Memorize Chapter 25

00025 City of traps. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Of course I am against it. If you compare the forest and here, you will get the answer right away, right? I don’t want to risk my life for my brother’s uncertain predictions. “I don’t think it’s necessary to take the same risks as yesterday by leaving this city.”

I felt like it might be possible, but it wasn’t the case. Lee Yoo-jeong voted against, and there was one vote each for and against. It felt a little dry in my mouth, but I decided to wait and see the results.

Next in line for Lee Yu-jeong was Kim Han-byeol. At least if Kim Han-byeol voted in favor, there would be hope, so naturally interest was drawn. She stared at my face and then opened her mouth in her usual calm voice.

“I don’t really want to leave either. However, after looking at this person based on my own judgment, I do not think that he has bad intentions. In fact, you have always made good decisions. I don’t think there are enough examples to prove what you said, but I think it serves as evidence. I can’t choose for or against. So, I will abstain.”

Hanbyeol Kim chose to abstain. In some ways, it could be seen as the most acceptable choice. Lee Yu-jeong seemed already convinced that we would stay. Her face was smiling. I decided to prepare for unexpected results. Even if a boss monster appears, just beat it and that’s it. Although catching it without getting caught is a problem.

The remaining people were Anhyun and Ansol. Anhyeon glanced at her younger sister for a moment, then stroked her head and spoke to her.



“What do you want to do?”

At Anhyeon’s words, Ansol’s face suddenly looked worried. As she folded and closed her fingers, it seemed like she was counting the votes that had come up so far. Then she made eye contact with me for a moment, but then she got startled, her face turned red and she immediately looked away. As she continued to glance at me sideways, I wondered if she was in pain.

“Of course Sol is the opposite, right~? yes? It’s safe and comfortable here. When you go outside, scary monsters appear again! “They’re coming in droves!”

Before we knew it, Yujeong Lee was completely treating Ansol like a child. Ansol must have felt it too, as she scared Lee Yu-jeong with her exaggerated face, her cheeks puffed, her mouth pouting, and she shook her head gently. She glanced at me once again and opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“I am… . “I will agree with what Soohyun says.”

Oh my.

“then! Of course I agree~! huh? what? “You agree?”

Yu-jeong Lee nodded with excitement, but as soon as she heard Chan-sung’s words, her expression changed and she lunged at him as if she was going to eat him. Ansol quickly hid in Anhyeon’s arms. Both An Hyun and Kim Han-byeol were looking at her with their eyes wide open, as if they were quite surprised. Ansol pursed his lips for a while, perhaps feeling burdened by her gaze, but then she began to speak slowly.

“yes. “I agree.”

“why! Why on earth!”

“Hey… .”

Ahn Hyeon, who defeated Lee Yoo-jeong, who was wheezing with an evil face, calmed the frightened Ansol and asked him the reason in gentle words.

“Sol. “I have to tell everyone why I agree.”

“huh… . that is… . Just like that. I just have that feeling. because… ”

The moment he heard the word “premonition,” Ahn Hyeon’s complexion changed drastically. It was only a short moment, but I could see it clearly. Why on earth are you doing this?

“hey! How can you do that just based on a hunch? .”


Lee Yu-jeong quickly shut her mouth when she saw An Hyun suddenly raising her voice. Ahn Hyeon’s face was usually not serious. She frowned and looked at her Ansol with a serious face. Ansol seemed not to have felt his gaze, so she absentmindedly nodded her head and pointed at me with a slender finger.

“Before, it just felt vague… . “Today, while I was sleeping, Soohyun oppa appeared in my dream.”

“Everyone, please be quiet for a moment. Sol. “Keep talking until the end.”

“We were all sleeping in this room when a big monster appeared. It’s like an alien monster. That monster came exactly to the building we were in… . It put everyone in danger. I stood there motionless and thought they were all dead, but no, I think I saw them all dead for sure. But suddenly the content of the dream changed.”

“How has it changed?”

“Like winding up, the dream went back to the beginning and Su-hyeon oppa suddenly appeared. And then the monster appeared, but this time it was different. Soohyun oppa told us all to run because he would stop this monster. “I was frantically running out of the city while being held in my brother’s arms. Suddenly, I became worried about him, and the moment I tried to look back, the dream ended.”

“Don’t you remember anything else?”

“A terrible roar at the end? scream? Anyway, I think I heard something… . I do not know.”

We were all listening to her story with bated breath. And I, for the first time since returning to her past, got to look at her with her sincere gaze. Even though it was a field I didn’t know much about, my honest feeling was that I didn’t understand it.

Her ability values ​​are 75 points of magic and 100 points of luck. My magic power point of 96 points is not just that. This means that even if you enter the hall plane right away, you can be considered a wizard. Even with the power of my third eye, I can barely see the past for even a second, but she vaguely saw the past and future with the power of dreams.

Of course, there was a clear difference between me and Ansol. I can actually see what happened in the past and unleash the power whenever I want. However, she wasn’t sure if it was due to interference or if it actually happened, and it seemed to occur randomly. It seemed to fit quite well, probably thanks to the luck points that had reached their limit.

Anyway, I felt like one of my initial doubts had been answered. The reason why I couldn’t see them during my first user days was clear. It was clear that they gathered together and came to this city for some reason. And it felt like I was being attacked by a boss monster for more than two days. Ansol was probably the only survivor of the city at that time.

“ha… .”

Ahn Hyun’s deep sigh was heard from ahead. After finishing her story, Ansol was just scanning her here and there with his anxious eyes. Ahn Hyeon was lost in her thoughts, tapping her fingers on the floor of her living room, and then she opened her mouth to everyone with her face filled with confusion.

“I also agree with Soohyun’s opinion.”

“Why you again? You said you didn’t want to go out either… ! “Are you siding with your brother now?”

Lee Yu-jeong immediately tackled him with a face that said he was not praying. Ahn Hyeon looked at Lee Yu-jeong for a moment with her sorry face and immediately opened her mouth.

“I’m not taking sides. It might be a little funny, but… .”

An Hyeon slightly lowered his head and continued speaking while pointing to An Sol in his arms.

“I have lived with Sol for over 19 years. And a lot of things happened. “I felt it every time, and he has a very good sense.”

of course. If you gain intuition or clairvoyance with 100 points of luck, you can predict the future. Of course, the rank has to support it to some extent. As she was thinking about various things in her mind, Lee Yu-jeong frowned and spoke as if she were lamenting.

“That bastard’s sense, sense, sense. “I’m sick of it.”

“I’m sure this isn’t a lie. In fact, when Sol feels anxious, something bad always happens. It’s rare for her to hear things in dreams… . Anyway, I will decide to leave with 3 votes in favor, 1 vote against, and 1 abstention. I hope everyone follows the conclusion as promised from the beginning. Everyone wake up. “Let’s act right away.”

“Are you going to leave right now?”

“Since Sol had such a dream, it would be easier to leave as soon as possible. She said everyone should take care of at least the necessary things. brother. “Brother, please keep an eye on me just in case.”

“Okay. I’ll stay like that. “Call me when you’re done.”

I smiled with satisfaction at Ahn Hyun’s appearance, which was different from yesterday. After attaching the crossbow to my left arm, I stood up.


Although it is subtle, Ahn Hyun has definitely changed. He seemed to have a strangely proactive attitude, not least because he came out on patrol alone this morning. Of course, it would have been impossible to completely change my inner state of mind with just a few words I shared yesterday. However, seeing that they at least changed their outward attitude, it seemed like they were willing to listen to me and do as much as they could. Of course it was a positive change, so I hummed and looked around.

As Ahn Hyeon said, if we were going to leave, it was best to leave now. Stretching out and procrastinating for no reason, leaving in the afternoon and wandering around at night was one of the things I absolutely had to avoid. It would be much better to leave in the morning and find a place to rest around the afternoon. It looks like things are quite busy downstairs, so I guess they’re trying to take as much as they can.

As I breathed in the still cold air, I felt my head refreshed. I probably would have insisted on staying if only there were kids like Park Dong-geol, Lee Bo-rim, and Lee Shin-woo, but things turned out much better than I expected. This is why it is convenient to have high-level users gathered together. A moment of silence for Park Dong-geol and his group.

Physically, I returned alive from inside and outside the forest, which is considered the most difficult rite of passage, and psychologically defeated the trap point. Now, as long as you watch out for boss monsters and other survivors who may appear at random, the path to the central gate can be said to be rather easy. There are definitely other monsters that appear… .

“excuse me… .”

Just as I was trying to think about the other monsters that appeared as I got closer to the center, I heard someone calling me. When I suddenly turned around, Kim Han-byeol was standing there. It seemed like I was almost ready with a small bag on my back.

“yes. Are you ready?”

“I finished everything. “Others are still doing it.”

“okay. “Then I guess I’ll have to look out a little more.”

“… “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

I was taken aback by her sudden request to talk, but I nodded and answered.

“As much as you want.”

She slowly came next to me with a slightly questioning look on her face. I was curious about what she would say. Kim Han-byeol watched me for a while, which was unusual for her, and then she opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“if… . “Have you heard anything from Yujeong or Ahn Hyeon?”

“Did you fight with Hanbyeol and Yujeong?”

“There’s that too…” . “Anything else.”

I shook my head because I hadn’t heard anything about Kim Han-byeol in particular.

“okay. actually… .”

What she said next was nothing special. All she said was that she opposed Lee Yu-jeong when he asked her to leave. To be honest, when she said that the last person to live should live, I laughed a little bitterly, but I knew that wasn’t her true intention, so I was able to brush it off smoothly. Anyway, if I had to say I was upset now, I would be the only one with a narrow mind and I thought it would be better to just accept it calmly. Anyway, it wasn’t something I was very upset about because it was a common occurrence in Hall Plain.

“… sorry. At that time, I was just so angry. How unpleasant would it have been if you changed your position… .”

This is the first time I’ve seen her voice, which is always quiet, sound downcast. It seems like my relationship with Lee Yu-jeong is still estranged, but that was a bit difficult for me to touch. I looked at her with a slight smile and opened her mouth.

“no. It’s not unpleasant. “I think you did a good job.”

“… … .”

“Really. Rather, he judged the situation calmly. If I had gone out like that, like Hanbyeol said, not only would they have found me, but even Yoojeong and Hyeon would have been 100% hit. “I don’t think you have much to apologize for.”

“still… .”

“I was a little worried because Yujeong was so hot-headed, but I’m glad I have Hanbyeol. Please do the same next time. “I think I would rather like that.”

“… thank you.”

When we finished speaking, we made eye contact. And I could see her face smiling again for the first time. She smiled very lightly, and it was only for a moment, but she was definitely beautiful.

suddenly… . The ‘her’ of Hall Plain flashed through her mind.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode