MEMORIZE Chapter 233

00233 Baek Han-gyeol and Kim Han-byeol ——————————————— —————————=

“sorry! Yo, forgive me, please!”

“I’m not going to end it by saying I’m sorry.”

“Ah! Well, don’t worry! On the day of graduation! clearly! along! Because it will come! Ahhh!”

“Cha Yuna. Can you take responsibility for your words? “Don’t you think his behavior is strange these days?”

Cha Yuna shook her head with her arms and legs stretched out and her entire body stretched out. Accordingly, her hair, braided into two pigtails, fluttered from side to side. Park Hwan-hee, who had been resting for a while, continued to move her waist, and her scream rose into the air. Chayuna barely managed to calm her breathing before answering, her voice shaking back and forth.

“I heard, Mercenary, let’s go together to the clan.”

The man’s movements stopped for a moment. He immediately laughed and asked her back.


“Huh, I told you not to talk nonsense. If you’re going to keep saying things like that, let’s break up and never meet again… .”

“good job. But then what if they really break up?”

Park Hwan-hee thrust his hips again. Chayuna began to respond, letting out pleasant moans from her.

“Well, don’t worry. Hangyeol will definitely follow me. “There is no way that kid would betray me.”

“You’re so confident. I don’t think I can believe it. It’s Yuna. “I think we need to reconsider our relationship.”

“Oh, no! You can do it really well! Wednesday, until graduation… . “Ah!”

“Tsk tsk. “I wonder if Hangyeol will trust you even after seeing you like this.”

Park Hwan-hee sarcastically sneered. However, Cha Yu-na’s reaction was quite different from her previous one. The sharp look he used to glare at him was nowhere to be seen. Right now, she appears to be nothing more than a bitch who lets out a vulgar cry every time her flesh touches her.

“Oh, no. I just do it for Hangyeol’s sake… .”

“Wow. OK got it. You’re doing this for Hangyeol’s sake. So, all you have to do is make him obedient and quietly bring him into my arms. Now, avoid it in moderation. Do you understand?”

“yes yes! All right!”

“good. very good.”

Park Hwan-hee giggled and accepted Cha Yu-na’s words. But his face was full of ridicule. He seemed to experience catharsis at the height of his ridiculous self-justification.

The man and woman who had been bickering for a while soon reached a lull as the man’s body trembled and the woman went limp.

and. A woman, or rather a man who looked like a woman, who had been watching the scene with bated breath from beginning to end, collapsed and sat down. He had an incredulous expression on his face as he watched the scene before his eyes. However, the moment the woman’s body finally sank, she collapsed at the same time and looked as if she had lost her mind.

Just, the raised right arm waved meaninglessly in the air, and the bloodless lips could only lick.


I had to work hard to calm Baek Han-gyeol down for a while. I continued to use my magic to soothe her insides, and by force-feeding her snacks that I had brought with her that had a calming effect, I was barely able to get her to stop crying.

And then, when I urged him to tell me what happened, his words started pouring out like a waterfall. Baek Han-gyeol’s words were closer to a kind of cry, as he must have suffered so much from not being able to tell anyone.

To put it briefly, Baek Han-gyeol said that he kept trying to change Cha Yu-na’s mind as I said. But she was steadfast. She even mentioned that she could join the Mercenary Clan with difficulty, but it seemed like her idea didn’t work. However, he did not give up and continued to try to contact Cha Yu-na, but later expressed his feelings of injustice by being banned from entering her women’s dormitory.

Then one day. Baek Han-gyeol, who was wandering around in front of Yuna’s women’s dorm in case she came out, was able to see that she was leaving the dorm alone. Fearing that she would avoid him again if he blindly approached her, he quietly walked behind Cha Yu-na. Then she walked to a place where there were not many people, and then into a place full of trees and bushes.

At this time, I was able to reflexively think of an Easter egg. I once witnessed a secret meeting between Park Hwan-hee and Cha Yu-na there. As expected, Baek Han-gyeol also said that when he carefully went inside, he could see Cha Yu-na standing with Park Hwan-hee. And after that… . Things I had guessed before happened there.

Baek Han-gyeol could not clearly explain the process of Cha Yu-na’s betrayal. I was so emotional that I heard words that I couldn’t understand, but I was still able to understand the general situation. To be honest, I’ve felt that way ever since I saw them before.

Baek Han-gyeol looked relieved for a moment as he shook out all the words he had been holding in his heart. But it was only for a little while. He immediately collapsed in front of me and started crying again. It was clear that he was extremely shocked when he accidentally witnessed with his own eyes the betrayal of his girlfriend, whom he had trusted and relied on.

“Hangyeol, don’t cry. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“My sister, I feel so sorry for her… . Ugh… .”

“under. You feel sorry for Cha Yuna? “What’s wrong with her?”

“Even though he suffered like that, he completely blames Park Hwan-hee for being wrong… . Wow, I can’t believe it… . My sister who was so kind and strong… . Why on earth… . “Why!”

The moment I saw Baek Han-gyeol’s confused attitude, I felt something unfamiliar. At the same time, something bubbled up deep in my heart. I don’t know why I was like this, but I quickly suppressed those feelings and stared at him with a bored gaze.

‘Maybe it’s a good thing. ‘To me and to Hangyeol.’

I feel sorry for Baek Han-gyeol, but in some ways, it was a really good thing. To be honest, I didn’t like Cha Yuna either. This incident created an opportunity to change Baek Han-gyeol’s mind and separate the two. And even though I don’t know it right now, it would be troublesome if she continued to rely on her girlfriend even after joining my clan.

“after. Hangyeol.”

I let out a huge sigh and called his name. Baek Han-gyeol must have cried so much that tears no longer flow from his eyes. But the whimpering sound was still coming out.

There was silence for a moment. When my sobbing voice was gradually fading away, I began to speak as I saw Baek Han-gyeol leaning in without saying a word.


“… yes?”

“I shouldn’t have left you alone… . “I should have paid a little more attention.”

“Oh, no… . Wow. actually… . I thought about going to see his brother. But you seem to be very busy these days… .”

‘ah. ‘I cringe.’

However, the user currently in front of him was . In order to achieve Baekhangyeol, I can endure as much cringing as I want. I stroked his head, forcing my fingers to keep curling up. Baek Han-gyeol closed his eyes and then opened his mouth in a slightly calmer, but more empty voice than before.

“brother… .”


“Have I been abandoned by my sister? ?”

“Maybe so. “If what you saw and heard is true.”

“Then what should I do next?”

You can join my clan. Of course, I am not so ignorant as to say this right away. You should say it in a euphemistic way, saying it is for you as much as possible. As I was thinking about what to say for a while, I suddenly noticed several people coming up from the first floor. It seemed like he was probably coming after dinner. I opened my mouth right away.

“I said it before, but you have to think and decide for yourself.”

“I can’t judge for myself right now. And you can at least ask for advice… . I don’t know… .”

Baek Han-gyeol is probably in a state of loss after losing the person he relied on the most. After assessing his psychological state and organizing his thoughts, he spoke slowly.

“Have you had any contact with Cha Yuna since then?”

“no. I do not know. After that, she couldn’t even remember how she got back to her dorm. She just cried day after day… .”

“That’s right. Then, I think it would be better to end the relationship with Cha Yuna. “I think this is best.”

“Then what happens after that?”

“I’m saying it’s up to you to decide. I think I’ve already said everything I need to say about Park Hwan-hee and Cha Yu-na. Do you remember what I told you before? “In the dorm and outside.”

“yes. I can’t help it now… .”

Baek Han-gyeol nodded and nodded. After checking his reaction, I gently got up. He quickly grabbed my hand and asked me where I was going with his hurt puppy-like eyes. But I gently took his hand away and showed him a kind smile.

“Go, don’t go. Brother, please don’t go. “Please don’t abandon me.”

“I won’t throw it away.”

“then… !”

“Hangyeol. It’s okay just once, so think about it on your own. Is your girlfriend really doing this for you or not? “You erase all the memories of her and her past and judge her based only on her reality.”

“… … .”

“I think you know deep down inside. But you don’t want to admit it. And you probably want to ignore reality.”

I was able to catch Baek Han-gyeol’s body flinching at the words that hit the nail on the head. The noise of new members chatting is getting closer and closer. Baek Han-gyeol must have heard that sound too, as he looked down the hallway and then back at me. At this point, I decided to up the ante.

“Academy training ends next week. After that, users who received the offer will be taken from the clan, and users who did not receive the offer will go out alone.”

“yes yes?”

“And like I told you before. I plan to stand in front of you the day I complete the academy. Unless your mind has changed yet. And then, I hope to see you ending all your relationships and making up your mind, rather than everyone dying like you are now.”

When I said the words I had prepared, I could see Baek Han-gyeol’s eyes shaking for a moment. I turned around, smiling inwardly. Now that I had left the lingering feeling behind, all I could do was wait for it to catch me. and.

“Bro bro! wait a minute. Please, please answer this one thing. Brother, why on earth are you so nice to me? If you think about it, my brother and I have nothing to do with each other, right? But why… .”

I got caught right away. I remembered what I said when I had a conversation with Hanbyeol Kim before. At that time, Baek Han-gyeol must have heard us talking outside the door.

‘Because you are Secret Class. I don’t think so. ‘What did you say to Hanbyeol a while ago?’

After scratching my head for a moment, I answered, staring blankly into space.

“well. To be honest, I have had a similar experience as you. So maybe I agree with what you said just now.”

“Tongue, too, brother? “Really?”

“huh. And to give another reason… . When I went through my rite of passage once, there was a kid who was very similar to you. Of course, we’re still together now, but he was a kid I couldn’t leave alone even for a moment. Anyway, should I say that looking at you reminds me of that kid? ha ha ha.”

I deliberately pretended to be awkward. Perhaps it was refreshing to see myself like that, but Baek Han-gyeol’s expression began to show little by little liveliness. While I was leaving, I decided to add one thing.

“Since new users are coming, I’ll leave now. I’m sorry for not being able to listen to you more. But I fully understand your situation and I hope you will be strong.”


“ah. I’ll leave that behind. Eat that and take care of your health. And since I missed this week’s training, I will definitely participate in the additional training on the weekend. Come back to your original self. “Even if I tremble here and alone, nothing will change.”

Baek Han-gyeol did not answer. No, he pursed his lips as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t seem to get it out. I gave him a soft smile and quickly left the door. Not only was the footsteps of the new members getting closer, but I could see his eyes getting hotter. I repeated to myself countless times that Baek Han-gyeol was a man.

After the conversation, I walked down the hallway and down the stairs, and I started to see new users coming up from below. They glanced at me as I came down, but I ignored all of those looks and walked out of the dorm.

Walk, walk, and walk.

In fact, while I was talking with Baek Han-gyeol earlier, my stomach started boiling for no reason. When I suddenly thought about why I was like this, I suddenly remembered Baek Han-gyeol asking me back with a surprised face.

‘Brother, brother too?’

Saying you have a similar experience. That wasn’t a lie. The reason I felt unfamiliar earlier was because I could truly empathize with his inner self. Of course, this case is very different, but I certainly had the experience of losing a woman I loved, admired, and cherished.

While moving to the instructor’s dormitory, many complicated thoughts came to mind. Da-yeon Park, So-young Han. After Da-yeon Park was attacked by Belphegor and became pregnant with her demon child, she committed suicide. And Han So-young… .


When I think of dirty memories that I wanted to forget, I feel filled with emotions that I haven’t felt in a long time. The emotions that had been bubbling up earlier were gradually becoming more intense. And this feeling clearly contained a sense of death.

I stopped walking toward the instructor’s quarters and turned around. Suddenly, I was so angry that I couldn’t control it, so I needed time to calm down. I thought I had suppressed for the last time, but it seemed like Baek Han-gyeol’s words touched something inside me.

‘Belphegor is dead. Belphegor is dead. Belphegor is dead.’

I constantly recalled the time when I killed Belphegor and calmed myself down.

Before I knew it, a dark darkness had fallen from the sky. I looked around to make sure there was no one around, then went into the shade and sat cross-legged. Then, with my eyes closed, I slowly began to meditate. This is because you cannot enter the dormitory while being full of energy.

… … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … .

How much time has passed? When I opened my eyes, I could see a world completely immersed in darkness. It seems like it took some time to calm down, perhaps because it was the first time in a while that my life had soared.

‘I came back to change, but I’m still tormented by old memories. ‘I still have a long way to go.’

I felt a sense of helplessness and self-destruction throughout my body as I was unable to control even a single emotion. I smiled bitterly and got up. After shaking off his pants once or twice, he walked quickly towards the instructor’s quarters.

‘This week is week 13. Regular training ends next week. And since the academy ends on the 100th day… .’

There is no way the conflict between the two clans will end this week. And you have to give up thinking about what to do at 14 weeks. By then, it will already be the end of the world, so even if it moves, it will be difficult to deal with unexpected variables. In that case, it was said that most work should be completed within this week.

Fortunately, tomorrow is Sunday. As control support was provided for both Saturday morning and afternoon training, there was no schedule for instructors on Sunday. I reviewed my plans for tomorrow, thinking of the people who would have been put on hold by now and would be sitting still.

As I walked while thinking about various things, I soon saw the main building, and I was able to quickly get inside by increasing my walking speed. As I turned around the hallway that I would be separated from for the time being, or perhaps destroyed and would never be able to see, I was able to see the now familiar instructor’s quarters.

‘Still, I’m glad I was able to catch Baek Han-gyeol. After meeting them tomorrow, all I have to do now is wait. ‘It’s rewarding to be busy so far.’

I turned the door handle and sighed in relief. And the moment I opened the door to the dorm and entered, an unexpected sight caught my eye, as if laughing at my thoughts of happiness. I stopped just as I was about to go in.


‘brother. Are you free this weekend?’

‘Well, you’ll still be coming into the dorm… ‘Yeah?’

The things Kim Han-byeol said to me early in the morning when I was lost in thoughts about the murder of my godmother. Although it was said to be the weekend, I had no idea it was today, and honestly, there was nothing I just overlooked.

Inside the dorm, Kim Han-byeol was drinking alone at a table. He could understand that he had to give in a hundred times to drink. However, her attire was noticeably different from usual.

To the extent that it was slightly shocking, Kim Han-byeol was wearing skimpy clothes that exposed her naked body more than necessary. And there was also an unknown strange atmosphere floating around inside his room. It was a scene you could never imagine when you think of Kim Han-byul in his usual life.

I called out to her without even thinking about going into the dorm.

“Hanbyeol… ah?”

“ah. brother. You’ve finally arrived. “I was waiting.”

Hanbyeol Kim answered in a drunken voice. Eventually, when she slowly raised her head and looked at me, I saw her face with a light blush blooming. He must have been drinking alone when I didn’t come home late at night.

She smiled seductively at me and then gestured down the table. There was an empty chair right next to her, and she seemed to ask me to come closer and sit down.

however. At that moment, a slight feeling of anxiety passed through my head. Somewhere in Hanbyul’s actions, I could feel an awkwardness that I couldn’t figure out. Instead of taking a step toward her gesture, I reflexively activated my third eye and my senses.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

First, we would like to apologize to our readers who may have been severely offended by the NTR scene. _(__)_ Actually, I originally planned to write more intermediate courses. I wanted to add the part where Cha Yuna falls for Park Hwan-hee, but a reader said so. Genre literature needs to consider the emotions of readers. NTR is something I am also very sensitive to, so I thought what he said was right. So I decided to wrap up the scenes I had laid out so far and just post the results right away. Another reason why I included this scene was because I didn’t want to raise a child anymore. I believe you will be convinced when you see Baek Han-gyeol’s gradually changing behavior in the future. Nod.

under. Also, I originally thought that the academy section could be completed with two consecutive sessions on Saturday and two consecutive sessions on Sunday, but as I was writing it, it seemed like that wouldn’t be possible. If you increase the remaining amount, you will need 3 or 4 times. In other words, I think I can keep my promise only if I attend three times on one day of the weekend, or maybe both days. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. ha ha ha. haha. under. under… .

it’s okay. Today I took half Red Bull, half Hot Six, and half Bacchus. This is surprisingly effective. I recommend it to you too! (I’m just kidding. If you eat it like this, you may experience mental panic. Just like me. Hehehehe.) Anyway, once I made a promise, it won’t change. I also want to finish the academy quickly, so even if I die soon, I will definitely finish it within this week. Heaven! Give me the strength to write!

P.S. Broken Fan has updated his fan art again! If you come to the garden, you can see Kim Soo-hyun, and the pretty Kim Han-byeol and Yu-jeong Lee! (I will gradually update the work settings after the academy is over!) Thank you, Broken Fan! Personally, I really like the second version of Kim Han-byeol. ㅜ.ㅠ


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place! And I am so sorry but I love you!(?!) I think we can move forward quickly if Hanbyul just gets his affairs in order. The rest can be done in parallel. Thank you for waiting so far. _(__)_

2. Hyeonoh: Thank you. I definitely have good grades, but it’s really stressful. You can just think of it as doing it all by yourself. I thought it was really crazy. lol.

3. Ferranado: Thank you for your valuable advice. Riripple wants to communicate more smoothly with readers. However, ‘readers prefer the story content rather than the review.’ I will keep that in mind! (I added this because NTR is a very sensitive area. ㅜ.ㅠ)

4. Si-Ryong: When I see Si-Ryong’s nickname, Dang-Ryong suddenly comes to mind. ㅜ.ㅠ Hahaha. The academy is scheduled to conclude on Sunday. _(__)_

5. Freezing: The answer will come out in the next episode. And it seems that some quick-witted readers have already noticed. Honestly, I was surprised. Haha

6. Choheuni: Yes. You saw it correctly. It wasn’t supposed to work, but we’re making it happen. You’ve captured the flow correctly. Perhaps some reasons will come out in the next episode. 🙂

7. Goksd: Actually, Goksd is the most correct answer. Yes, that’s right. The main character correction is great! Great! Ahahaha! (Pukpuk!)

8. Astrain: Of Course. We will definitely keep our promise in that regard. If I break this even once, I will be sentenced to 10 consecutive days.

9. Sleeping Hoe: Huh. omg… . omg… … . omg… … … . One of the reasons I saved it! ;cow;… . Black, black, black… .

10. 輝雅: An explanation for that part will also be released within the weekend. lol. Personally, you don’t have to worry about Soohyun. It’s been 10 years, can you afford it? You have to show your record. 😀

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode