MEMORIZE Chapter 245

00245 First Request ———————————————– ————————–=

When I reflexively opened my lips slightly, I felt the sticky lip flesh stretching out. He closed his mouth right away, but he couldn’t help but drool down his throat.

I and Soyoung Han know it too. The direction of the story will change with the answer that follows. On the surface, she used the expression ‘request’, but what she meant was that she wanted to make a cause.

If I really wanted to refuse, now was my only chance. Of course, you can listen to the story and decide whether to accept it or not. But ‘request.’ If we ignore the words of Soyoung Han who brought up the word, “Merchantery does not want to have a relationship with Istantel Row in the future.” There was a possibility that it could be taken to mean that.

‘It’s really pretty.’

In an instant, all kinds of feelings well up through my body and cross my mind. Among them, I was once again reminded of the purpose of my return for the second time. Although there was no hesitation, I was soon able to come up with an answer.

We need to maintain a good relationship with Istantel Row going forward. No, it had to be that way. Because I didn’t come back to set up a confrontation with Han So-young. In fact, it was the opposite.

In just a few seconds, I was able to draw out a single feeling.

“They’re laying mats like this… . You make it hard to say no.”

“You don’t have to feel burdened.”

Han So-young’s clear answer inevitably brings out a wry smile. After gulping down the bottomless cup of tea, I calmly opened my mouth.

“All right. “Then, can we hear the request first?”

“Of course. Da-yeon? “Go out and get them.”

Perhaps because Han So-young’s gaze was intense, Park Da-yeon immediately stood up. Although she was still full of whining, she obediently opened the door and walked out.

bang. As soon as she heard the sound of the door closing, Soyoung Han immediately started talking about the details of her request.

“What should I tell you first? Our city, Monica, is located in the southwest of southern cities. It is an important strategic point connected to Barbara above and to the Steel Mountains below. if… . “Do you know that the valley of illusion is one of the terrains connected to the east?”

“Are you talking about the canyon in the Plateau of Delusion?”

As I answered right away, I could see Lee Chae passing through Han So-young’s eyes. She looked at me intently for a moment and then nodded her head once.

“yes. that’s right. Let me ask you just one thing. “What comes to mind first when you think of Monica?”

“I know it as a city bordering the Steel Mountains and a city famous for its stability. “I remember hearing that it was ranked among the top five in terms of stabilization.”

“That’s how rumors spread. but.”

Han So-young stopped talking and lifted the teacup in front of her for the first time. Soon, her glass is tilted and touches her lips, revealing her white, slender neck. She rose slightly and then lowered her neck, giving off a mesmerizing beauty. Suddenly, she felt her throat burning.

After putting down the teacup. A voice that was much more moist than before flowed into my ears.

“I don’t think so.”

“… … .”

“So far, in preparation for the warp gate being damaged, we have focused on securing a safe passage to Barbara and conquering the Steel Mountains to stabilize the city. But one is no longer needed, and the other is out of the question for the time being.”

“hmm… . “I roughly understand what you mean.”

The relationship with the Golden Lion has become irreparably distorted, and the conquest of the Steel Mountains has reached a point where it cannot even be dreamed of for some time to come. As such, it meant that from now on, we would turn our attention to areas that had been relatively neglected.

Han So-young sighed briefly, then looked straight at me and opened her mouth.

“The introduction was long. “Now I will tell you the details of the request.”

“yes. “I will listen.”

“From now on… . It was about two months ago. One of the clans under Istantel Row, the Shoalknown Clan, went on an expedition targeting the Canyon of Illusion. If you estimate the distance to the Plateau of Delusion, it is a distance that can be traveled in a round trip in 3 weeks. “But even though eight weeks have passed, they haven’t come back.”

“8 weeks… . “Couldn’t he have died for some reason along the way?”

She shook her head slightly at my words. Rather than expressing denial, it was more of a feeling of uncertainty.

“It is said that six weeks ago, a communication came in through the personal communication device of a clan member in the Yeoulgannyeon clan.”

“Was it a rescue call?”

“It’s similar. However, a report came in that he did not explain the situation but only left one word.”

“That one word… .”

“Save me.”

‘Save me… ? Did you succeed in entering the canyon of hallucination? It must have been quite difficult to break through the plateau of delusion. And if you asked me to save you… . maybe… .’

I’m not sure, but I was able to guess the general context after listening to Han So-young. I did not personally participate in the strategy for the plateau and canyon during the first round. However, because it was such a famous expedition, I knew in quite detail what secrets were hidden in it and what process it took.

“Communication was cut off immediately after those words, and communication has not continued to this day.”

“They say the communication came two weeks after leaving the expedition. If it’s been 6 weeks, it’s hard to think he’s alive. “Is it possible that a rescue team has not been dispatched in the meantime?”

“A week after the communication came in. Two clans that had always been on good terms with Yeoulganek joined forces and dispatched a rescue team. “But they are also currently not in contact at all.”

“hmm… .”

Just as I was about to lose myself in thought for a moment, I heard the sound of the door opening. When she turned her head, she could see Park Da-yeon coming in with a sullen face and holding an armful of things.

“Clan Lord. “I brought it.”

“You’ve arrived just in time. “Can you give me the record first?”


“I know how you feel without having to express it in words.”

Soyoung Han said a few words and quickly began to look through the records she had been handed. A moment passed, and she opened her mouth, summarizing a few words.

“Originally, it was supposed to be considered dead, but many users are pinning their hopes on just one word, ‘Save me.’ Honestly, I think it’s already too late… . As the lord of the clan representing Monica. “We have a duty to take responsibility for this matter and reveal the truth.”

“So you want the Mercenaries to take on the mission of the secondary rescue team?”

“no. I can’t entrust you with such a dangerous task. There’s only one thing we want. “It’s a search operation in the Plateau of Delusion.”

“Search activities.”

“yes. Looking at the records, the survival rate of users who have gone on an expedition to the Plateau of Delusion so far is 45.7%. The Canyon of Hallucinations is at 27.8%. Of course, the actual rate may be lower because we did not include the number of users who were wiped out. Keep that in mind.”

Han So-young paused for a moment, then looked away from me and turned to Park Da-yeon. She stared at each other quietly for a moment, but then Park Da-yeon grumbled again and took out one of her boxes that she was holding tightly in her arms. I asked, casting a glance at the box.

“What is this?”

“Twenty tablets of the highest quality Jeongsimdan. It is the only elixir that allows you to survive the Plateau of Delusion. If you have this Jeongsimdan, you will be able to survive one day without difficulty in the plateau of delusion. However, since it is difficult to make and the quantity is small, it is difficult to give more than this.”

“There are 10 people, so there is enough quantity.”

“Thank goodness. Mercenary Road. Then, I would like to formally request it again here. I think that the user who can best utilize this True Heart within a limited time is the Shadow Queen. I don’t want to go into the canyon of hallucinations. “I just hope that this team will conduct as many searches as possible during the time allowed.”

Soyoung Han handed over the summarized records to me. After a quick glance, I could see that there was a lot of information about the Plateau of Delusion.

“Oops. You didn’t mention compensation. “If you come through the search, even if there is no result, I will give you a 30% discount on purchasing a clan house.”

“Even if there is no result?”

“Of course, I will have to receive the expedition report. This can be of great help when we dispatch a secondary rescue team. And if you deliver results that exceed expectations, we are willing to give you an even bigger discount.”

‘Plateau of Delusion. And the Canyon of Hallucinations. You definitely pulled out an interesting card.’

In terms of simple losses, it could be seen that Istantel Row was bleeding to some extent. However, as a representative clan, it was enough to make up for it. What matters is if we can make this search more successful than expected. The point was that we could get a more perfect cause than this.

Ju-eok and Han So-young raised their heads once or twice and asked me with a slow sigh.

“How do you feel? “Will you accept our request?”

“I am… .”

As I looked through the records, I could see that they were not that different from my memories. If I were to compare them, there were more important and detailed details in my memory.

I was lost in thought for a moment, then slowly opened my mouth.


Han So-young offered to see him off, but he refused and was barely able to leave the front door of the clan house alone. A smile comes to my face when I think of them nodding their heads to each other and saying goodbye at the end.

The walk back to the Love House was light. I started walking at a brisk pace, holding the various records and boxes in my hands.

There was no confirmation regarding the request. First of all, I was fully willing to accept it, and I was able to conclude the meeting by saying that I would send a reply tomorrow after a meeting with the clan members. But I think I gave my own answer. By bringing records and a box, he was conveying his intention to accept the request if possible.

On the surface, this request seemed a little, no, a very unreasonable request. This is because a new clan was asked to search a place that even existing clans were reluctant to go to.

But if you pretend, you pretend. Although she didn’t reveal it, Han So-young’s intentions were clear. If they had tried to force us into a desperate situation, they wouldn’t have even talked about the survival rate or given us an honest opinion in the first place.

Of course, this Jeongsimdan is not omnipotent. It was true that it was the best product, so it was effective and had a long shelf life. However, as I know, if it is the plateau of delusion, the field effect becomes stronger as you go inside, so the effectiveness of Jeongsimdan becomes weaker in proportion.

He said he would give me at least a 30% discount if I searched and brought back traces. Moreover, Mercenary has a Shadow Queen whose tracking skills are unrivaled. If she was there, some level of success was guaranteed unless she intentionally erased her traces.

In the end, they told us not to force ourselves to go inside, but to search only the outside and pick up a few traces. Of course, I had no intention of doing that at all.

I didn’t want to cause trouble to Istantel Row like this. The inconvenience caused in the first round is enough. That’s what we said, but if we came back with mediocre results, some people might have doubts about Han So-young’s choice. Rather than being helpful, I planned to avoid causing any problems because of me.

And to be honest. It wasn’t a bad offer at all to me. No, in some ways, it could be said to be a genius opportunity. Eat pheasant and eat its eggs. I saw you and picked mulberries. One of the reasons I came to Monica was to conquer the Canyon of Hallucinations. Because as long as I had a third eye and a mind’s eye, that place was no different from my living room.

Anyway, all you have to do is attack the place a little early. Aside from the fame and accomplishments he would gain there (actually, it was much bigger), the simple amount alone was no different from taking on a job worth at least 27,000 gold and up to 90,000 gold.

‘Now that I think about it, is this the first request you took on after creating Mercantile?’

There is a saying that it is the first devil in business. This meant that a good start to the business would ensure that the business would continue to do well thereafter, meaning that the beginning was very important. Of course, it is difficult to equate a request with a business, but I felt that I had taken on my first request anyway.

As I walked with many thoughts in mind, I suddenly began to see a light pink building in the distance.

The sun was slowly setting. It was time for combat users who had left the city to return, and for subsistence users to begin business.

Now all that remained was to tell the clan members about the request and persuade them. Contemplating what kind of words I should use to elicit agreement, I accelerated my quick teasing pace even further.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

hmm… . everyone. sorry. I read the comments one by one… . It seems like there are a few readers who have opened their eyes because of Vivian(?). ;blanket; hmm… . uh… . yes. I have to hit him. I have to hit him and comfort him. ah… . So. Why do I suddenly feel so guilty? ㅜ.ㅠ So what I want to say is. yes. I will conclude by saying that the main character, Bojeong, is great.(?) Run away! Tt!

P.S. Thank you so much to the readers who provided the coupon. _(__)_


1. dsafddd: Oh my. Congratulations on first place. How can this be possible? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen someone new in the midnight series. ha ha ha! I’m amazed at everything. 🙂 How does it feel to be first place? ㅜ.ㅠ Ah. I’m also currently thinking about Baby Pegasus, Baby Mimic, Improved Guardian’s Shield, and Sweet Sol. ha ha ha.

2. Eumwolyeonggeom: Thank you. I will continue to work even harder in the future. : )

3. juan: sleep. Action, adventure, treasure, and catharsis that are better than bed scenes await! Ugh.

4. Kirin Ilse: Thank you. Thank you for always reading. _(__)_

5. Narel: Han So-young is a woman who took care of the main character, saved his life, and covered up all the actions that bordered on nuisance. She can see Soo-hyeon as being just like her older brother. That’s why Kim Soo-hyun can’t live after being killed by her brother Lee and Han So-young. 🙂

6. dbss: I’m sorry. ㅜ.ㅠ That’s because Ripple is selected at random. Thank you for always reading, and thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ I hope you feel better. 😀

7. 輝雅: Good. When I write a side story later, I will include the outdoor play with Go Yeon-ju and the reunion with Hayeon. ah. The bloody rock-paper-scissors will appear later in the text. lol.

8. Goksd: That makes sense. However, I would appreciate it if you thought of it as a ‘temporary’ unfamiliarity with the emotions that Soo-hyun did not experience directly in the first episode.

9. Lea: That’s a good point. Even though Soo-hyeon was able to save them in the first episode (Seraph said so), why couldn’t she save them with the zero code and go back? No, why didn’t they save the two in the first place even though there were plenty of points to make a wish? There is an important reason for that. 🙂 One thing I can tell you for sure is that Soo-hyeon went beyond saving them and turned back time twice to return to Earth.

10. Toranoanal: You gave me a lot. I hope that more good works will be uploaded in the future, so that the number of works Toranoanal reads will increase. _(__)_

Thank you for always reading. Your recommendations and comments are of great help.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode