MEMORIZE Chapter 246

00246 First Request ———————————————– ————————–=

I could feel the cold morning air. As I took a weak breath, the sweet scent of flesh mixed with the air and pierced deep into my lungs.

The early morning air continued to beat on the back of my naked body, but it did not dare to invade the front part where flesh was in contact. With his arms gently embracing my face, I enjoyed the comfort of a warm spring breeze.

I wanted to go back to sleep like this, but I forced myself to wake up my sinking mind. I got enough sleep. I went to bed relatively early last night, but considering that I took a nap every day at the academy, it felt like heaven right now.

When I raised my head, I saw Hayeon’s face with a relaxed expression and a colorful nose. Suddenly, I remember him bragging about winning two games in a row last night. I also remembered how embarrassed we were two days ago when we were making out with each other and the amplifying jewel engraved under our navels was discovered. After looking at that face for a while longer, I slowly got up and quickly started to get dressed. I didn’t know if Ansol would wake up and burst open the door and come in.

After putting on all the basic equipment. As a finishing touch, the moment I put the sword and the sun and moon sword inside my belt, I heard the sound of the two swords colliding. It wasn’t a loud noise, but it seemed unusually loud, perhaps because it was dead early in the morning.

just as expected. I could see Hayeon’s eyes, who were sleeping soundly with her mother’s smile, sparkling as if reacting to her noise. She blinked three or four times with her eyes full of blur, and then her light blue eyes seemed to focus and looked at me.

“Su-hyun… .”

“Sleep more. “There’s still a little bit left until morning.”

“where… go?”

“I’m going to go to the library. “I have some materials needed for today’s meeting.”

Hayeon’s voice was deep, perhaps because she had just woken up. She stood up, twisting her body slightly and stretching out, but then she covered her breasts in surprise. She soon smiled as she saw Hayeon making an embarrassed expression, then calmly turned her body and continued her words.

“We are planning to have a meeting on the fourth floor after breakfast today. As I said yesterday, we will listen to each person’s thoughts, so please tell everyone to prepare.”

“Hmm~. yes. But do you really need my thoughts?”

“… haha.”

“Ho Ho. just joke. “I will prepare it as you said.”

I smiled bitterly at Hayeon’s playful words. When we returned from our trip, I was planning to get settled in right away. Then, because they needed clan members to remain in the city and carry out the work, they were saying that they could not take everyone on this expedition.

After the User Academy, I felt sorry that I was only giving them trouble, but the only clan members who could currently do administrative work were Go Yeon-ju or Jeong Ha-yeon. Combat users are good, but if you run a clan in the future, you will also need users who specialize in administrative work.

“I’m sorry. Please try a little harder. “I will leave behind a few attendants.”

“no. Rather, I feel sorry. Soo-hyeon goes out and fights for his life, while I stay comfortably in the city… .”

Hayeon calmly shook her head and answered. And we both looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

“then. “I’ll be back before breakfast.”

After speaking, I started walking towards the door. Finally, the moment I opened the door and came out, a voice from behind said, “Please come back.” I could hear Hayeon’s voice.


Although there are differences in each city, libraries are generally open all day, almost like temples. I know that Monica’s library closes late at night and opens early in the morning. In Earth time, it would be seen as approximately 12 o’clock at night and 4 a.m.

Although I received sufficient information from Istantel Row, the records I wanted to check were not included. What I wanted was not general information about the Plateau of Delusion and the Canyon of Illusion, but information about the ruins inside the canyon.

As we reached the library, a man was opening the door. Seeing that he was wearing a wizard’s robe, it was clear that he was not a resident or a livelihood user, but a part-time combat user. There was a tired look on his face, but he frowned as soon as he saw me, probably because he didn’t know I would come at this hour. He simply ignored that reaction and went straight inside the library and started looking for his materials.

‘ancient… . mythology… . Legend… .’

After looking through the records in the library for a while, I eventually found a few records I was looking for. Even though I had reduced much of it to memories I already knew, the amount of records I had in my hands was quite large. I started reading the record right then and there.

“… … .”

In the beginning, there were a lot of records to quickly look through. There were also cases where a record was reselected after only looking at the first few pages. However, the thickness of the records I was holding became thinner, and as I neared the end, I was finally able to find records that were related to my memories. I perused it line by line.

The record itself was only eleven pages long, so it didn’t take much time to read. Some time passes. I put all the other records back in place except for the last one I read, then turned toward the entrance.

At the counter was the person who had first opened the door, and he was dozing off with his head down with an open book. For a moment, I thought about waking it up, but I decided to just quietly write down the record name and user information in the rental list. Eventually, I pulled out a large map that was placed next to me like a bouquet of flowers and dropped a coin into the bowl on the counter.

Soon the jingling sound of coins rang in the bowl, but the man’s head was not raised. I went outside, whistling.


Breakfast was held in a quiet atmosphere. Since it was announced that there would be an important meeting after the meal, there was a quiet and solemn atmosphere.

After finishing the meal, the Mercenary Clan members, including me, went straight to the 4th floor. The conference room was the biggest and best room I used.

“Then, let us begin the Mercantile Clan meeting now.”

I hung the map I bought in the morning on the wall of my office and looked back to see a total of 9 clan members sitting in their respective seats. Most of the people were sitting around the large table in the office, but only Ko Yeon-ju was standing next to me with his hands clasped together.

After checking each face one by one, I calmly continued speaking.

“We informed you of most of the important information yesterday. However, some clan members asked for some time to think. “Before going into details, we need to decide whether or not to accept the request, so we will first take the time to listen to the thoughts of the relevant users.”

After returning from Istantel Row yesterday, I explained the situation to my clan members and asked for their opinions. Until now, most of the work has been decided and led independently. Of course, that tendency still exists, but in the future, as we build a clan house and gradually settle in, we were planning to ask for opinions from clan members. Moreover, this was the first request, and it involved matters too large to be decided arbitrarily.

As soon as I finished speaking, Shin Sang-yong looked closely and then slowly raised his hand. There were a total of two clan members who requested my opinion to be withheld; one was Ko Yeon-ju and the other was Shin Sang-yong.

When I nodded slightly, Shin Sang-yong cleared his throat once or twice and opened his mouth.

“Hmm. Well, then let me speak. First of all, I am not opposed to the request itself. I read through the records given by the Clan Lord yesterday, and concluded that the Plateau of Delusion can be adequately prepared with the True Heart that I received from Istantel Row. The rewards are good and the possibility of success is high, but… . “I think it would be a bit difficult to enter the Canyon of Illusion that the Clan Lord mentioned.”

“hmm. “Can I tell you why?”

“yes yes. Looking at the survival rate recorded in this record, the survival rate in the Valley of Hallucination does not even exceed 30%. True Heart Dan can prepare for the Plateau of Delusion, but I know that its effectiveness drops by half in the Canyon of Hallucination. However, the quantity is not that large… . Well, that is. Rather than taking risks and entering the canyon, I think it is better to safely search the Plateau of Delusion and come out, even if the reward is slightly less.”

Shin Sang-yong shook the heads of several clan members as he spoke. Shin Sang-yong looked at their reactions and immediately said, “That’s it.” He finally exhaled loudly.

Next, I turned my head towards Ko Yeon-ju, and she also had a face that sympathized with Shin Sang-yong’s opinion.

“My opinion is similar to Shin Sang-yong. Of course, I fully understand the clan lord’s opinion. But even if it’s not the Plateau of Delusion, the Canyon of Illusion is definitely dangerous. It’s not a problem between me and Suhyun, but a problem for other clan members. “If only Soohyun and I were to go in, I would agree.”

What Go Yeon-ju was saying was that there was no problem with me or myself, but that he was not confident in protecting other clan members there. Considering the field effects of the Canyon of Hallucinations, it was an entirely understandable opinion.

As a result, the two people who applied for suspension both expressed their opinions. I paused for a moment, then opened my mouth in a calm tone.

“So, you are saying that it is difficult to enter the Canyon of Hallucinations due to the lack of preparations.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Of course. “What if there was a way to avoid hallucinations in the Canyon of Hallucinations?”

“yes… ?”

“There is a way. “There is currently a user in our clan who has an effect that can suppress that powerful field effect.”

The person who answered my question was Ko Yeon-ju, not Shin Sang-yong. Eventually, when he spoke once more, a small commotion broke out among the clan members. After waiting for the commotion to subside, I turned my attention to Baek Han-gyeol. Then he began to add detailed explanations in a calm tone.

“I heard from user Baek Hangyeol that the unique power of God’s Shield is reflection. “It is an incredibly deceptive power that reflects any physical, magical, or mental damage inflicted on you.”

“ah… ! Wow, you definitely have a point. I didn’t think of that. But isn’t Baek Han-gyeol still a 0-year user? “We can’t create a protective shield that can cover all of us, and even if we could, it wouldn’t be difficult to sustain it for a long time.”

“of course. However, there is no need to overdo it. It is enough to just raise a palm-sized protective shield as shown last time. Because the users who can solve that problem are also here now. User Hanbyeol Kim?”


I called Hanbyeol right away without giving him a chance. Eventually, she answered my call and immediately stood up carefully and opened her mouth. Soon, she started talking about the power of the Gem Wizard, and that power was .

“Well, so. Are you saying that if you have a gem, you can amplify the effect of any magic?”

“yes. Although it depends on the gem. “If you have a gem that matches Baek Han-gyeol’s wavelength, you can amplify all the positive effects associated with it.”

“Seo, no way! In that case, it is not about processing mana from gems and extracting it. “It means that you can extract the full magical power as it is and use it!”

“yes. “That’s correct.”

Shin Sang-yong, who heard Han Byeol’s confirmation, rolled his eyes with a helpless expression on his face. I looked around and saw that all the clan members, including Go Yeon-ju, were looking at Hanbyeol and Hangyeol with new eyes. I smiled happily at the sight. This is why I kept insisting that I would bring in at least Baek Han-gyeol, even if it meant giving up on all other new members.

“Clan Lord? Let me change my words. It’s quite possible. “I agree.”

“Well, I too will withdraw my application for suspension. “I’m not sure yet, but if what the Clan Lord said is true, all I can say is that it’s truly amazing.”

As Ko Yeon-ju made a subtle move, Shin Sang-yong also flustered and changed his words.

‘Oh, it’s true. How much trouble we had because of him. ah. ‘It’s not because of Hangyeol.’

Baek Han-gyeol lowered his head and wiggled his fingers, perhaps feeling burdened by the sudden attention. Lee Yu-jeong looked at him with proud eyes and opened her mouth in an excited voice.

“It’s really awesome. “Then there was no need to worry about the Plateau of Delusion in the first place?”

“idiot. That’s not true. Do you know how much jewelry it will cost? First of all, you can prepare for the Plateau of Delusion to a certain extent by using True Mind Dan. Do you want to spend expensive jewelry there too? “It’s a waste of money.”

“iced coffee. That’s what I heard. “But why do you talk so dirty?”

“sorry. Anyway, there was a real fortune.”

When An Hyeon blurted out a word, An Sol, the original lucky man, could be seen pouting his lips. Anyway, this succeeded in getting the consent of all clan members. I willingly took out the sun and moon sword that was hanging on my waist. Then he placed the tip of the sword sheath on the map and opened his mouth. The first peak was pointing precisely to the plateau of delusion.

“You are probably curious. “Why do I want to go into the canyon of hallucination so much when it is enough to just search the plateau of delusion and come out?”

From the moment I pointed at the map, the surroundings had already become quiet. It was a nice atmosphere. I slashed the Sun and Moon God Sword, which was pointing at the Plateau of Delusion, diagonally towards Monica.

“It takes approximately 10 to 11 days from Monica to the plateau of delusion. And when you enter the plateau of delusion. The Canyon of the Illusion is a day or two away. In other words, 14 days is enough to enter the canyon of hallucinations.”

“… … .”

“I told you that a communication came in from the Fordside Clan in two weeks. “Just one word: Please save me.”

I was looking at the map with my back to the clan members, then slowly turned my head and opened my mouth.

“That’s exactly what I found strange.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

and. Soohyun is finally leaving the city in the next episode! ^0^ Lately, I’ve been practicing omitting it. ㅇㅅㅇ Instead of dividing it into 4 parts such as eating, talking, climbing the stairs, and entering the conference room, the first 3 parts are divided into one part and then go straight to the meeting, etc. This was really good for progress. 😀 I’m going to go study for the final exam! Let’s all feel the excitement of exploration, treasure, action, and protagonist correction! Oh, sorry, sorry. Please forget the last part. (Pukpuk!)


1. Miwolya: Hehehehe. It seems like a new person appears, but Miwolya immediately takes it back. LOL! Congratulations on first place. Please enjoy this episode as well!

2. Haruji Ons: Cheer up. ㅜ.ㅠ Comment ㅜ I was able to understand Haruzion S’s feelings with just one comment. It’s mobile, but if you’re ranked, you’ve done really well!

3. Heung-eun: Of course. If you brought it, you should use it. Kyokyokyo. Will this part be a great performance(?) between Hanbyeol and Hangyeol? Nope. This is a full-blown version of Suhyeon.

4. Office2Lub19: No. Ripple is always random. ha ha ha. 🙂

5. To the sunset: I am so sorry but I love you. Because it is exam preparation period, it is difficult to take the exam. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Mingjwi: Huh.

7. Freeman: I think it will probably be done after the elixir.(?)

8. Fallen Wing: Oh, no. I am Soft Soft. Anyway. Ahem.

9. Flute + KeaR、Royal: Wow. sorry. We will update Rirripple and fix it right away.

10. Tantania: This was one of the reasons why Soohyun convinced the clan members in this episode. Of course, there are other things too. ha ha ha.

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode