MEMORIZE Chapter 272

00272 Tears Of Elf Queen ——————————- —————————=

Using our comrades as shields and making many sacrifices, we were able to seize the opportunity to defeat the wizard after disarming the city’s magic circles one by one. Perhaps, if the Princess of Execution had not discovered the magic circle related to regeneration and healing, the expedition might have failed once again.


… However, in the end, the places that achieved great results can be divided into two places. One was a room I entered without thinking, and the other was Marvolo’s laboratory. The most impressive thing of all was not the laboratory, but the room I entered without even thinking about.

It was revealed that some of the equipment there was already used by heroes of the past. But they weren’t the only ones. Now that I think about it, the rest of the equipment may have been used by the ancient inhabitants who came to rescue them… . Just make a careful guess. because… .

Excerpt from page 17 of the expedition report to the ancient magic city of Magia.


“Nothing special.”

The first room I entered was literally an ordinary room. When I first saw it, it looked like a fancy VIP room, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be nothing but chaff. In short, would you say it was ineffective?

But there are still many rooms left. There are a total of 7 visits on the 4th floor, so if you look at the remaining 6, you will definitely find things you know. Thinking like that, I consoled my regret and closed the door.

bang. bang.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of the door closing almost simultaneously in my ear. I glanced to the side and saw Ahn Hyeon coming out of the room, tilting his head. He also made eye contact with her and shrugged his shoulders.

‘There are 5 left.’

After looking at one room each, the two of us walked again to explore the remaining rooms. After walking straight for about eight steps along the passage, I found a door painted white this time. I stopped in front of the door and opened it with a pounding heart. and… .

bang! bang!

‘Crazy guy.’

I cursed softly to myself at the incredible sight in the room. She sighs and closes the door. It suddenly occurred to her that she might be fooling herself by doing this. Because she had read the records, she had a general idea of ​​what kind of equipment was available, but she was still curious.

However, when I checked the room for the third time and found nothing, I felt the anxiety I had been feeling gradually accelerate. In the end, Ahn Hyun and I ran into each other in the last remaining room. Seeing that he also had a disappointed expression on his face, it seemed like his situation was not much different from mine.

“Still, I had a hard time coming in, but it’s really exhausting.”

“The exploration is not over yet. This isn’t open yet and there are other floors left. “Let’s just look around here and then go down.”

Finally, I knocked on the remaining door and spoke, and Ahn Hyun quietly nodded.

“Okay, bro. Still, the visit looks really good.”

It was definitely as Ahn Hyeon said. Still, the places where people lived seemed to have taken a lot of care, so at least it had the smell of people living in it. In particular, the door in front of me was particularly different from other doors. The patterns and luster visible on the door frame and hinges were flowing, giving them a shiny shine.

‘I think this is the room that Marvolo usually uses. I’m really looking forward to this.’

“I will open it. “Come in, bro.”


Ahn Hyeon took the lead and opened the door. The door must have been well maintained, so it opened smoothly without making any creaking noise. The interior of the room that was soon revealed was quite spacious. The first thing I noticed was the bookshelves that took up both walls. And there was a spacious desk in the center, with its back to the large square window.

In addition, I saw a picture hanging on the wall and a few pieces of furniture, but this was enough to confirm that my prediction was correct. It’s not flashy. In some ways, it was simple, but there were still traces of wear and tear left here and there, giving it an old-fashioned atmosphere. In other words, it felt like a ‘wizard’s room’.

Walking inside the room, I slowly looked around. The bookshelf on the left wall was filled with thick books, and on the right wall, hundreds of crystal balls were arranged neatly. I looked around, but there wasn’t anything hidden. Eventually, I stopped in front of the desk and picked up the large book placed in the center. And then he opened his mouth to Anhyun, who was still looking around with her head.

“Take a look at the bookshelf over there. “Look at the title and if you see a book with ancient magic written on it, take it by all means.”

“brother. I don’t know how to read that ancient language… .”

“… “Then just look around the desk.”


The book I was holding in my hand was so thick that I could guess that it had a lot of content. I looked at the outside, but there was no title written on it. After touching the gold-covered corner once or twice, I opened the book to the first page. Then I saw ancient languages ​​filling up a page. I may not be able to read it line-by-line like the residents, but fortunately, I was confident that I could decipher about 70% of it since I had learned it to some extent during the first session.

I gently brushed the dust off the paper and began to read slowly from the first paragraph.

“Today, finally… . … implemented. Although the inhabitants of every city… But, and now I am unable to leave the city… . No regrets. Lloyd and Margarita should probably be here by now. now … The time has arrived… .」

“I still can’t forget the faces of the two who were captured. As expected, Margarita did not panic and calmly met me… . she did Will this attitude be maintained in the future? . Tsk tsk.”

‘Could it be that Marvolo recorded it? then… .’

As I continued to read further down, it was written that Lloyd and Margarita were invited and kidnapped. I decided to read on for now. And, I immediately turned one more page.

“Today, I finally met Margarita’s virgin… . Seeing her for the first time… I became even more excited. Forcing Margarita in front of Lloyd… . Finally, she reacted differently. In the sound of crying that fills the room… .」

“at las … Did you notice it? Grazia… . Leading the punitive force… . Of course, the subjugation team… . As expected, in the city, I am no different from a god. I wanted to catch Grazia as well if possible, but the people around me were so… . I ended up missing it. He had quite great skills. especially… . still… .」

“My precious Margarita. Have you ever thought about it? The noble fairy queen could not have been surrounded by monsters and forced to… I never thought I would get hit. Each time she elicited one response from her, she felt so… .」

“I had a good idea. To infuse new vitality into Margarita, who lost her will to live after confirming Lloyd’s death… . She transforms into Grazia and pretends to rescue him… . I still can’t forget it. again … Margarita’s face becomes blank as it changes into . she is … she screamed. “Kkeukkeuk.”

“… … .”

I was thinking of just covering it up, but I decided to hold on just a little longer after reading up to this point. Instead, I thought it would be better to skip the front part altogether and focus on the back part. So, I grabbed a bunch of pages and flipped through them in one go.

「… Margarita is pregnant. My stomach gets fuller every day… . To be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention… . “Her mind is complicated.”

“In the end, Margarita… gave birth to She tried to destroy it in front of Margarita, but for now… did. It could be my child, but there is also a high possibility that it is the child of a monster. Even though I’ve been out for a while, I’ve been dealing with monsters for the past year… . Rather than hatching them right away, we decided to preserve them for now. You should use it when threatening. Giggling!”

“Something strange in the city today… They came in. After capturing it and manipulating its mind, we were able to find out that it was a ‘user’. user? It piques my interest. I need to find out more. Finish … “I did it and it worked out well.”

“today… . decided. Margarita was also subjected to mental manipulation… I decided to do it. Perhaps she may have lost her true identity as a queen, but now… “I wanted to see it.”

Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!

“How much time has passed outside? The punitive force no longer comes. Instead, the frequency with which people called ‘users’ came in became more frequent. At first I just killed them, but it was still quite fun… I also know how to spit it out. Well, you two… . … Since I did it… I’m thinking about making them. Of course, I used mental manipulation… .」

“It’s a big deal. Could it be that it wasn’t infinite? If Margarita dies. She has to survive somehow. I plan to start research starting today… .」

“I have tried in many directions, but there is no progress in research. I killed one of my subordinates in a fit of rage, but I had no idea that I would see a path from here. After all, there is no way to just die. human sacrifice. We need more humans. Even if the people we have now aren’t enough… do. I can’t go out of town. In that case, there are subordinates who can attract humans from outside… do.”

「… Just when I was thinking about killing all of my remaining subordinates, 10 fresh humans came in. … am. But if you kill him right away… . Somehow… these guys… must be drawn into. … What about… I did it. So now for me… One thing… .」

“While looking around the prison, I discovered a user who dared to secretly communicate. Saving Margarita… Because I care… But, I don’t think it’s possible to hear it… I never thought I would plug it in. It was a fun idea, but it was half as good as an example… I threw it away. Just in time to feed Mar… Because it was falling… .」

“An additional 14 people today… . Put it down… Looks like it’s caught… . But it’s still not enough… .」



After sighing and closing the book, I tightened my grip on the book. The first part was mainly filled with the beggar’s footwrap-like content dealing with Margarita’s assistant’s diary, but the latter part contained things that were worth reading from the perspective of a wizard or alchemist. In particular, in the case of Vivien, since she is a fellow resident, looking at the research progress written by Mavolo may be of great help. Even a single word written by a high-level wizard can serve as a stepping stone to improving your skills.

I thought about it for a while, but eventually relaxed my grip on the book. If there is even the slightest possibility, it would be helpful to take it. After making up my mind, I walked over to the wall and started looking through the books lined up.

“brother. “Did you get anything?”

“A few. But I’m not sure. you?”

“It’s dog hair. “I looked through all the desks and drawers, but I couldn’t find anything useful.”

“I’ll look into it further. Then, check what the crystal behind is.”

As I looked through the titles of the books and answered, Ahn Hyun said, “Your brother.” He answered and walked behind me.

About 5 minutes passed? He was in the process of picking out a few books and stacking them one by one that might be helpful to Hayeon. Suddenly, a strange moan flowed into my ear from behind me.

(Marvolo de Eilright. I can’t believe you did this. It’s not too late. If you are truly my comrade….)

“Uh, uh.”

“Anhyeon? “What are you doing there?”

“Tongue, bro. This, this… .”

Anhyeon stuttered with a puzzled look on his face. He looked at something and saw that images were streaming out of several neatly placed crystal spheres. The things on the bookshelf were video playback crystal balls.

“Did you touch that?”

“yes yes. I saw that they were video playback crystal balls, so I just played a few of the ones I saw… . Suddenly strange scenes… .”

(Please, Mavolo! It’s not too late. If you repent your sins now and release us….)

(Are you enjoying this dastardly act? I’m disappointed, Marvolo de Eilright. I got the wrong person. You’re truly an irredeemable piece of trash. Even if you have my body, you’ll never have my heart.)

(No, no, no! I don’t want to be bullied by monsters! Lloyd! Help me, Lloyd!)


‘I’m an asshole for having high expectations.’

I finally slightly regretted killing Marvolo de Eilite so easily. As if the records weren’t enough, they even saved the video. This could be seen as an action that went beyond Belphegor. Feeling a little goosebumps at that crazy obsession, I went straight to where the crystal ball was. And in the meantime, the crystal balls that An Hyun had placed here and there continued to play.

(Grazia! You came to save me! Thank you so much… Grazia…? Ma… ball…?)

(Lloyd ugh!)

(Hehe…. Hehe….)

(Huh, ugh, ugh, yes! Ma, cheek, lo, nim! Aang! I like it! More, harder…! Haa! Aaaaaaa!)

“brother. “Isn’t this the fairy queen you told me about?”

“Ahn Hyeon. stand back.”

“yes yes?”

“Get behind me. “It hurts.”

I sighed calmly and stood in the very center of the wall. Coincidentally, the crystal ball in the front middle row was playing Margarita, hugging Marvolo tightly and shaking her butt vigorously. I bent the knee of my right leg until it touched my front chest, and then, with full force, I kicked my leg up into the air.


Put out your front foot strongly. Then, the empty space shook violently, and soon a strong shock wave hit the entire wall.

Wow! Clink!

Eventually, the bookshelf attached to the wall split into several pieces, and all the crystal balls placed there were shattered in the aftermath of the impact. The fragments thrown out by the impact flew into the air and soon began to fall into the rainwater.

Sarr… . Sarr… .

Eventually, when all the scattered fragments had settled to the floor, I handed over all the books I was holding to Ahn Hyeon.

“Ahn Hyeon. “Put all of this in your bag.”

“ah. Your brother. But… .”


“There’s a woman who just came out of the crystal ball. “Are you really the Fairy Queen?”

I was about to nod lightly as I watched Anhyun hastily stuffing books into her bag.

Da da da da!

Suddenly, I felt someone rushing down the hallway from outside.

As I was quietly looking at the door, I could soon see Lee Yu-jeong holding a katana in one hand and attacking him as if he was going to eat him. She had a very urgent look on her face, but when she saw me and Ahn Hyun standing blankly, she looked confused.

“Yujeong, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, brother. are you okay? “I suddenly heard something explode.”

“iced coffee. It’s no big deal. “There’s nothing wrong.”

“I see… .”

Lee Yu-jeong showed an awkward expression as she looked at the crystal fragments that colored the floor. Then, she immediately raised her head, her face flashing as she remembered something.

“Oh brother. “Have you finished exploring the 4th floor?”

“almost. you?”

“Me and Yeonjoo are both finished. And Yeonju said to quickly bring my brother.”

“okay? “Did you find anything?”

“huh. I found one, and I found Yeon-joo. But I think it would be better to go to the second floor first.”

Hearing Lee Yu-jeong’s confident voice, we decided to end our exploration of the fourth floor at this point. I thought there was a high probability that the things I remembered were on the 4th floor, but maybe they were on a different floor.

After quietly nodding to Lee Yu-jeong’s urging gaze, Ahn Hyeon and I followed her out to the door.


As I quickly went down the stairs and reached the second floor, I saw Ko Yeon-ju waiting for me with his arms crossed in front of the room. She must have sensed us coming down, so she turned her head and took out one of her hands and waved it.

“You’re here. “Did you get anything from the 4th floor?”

“It’s not completely out of the question, but it’s something we’ll have to wait and see. What about Go Yeon-ju? “What was on the second floor?”

“Ho Ho. You have to be in a hurry. It’s in this room, so come and see it for yourself. “You might be surprised.”

Ko Yeonju must have sensed the impatience in my tone of voice or my steps, and answered with a calm smile. Eventually, I approached her and immediately looked into the room.

The inside of the room was clean. There was a difference in the color of the floor inside and outside based on the door frame, as if they had deliberately cleaned only this area. But this wasn’t important. The third eye is already activated. Eventually, I looked up, and at the same time, I felt the presence of children sticking their heads out from behind me.

『Caligo Abraxas』

『Paradisus Plate Mail』

『Orthros Long Boots』

『Brilliant Flash: Laura Phylis』

『Clothes made from Yggdrasil leaves』

『Rhiza Boots』

『Headband of Innocence』

『Torn Wings of the Fairy Queen (12 pairs)』

『Book, Magician of the Blue Moon, Secret Class』

『Sword, Gladiator of the Dawn, Rare Class』



As soon as I scanned the room, messages containing all kinds of information began to fill the air. As I looked at them in a dazed state, Go Yeon-ju’s languid voice rang from next to me.

“Isn’t it fascinating? Just looking at it, I can feel some unusual energy. I guess… .”

“This… .”

“Congratulations, Suhyeon. “You asked to go inside, and this expedition was a huge success.”

The moment I heard Go Yeon-ju’s words, I thought I had finally found one.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Hehehe. Originally, I was going to hang up from a place where I could look into the room, but I thought the readers would be very angry at me if I did that… . OTL You may have been bored in the last episode, but it was a necessary episode in its own way (I think). It wasn’t just about taking a break or adjusting the pace. 🙂 If you keep reading, you’ll probably think, “Ah.” The day will come when you do it. ha ha ha. ah. And please forgive me for not attending. Instead, I put in today’s portion. ^_ㅠ Ah, I would like to return to the city in 2-3 episodes.


1. Re-creator of myth: Oh. Miwolya, I thought you’d see Oriental Medicine Mode, but I’m surprised. It’s been a while since I saw you in 1st place. ha ha ha. Congratulations on first place! 🙂 Please enjoy this episode.

2. Divan: After returning to the city. Hehehe.

3. Flute: I need to get the hang of it, but I’m working on it. haha. And it’s really hard if you have an appointment in the morning or afternoon. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. 24 novels: It has been reduced a bit now. About 600 times? I’d like to be able to finish it within 700 episodes no matter how many times I go. The completion was brought forward a little bit.

5. Human life: How did you really get into such a mess? . Pat pat. cheer up. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Fallen Wing: I’ll just show you what I got, and the explanation will be given later after I return to the city. ha ha ha. If you do well in the next episode(?), you will be able to see the group leaving the canyon.

7. Broken Fan: Baby Chaos Mimic is scheduled to appear in the next episode! 🙂

8. LOVE Fall: No users have collected 1 million GP. It’s very difficult to obtain until you conquer Atlanta. (But that doesn’t mean it’s easy even after you conquer it.) Hehe.

9. Mood: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ We will strive to repay you with more interesting content in the future.

10. Eurikenne: Huh! Wow, that’s amazing. I’m curious to know who my friend is. Then how about Do Yeong-rok (golden lion hairy man) + Park Dong-geol (rite of passage pot-bellied man)? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this combination! (Sigh!)

11. Seba Hong: 1. Because physical strength is not Suhyun’s specialized ability. 2. Su-hyeon’s potential has already been fully developed. (This is the first time she has loaded her body. That’s why she still has scars on her body. Although she only appears to be a 1-year user, she is no different from a 10-year user.)

12. Sensitive: You can look at it two years from now. 🙂 And unfortunately, it cannot be considered an achievement because it did not have a ‘direct impact on the overall flow’. haha.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode