MEMORIZE Chapter 274

00274 A special thing that happened during the return ———————————————————– —————————-=

The ancient objects obtained on the second and third floors were by far the most impressive. However, other achievements were by no means negligible. The unicorn’s horn and corpse were put on hold for now, but the Ordo of Order and the Fairy Queen’s tears were items of great value. To make matters worse, the luxurious decorations that Kim Han-byeol had scraped off from the first floor seemed insignificant.

I felt like I wanted to grab each and every piece and check the information right now. However, I and my clan members needed to return to Monica as soon as possible. Although I had referenced it earlier, the burden on my body from using Hwajeong still remained. It was the right decision to prioritize returning to the city in order to satisfy the body’s need for rest.

After kissing Kim Han-byeol on the first floor stairs, we moved straight to the center of the hall. As Ansol said, the number of awake users had increased to 4 in total. We handed over to them the equipment originally equipped by the rescued users. And the equipment of the users who had not yet awakened was found out with the help of the awakened users, and they were put on by hand.

Still, there were some users who expressed considerable gratitude for my decision to hand over the equipment without any conditions. Moreover, when the man who first woke up was asked to pick out the equipment used by a woman named Mihee in the name of a keepsake, she repeatedly bowed down with a face that almost seemed like she was about to shed tears. Perhaps that’s why they didn’t show any complaints even though they packed up all the remaining equipment.

Among the awakened users, two whose stamina had dropped significantly had to be supported. The users who had not yet come to their senses were decided to be carried by clan members who had spare time. After arranging the display and removing the jewels from the wizard statue standing in the passageway that we had seen when we first entered, we were finally able to leave the castle.

The expedition is not over yet. Now, there was only one final step left to tie the knot: Monica’s safe return. and… .


Slurp. Slurp.

“Wow, wow! Brother! Look at that!”


“The river that stopped earlier is flowing again… !”

“Oh, I see.”

It was just as Ansol said. The river, which had stopped when we first entered, was gliding smoothly, making a clear sound as if it had never been like that before. While I was just watching the river without thinking, I heard a quiet voice calling me from behind. When I turned my head, I saw Hanbyeol Kim supporting a female user.

“excuse me… . brother. “I have one question.”

“huh? “What is it, Hanbyul?”

“I started counting from the moment I came down the stairs. “It’s been about 30 or 40 minutes since we came down.”

“I guess that’s roughly it.”

“But I can’t see the entrance that my brother made earlier… . And the protective shield… .”

Kim Han-byeol glanced at Baek Han-gyeol and then fixed his gaze on me again. Then I could sense what she was worried about. I adjusted the unicorn’s body I was holding and answered in a tone of reassurance.

“ah. Now, you will no longer need a shield in the Canyon of Illusion. “Seeing the river flowing again, it seems like the barrier has already been lifted.”


“huh. It would be correct to say that because the river that had stopped is flowing again. Perhaps the border itself has been relaxed. That’s why the entrance doesn’t come out.”

“ah… . I see So are you planning to just go up like this?”

At Kim Han-byeol’s words, I lowered my gaze and looked at the unicorn in my arms. This was something to think about. If we walk like this now, we can climb up the canyon in about 50 minutes. To be honest, I thought it would come to me on its own during the 40 minutes I walked, but it wasn’t even visible.

Should you just take the unicorn’s body or give it back to the baby unicorn? Originally, I was planning to choose the latter. However, no matter how likely it is, it is still just a guess. It was impossible to just rely on guesses and wait for a unicorn that might not come.

He must have heard the conversation between Kim Han-byeol and I, and the slight commotion that had arisen after seeing the river immediately subsided. I could feel the eyes of the injured wanting to return to the city as soon as possible, but I didn’t pay any attention to them. They provided me with equipment, and if I was dissatisfied with my decision, I could just go back on my own.

“hmm… .”

I continued walking and thought about it, but eventually I was able to make a decision. This was an opportunity to bond with a unicorn if you handled it well. I tapped the unicorn’s belly a few times with my finger, then opened my mouth in a low but powerful voice.

“It doesn’t go up right away.”

“… … .”

“Before entering the city, members of the Mercantile Clan would have seen a baby unicorn at least once. First, we will go to the location and wait there for about 30 minutes. “If the unicorns looking for the body do not show up after 30 minutes, we will leave for the city right away.”

Experienced users will know this well. The minimum distance from here to Monica is 10 days. Moreover, since we are transporting the injured, it may take longer than 10 days. In that situation, even if we started only 30 minutes late, it was still 50 paces in the end.

I stopped and looked back, meaning to speak up if there is a difference of opinion. As expected, some faces had dark shadows. But that was only for a moment. Clan members as well as users showed their agreement with my words by slightly nodding their heads.

After checking the reactions, I tried to make my voice a little softer and opened my mouth.

“You’ll probably see the spot after walking for about 20 or 30 minutes. Then we will move there.”

After exhaling as if affirming, I turned to face the front again. And then I resumed my march, tracing in my mind the spot where I had dropped the stone, where I had met the baby unicorn.


As expected, after walking straight for about 20 minutes, we were able to reach the place where we met the unicorn. The rock at the spot where the baby unicorn was laid was thrown into the water, but other rocks remained.

I ordered a 30-minute rest here. The awakened users may have come to their senses, but their bodies have not yet fully recovered. Thanks to this, Ansol was very busy, but she diligently memorized the spell and treated the patient without showing any signs of disapproval.

I also placed the unicorn’s body in a place where I could easily see it and then sat down on a nearby rock to rest. From now on, we will have to march for 10 days at best. In the past, it would have been impossible to exercise after a meal, but now I feel like I am limiting myself to the point where it is somewhat of a burden. It was just that, as a clan lord, he did not necessarily show it.

“Lord Mercenary.”

“after… ?”

Just as I was feeling the sweet taste of the tobacco I was burning during my break, a deep male voice pierced my ears. I turned my head to the side and saw the male user who had first woken up in the castle looking at me. He had a gentle smile, but his overall face was filled with sadness.

As I stared at him quietly, the man immediately bowed his head and held out his hand to me.

“I was in a hurry earlier, so I couldn’t greet you properly. My name is Shin Jae-ryong, a 4-year user. Thank you for saving me once again.”

“you’re welcome. It’s all done on request. Anyway, this is Kim Soo-hyun, a user with 0 years of experience.”

‘User information.’

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Shin Jae-ryong (4th year)

2. Class: Normal Priest Expert

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Yeoulganek (Rank: C Plus)

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: Unyielding effort, unbending will · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (42)

7. Height/Weight: 176.2cm/73.8kg

8. Tendency: Good · Passion

[Strength 78] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 74] [Stamina 90] [Magic Power 84] [Luck 68]

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 544/ 600

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

2. Shin Jae-ryong: 486/ 600

(There are no ability points remaining.)

[Strength 78] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 74] [Stamina 90] [Magic Power 84] [Luck 68]

I held Shin Jae-ryong’s hand and looked at his user information. And I was surprised once when I saw his age, and again when I saw his class. No, it would be more accurate to say I was amused rather than surprised.

Aside from the fact that the information on my abilities was decent, I didn’t understand why I chose to be a priest. Of course, the magic power is at a decent level, and class selection is free… . If you had a melee class, you would probably have woken up and made a name for yourself by now.

‘At least I’m not a battle priest (Monk)… .’

“It’s really been 0 years. Oh my god, a user with 0 years of experience created a clan and had the famous Shadow Queen as a clan member. “I was really surprised.”

“Uh, did you know?”

“yes. The cute little girl who treated us told us a story. Although it was a bit rambling, I still received quite a bit of comfort. ha ha ha.”

“haha… . okay.”

I wanted to grab Ansol’s collar right now and shake him, asking him what on earth he was talking about, but I could barely suppress it when I repeated my patience. Soon, Shin Jae-ryong sat down next to me and politely asked if he wanted to talk for a while. And I willingly gave permission by nodding my head.

The conversation with Shin Jae-ryong that followed was good in its own way. I tend to have a somewhat favorable opinion of people who know the subject matter. It would have been quite unpleasant if he had asked me to return the remaining equipment or said that I needed to return right away. But he didn’t mention anything like that.

The main content included gratitude for the rescue and a brief explanation of the events from the start of the expedition of the Shoalgawa Clan to the time after they were captured. In the meantime, I also heard about a woman named Mihee, and it was said that she was a female user who started a family with Shin Jae-ryong after he entered Holplane. Even though she lost her precious tooth, her attitude of trying to swallow her sadness and make an accurate judgment seemed really good.

“So, out of the 7 people, 3 are members of the Shoolgak clan and 4 are from the first rescue team… . “I think the clan will suffer quite a big blow.”

“It’s not a big deal, but it’s practically dismantled. We are a small clan with less than 20 members in total. Still, I’ve lived my life without any difficulty, with only the pride of working hard… . Friends and love all in one expedition. I feel like everything I’ve built over the past 4 years has collapsed because of one wrong choice. Unlike my other colleagues, I take comfort in the fact that my life was saved… .”

Shin Jae-ryong smiled bitterly while smoking the cigarette he got from me. No one knows what will happen in the future, but Shin Jae-ryong’s user information was still at a useful level. If you have the will to do it again, you won’t starve to death wherever you go.

“But since it is under the Istantel Low Clan, I won’t just sit there and watch. Things won’t be that bad. “The welfare of users is comparable to that of Barbara.”

“I am just grateful that you said that. Still, I think it will be a bit difficult for a while. Since I am not a strong person by nature, it will take some time for me to ask about today’s events. haha. under… .”

Shin Jae-ryong left behind a sigh and raised his head and looked up at the sky. As we talked about various things, more than 30 minutes had passed. And the unicorn didn’t appear. I felt a little regretful, but I thought it would be better to leave now.

“For now, returning to the city will be the priority. “I think it would be better to leave now.”

“Oh, but you’re waiting for a unicorn…” .”

After leaving the room, Shin Jae-ryong’s voice continued. I shook my head and stretched slightly.

“The 30 minutes I mentioned earlier has passed.”

“ah. If it’s because of us, it’s okay. I don’t mind waiting any longer. Of course, I want to go back to the city, but it’s not a bad idea to rest here and rejuvenate. If you’re saying this because of us, I also know the users of the first rescue team. “I am confident that you will understand well.”

Shin Jae-ryong stood up after me and spoke in a voice full of regret. There was certainly a point to what he said, but the faces from earlier looked like they wanted to quickly return to the city. And it wasn’t necessarily because of that, but if the unicorn with a strong sense of kinship hadn’t appeared for over an hour, we would have already left the canyon. In other words, there was a high possibility that it would be a waste of time.

After chatting for a while, the clan members and users gathered their gazes as if they saw us standing up. Looking at them, I decided to end my break.

“5 minutes later… .”

Beat, beat, beat.

It was then. “I’m leaving.” As I was about to conclude my words, I felt a presence outside of my perception of the surroundings. I looked there with a curious face. As I stopped talking and looked to the right, people also turned their heads in the direction I was looking at. And at that moment… .

“Kyu…” .”

The sound of four-legged animals stepping on the ground. And although it was very faint, a familiar crying sound caught my ears.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. My body feels much better than yesterday. I still have an upset stomach and occasional chills, but my head has healed a lot. Yesterday, even if I tried to think a little deeply, my head started pounding, but today it’s just a little heavier than usual. Still, just in case, I plan to go to the hospital tomorrow and exercise even harder. I will work hard to take care of my health from now on. 🙂

『Reripple (Episode 272)』

1. HammerofWar: Congratulations on first place. (I found out that congratulations was the wrong word. I’m shocked.) Haha. Oh, but was episode 272 more cruel? thief. I just showed you records and videos… . ㅜ.ㅠ

2. River of tears: Huhu, I don’t know. 🙂 Please look forward to the equipment settlement. To give you a hint, among the conditions for using Ordo, there is also a class condition.

3. [DeepBLue]: Sumbaek, Tyrving. Neither of them will be used by Soo-hyeon in the end. It will probably go to two women. 🙂

4. Eurykenne: Hahahaha. Oh, sorry. I laughed so hard as soon as I saw it. lol. I must have given you a mental breakdown. sorry. _(__)_ lol. PS. What is queer water?

5. GradeRown: No need to worry. A successor will soon be born who will inherit that talent(?). As a side note, this successor was created by readers. ha ha ha.

『Reripple (Episode 273)』

1. River of Tears: Huh. Two re-ripples per time. I didn’t know you would have won first place in the next episode. Congratulations on first place. 🙂 yes. Mar is a nickname for Margarita.

2. Rainy weather room: Haha. ‘Gaegida.’ is an incorrect expression of ‘Gaegae.’ I was surprised when I first found out.

3. Hwang Geol: It’s a work recommendation. haha. Let me think about it. 🙂 These days, there’s a work I’m loving… .

4. dkeogu2001: Yes. This is Riripple! Now that I’ve eaten one of the biggest pieces of Monica’s remains, it’s time to settle down and get some work done. 🙂

5. Mable Fantasm: You have a cool nickname. Marvel Phantasm. For some reason, I’m jealous… .(?) This rice cake is scheduled to be mentioned in the next episode, but the content of the rice cake has been changed. I’m currently thinking about changing the subheading for the side income part. lol.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode