MEMORIZE Chapter 235

00235 Baek Han-gyeol and Kim Han-byeol ——————————————— —————————=

okay. To be honest, when I first joined the User Academy, I didn’t pay much attention to Hanbyeol Kim. Of course, there was a time in the past when she thought about recruiting her again. This is because, if her original future progressed, there was a high possibility that she would meet her end in Barbara. Still, there was a time when I decided that it would be better for me to keep her, even if it meant taking a little risk, rather than handing her over to a vagabond even though she was a secret class in name.

But when I felt that the future was distorted, I gave up on that idea. If her godmother was not killed and the mediation was successful, and peace in the North Continent was maintained, many difficulties would arise in recruiting Hanbyeol.

He was not just a low-ranking clan member, but a secret class who made his name known to prospective executives during the plan to exterminate vagabonds. It was obvious that if a new clan, which had just been launched, took away a child who had put a lot of effort into raising it, they would receive unfavorable views. Moreover, the opponent was the Golden Lion Clan. There was no guarantee that they would stay still, so I didn’t think it was worth risking retaliation to bring them in.

However, after talking with Hanbyeol, it seemed like it was a matter to reconsider. From last night until this morning, Hanbyul and I had a war of words, not a war of words. It would be accurate to say that it was a time when she shook off the worries she had kept in her mind and pointed them out one by one.

Hanbyul first brought up his moral responsibility as a clan member and the signing of the contract. And I was able to simply neutralize them on the grounds that no matter how much they raised you, such a ridiculous order could not be justified. Although it had been revealed in the past, the frequent internal s*xual favors were clearly a matter of disgrace to the Golden Lion Clan.

There were no problems with the contract either. At first glance, it seems like it is bound, but when I listen to the contents, it is a contract to prevent so-called eat-and-run. In the first place, the contract written between users did not have much effect, and it was not a problem at all as long as the cost was repaid.

As I explained it step by step, Hanbyul seemed to agree. No, maybe he knew that as well. However, the next time she revealed her inner feelings, it was difficult to judge her because there was an ambiguous part of her.

Secret class gem wizard. To put it bluntly, the jewel wizard was a money-guzzling hippopotamus. As it mainly used gems, it was a class that was not much different from a regular wizard without a catalyst. The budget required to maintain the class so that it could demonstrate its capabilities was very high, so it was inefficient compared to raising several regular users.

Hanbyeol said that if it wasn’t the Golden Lion, there wouldn’t be many clans that could handle it, and even if he left and went to another clan, the situation wouldn’t be much different. Moreover, when she heard that there was no way the golden lion would let her go so easily, she could feel her inner feelings a little. She was afraid that she would not be able to handle her future work alone.

That wasn’t the end. Hanbyeol expressed skepticism about whether he would be able to adapt well even if he were to risk everything and go to another clan. From what I heard, it seemed like the Golden Lion suffered a lot from envy and jealousy, but it seemed like they thought it was no different from any other clan. He expressed his feelings that he thought it would be better to just endure here rather than repeat that pain again.

In some ways, this could be seen as a victim mentality, but it was also something that could not be ignored. Hanbyeol’s words made me worry a lot. It was not a concern about her feelings, but a question of how Kim Han-byeol would be treated in the future.

If you look at your tendencies, you will find the answer. Will you save me or not? I thought about it for a while, but decided to get the hang of it by pulling it out.

The situation has changed. The future, which was thought to be distorted, was returning to its original state, and more and more people were leaving the Golden Lion. In the meantime, there were executives and female users who exposed s*xual bribery cases, creating a situation that could be seen as an opportunity. However, she, who is known to be the closest associate of Park Hyun-woo and Seong Yu-bin, was not contacted.

Then, the most important question remained. It wasn’t that there were no obstacles, but the most important thing here was Hanbyul’s will. If she doesn’t want to, there’s no need for me to exert any effort, but if she wants to withdraw on her own, it’s something to think about again.

And I asked Hanbyeol a question to give him an answer to his current feelings.

‘Personally, I don’t think it’s a good choice to join a trash clan that takes s*xual favors for granted. I think you’re looking at things too simply. ‘There’s no way every clan is the same as the Golden Lion.’

‘… … .’

‘Well, it’s not like you have absolutely nothing to worry about. So can you answer this one thing? Do you still have regrets about the Golden Lion? Do you want to stay despite all the humiliation and shame?’

“Come over here.”

The moment I remembered Hanbyeol’s face looking at me with sad eyes at my question, the waitress’ words struck my ears. I suddenly woke up from my thoughts. When I turned my gaze to the right, I could see Seo Jin-woo with a stiff face coming up the stairs, and Seong Hyeon-min following him.

I raised my hand towards them with a soft smile. As I saw them holding my hand and greeting me, I ended my thoughts about Hanbyeol.

Kim Han-byeol’s answer to the question was “No. “Honestly, I want to quit now.” It was.

And the moment I heard her answer, I was able to think of one good idea. It was a way to kill two birds with one stone.


“I was really surprised when I got the invitation. “I never dreamed that Mercenary Lord would invite me first.”

“haha. Thank you for the invitation. Mercenary Road.”

As Seo Jin-woo muttered in a gloomy tone, Sung Hyun-min joined in, smiling awkwardly. He hastily intervened. Before we knew it, our table was filled with various delicious foods and high-quality alcohol. I picked one up, opened it, and tilted it slightly toward them.

“yes. It seems like it’s been a really long time since I last saw you. “During this time, the surrounding circumstances were so urgent that I had a lot of things to worry about.”

I poured them drinks in a soothing tone. Seo Jin-woo was agitated the entire time he sat, but Seong Hyeon-min accepted the glass with excessive politeness. Still, as if there were very few cases, Seo Jin-woo immediately grabbed the bottle and filled my glass.

“Still, I feel a little sad. I thought the Mercenary Lord had completely forgotten about us. Come to think of it, aren’t you very busy these days? “I heard you’re getting invitations from other clans every day.”

“Yes, user Seo Jin-woo.”

Seo Jin-woo was upset that he was placed on hold despite being a user who had reached the top 10, so he continued to grumble. Seong Hyeon-min stopped Seo Jin-woo with a puzzled look. I nodded his head once or twice with an expression that said it was okay, then raised my glass.

“I think there is a misunderstanding. “It is true that I received invitations, but I declined them all.”

“No, why?”

“I didn’t really want to become friends… . “I didn’t really feel like it.”

I may be a little more circumspect, but the two users in front of me are both people who have gone through many hardships. Just get lucky and you’ll find out. As expected, the moment I started speaking, Seo Jin-woo’s expression, which had always been gloomy, changed. A sparkle appeared in his bored eyes, and Seong Hyun-min, who had been forcing a smile, also began to give a blank look.

After clinking the glasses raised in the air, they also slowly raised their glasses in response. Soon, the sharp sound of crystal colliding with crystal rang through the table.

“During that time, control support was so tight that we couldn’t make time. Personally, I ran into some complicated problems. Anyway, I haven’t forgotten you two. “I am grateful that they took care of everything for me when I first came to the academy.”

“Keuhumhum! Oh, no. Mercenary Road. I looked ugly for a moment. Due to the current situation, I was feeling a little down. “If you were offended by my attitude, I would like to apologize deeply.”

“yes. As user Seo Jin-woo said, the stress is not limited to the situation.”

Seo Jin-woo and Seong Hyun-min immediately straightened their posture and spoke to me. Since I also didn’t come to fight with them, “Then this will be a place where we can let go of each other’s disappointments.” He responded with these words:

The atmosphere instantly changed to a friendly one. After chatting for a while, Seo Jin-woo and Seong Hyun-min began to express their appropriate level of dissatisfaction with me. I also stayed within the line and chimed in. However, I felt the need to be careful with each answer. I had a strong feeling that this was their confirmation process.

“I’m not looking at it kindly either. “Anyone would think their actions are excessive.”

“I see you think so too. “I feel better after receiving comfort from the Mercenary Lord.”

“haha. I was telling you the truth. Honestly, I’m hoping that the Academy will end soon. “I miss my clan members, and I’m also worried about how things are going.”

“Oh, come to think of it, you were in the middle of settling down. “Can I know what your future plans are?”

“well. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but I think they will probably be active in one of the southeastern regions. In fact, my clan members are currently waiting for me in the south.”

“ha ha ha! That’s good. “It’s a bit awkward to say this in private, but I think our eastern city will be pretty good too.”

Seo Jin-woo and Sung Hyun-min burst into happy laughter at the same time. From that, it seemed like they fully accepted my position. As we were spending time getting to know each other, Seong Hyun-min opened his mouth in a quiet voice.

“Merchantry Lord. But didn’t you say earlier that you had a personal problem? If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear it. “Maybe we can be of help.”

“Ah yes. Actually, I’ve been having a hard time with that lately. So, in the midst of my frustration, I thought about having a drink, but then I thought of you all.”

If you pretend, pretend. Seong Hyun-min immediately realized my intention to ask for help as he would turn away from the golden lion. Seeing them listening to me with a completely different attitude than before, I slowly opened my mouth.

“hmm. “I understand that Golden Lion Clan members are continuing to leave these days.”

“Yes. Being able to judge right and wrong. These are very courageous users who can say wrong is wrong.”

“Do you by any chance need a new clan member? “If you want, I can introduce you to a few people.”

I immediately shook my head at Seo Jin-woo’s suggestion. Of course, a Golden Lion would be at least above average, but that wasn’t what I wanted. I took a deep breath once or twice towards the two users who were waiting for me to continue. And after begging me to keep it a secret, I told him in detail what I had experienced last night and the conversation I had with Hanbyeol.

They all looked very focused and were absorbed in my words. Eventually, I was able to finish the conversation with Kim Han-byeol saying that he wanted to leave the group. And it didn’t take long to wait for their reaction.

“under. Using executives for s*xual favors? Edit video record? Last resort? “Did I hear something wrong?”

“I can’t believe it. No matter how golden the lion is… .”

“This is a fact without a single lie.”

From now on, you need to be alert. I was determined to get Hanbyeol out, but I wasn’t willing to risk it all on my own. There had to be a way out, or at least a hill to escape.

Seo Jin-woo opened his mouth with a serious expression on his face.

“Hanbyeol Kim. It’s definitely a name you’ve heard of. However, since he is known to be the closest associate of Park Hyun-woo and Seong Yu-bin, I never thought about contacting him.”

“yes. She also wants to leave, but she doesn’t think it will be easy given her position. That’s why she wants to borrow the power of the two people in front of her.”


Seo Jin-woo cleared his throat at my blunt words. After looking around, he lowered his head forward and whispered in a quiet voice.

“Merchantry Lord. I’m not doubting it, but the matter is so serious. “Is that really true?”

“It’s true. “Why would I lie here?”

“Do you have any evidence?”

“We talked about that too. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. “They say you can’t have any magic items with you when confronting executives these days.”

“These guys took the initiative.”

Seo Jin-woo clicked his tongue and turned his head to exchange glances with Seong Hyun-min. He glanced at me once and then slowly nodded his head. The process felt quite long even though it clearly lasted only a moment. Soon, Seo Jin-woo began to speak in a low voice.

“Since you showed your true intentions first, I think I can trust you and tell you. In fact, another large-scale withdrawal is scheduled on the day the academy is completed. “The number is almost comparable to the first withdrawal.”

‘The intention is to make a fuss before leaving.’

“then… .”

“Of course, I will have to meet him once, but it is easy to put my name on the withdrawal list and join. But just in case. Would you mind if we spread the word a little bit? To put it bluntly, Seo Ji-yoon’s case was quite interesting. “It would definitely help a lot if we could give him consecutive hits.”

“User Seo Jin-woo. That’s a little bit different. “Isn’t Mercenary Road also involved?”

“iced coffee. Right. But it’s so disappointing.”

Then, I swallowed my saliva and answered as Seo Jin-woo glanced at me.

“Actually, both I and the user, Hanbyeol Kim, want to keep this to a minimum. “I especially feel strongly that I want to do that.”

“But that will inevitably lead to some criticism. Her departure is worthy of attention. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea to make it public and create a case similar to Seo Ji-yoon’s.”

“The Golden Lion is so good at manipulating public opinion. And Kim Han-byeol is having a very difficult time mentally these days. I think I’ve developed a sense of victimization because I’ve been treated so badly in my current clan. I’m prepared to take a certain amount of criticism, but I still don’t want to get caught up in more gossip than necessary. and… .”

I was worried about whether to continue or not, but I decided to do it in the end. Originally, I was planning on saving it, but I had no choice but to achieve what I wanted and their positive attitude.

“I don’t know what clan she will join in the future, but I hope she adapts well.”

“yes? “Then you weren’t supposed to go to the Mercenary Clan?”

“The exact details have not been discussed. But since he was like a younger brother with whom I had gone through the rite of passage, I couldn’t just pretend I didn’t see him. Anyway, I think I’ll leave it to her to decide what she chooses after that.”

What I meant was that you should not force a scratch on the sensitive arms of Choi Sang-deung. Their eyes lit up at the same time, as if they understood the signal contained in the words.

“All right. I understand what you mean. In any case, the effect will be greater if an executive is involved, so it is a welcome event. However, as the Mercenary Lord said, we will proceed in a manner that is as thorough as possible.”

“thank you. “Then I will arrange another meeting with Kim Han-byeol soon.”

“yes. “Then I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Seo Jin-woo finally took his eyes off me and started talking to Seong Hyun-min with me in front of him.

“Will they really stay still? “I feel a bit ambiguous about Kim Han-byeol.”

“It’s one of two things. You can either continue cosplaying as the victim and let him go quietly, or he will eventually crawl out. Honestly, it doesn’t matter which situation happens. All you have to do is not reveal it on a large scale, but you can at least give off a hint that you are aware of the situation.”

When Seong Hyun-min asked for my consent, I nodded. I increase the size. And they serve as a shield. A win-win condition has been established. I didn’t feel sorry for these two, but as Ansol said, I decided to think that good things are good things.

After finishing our meal, we were able to leave the bar with a smile. As I returned to the academy, I felt like a heavy burden had finally been lifted.

I’ve done everything I could. Now all that remains is to act a little and wait.


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not work with dark mode