MEMORIZE Chapter 265

00265 Crazy Wizard and the Broken Ones ——————————————– —————————–=

Although it was a little early, it was a decisive decision. Even though I felt it myself, I was confident that I had the upper hand over Marvolo due to the clash just now.

Anyway, the opponent took out the hidden card first. So far, everything has gone as planned, but it felt like I was walking on thin ice. The moment one side makes even the slightest mistake, it will be a goal.

‘Now that I think about it, the clan members… .’

I was about to look back because I was worried that I might have been embarrassed by the sudden situation.


A faint sound of a blast tearing the air is heard. I immediately raised my sword and deflected the small magic arrow that was being shot at me.

“Whoa, don’t turn your head. “Friend.”

“Who says I am your friend?”

“Hol hole. If you are someone with extra-standard powers, you would know that. How much of a burden it puts on the body to fully reveal this power. I took that burden and revealed it, so please don’t worry about anything else. “I ask you to give me all your attention like you have done up until now.”

“Crazy guy.”

Even though he cursed, Marvolo chuckled and looked genuinely happy. The more he exerted his power, the more his initially gentle expression changed rapidly. It was soft, then sharp. You get happy, then you get angry. He was literally showing the essence of a crazy person.

‘Well, isn’t it difficult to say that he has maintained his sanity for almost 300 years?’

I decided to stop thinking here. This is because behind Mavolo, who was floating in the air, the air was rumbling like ripples on the water. Soon, an intense light burst out like a flicker from the staff held in his right hand, and soon a flickering round sphere floated up. But it didn’t end there.

“This method of processing volume is not my style, but… .”

Every time his staff shakes, numerous magic circles react. As if one were to formulate a formula, each time one of the lines was arranged, the ripples grew bigger and began to sway simultaneously.

“I think this is the only way to defeat you right now. good… . done.”

Flash! Ugh!

It was the moment Marvolo finished speaking. The ripples that were shaking in the air spewed out round spheres one by one here and there. And the sphere of light seemed to split into dozens, if not hundreds, in an instant, and soon the sky began to fill up so tightly that it was impossible to see. It was truly an enormous amount. He looked up at the sky and said with a satisfied face.

“A mix of ancient magic amplification, radiation, and disruption. “How can we stop it?”

“… … .”

“There is no answer. In any case, it would be best not to even think about avoiding it. Otherwise, these orbs of light will hit our comrades back there, who are fighting very, very hard. “Kill!”

With an eerie laugh, Marvolo struck me with all his force. And starting with that, hundreds of flickering flashes of light began pouring down from all directions at once. Towards exactly the point where I am.

‘It reminds me of the old days.’

It comes down. It comes down slowly. It comes down slowly, but the moment it passes the magic circle floating in the air, the speed of its descent gradually accelerates. It was one heavy rain. Like a sudden, strong shower, like a meteor shower that catches fire and plummets. Countless raindrops of light were falling towards me at the speed of a flash.

Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong! Suwoong!

Calm your mind by taking deep breaths. With both feet firmly planted on the floor, he held the martial arts sword in his right hand and the sun and moon sword in his left hand. You have to predict their incoming orbit one by one and eliminate them all. No, honestly, it’s impossible to cut them all out. After hitting as much as I could, I had no choice but to trust my anti-horsepower.

“Hol hole!”

Leaving behind the old man’s soft laughter, I bent down slightly. And the moment the flash of light approached me, I opened my eyes and swung my dual swords with all my might.

pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop!

He swings the martial sword and the sun and moon sword like a windmill to block the approach of the flash of light. Dozens of sword lights flashed across the four walls, enough to create an elaborate sword screen. As the sword light flashed, the explosion sound increased proportionally, but that was only for a moment. Occasionally, I felt a slight vibration in my body and felt the sun’s glory becoming hotter than necessary. That was proof that missing one or two things was taking a toll on my anti-fighting power.

“I’m possessed, I’m possessed. “It’s a truly amazing sight.”

A mocking voice was heard once again, but there was no time to pay attention to it. If the sphere breaks through the battlefield’s protection, which is my last bastion, and hits my body even once, my body will shake greatly. Then, the sword will naturally become disorganized and gaps will inevitably appear. Occasionally, I could feel strong vibrations coming from the hand holding the Sun and Moon God Sword. I felt like the vibrations flowing through my entire body were shaking not only my arms but also my head. However, I gritted my teeth and held on.

pop! pop! pop! pop!

How much time has passed? As Marvolo said, for a while, I felt like I was dancing as if I was possessed. And just as the offensive seemed to have slowed down a bit compared to the beginning, I felt a subtle sense of discomfort.

‘This guy is quiet?’

I barely managed to raise my head with the slightest bit of leisure I had, and my eyes met with Marvolo, who happened to be looking at me. He was muttering orders non-stop, with an eerily happy, psychotic smile on his face. What he meant was that he was preparing a follow-up hit.

“Anyway, neither you nor I thought it would end like this. “Isn’t that right?”

“… … .”

“Kill, kill, kill!” That was just to kill time, but here’s the real thing… !”

Although it had shrunk slightly, the sphere of light was still continuing. However, Marvolo had already finished aiming Ordo at me, as if he had memorized all the spells. And the moment the light of Ordo flashed out without giving him a single moment of silence, he could feel conflicting energies rising from both sides.

It was a magic circle. That’s exactly what I found. All I felt was a cold feeling that seemed to freeze my whole body on one side and a burning heat on the other side.

“This spell was quite difficult for me. Summoning and union. “Then I will take this and expect you to lie on the floor begging for your life.”


With Marvolo’s soothing voice, magic circles rush in from left and right. The speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, it was breaking through my anti-magic power.

‘This… . Dangerous.’

As soon as I realized that, without any hesitation, I exploded the power latent in my heart and rolled hard on the floor. And the moment the ground shook, I could see a huge roar and fire bursting in front of my eyes.


Boom! Kuoooooooo!

“It’s over. Hol hole. Um, but was it too much?”

A huge explosion occurred in front of my eyes along with a huge roar. Mavolo looked at that place with a happy face, but then clicked his tongue. It was the first time in a long time that I had found a good piece of wood, but it would be inconvenient if it died. However, he soon shook his head and said,

“no no. “You have to be at this level to break through that monstrous resistance ability, cancer.”

The magic that Marvolo used was a magic that forced the opposing energies to unite and used the resulting explosive power. Moreover, the energy summoned this time was from another world that did not exist in the middle. Even if you look at it separately, it is a very powerful energy, but since it was forcibly combined, its power could be guessed even without looking at it.

Marvolo said, stretching greatly as if his whole body was feeling queasy.

“Wow, I’m already not feeling well these days, so I overexerted myself. Hurry up and check the results and cancel… .”

A thick cloud of black smoke was rising from the place where Kim Soo-hyun was just moments ago. Marvolo grumbled lightly and stirred Ordo once. No, it was a moment to stir.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

Marvolo’s head tilted slightly at the sound of the fire burning. According to the calculation, the two energies should have disappeared at the same time when they collided. However, if you can still hear the fire burning, it means that Marvolo made a mistake in his calculations. Although it was an ability he had not used in a long time, bitterness appeared on the archmage’s face at the fact that a slight error had been made.

“After all, it’s hard to lie about one’s age… . huh?”

It was then.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

A brightly burning sword stuck out through the thick smoke. They appeared one after another through the smoke, and then shot straight towards Marvolo.

Marvolo unconsciously opened his eyes wide as dozens of fire swords filled the air. Still, the experience does not go anywhere, and as soon as I raise Ordo with the skill I have accumulated over the years, dozens of corresponding magic circles begin to pile up in front of me. First of all, Marvolo was relieved. And that was the moment when I looked down to see exactly what was going on.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

“uh… .”

When he saw the blazing swords embedded in his body, Marvolo sighed reflexively. Soon his face turned blankly forward. The layered magic circle had completely melted away, leaving holes here and there. At that moment, a thought passed through Marvolo’s head, and the floor began to get closer and closer, regardless of his will.

“no way… .”



As if a fire had penetrated inside and exploded, it wreaked havoc on the entire body. Perhaps the pain came too late, and Marvolo rolled on the floor, screaming in pain. He tried to extinguish it by somehow raising his magic power, but somehow the fire did not go out. No, rather, all of his magical energy was being burned away.

“Ha, f*ck.”

And then. In the center of the smoke filled magic circle explosion, a man slowly appeared. He was none other than Kim Soo-hyun. He was walking out with a frustrated look on his face, holding a sword in each hand. His appearance was also not normal. His clothes were torn and scorched in various places, so it was clear that he had suffered some damage.

“This guy really pisses people off. I was really surprised. I never dreamed that I would see the sixth fire of hell, the fire and the eternal snow here. A dog like a dog. ”

Where had the calm voice from earlier gone, and now only a growling voice filled with anger? If she were her usual Marvolo, she would have been happy that she had finally made him angry, but she couldn’t afford it now. Because the Archmage had been feeling the fear of death for the first time in a long time.

“Well, how did you… . Pfft! Oh, no, how did you get there in the first place…? .”

“How long. “I also revealed my bottom line.”

“bloke! Wow, you were hiding this kind of power… !”

“You knew. “I told you it was used to tear the barrier.”

Marvolo barely managed to get up, enduring the pain that turned his insides into mud. His abilities are still maintained. My pride as an archmage who has lived so far does not allow me to accept death obediently like this. Thinking like that, Marvolo was finally able to slowly aim at Ordo. but.

“Put that down.”

Hwareuk, Hwareuk!

As soon as Kim Soo-hyun uttered cold words, dozens of clear flames rushed towards him again. Marvolo gritted his teeth and unleashed his magical powers.

Ugh! bang!

The flames and Ordo’s magic circle clashed. Dozens of magic circles corresponding to the flames appeared in an instant, then melted away in an instant. Eventually, Marvolo had no choice but to keep his eyes wide open and allow the fire sword to approach in vain.

Sigh! Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!

“Ugh! “Huh!”

With a burning sword stuck all over his body, Marvolo managed to not fall again. He crushed Ordo with his free hand and cried out loud like a child. Kim Soo-hyun, who was watching this in silence, seemed to get his bearings for a moment, and then he lightly kicked up the ground.


Marvolo took a step back without realizing it. His head was screaming to avoid him, his reason was screaming to avoid him quickly, but his body was not following his words. The newly inserted fire swords were once again emitting new flames, burning the entire body. All Marvolo could do was grit his teeth and lift Ordo with his superhuman mental strength.

Kim Soo-hyun, who had shortened the distance for a moment, struck Ordo sharply with the back of his sword before the light flashed toward him.


Soon, with a thud, Ordo spun around and soared into the air, and Marvolo’s body also flew through the air.

Crunch, bang, bang!


Soon, Mavolo was rolling around on the floor, a large amount of blood pouring out. And Kim Soo-hyun approached him slowly, step by step, as if he was staggering.

Jump and jump.

And the moment he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, fear finally appeared in Marvolo’s eyes.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I slept all night. ㅜ.ㅠ I’ll upload it first and then go to bed. We’ll do the re-ripple together in the next episode! It’s so hard. Sobbing. Well, if you pat my head, I’ll do it tomorrow too… . lol.


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not work with dark mode