MEMORIZE Chapter 243

00243 The time for nurturing has passed ——————————————– —————————-=

1. There is a review today. I would appreciate it if you could read it.

2. It was decided to change Go Eun-sol’s name to Im Hanna. thank you

To be honest, the next place we arrived under Hayeon’s guidance was an unremarkable place. The location conditions were not bad as the building was located on the street of the square. However, I didn’t like it very much because the site was very small and there was only one building (in fact, it was embarrassing to call it a building). Of course, it was enough for 9 people to live in, but the problem was that expansion was impossible due to the crowded shopping streets on the left and right.

The moment I heard Hayeon’s price for the second location, I felt my heart go to one side. There is a saying that if the price is the same, it is a red skirt. Even if there was a difference of 10,000 or 20,000 gold, it was true that considering future development, the first location was more attractive.

‘The question is whether or not to accept Istantel Row’s favor.’

After visiting both places. Hayeon and I spent some time alone together, deep in thought.

Hayeon seemed to want to accept it if possible. Of course, if finances are an issue, you cannot miss this opportunity, but in light of your future plans, it will not be particularly lacking. And, as Vivien said, if this proposal was accepted hastily, there was a risk that the purpose of free mercenaries would be damaged.

That wasn’t all. Mercenary, which was launched less than three months ago, purchased the Clan House. It was obvious that if this inside story were revealed, there would be unfavorable views. I wonder if there is a good cause for receiving that favor.

I looked into several directions, but it was a proposal that did more harm than good. I feel sorry for Han So-young, but just as I decided to decline and buy it at her original price, a clear voice came into my ear from next to me.

“Su-hyun. “What are you thinking like that?”

“yes? ah. “I was thinking about Istantel Row’s offer.”

“Hehe. Don’t think too much about work and just cool your head. We’ve already arrived at the Love House. I’m really hungry, so why not have a late lunch first? Madam Lim’s cooking skills are quite good.”

“is it so? “I’m looking forward to it.”

I nodded slightly. And as Hayeon said, I climbed the stairs of the love house that I had arrived at before I knew it, and then slightly opened the closed door.

As I entered the entrance, I ran into Ahn Hyun coming down the stairs on the first floor. As soon as he saw me, he opened his eyes wide and pretended to know me.

“Oh bro! “Are you here now?”

“huh. “What about other clan members?”

“Everyone is busy finishing their current work. Oh, by the way. “Did something happen with Vivien?”

“Vivien? why?”

When I asked naturally, with an expression of ignorance, I heard Hayeon laughing quietly. Anhyun answered, scratching her cheek with a shocked expression on her face.

“Oh, I went out with my brother. But he came back alone, crying profusely… .”

“Crying? weird. “Why were you crying?”

“I don’t know. ah. She went up the stairs hesitantly. “Maybe she’s hurt somewhere?”

‘I definitely kicked it like a soccer ball. Did I kick him too hard?’

I just kicked it a few times because it was nice to see it twitching its butt, but I didn’t expect it to run away crying. In her distraught mind, she crossed her arms and sighed, and Hayeon, who had been covering her mouth the entire time and smiling, was seen barely opening her lips.

“Cook cluck. “But why did you suddenly do that?”

“I feel like they keep pushing it in on purpose. “Haven’t you ever felt that way, Jeong Ha-yeon?”

“It was there whether I knew it or not. Still, it was too harsh. Wouldn’t it be good to comfort you?”

“well. Stop without even realizing it. Anyway, I’ll think about it.”

When Hayeon answered with a pretended serious expression, she ended up bursting into laughter. She was staring with a look on her face that showed that only Anhyun could understand her.


After having a late lunch with Hayeon, I decided to go see Vivian. Of course, I went there to appease her, but the main point was to solve the problems she was having with her alchemy.

I knocked on Vivien’s door, holding the unicorn horn in my left hand.


“who is this!”

“it’s me. “Go in.”

“Don’t come in!”

A sharp reaction immediately came out, but I ignored it and opened the door wide. Then, I was able to see Vivien lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, suffering. What was so sad was that her eyelids were swollen and her cheeks were full of tear marks. Seeing that pitiful sight, I felt pity for it, so I walked closer and asked in a kind voice.

“are you okay?”

“Do I look okay now?”

“no. “It looks like it hurts a lot.”

“okay. “Then who do you think is responsible for this?”

“I’m not sure.”

“what? I don’t know? “Are you kidding me?”


Vivien foamed at the mouth when she answered with a calm face. Then he immediately started screaming loudly. “I’m so shocked and mortified right now,” she said, although it was hard to hear what she was saying because more than half of her voice was crying. It was giving off that feeling.

“Don’t be too angry. “It’s not good for your mental health.”

“[email protected]#$%^&*()_+”

“okay. I knew. I’ll rub it gently. “Lift your ass.”

“What, what? it’s crazy! “What are you doing now?”

After setting the unicorn horn aside, I reached for her pelvis. Then Vivian fiercely resisted, waving her hands with a startled look on her face. However, the moment he lightly broke through her resistance and grabbed her pelvis, she lifted her waist and lifted her buttocks. It seemed as if she was trying to make it easier to take it off.

“… … .”

When I looked at her with a puzzled expression, she quickly lowered her waist. However, her face was red and she seemed very embarrassed. She knew that if she laughed at Vivien she would have more to make fun of, but at this point she decided to stop. This is because the intended goal of alleviating her mood (?) had already been achieved. Now it was time to tell her the real purpose of her visit.

When I took my hand off her pelvis and picked up the unicorn horn again, Vivian suddenly stood up and took her stance.

“Vivien. “I’m talking about what we said at the meeting this morning.”

“… what.”

“I told you that your Spiritual Order alone cannot handle Belphegor’s Heart and Horens’ Magic Stone. Then how about this?”

“What the heck… . uh? Oh right! Unicorn horn! “There was this.”

At first, she answered in a gloomy voice, but as soon as she took out the unicorn horn, Vivien’s eyes suddenly changed.

“and! But can I really use this? This is very precious. “If wizards see it, they’ll probably turn on their eyes and run away.”

“As long as the effect is certain.”

At my words, Vivien began to examine the horn with a serious look on her face.

“but. Anyway, there is nothing like this in the opposition between demons and Horens… . The problem is whether you can take the magic stone’s side. Instead of a 2:2 structure, it becomes a 2:1:1 structure… . Kim Soohyun!”

“Surprise. why.”

“Hey. Wouldn’t it be better to purify the power of the heart and magic stone just a little? Because it’s much safer.”

“I think if you reduce your strength, your performance will also decrease.”

“don’t worry. “If it were me, I could get my money’s worth even if I couldn’t do it.”

It’s the main battle. Currently, there are two elixirs scheduled to enter the podium, each with +2 and +4 increase in stamina. What this means is that if the battle is even, you can aim for +6. It could definitely be seen as a high rise, comparable to the tears of an angel. But that is not enough. Even if it’s not enough, it’s still too much. I shook my head slowly and said.

“Vivien. “It’s not enough to simply pay the bills.”

“Uh, huh?”

“I’m sorry for feeling like a burden. But this elixir training is a very important matter to me. The most important thing is physical strength. Physical fitness should be a priority. got it?”


“There is no need for other ability increases. It would be nice to have it, but in my current condition, it is difficult to see much effect. Anyway, it’s not difficult to purify it, but you can’t lower its power on purpose. “Even if it’s a little complicated, think of it as mixing unicorn horns.”

Vivien’s expression became very cautious, as if she sensed the sincerity of my voice. As a result, one more item was added to the podium. 2 elixirs, Vivian’s Spiritual Order, Belphegor’s Heart, Horens’ Magic Stone, Unicorn’s Horn. Except for the equipment, all the valuable items obtained through exploration so far were in her hands.

Although she was facing the podium she had dreamed of as an alchemist at least once, Vivien had a very burdened look on her face. I felt a little sorry for her because she kept emphasizing it, but her lack of stamina was such a pressing problem to me.

“Did you say the cost of constructing the workshop was 8200 gold?”


“If you need anything else, let me know. “I will support you even if it costs you that much.”

“Oh, no! “This much is enough!”

“okay? i get it. “Then please be kind to me.”

I patted Vivien’s shoulder three or four times and then slowly stood up. She clutched the unicorn’s horn and let out her long sigh. But she soon opened her mouth with eyes burning with passion.

“good. I’ll do it again. Kim Soohyun. “Don’t forget your promise.”

“iced coffee. “I remember it clearly.”

Soon, Vivien ran out of the room one step ahead of me and shouted in a loud voice.

“New product! It’s Master’s call! Come out quickly!”

When I heard Vivien’s voice coming through the door, I smiled slightly.


The night was deep. She seems to have been through a lot, but it has been less than a day since she left Barbara. First of all, a tentative decision had been made regarding the clan house, and Vivien’s research entered a new phase. The matters that the clan members had been unable to decide on were slowly moving toward completion again.

However, there was still one left.

When I raised my head, I saw Go Yeon-ju in front of me, constantly licking her lips while looking at me. She was reporting on Kim Yu-hyeon’s movements and the Western Continent, which I had requested earlier.

“Anyway, the information about user Kim Yu-hyun’s actions that Soo-hyun mentioned is what I just told you about. ah. I forgot to report that an ancient pyramid-shaped ruin was recently unearthed in the desert wilderness. “That’s why Dana, a small town in the southeast, is said to be buzzing these days.”

“okay. Have we discovered the king’s tomb? .”


“ah. it’s nothing. Is there any news about Kim Yu-hyun? “Anything is fine.”

As I quickly changed the topic and changed the topic, Go Yeon-ju tilted her head.

“well. I told you everything about my actions just now. “As for my personal information, I am a 2-year user and am called the Wizard-type Secret Class Thunder Emperor.”

“If you’re a 2-year user, it’s probably not a big deal.”

“Su-hyun. Absolutely not. Just looking at the achievements he has made so far is enough to make even most senior users give up. And although he hasn’t created a clan yet, the users around him are all extraordinary users.”

“is that so? Incredible. haha.”

I obediently agreed. Go Yeon-ju looked at me with even more strange eyes. However, what was important to me right now was whether there was anything wrong with my brother’s health, so I was able to relax when I heard that he was doing well.

I stretched and twisted my body as much as I could. The sound of bones twisting rang out rhythmically.

“All right. They say that the shadow does not reach the western continent, so there is nothing we can do about it. Well, Kim Yoo-hyun asked for it because it was of her personal interest. “She worked hard.”

“hmm. Come to think of it, Kim Soo-hyun and Kim Yu-hyun. The names are similar, right? “Is there some connection?”

“Hehe. “It’s just a personal interest.”

I smiled blandly and gave an awkward answer. Just as I was about to give the order to welcome guests, wanting to rest for a bit, a thought occurred to me and I opened my mouth again.

“ah. High user performance. “I have one more thing to ask of you.”

“It’s not a request, it’s an order. Clan Lord. “I am ready to follow anything.”

“If nothing else, could you please send a messenger to Istantel Row tomorrow morning? “I will come and see you in the afternoon.”

“ah. Are you planning to visit Istantel Row?”

“yes. I heard from Jeong Ha-yeon that she took great care of me while I was away. There is something I have to conclude personally… . Anyway, I plan to come visit you and express my gratitude.”

I heard a detailed story from Hayeon, and she said that not only did she help with the clan house issue, but she actually came to visit a few times. Of course, Han So-young may have her own ulterior motives, but since she is the clan representing the city, it was necessary to visit in return.

“all right. “I will send a messenger early tomorrow morning.”

“yes. Details will be announced tomorrow during breakfast. Then just leave now. “I also want to rest for today.”

“well. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to rest.”


When asked about Ko Yeon-ju’s unexpected words, she smiled strangely. Finally, the moment Go Yeon-joo slowly got up, she heard someone knocking on the door outside.

“It’s all over. Don’t fuss. “I’m leaving now.”

Judging by the way Go Yeon-ju’s head was turned toward the door, it seemed like he wasn’t talking to me. As soon as the door opened slightly, she waved at me with a sad look on her face.

“sorry. “I can’t be with you today because I lost.”

“No, wait a minute. What on earth is this… .”

Just as I was about to ask if it was work, I could see Hayeon approaching the two of us from the door. I don’t know why, but I felt like I was suffocating for no reason. Hayeon made eye contact with me for a moment, and then she spoke in a clear voice to Yeonju.

“Thank goodness. “I thought you were taking your time on purpose.”

“I lost narrowly today, but I won’t lose next time.”

“You used the shadow to lose through foul play. “Did you think I didn’t know?”

“joy. I don’t know anything like that. Su-hyun. “Then sleep well.”

Go Yeon-ju slightly stuck out her tongue and pouted, then quickly ran out of the door. As I gaped with a blank expression on my face, Hayeon sat down on the bed where I was sitting with a shy smile.

“Hayeon. “What is this?”

“iced coffee. It’s no big deal. just… .”

Hayeon stopped what she was saying and began to gently take off the clothes she was wearing. Soon her white shoulders, which had been hidden under her robe, were revealed, and that was the moment when her eyes were taken by them. As she paused, her clear voice flowed out.

“When Su-hyeon was away, Ko Yeon-ju and I talked a lot.”

“… … .”

“For your information, I won today. The game was rock-paper-scissors. oh my god. “You tried to use a shadow to commit a foul?”

Hayeon smiled prettily and clenched her fist, then took out the scissors, and then opened her hand wide and made a bow. The moment I saw her fingers drawing a V-shape, she immediately said that she had won.


I felt like my heart was dropping.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

(Today, I will take a break from ReRipple for just one day. I will write important information in the review, so I ask for the readers’ understanding. I will combine this episode’s ReRipple together in the next episode.)

(We have started a female character popularity poll. It is currently posted in a survey. We would be very grateful if readers would participate.)

1. As I mentioned earlier, we decided to change Go Eun-sol’s name to Im Hanna. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Gamjatteot for giving me such a good name.

2. “Now, instead of going to dungeons like in the beginning, will the story of the Hall Plain between people continue?” I was asked: First of all, as you can see from the subheadings, I am dividing the chapters into four parts if possible. As I mentioned in yesterday’s review, I plan to leave the city during the next chapter. For reference, the subtitle of the next chapter is “First Request,” so those who are sharp will likely get a rough idea of ​​the relationship from the previous episode. So the answer is no. There are still a lot of places to go… .

3. The atmosphere at Noblesse yesterday and today is very harsh. To lighten the mood, I tried to write something fun today, and I hope you’ll laugh once or twice while reading it. And I plan to serialize only on Joara. Some people left comments expressing concern. You can stop worrying about that part. 🙂

4. I think there is something that many people misunderstand. ㅜ.ㅠ It’s not exam period right now. There is still time left to take the final exam. However, this time, the scope is very large, and the assignments are failing, saying, “Kwao kayeonwangkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,29,211,2wards & 211 likewise)) AQua-Qua-Qua-Qua-Qua-Qua-Qua)”)” Still, I plan to maintain at least a daily series, so I ask for the readers’ understanding!

Looking through the comments, it seems that many people are embarrassed by the sudden situation. I hope you will calm your anger and read this article with a relaxed mind. I’m just sorry and I’m just grateful for always reading and supporting my works that are lacking. _(__)_

P.S. The messages piled up like bombs. ha ha ha! I will read them one by one and give you an answer… . 😀


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not work with dark mode