MEMORIZE Chapter 271

00271 Tears Of Elf Queen ———————————————- —————————=

Although it was a terrible sight, there was still success. There were a total of three items obtained from the second basement floor: a badly damaged unicorn corpse, a unicorn horn, and the fairy queen’s tears. In particular, I wanted to check the information about the Fairy Queen’s tears in detail, but both Go Yeon-ju and Yu-jeong Lee seemed to want to get out of there quickly. So, I decided to pack only what I needed and go straight back to the first floor via the stairs.

The people who were waiting for us on the first floor were all frightened and waved their hands when they saw the unicorn corpse I was carrying. In particular, a few people with tender hearts expressed more sadness than necessary, perhaps because they remembered the baby unicorn they had met before coming here.

I was expecting the reaction of the clan members anyway. Nevertheless, the reason I brought the corpse was because I also thought of the baby unicorn. No matter how much I knew what would happen in Hall Plain, it was difficult to think that I would stumble upon a unicorn in the canyon. I had a strong feeling that it had something to do with the unicorn I was holding now. Since these animals have a strong collective consciousness, wouldn’t they have been looking for this missing unicorn?

If I was right and if we could meet again, I would return this body to them. Rather than pretending to not return the favor for no reason, there was a calculation that someday the reward would be returned, considering that they were a race that never forgot a favor. Of course, if we couldn’t meet, I was thinking of just taking it with me. Unicorn corpses, even parts of them, are traded at extremely high prices, and even if they are not necessarily sold, they are material that Vivian will be excited to give to you.

If she were here, she would probably be hanging on my arm with sparkling eyes. Smiling to myself at a thought that suddenly occurred to me, I calmly looked at the condition of the fallen users. Among the rescued users, none have yet woken up. Still, it seemed like I took care of them as much as I could while I was gone, and except for one or two who seemed almost hopeless, most of them were breathing relatively stably.

After spending some time, I was able to check the status of all users. He then declared the end of the rescue operation to the clan members and instructed them to leave this place and return to the castle hall. The clan members seemed to want to get out of this unpleasant place as quickly as possible, so they quickly picked up one or two users and formed a formation behind me.

Seeing them like that made me feel like all the urgent work was over. At the thought that all that was left now was to explore the castle, I let out a relaxed breath.

After watching Go Yeon-ju with the last two remaining women on either side of him, he quickly walked towards the stairs leading to the hall inside the castle. She couldn’t wait to start exploring.


After about 30 minutes, we were able to return to the castle hall through the fireplace. Since the users were carrying one or two people at a time, they had no choice but to be careful, so it was bound to take a little longer than when they first came in.

As soon as we came out of the basement, most of the clan members showed awkward expressions. There was a stark contrast between the underground scene, which was no different from hell, and the quiet, albeit eerie atmosphere of the castle.

If I were a user with a burning sense of justice, or if the users whose lives were on the line right now were my brother or Han So-young, I would have chosen to return to the city without hesitation. But unfortunately, these were complete strangers. And to be honest, our mission was not to ‘rescue’ but to collect traces. Just by rescuing him from prison and providing him with the best treatment possible, he was accomplishing more than his original mission. Moreover, since this is a ruin, we had the right to prioritize ‘exploration’.

So, I put the unicorn down in the center of the hall, looked back at my companions, and said.

“First, we will gather users here. and… .”

“brother. wait a minute.”

The moment we were about to suggest that we should divide into each floor and begin exploration, Anhyeon opened his mouth in a cautious tone. When I stared at him asking why, he looked down at the sturdy man he was holding and continued speaking.

“I think this person’s condition is strange.”

“How is it strange?”

“It was quiet until a little while ago, but after coming up the stairs, it started breathing heavily and making noises… .”

“okay? Let me see. Hangyeol takes out the potion. One for soothing and one for treatment. And Ansol may have a hard time, but please recite the healing spell again.”

“Uh, what should I do? “I guess I shook my body too much when I came up.”

Ahn Hyeon’s tone of voice as he put the man down was full of concern. Thinking that it was still 0 years since he spoke, I slowly observed his condition.

The man looked to be in his mid to late 30s. Although he had scratches here and there, perhaps because he had suffered so much, the overall lines that made up his face were straight and gave me the impression that he was sturdy. As Anhyun said, he was moaning and his eyelids were fluttering.

“───. ───. ───. Cure!”

Just then, Ansol had finished casting the spell, and a group of white lights seeped into the man’s body. At that moment, his slightly trembling eyes twitched once. His nasal breathing was becoming increasingly rough, but he was finding a much more even rhythm than when he was exhaling weakly.

“Tongue, bro. “Wouldn’t it be possible for me to die like this?”

“You don’t know that. And unfortunately, it is inevitable when you die. But it seems to me that he will open his eyes soon.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Anyway, let’s wait a little longer.”

A little more time passed after I ordered Ahn Hyun, who was making a fuss, to wait because I was tired of it. And very slowly, I could see the man’s eyes opening. His eyelids went halfway up and then down. He goes up again, then down.

The man blinked several times, perhaps because he suddenly saw a bright light or because he was out of focus. Eventually, his eyelids opened more than halfway and no longer went down. His eyesight seemed to have fully recovered, as his gaze, which had been wandering in the air filled with confusion, slowly shifted to us.

“uh… . eww… .”

The man opened his mouth and muttered, but only a dry voice came out. I cupped his neck and took out a calming potion and poured a little into his throat. I could see relief on the man’s face as he realized that there were people like him and that they were trying to help him based on his actions.

“gulp. Heh… . Hehehe… .”

“Are you out of your mind?”

“Wow. W, here… .”

“This is the first floor hall of the castle. We are users who have come to rescue you at the request of Istantel Row. “You can rest assured that the wizard who bound you has been defeated.”

“Well, then.”

Although the confusion didn’t seem to have gone away yet, the man was taking my words in a fairly calm manner. He seemed to be a strong-willed or experienced user. He closed his eyes again, as if he was thinking over my words. Then, after about 10 seconds, the man struggled to open his eyes and opened his mouth.

“eww… . For saving me… . thanks… .”

“It was nothing. Anyway, it would be best to rest now.”

“yes. I… . Maybe I’m alone… . Others… .”

The man’s voice continued intermittently, as if just speaking was exerting his energy. I turned my head toward the unicorn’s body. There, the rescued users were neatly laid out, no matter when they were put down. And each person took off the robe they were wearing and seemed to be covering up part of their body. I made eye contact with the man again and answered in a low voice.

“We saved everyone we could save. “Currently, all possible measures have been taken.”

“for a moment… . them… .”

As soon as he heard my words, the man groaned and strengthened his body. He seemed eager to see the comrades he had rescued. I took off the coat of plates I was wearing to cover his naked body, then gave strength to his hand that was supporting his neck. Then I made the man stand up and lean against my body. He walked step by step as I led him.

Then Lee Yu-jeong noticed and moved quickly. She turned the user lying on her side upright to make it easier for the man to see her companions’ faces. Eventually, he cast his gaze towards the lying users one by one, sometimes frowning and sometimes showing expressions of happiness. And soon, as if he had seen my whole face, the man turned his head towards me and opened his mouth.

“Ho, maybe… . Mihee… . Wasn’t there… ?”

“Mihee? “Who are you talking about?”

“Ah, woman… . therefore… . hmm. Her hair is long down to her waist, and her skin is slightly dark… . ah… . He was trapped in the same place as me… . She was dragged away alone… .”

The man’s voice was trembling. Although it was a bit disjointed and rambling, I was able to understand the gist of it. Mi-hee was imprisoned in prison with another woman, but it seemed like only she was taken out and she was left alone.

Long hair down to the waist. Dark skin. Suddenly, a body torn in half and hanging on a triangular wooden horse passed by my head. I was curious why only the woman named Mihee was dragged away, but the answer was the priority. I slowly shook my head from side to side.

“Lord, he’s dead… ?”

“… Based on the information you provided, I am not sure who the woman named Mihee is. And we are the secondary rescue team. The users who entered here are 10 members of the Shoolgak clan and 14 members of the first rescue team. Among them, only 7 users have currently been rescued.”

“Well, then… .”

“They said the woman was dragged out alone, but when we went down to the second basement floor, we found many corpses. maybe… . There is a high probability that she died there.”

If you’ve been eating at Hole Plain for a long time, you’ll probably understand the basics even if I tell you this. However, it is difficult for anyone to calmly accept the shock of losing a loved one who is not an ordinary colleague. Because I know that better than anyone else. And the current man’s eyes were becoming more and more similar to the eyes I had when I lost my brother.

“Well, that can’t be true. Well, then a corpse, even a corpse… . I myself… .”

“I’m not sure. However, without exception, all of the bodies found on the second basement floor were severely damaged.”

“under… .”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you sooner. But I did the best I could.”

“Hehehe… ! Hehehehe… !”

It was at the moment when I finished speaking that I felt that I was not lying. The man’s face suddenly distorted and he fell to the ground as if he was collapsing. Hot tears flowed from the eyes that were thought to be dry, and a pitiful cry broke out. It was clear that she was probably quite close to a woman named Mihee.

“Kuhuhhh… ! Mihee… . Mihee… . Sorry… ! “Hmm!”

“… … .”

The man immediately lay down on the floor and cried loudly. All the clan members were looking at him with pitiful faces. I also stared quietly for a moment, then opened my mouth in a quiet voice.

“Ahn Sol, Baek Han-gyeol. You two should stay on the first floor and take care of that man. I will try to calm you down as much as possible. Oh, hand the bag over to Hyun and Yujeong.”

“yes… . all right.”

“okay. If anything happens, call out loud. “Each floor is open, so anyone can hear it right away.”

Although it was unfortunate, I thought that any further delay would be a waste of time, so I decided to start exploring right away. Also, although it was covered, it was impossible to leave users naked any longer. If they hadn’t thrown it away, the users’ equipment would probably be lying around here somewhere. In any case, if we weren’t going to go back right away, it was in the interest of both us and that man to move as quickly as possible.

After looking up at the ceiling for a moment, I slowly spoke.

“Then, everyone except you two will begin exploring the castle from now on. The castle has a total of four floors, including the first floor. First, Kim Hanbyeol?”

“Your brother.”

“You look around the first floor. There doesn’t seem to be anything special, but I still look closely at things like window frames and statues. And do you see the decorations hanging from the ceiling? Cut them all off with the cutter magic.”

“I understand, brother.”

After leaving behind Kim Han-byeol, who responded meekly, I assigned people to explore each floor. It was decided to leave the second floor to Go Yeon-ju and the third floor to Yu-jeong Lee. And the 4th floor, which had the most inquiries, was assigned to me and Ahn Hyeon.

“Mihee… . Sorry… . Mihee… . Hehehe… .”

“Mister, don’t cry… .”

Weeping voices were still echoing through the hall, as if the shock of losing a precious person was great. While watching Ansol and Baek Hangyeol comforting him by his side, I announced the start of the exploration in a quiet voice.


“brother. “Then I’ll take a look around the third floor.”

“okay. Anhyun and I will go up to the 4th floor. And since there might be a secret room or something, make sure to activate magic detection.”


Go Yeon-ju started exploring on the second floor and arrived at the third floor. Lee Yu-jeong answered glumly, turned her body and walked away. As I was staring at her back as she walked around the railing, Ahn Hyun spoke to me in a quiet voice.

“brother. “What on earth happened on the second basement floor?”

“Why is that?”

“Ever since Yeonju and Yujeong came up from there, their expressions have been so bad. Lee Yu-jeong, who had been singing the song of exploration and exploration, looked so helpless… .”

“Well, I certainly saw a terrible sight. In particular, Yujeong will be quite shocked. Anyway, I’ll tell you about that later, so we should start exploring. “Did you get your bag?”


Anhyun responded by tapping the magic backpack on his right shoulder. Eventually, the two of us also climbed further stairs to the fourth floor, and since there were so many doors, we each decided to tear in either direction.

“I will look around from the left, so you look around from the right.”

“yes. “Then can I keep the bag?”

“huh. “If I find anything, I’ll call you.”

“I understand, bro. “Then meet me in the center.”

Anhyeon answered obediently. Eventually, we both turned at the same time and went around the railing in our respective directions and separated.

And the first place I stopped was when I had walked about ten steps around the railing. In front of me was a door made of wood that was a little old but had an antique look. After detecting a hint of danger with my magic sense, I grabbed the handle, turned it, and gently pushed the door open.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Next time, next time, next time. hmm. I’ll probably be able to return to the city soon. As the heavy atmosphere continues, I also become heavier. ㅜ.ㅠ It’s raining too. And the wifi keeps disconnecting, which makes me sad. After the exploration, I will try to use a brighter atmosphere than now. 🙂


1. Miwolya: Haha. Congratulations on first place. 🙂 I’ve thought about it a lot, but I made up my mind after reading the comments this time. I think I need to change my mind. lol. To be honest, I was a little shocked. I wrote it, but honestly, I often thought, ‘Wow, isn’t that too harsh?’ ㅜ.ㅠ

2. LumpOfSuger: Most of the equipment will probably appear in the next episode. 🙂 This can also be said to be a hit. lol.

3. Refill: I also want to embrace all readers while maintaining my own boundaries. It may be a really difficult task. This is probably something I need to work on in the future. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Human life: Haha. I am not your sister. I am a man. 🙂

5. juan: Huh. Marvolo de Illite is a beginner. This is truly amazing. Haha. (Really?)

6. Parkasari: I saw you put it up in the yard. I’ve played LoL before, but I’ve never used an ID like that. lol. Royumi. I was surprised to see it too. lol.

7. Sleeping Hoe: In that case, a curse is placed on the ‘subject’ who killed the unicorn. 🙂

8. Kkoya: Right now, Soo-hyeon’s mental strength is so strong that it surpasses steel, so she’s forcing herself to endure it. ha ha ha. And it also activates a sword that cannot be knocked down. I’ll probably need to relax or get some rest when I get back to the city.

9. le.miser + Honestly, what should I write: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ What are the benefits of the Fairy Queen’s tears? Hehehe. 🙂

10. Happy day: In a way, this is true. This is a world where ‘power’ rules first. The users who are eliminated from there end up walking down a miserable path, with men following men and women following women. ㅜ.ㅠ

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I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

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not work with dark mode