MEMORIZE Chapter 238

00238 Twisted Faith ———————————————– ————————–=

midnight. A woman was standing on her bed with only her upper body raised, cupping her face in her hands. When she lowered her head a little, her short, jet-black hair, which had not completely assimilated into the darkness, slightly tilted forward. Her dry sigh secretly flows from her chapped lips between the cracks of her spread fingers.

“under… . Su-hyun… .”

Eventually, the hand that was touching my forehead fell. Both of her arms were also limp and limp. But her bowed head was not raised. The face revealed by lowering her hand tried to show off her intellectual beauty, but the darkness shadowed here and there was suppressing the expression of her off-white color. A slow breathing sound escapes the woman’s lips once again.

Absence of Clan Lord. Of those three months, she was in charge as a woman for less than one month, but she was keenly aware of her lack of capabilities. As the day passed, the atmosphere became more depressed, and expressions of anxiety appeared on the faces of the clan members.

There were a few people who were forced to smile, but their smiles were lifeless. Afterwards, despite the return of the Shadow Queen, the once mired atmosphere hardly improved. Although she was just one empty space, the empty space was too big for her to handle.

I thought I tried my best, but it was a clear lack of ability. Now, she thought, all she could do was wait.

“Please come back quickly… .”

Hayeon slowly lay down, muttering words to herself that could not be conveyed. Then she closed her eyes and slowly began to sleep, looking forward to tomorrow coming soon.



Perhaps because it was amazing that he had used a warp gate for the first time, Hangyeol exclaimed, not knowing where to focus his gaze. Although it was not unfamiliar, a feeling of nostalgia arose when I saw the scene unfolding before my eyes.

Monica, a small southern town under the jurisdiction of the representative clan . After taking a deep breath of the air surrounding me, I calmly leave the warp gate. Compared to big cities, the size and growth were inevitably inferior. However, when I thought about the small town of Mule, the streets were so well-maintained that they could be said to be the difference between heaven and earth.

“brother. No, clan lord. “Where are we going now?”

“Love House.”


“There is such a thing.”

I smiled bitterly and avoided answering. This is because the term ‘love house’ had a strange connotation. I once again regretted telling Go Yeon-ju to mind her own business rather than come to meet her on the day of the graduation ceremony. Hagisa You may have to be thankful that it is a house and not a hotel.

Monica is a small city located in the southernmost part of the country and is the area closest to the Steel Mountains. As such, the city’s goals are focused on policies related to expedition preparation, so it was ironic that it could not participate in this expedition. Still, because Han So-young’s resourcefulness was so outstanding, it could be said that it was a city where users never cease to visit.

Although the sun was high in the sky, some people could be seen walking around the streets. Maybe it’s because three months have passed, but people no longer gather just because it’s Mercenary Road. There were people who occasionally glanced at me, but that was it.

We walked down the street without saying anything. Hangyeol was captivated by the amazing sights he was seeing for the first time, and Hanbyeol was just keeping an eye on me. While I was trying to remember the location of , I suddenly thought of Hanbyul and turned my head.



“I’ll just say it. “I don’t know why you came to me.”

“… … .”

Honestly, that’s the truth. No matter how much fame the Mercantile Clan has recently gained, it is still far short of the existing traditional clans. Moreover, she is a Secret Class Jewel Mage. Of course, we have a lot of gems, but Hanbyeol won’t let us know about our clan’s internal situation. Then I wondered why on earth they chose me and Mercenary.

Hanbyul hesitated and did not open his mouth. For a moment she waited for her response, but she seemed to have trouble answering so she decided to speak first.

“What I said to you earlier was just from my perspective.”

“… … .”

“Other clan members. For example, kids… . Especially Yujeong. I’m saying their positions may be different. got it?”

“yes. I know what you mean. “Don’t worry, brother.”

Since he was so clever, he would have understood my intention right away. When I saw Hanbyeol nodding her head, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The two were already on bad terms, but as long as one side has the will to adapt, a breakthrough is possible.

I walked quickly and was able to reach the central square before I knew it. After assessing the direction for a moment, I walked along the open road to the left.


The where my clan members are currently staying is a luxury inn that is originally a tavern but also serves as lodging. However, according to my memory, it was an inn with one special character. I never used it during the first round, but I remember hearing from some users that it was Monica’s specialty.

Before I knew it, the inn was in front of me. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A moment passed. Soon the door burst open with a clanking sound. Then, a child with a young face popped out through the open door.

“who are you?”

“hello. “I am a person who visited the Love House.”

“huh? Visitor? “I’m sorry, but men are not allowed here.”

“I came to know about it. My group is staying here. “Could you please call my group for a moment?”

The kid looked at me with a blank expression on his face. The moment her lips gently parted, a voice inside said, “Seonyoung. who is this?” I could hear a voice saying.

“I don’t know. “He’s a man and he’s a visitor to the love house.”

“okay? “Ask who you are.”

“huh. “Then who are you?”

“This is Mercenary Road.”

“A Mercenary Lord?!”

The kid’s eyes turned round. As if she heard her voice, she soon felt someone walking towards the door from inside.

The gap that was just wide enough for me to stick my head out slowly begins to widen. Soon, a woman greeted me with a bright smile through the wide open door.

“welcome. Mercenary Lord. “Welcome to Love House.”

“thank you.”

“I already heard from the Shadow Queen. “Then, would you like to come inside with the people behind you?”

“yes. “Then please excuse me.”

‘It’s beautiful.’

As we were guided in by a woman, it suddenly occurred to me that the woman who greeted us was beautiful. He looked to be around my age, but his neatly organized long hair and neat facial features gave off an elegant charm. Her overall face looked good, but somehow, her every move was overflowing with elegance. She felt like looking at a neat flower. First of all, her breasts are very… compared to her slim waist. .

‘Maybe it’s bigger than Ko Yeonju.’

Anyway, I decided to stop thinking about nonsense and accepted the staring gaze from inside the inn. I saw several people occupying tables on the first floor, and without exception, all of them were women. Hanbyeol remained calm, but Hangyeol seemed to be not used to these gazes and stayed close to my side.

The woman who was walking lightly in front of her immediately stopped and pointed to the right.

“This table is empty. “Could you please sit here and wait for a moment?”

“All right. “Are the clan members here now?”

“The Shadow Queen, Ha-yeon Jeong, and Sang-yong Shin are out. “The others are probably on the 3rd or 4th floor right now, so I’ll call them right away.”

“ah. “I can go up.”

“ah. Now that I think about it, there was a method like that. then… .”

The moment we started to walk up the stairs again, she and I both stopped at the same time. She was wondering where her little boy was running, and she found her breathing heavily in the middle of the stairs to the second floor.

and. Behind the little boy, Ansol and Vivian could be seen with their mouths wide open. When I saw them, a pleasant smile began to flow out of me. When I waved goodbye, the two who were about to come down at the same time looked at each other and stopped. However, it was Ansol who hit the player first.

“Waaah! “Oh my god!”

“So, Sol. slowly… .”

“Onii-chan! “Ahh!”


I thought I was like that. I was running like crazy from the second floor, but I fell just before three or four stairs to the first floor. As I sighed and jumped forward, I felt a figure following me. In her split second, I moved two steps to her left to give her enough space to enter. Soon, the woman was seen grabbing her left arm as she cut through the air, and a tempo later, the woman was seen grabbing Ansol’s right arm.


As soon as I heard Ansol’s scream, the woman and I looked at each other at the same time.

‘The response is also good. Is this speed okay?’

“thank you.”

“Byeo, don’t say anything. “You’re amazing.”

I was quite surprised, but she seemed even more surprised and showed genuine admiration. After just smiling lightly, I released Ansol’s arm from my hold. But I immediately regretted that action.

“Brother! Brother! Brother!”

“Okay, okay.”

Ansol immediately violently shook off the other arm that was being held on (at this time, the woman took a step or two back in surprise) and immediately hugged me. As expected, I stroked her head, as she was rubbing her face against my chest, and looked up towards the second floor again. Vivien was there, watching Ansol closely.

Soon, the next batter, Vivian, took action.

“Wow. “It’s Kim Soo-hyun.”

Vivien, who was running towards me with a steady voice, stamped her foot exactly where Ansol had fallen. And in the direction facing me. Of course, I took Ansol with me and dodged to the right, and Vivian ended up hitting the floor without mercy.

“oh! Mr. Vivien!”

Vivien didn’t answer. This is because he was lying down on the floor and doing an octopus dance, holding his forehead in the aftermath of the collision. A moment passed, and she jumped up, as if to express that she was very angry.

“Kim Soo-hyun, you!”

“Vivien. A long time.”

“huh! long time no see! lol… . No, this is not it. hey! Why don’t you accept me! yes?!”

“Please lower your voice. “You’re not the only one here.”

“Then why not at least hit me!”


How can such a sudden conclusion be reached? I sighed and shook my head, but soon made eye contact with the woman who expressed her doubts. I activated my third eye, ignoring Vivien who was subtly pushing her butt next to me.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Hanna Lim (3rd year)

2. Class: Normal, Archer, Expert

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: A pretty flower that cannot be broken · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (24)

7. Height/Weight: 168.7cm/52.4kg

8. Disposition: Lawful · Belief

[Strength 72] [Durability 84] [Dexterity 92] [Stamina 68] [Magic Power 88] [Luck 90]

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 544/ 600

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

2. Lim Hanna: 490/ 600

(There are no ability points remaining.)

[Strength 72] [Durability 80] [Dexterity 92] [Stamina 68] [Magic Power 88] [Luck 90]

‘490? Are you okay?’

As I was looking at the user information floating in the air, Im Hanna politely bowed and greeted me.

“The introduction is late. My name is Lim Hanna, and I am a 3-year user who manages this Love House. I heard a lot from the Shadow Queen. “Please feel free to call me Madam Lim.”

“I am Kim Soo-hyun, a lord of the Mercantile Clan and a user with 0 years of experience.”

“Wow. Brother. Brother. “Onii-sama.”

“Wow. Kim Soohyun. Kim Soo-hyeon. “Kim Soo-hyeon.”

When Ansol and Vivien continued to rub each other and looked troubled, Im Hanna covered her mouth and laughed. They kept clinging to me, as if they couldn’t even see Kim Han-byeol and Baek Han-gyeol behind them. And to be honest, my hand to push them away didn’t use much force. I guess I just wanted to find some comfort for a moment in an unfamiliar but not unfamiliar feeling that I felt for the first time in a long time.

I sighed and turned around, holding them both. And there, you could see a nervous Kim Han-byeol and Baek Han-gyeol staring at An Sol.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

(We have started a female character popularity poll. It is currently posted in a survey. We would be very grateful if readers would participate.)

yes. In some ways, it’s a break, but it’s the appearance of a new character. I like women. Oh, you can ignore what I just said. Anyway, now the main story is going to move into the real Ansol vs. Baek Han-gyeol structure. ah. sorry. Today, I keep hearing nonsense about what I ate wrong. ha ha ha. 😀

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who gave us coupons despite being closed on Monday. _(__)_

P.S. After much consideration, we decided to maintain Riripple. thank you


1. geranium1: Congratulations on first place. I think it’s my first time seeing you in 1st place. ha ha ha. It feels awkward to re-reply after such a long time. Anyway, please enjoy this episode.

2. hohokoya1: Thank you for the note. I hope you do well on the exam and achieve what you want to achieve. I will be piling up a lot of serials for hohokoya1 during the day. 🙂

3. Dark Side: You echoed Lee Yu-jeong’s thoughts in the next episode. It’s amazing. ha ha ha.

4. Gifted Killer: That part is also true. Here’s a tip: Some of Hangyeol’s abilities can be performed without chanting. Whether you’re fighting or exploring in the future, God’s Shield will be very useful.

5. I’m happy: That’s my opinion. No matter how good Park Hwan-hee is, I don’t know if she will be able to deal with her outcasts. Tramps are crazy people. ha ha ha. ah. This is just my opinion.

6. Happy day: I am currently pacing myself. Thank you for your valuable advice. _(__)_

7. Deadwood: A real cat fight will begin. However, Soohyun… . Oh, no. (Spoiler!)

8. GCAFF: Hahahaha. I would rather TS Baek Han-gyeol. LOL. Oh, I laughed so hard when I saw that. 🙂

9. Broken fan: Broken fan. I respect you. I was impressed when I saw the Ansol you posted. T^T

10. rlatjdwn512: This is because it is a setting that deepens the difference in grades between A and lower and S. Both classes are equally based on magic power. Priests can be divided into combat priests and healing priests. However, the way the horsepower circuit operates is different. If the priest’s keyword is , the wizard’s keyword can be considered .

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode