MEMORIZE Chapter 237

00237 Twisted Faith ———————————————– ————————–=

The main auditorium was instantly filled with a festive atmosphere. There must have been some joy in finally completing the academy, but Park Hwan-hee’s speech seemed to lift everyone’s spirits, so it wasn’t much of a fuss. The Golden Lion and friendly clans did not stop the new members from running wild. No, there were actually a few people who went in and celebrated together.

When I remembered the instructors in the southeast and turned my head, I was able to see a scene that was in stark contrast to the scene I had just seen. There were new users around them too. However, their number was only a few dozen. Soon, I could see Seo Jin-woo making eye contact with me for a moment and then moving outside, leading his clan members. It seemed like he was planning to join the people who had come to meet him from the clan and those who were leaving the Golden Lion.

I felt like I had to catch up quickly, but my priority was to watch Baek Han-gyeol finish.

“how is it. Hwanhee oppa. Am I right? “We said that Hangyeol would come back eventually.”

“Yes, thank you very much. Thank you to Yuna, and thank you to Hangyeol. ha ha ha!”

“… … .”

Park Hwan-hee and Cha Yu-na were seen sharing a happy ending. And Baek Han-gyeol was looking at them in a silent manner. Suddenly, I remember the time I met Baek Han-gyeol last night. Although he has a tendency to escape reality and has a dependent personality, based on what I have seen of his behavior so far, he is within the category of a normal person.

As Park Hwan-hee smiled brightly and looked up, Baek Han-gyeol suddenly held out his hand. Soon the two joined hands and shook hands, and Cha Yuna looked at them with a happy face. Eventually, after shaking hands, Baek Han-gyeol spoke for the first time.

“brother. “The speech was touching.”

“oh. “You’re finally calling me brother again.”

“okay. And congratulations.”

“congrats? ha ha ha. okay. Anyway, I welcome you back for believing in me again. Although the paths diverged for a moment, I will never miss it now. “Thank you for your congratulations.”

“huh? What are you talking about? “Isn’t that what I mean when I say congratulations?”

It was only a moment, but the smile disappeared from Park Hwan-hee’s face. The surrounding area was still noisy with noise. When Park Hwan-hee brought her head closer as if she couldn’t hear, Baek Han-gyeol finally screamed loudly. It could have been seen as a scream letting out all the anger that had been endured until now.

“Congratulations on dating Yuna!”

Baek Han-gyeol’s voice was loud, but it was nothing compared to the noise in the entire auditorium. However, users around Park Hwan-hee could clearly hear it, and silence fell in an instant. Park Hwan-hee’s eyes turned big. However, he quickly adjusted his expression and opened her mouth.

“Hangyeol. What are you talking about? Yuna is your girlfriend, right? why me… .”

“Let’s get the word straight. Cha Yuna is my ex-girlfriend, right? And now she’s my brother’s girlfriend.”

“Yu, Yuna is my girlfriend? What are you talking about out of the blue? “Yuna and I don’t have that kind of relationship.”

“okay? “Then why did you two get together?”

It was literally a sudden revelation that had no end or bottom. However, the effect of targeting the moment of silence was clearer. Although it was only a part of it, a quiet commotion began to rise above the frozen silence.

I was curious about Cha Yuna’s reaction and looked closely, and I could see her facial expression changing every moment. She reacted as if her heart stopped, but then opened her mouth with a blank expression. However, Baek Han-gyeol’s words were not yet finished.

“There was a time when I saw my older sister coming out of the dorm and secretly followed her. And that day, my sister and Park Hwan-hee had s*x in the bushes… .”

“Baek Han-gyeol! “Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Hangyeol! no! “Oh, it’s wrong!”


“W-what is he? “What are you talking about?”

“ah. That’s a scumbag, a scumbag. “The kid who always waits for his girlfriend in front of the dorm.”

“what. “So you’re saying that’s really what happened?”

“hey. “There’s no way Hwanhee would do that.”

Still, people were not very upset, perhaps because Park Hwan-hee had a lot of connections over the years. As Park Hwan-hee and Cha Yu-na denied it in succession, the mood soon shifted towards accusing Baek Han-gyeol of being nonsense. Baek Han-gyeol, who was glaring at Park Hwan-hee with a murderous look, this time turned his gaze towards Cha Yu-na.

“I thought a lot about my sister during that time.”

“Our Hangyeol. Hangyeol. Calm down and be nice, right? huh? First, listen to what your sister says. It’s my sister. “My sister can explain everything.”

“At first, I thought it was absolutely my fault. So I struggled with self-reproach. Yes, because you are my sister. Because there’s no way my sister would abandon me. Even if I did, there must be something wrong with me.”

“Ha, Hangyeol. Please tell me… .”

“But who said that? Instead of thinking from your sister’s perspective, think from my perspective. Don’t run away from reality, but face it head on. He told me to just look at the situation as it is. therefore. “When I think about it that way.”

Baek Han-gyeol paused for a moment and closed his eyes. His eyelids were fluttering, so it seemed like he hadn’t sorted out all his emotions yet. But his eyes were not closed for long. Soon, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth in a voice that sounded like he was chewing.

“I hated it. I hated my sister. Park Hwan-hee and Cha Yu-na had feelings of resentment to the point of hatred. okay. I didn’t do anything wrong. “This is all my sister’s fault.”

“Zu, you’re hateful? How could you say that to me… ! Black!”

“Baek Han-gyeol. It is the last warning. Talk nonsense as much as you can. “If you talk any longer, I won’t stay quiet.”

Cha Yu-na eventually burst into tears, and Park Hwan-hee abandoned her soft tone. The users surrounding him were all criticizing Baek Han-gyeol and telling him to do more in moderation. But he didn’t back down.

“You’re mistaken. A misunderstanding? A misunderstanding?! Do not lie! I understand if you really hated me and left me. But no. “You were trying to take advantage of me by sticking with that guy!”

“no! No! “Ugh!”

“This means I will lie to the end. Then answer me. You told Park Hwan-hee that you loved him while we were together, right? “You were in that guy’s arms, panting, saying you’d definitely bring me back, and whispering, “I love you, Hwanhee!”

“no! But I didn’t say that I loved Hwanhee oppa! I will do everything for you… !”


Cha Yuna finally exploded, probably because she couldn’t hold it in anymore. At that moment, Park Hwan-hee’s sharp voice cut her off. But she was already spilled water.

“… … .”

I didn’t say I love you. okay. She didn’t say she loved me, but she made a momentary mistake and ended up admitting something else. If you were aiming for this, that’s amazing. I was purely amazed.

With those words, a large-scale silence fell once again. The political enemies who had come to this area had secretly taken over the entire main auditorium while the incident was going on. Before we knew it, everyone was paying attention to the three people. Park Hwan-hee’s face was distorted, and Cha Yu covered her mouth with her blank face. Then, in a helpless manner, she began to look at Park Hwan-hee and Baek Han-gyeol alternately.

Baek Han-gyeol took a deep breath, as if he had finished saying everything he wanted to say. Then he exhaled loudly and spoke in a voice filled with relief.

“Ha~ah. Don’t say it’s for me. Because it’s disgusting. Anyway, I feel refreshed inside because I said everything I wanted to say. ah. no. “There’s still one left.”

“… … .”

“I’m going to leave now. So live well.”

“Hangyeol! wait! Hangyeolaaaaaa!”

It was then. The moment Baek Han-gyeol was about to turn, Cha Yu-na rushed towards him, crying like a person who had lost her mind. However, he did not panic and calmly held out his hand. Then, I could see something hazy flashing in front of Baek Han-gyeol.



Cha Yu-na, who was rushing towards him with the intention of eating him, soon hit the curtain and bounced in the opposite direction. Seeing her shaking violently, her SSUN clan members who were running to settle the commotion stopped. There was no preparation or ordering. Nevertheless, he seemed surprised when the new user used the Reflect ability, which was a fairly advanced spell.

I thought it was my turn to go out now, so I decided to stop looking around.


“Tongue, bro. This… .”

“are you okay. Don’t say anything now. You worked hard and worked hard during this time. And this place is vacant. “You should call me Clan Lord, not brother.”

“yes yes! Clan Lord!”

Baek Han-gyeol smiled weakly at me. That expression looked somehow sad. I calmly stroked his head and then glanced at Park Hwan-hee. His face was now so distorted that there was no place to frown. Originally, he was going to say thank you for taking away a lump of nuisance, but there was no need for that.

The auditorium, which had been filled with excitement, was suddenly filled with unpleasant noise. Park Hwan-hee did not tell her that Baek Han-gyeol had powers. He thought that if it was revealed that he was in the Secret Class, the attention that would be on him would decrease, so he would try to hide it until he completely put it down to himself.

No, reflection spells are not taught at the user academy in the first place. If it were revealed that I had deliberately hidden the work-related facts just now, I would probably be in quite a difficult situation.

“f*ck… . Such a sick bitch… .”


“after. Get people together right now. “I’m leaving right away.”

“Uh, uh.”

Park Hwan-hee must have decided that this place was unfavorable for him, and he let out a growling voice. All the new members slowly followed him with a worried look on their faces.

“Hwa, Hwanhee oppa? Oh, no, Hangyeol?”

“Then shall we go too?”

“yes. “Clan Lord.”

I turned around, holding Hangyeol’s hand as he answered with a strong voice. Cha Yuna’s voice can be heard calling out to the two in turn from behind. But Park Hwan-hee walking in the opposite direction and Baek Han-gyeol following beside me. No one looked back.

‘I feel sorry for the woman. ‘Tsk, tsk.’

Hangyeol’s walking pace continued to get faster, as if he didn’t want to hear the voice calling him. Matching his pace, I walked toward the entrance of the auditorium. I cleaned up one plate, but I was anxious because there was still one more left.

Eventually, the two of us reached the entrance. Someone’s screams rang out from behind.


It was not difficult to find the place where the second game took place. As I left the auditorium and walked toward the front door, I saw two groups lined up and facing each other. Even though one side was overwhelmingly outnumbered, the fierce scent that neither side was defeated flowed into my nostrils.

Among the Golden Lion Clan members, the back of Kim Han-byeol caught my eye first. And in the direction facing me, I can also see the southeastern clan members led by Cho Seong-ho. Behind them were several clan members wearing Golden Lion Clan attire. At first glance, there were almost 20 people.

Perhaps because it took some time to organize the first edition, Do Young-rok and Jo Seong-ho were already engaged in a heated argument.

“Anyway, I’m tired of your behavior now. “I wondered why there were no new users this time, but it turned out that they were making improvements again.”

“What kind of bullshit are you talking about? The new users this time are users who rose up of their own volition. They say they will move independently, but what can we do? You have to respect his will. “Isn’t that right?”

“You really have good eloquence. I think I know whose hands are usually manipulating the public opinion of the Golden Lion. ah. You said you would respect your wishes, but these people are also users who thought your actions were wrong and declared their withdrawal. “What do you think about this?”

“That’s funny. As you say, it can be seen as a modification. Anyway, bark as much as you want. “Do you think I’d blink an eye at something like this?”

Baek Han-gyeol followed closely behind me, probably startled by the bloody scene unfolding before his eyes. When the distance between them was almost reduced, one of the Golden Lion Clan members who had been standing silently stepped forward.

“User Do Young-rok. We can’t trust you anymore. To be honest, I wasn’t happy with the unreasonable expedition, but it’s been a constant disappointment ever since. Now I wonder if you truly mourn the death of your godmother. Wouldn’t it be better to admit everything at this point and clearly announce your position?”

“I think he’s a member of our clan, but I don’t remember who he is. Anyway, you talk a lot about having an open mouth, but I guess someone gave you a script? Tsk tsk. It is correct to say that when the golden lion is doing well, the kites that cling tightly to it say that they are not praying. Why don’t you guys just tell the truth. The situation is getting a little difficult, so I’m just keeping an eye on it and taking advantage of this time to withdraw! “Isn’t this your true feelings?”

“You only bring me disappointment until the end. “I lost my affection for him after the s*xual bribery scandal, but now I don’t have any regrets at all.”

“It’s absurd to believe such a rumor. Anyway, there’s no need to listen to those people who say it’s stuck in the gallbladder. Anyway, we don’t need cowardly users like you in our clan, and I’m just grateful that you’re leaving. “I don’t have any intention of holding you back, so I’d like you to stop fussing and just get out of here.”

“under. great. “Then, 19 clan members, including me, will leave the Golden Lion Clan as of this time.”

“iced coffee. I don’t care, so do whatever you want. By the way, don’t even dream about crawling back in.”

Do Yeong-rok’s words must have been so irritating that the people behind him began to take off their clan uniforms all at once, showing signs of discomfort. And at the same time, Hanbyeol, who had been standing silently all this time, began to take off her clothes along with the other members. Eventually, the robe with the golden lion on it fell helplessly to the ground, and she slipped out of the gap and started walking to the other side of her.

Naturally, the attention of many users was focused on her back as she walked across the front. Not long after, Seong Yu-bin’s absurd voice was heard.

“Hanbyeol Kim! “What are you doing now?”

“me too. I will leave the Golden Lion. For your information, I am among the 19 people I just mentioned.”

“What, what? it’s crazy? Are you kidding me? “Don’t come back soon!”

“I’m not kidding. “Check the list.”

Kim Han-byeol responded coldly, but did not stop walking. As I was about to pass by the golden lion with the intention of joining in, Seong Yu-bin’s voice caught me with her mouth wide open.

“Merchionary Lord!”


“Hey, how did this happen? “No, where are you going now?”


When I asked back with a strange expression on my face, Seong Yu-bin’s eyes lit up. I shrugged my shoulders and continued.

“They told me to go back because the graduation ceremony just ended. I heard it with voice amplification. ah. Still, I scouted one person. haha.”

I lifted Hangyeol’s hand and smiled. At that moment, I could see a variety of emotions crossing Seong Yu-bin’s face. He seemed to be quite smart, so he must have figured out what was going on right away.

“like… . Ho Ho… . Ho ho ho… . Kim Han-byeol! This f*cking bitch stabs you in the back like this? hey. “You can’t do this to us, right?”

“The back of your head? Those words are harsh. And what’s wrong?”

“Shut your mouth before it rips. How dare you tease me? Black lion! What are you doing? “Get that bitch right now!”

Seong Yu-bin, who was speaking in a boiling voice, soon pointed at Hanbyeol and screamed. Then, it was the moment when the users wearing black armor, whom I remembered seeing before, were about to step forward. From the southeastern clan, two users walked out to greet Hanbyeol Kim. The identities of the two were Seo Jin-woo and Yeon Hye-rim.

The black lions stopped and looked at Seong Yu-bin. Taking advantage of that gap, she saw Hanbyeol slipping between them and stamped her feet as if she were going to die.

“Hanbyeol Kim! “You sure you forgot the contract you signed up for?”

“Don’t worry. “Please claim it.”

“what? what?”

“I will pay it all back. “I don’t plan on taking it off, so please charge me.”

“oh. It’s really disgusting. “How do you sign up for a clan and sign a contract?”

When Hanbyeol received it coldly, Na Seunghye made a sarcastic comment as if she had been waiting. She had been put on hold for the first time some time ago, and it seemed like she had been keeping that memory in her mind.


Do Yeong-rok screamed loudly in a near-death situation. He glared strongly at Seong Yu-bin, then raised her head and glared at Han-byeol.

“f*cking bitch. Do you think you’ll get away with this?”

“I just want to withdraw quietly. “I wish you would just let it go.”

“Anyone wants. You can’t do this. “Your case is different.”

“Oh, just a moment. “Why did the person who was so kind to me earlier suddenly change his attitude like this?”

Seong Hyun-min stepped forward with good timing and pointed out Do Young-rok. He signaled not to intervene, but Seong Hyun-min responded with a snort. Eventually, as soon as I passed the golden lion and joined him, he looked at me and spoke.

“I think it’s strange that you only captured the user, Hanbyeol Kim, when you didn’t capture other clan members. “Does Mercenary Lord at least know the reason?”

“hmm. well. I don’t remember much now. however.”

He paused for a moment, but then continued talking while looking at the black lions.

“If only the black lions took one more step forward, I would remember.”

Several users burst out laughing at my words. Seeing the people laughing at them, Doyoung Rock was snoring loudly, as if he was so angry that he was completely angry.

The standoff continued. Do Young-rok was carefully scanning all of us, showing changes in his facial expression in real time.

After some time has passed. An angry voice came out from Do Yeong-rok’s fallen mouth.

“Take those kites. “Get out of here.”

“Kick. “In the end, you’re just going to crouch down again.”

“I told you to get off right now. And you guys, don’t even think about setting foot in Barbara again. “I’m thinking of imposing a ban on entry as of today.”

“Giggle. “I don’t plan on doing that for a while anyway, so you don’t have to worry.”


“ah. no. So, I hope you stay healthy until the day we see you again. As you said, I will leave now. ruler. “Let’s all get out of this smelly place.”

Cho Seong-ho was no longer greedy. I don’t know if he thought enough was enough, or if he decided it was time to step down. However, his last words left a definite lingering impact.

The standoff was finally resolved and we turned around and started walking towards the academy’s main gate. “Slap!” from behind. In the distance, I heard the sound of someone getting slapped, but I intentionally didn’t turn around.

The main gate of the academy was not far away. As I was about to leave the front door, the words Ansol once told me flashed through my head.

‘I don’t like it…’ . You shouldn’t be here… . Let’s go together… . Ugh… .’

‘Now that I think about it, I heard that there are quite a few homos*xuals among vagabonds.’

I don’t know what will happen to Park Hwan-hee in the future, but I decided to mourn for a moment about his future if he goes west. Hoping that his anus would remain, I was finally able to get out of the academy’s main gate. At that moment, I felt the wind of freedom envelop my whole body.


As soon as Hanbyul came out, he was surrounded by a crowd that was almost as large as mine (although most of them were scouts). In the meantime, she never forgot to thank the people who helped her.

This is how it all ended. I said goodbye to the people I had been close to. Some users, including Seong Hyeon-min, seemed to want to talk a little more with me, but when I told them that I had left the clan empty for too long, they nodded with a disappointed look on their faces. I quickly left the place, saying that I would stop by the city later.

Although he seemed to have a fairly calm demeanor on the outside, Baek Han-gyeol’s eyes continued to show complex expressions. He occasionally pursed his mouth, making it look like he wanted to say something, and then sighed again. For now, I thought it would be better to wait slowly for him to compose himself.

As I passed the square and walked along the street, the warp gate was suddenly visible in front of me. I was deep in thought, but when I saw Hangyeol eagerly following behind me, I thought of the kids. And the faces of the clan members came to mind one after another. It was a moment when a soft smile appeared at the thought that I would soon be able to see it.

“Hey, Clan Lord!”

I tried to quickly enter the warp gate entrance, but I had no choice but to stop when I heard Hangyeol’s voice suddenly calling me. When I looked at Baek Han-gyeol, I could see him pointing his finger backwards.

“From earlier. “My scary sister keeps following us.”

“Scary sister? who… . Phew.”

‘Actually, I knew it from the square.’

As I slowly turned around, I saw Hanbyul staring at me from afar. I stared in her direction and waited quietly. Soon she began to slowly reduce the distance towards me.

“excuse me… .”

“You’re late.”

“Hey, I wanted to say hello.”

“Are you here to say hello to me too?”

When I asked him mischievously, Hanbyul showed a hesitant attitude and only scratched the floor with his feet. I looked at her, then gave her a slight nod and walked inside her warp gate. At first, he seemed surprised, but soon he seemed to have noticed that I was going slowly on purpose, and I could feel him catching up to me.

“Oh, brother.”

“Monica, a southern city. “There are three people.”

“brother… !”

“Let’s go in first. “Let’s talk after we go in.”

I didn’t say anything at the end and just hugged them both by their shoulders. And then he buried himself into the activated portal. As the cool flow of magical energy covered my entire body, a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

‘ah. Now that I think about it, she asked Yeon Hye-rim to go with her.’

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I’ll upload it first. Sorry for uploading it late. Since I’m going later, I’m running out of energy… . After taking a short break, I will update the review. thank you _(__)_

(20:42) Sorry everyone. I’d like to do a midnight update, but it’s going to be really difficult. My eyes hurt so much right now, I’m sleepy, and my body is tired. Looking at this weekend’s update size, it’s 85KB (this is my 8th serial! Argh!)

Instead, instead of just taking a break, we will change the survey, update the character settings, and fix various other things. I have a lecture tomorrow morning, so I think I’ll really lose my pace if I stay up all night again today. Even if I had some time, I would have done Ripple… . Originally, I was planning on publishing it serially, but I decided that it was impossible. sorry.

We ask for your understanding and understanding from our readers. _(__)_


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not work with dark mode