If I openly asked for compensation here, there was a risk of damaging the relationship I thought I had built up successfully. So, I decided to be satisfied here for now and say goodbye.

“I definitely handed over the dead unicorn. Well then, we’ll have to go now. As you can see, we also have users who have been hit by that monster. “We need to quickly move him to the city and get him treated.”

As I said each word clearly, the eyes of all the unicorns, including the leader unicorn, were focused behind me. Soon, I saw their eyes frown slightly, and it seemed like they had probably seen a user whose limbs had been amputated.

‘Good.’ Through this, we can also build joint solidarity.’

In short, it means that you and I both share the same pain as we lost our companions to the same monster. Of course, the truth is that the users were complete strangers, and since it was only a possibility, I also just thought about doing it.

Anyway, now it was really time to go back. I turned and looked at my clan members to announce my return. Ansol and Yujeong Lee showed signs of hesitation. She nodded, asking why, and then An Sol opened his mouth with his eyes fixed on the baby unicorn.

“Hey brother… .”


“Can’t we pet Uni just once and then go? I feel so sad… . It hurts too much to just leave like this… . I want to comfort you… .”

Uni(?) was still lying dead on the captain’s back. Even though she said goodbye, she didn’t even raise her head. Rather than feeling sad, I just felt sad because I understood his feelings. After looking at the baby unicorn with pity for a moment, I let out a long sigh.

Ansol’s words were a bit of an unreasonable request at this point. I don’t know if it was when we went out together to explain the situation earlier, but now there were a lot of unicorns standing around the baby unicorn. Of course, you might be able to penetrate them and pet them, but it was neatest to just part ways here.

“just… . huh?”

So I was just about to shake my head and say let’s go.


I could hear the now familiar sound of crying and footsteps coming between us. When I turned around in surprise, I saw unicorns approaching the group one by one. And in front of me, a captain unicorn that I had never seen before approached me and looked at me blankly.

The unicorns’ behavior that followed just as I was starting to feel confused was very shocking. The captain unicorn folded his legs and sat quietly in front of me. Then he lifted his long tail and slapped himself on the back.

“… huh?”

Grrrr. slap!

“Are you telling me to get on your back now?”


When I looked around with a bewildered look, I saw unicorns sitting in front of each party member, one by one, with their backs turned to me.

“Tongue, bro! “How did this happen?”

“Well, that’s fine. Ask the unicorn in front of you. This is also good for me… .”

“Hey, it’s over there. Are you telling me to get on it? really?”

The unicorn sitting in front of Anhyeon had long eyelashes. Then, after glancing at him kindly, he nodded in the same way as the captain. Ahn Hyeon cried with an touched face and swept the back of his hand over his eyes. The unicorn looked at him with a pitiful expression.

Although I was a little embarrassed, I could soon see a mixture of excitement and happiness on the faces of the rescued users. It’s definitely better to ride than to walk. You may not be able to go to the end of the city, but if you can ride a unicorn, you can drastically shorten the time it takes to return.

I tilted my head for a moment, but eventually decided to accept the favor. In some ways, it was a situation that could have been a better opportunity.

I smiled slightly and opened my mouth to some hesitant clan members.

“It seems like the unicorns are trying to do us a favor. In a way, I think it was a good thing since there were some injured people. “For users who have not yet come to their senses, have two people ride together, and be careful with the unicorn.”

After speaking, I first put my butt on the captain unicorn’s back to demonstrate. Then, the unicorn lifted its folded foot, and I felt my foot slowly come off the ground.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It’s vacation, but why doesn’t it feel like vacation? ;cow; Waking up in the morning, cleaning, going to the hospital, going to the gym, returning home, having a lunch date with a friend, going to an academy in the afternoon, proofreading an e-book, and even writing. Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I started exercising, but I’m a little tired. When I exercise and wash, my body feels elastic and feels refreshed, but I feel sleepy… . ㅜ.ㅠ

In order to return to the city quickly, I decided to put aside my original side income and ride a unicorn. Just simply, ‘And so we set out on our way back to Monica. And I was able to reach the city 10 days later.’ I thought it would be better to put one in the middle and take that. Perhaps the return to the city will be completed in the next episode.

Now, we need to let Soohyun rest for a while and prepare for a new part. 🙂


1. Flute: Huh. I think this is my first time seeing Flute take first place. Congratulations on first place. ha ha ha. I’ll really shake Ansol’s collar later. 🙂

2. Marie Ruri: That is. In my brief opinion, I think Mariruri’s older sister is a ‘tsundere’. Maybe next time, why not buy Mari Ruri some delicious food? 🙂

3. ototyrxr: Yeoncham. haha. Am so sorry but I love you. I will try harder. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. hohokoya1: I was originally going to go to the library today, but I couldn’t because of an appointment. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Eurikenne: Thank you for the example. haha. Park Hyeon-woo. hmm! Hyunwoo Park. Haha, Yurikenne. The weather was really nice today with the sun shining brightly. ha ha ha.

6. Blamy: Hehe. The relationship with the unicorn will be resolved in the next episode. Thank you for always leaving comments!

7. Office2Lup19: I also couldn’t come to my senses from the readers after reading the comments. They’re so cute… . I kept smiling while watching it. 🙂 ☞☜ (__ )* Thank you for the coupon. I will write even harder in the future! _(__)_

8. Freedom to draw: I also brought the fairy queen’s egg! It’s sleeping in my bag right now. 🙂

9. Mecca Star: Mecca Star, I have a question~. There are very few people who say ‘Hong’ in comments, and I’m curious about the meaning!

10. dbss: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ haha. Maybe if Soohyun rode a unicorn, and if that unicorn was the leader unicorn. hmm. At that time, I don’t think there will really be any general users who can break through Soo-hyeon’s stable. thief. There’s something like that in the unicorn settings… .

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode