Memorize Chapter 23

00023 City of traps. ————————————————– ———————-=

After the meeting, I was guided by An Hyeon and immediately checked on An Sol’s condition. When I saw him sleeping peacefully on a single bedding, I felt sorry for him. I placed my hand on my forehead and checked the inside, and as expected, Ansol’s magical power was in disarray. I didn’t go too far and after a while it would return to its original position due to self-cleaning action, but I decided to help.

“It would be better to have someone take care of Ansol in the early morning.”

“I will do that.”

Of course, I shook my head as I looked at Ahn Hyeon, who said he would do it himself. When I looked out the window, it was completely dark outside. Ahn Hyun’s eyes were already filled with fatigue a little while ago. Everyone must have expended a lot of mental energy today. Although he seemed to be holding on with his mental strength, it would be difficult if it interfered with his actions tomorrow.

“you look tired. For now, go out and take a nap. “I’ll be watching over him.”

“Aren’t you sleeping?”

“later. For now, let the girls sleep well today, and you and I will take turns watching Ansol. “I’ll wake you up later, so let’s change shifts then.”

“ah. rotation. That would be fine. “Then, I’d like to ask you a favor from my brother and sister.”

I answered by nodding my head. Anhyun walked unsteadily and closed the door. There was still something she wanted to ask, but since she could see Anhyeon barely suppressing his desire to sleep, she thought it would be better to ask next time when she had relatively free time. She was about to organize her thoughts, as she was confused about the trap point and the attitude of her companions. But before that, I have to do something.

After making sure the door was closed, I calmly activated my magic. Soon, a light scarlet energy began to waver in my right hand, like ripples on the surface of calm water. He slowly stretched out his hand and placed it across the center of her chest, then immediately projected magical energy inside. Since you are providing treatment, it would be okay to provide a little service.

It is quite difficult to fix cases where magical power flows severely or the circuit that follows the blood path is twisted. However, it was easy to simply calm down the overdriven magic and untangle the mess. Ansol’s body flinched for a moment as my magical energy, which had the attribute of pure fire, flowed into him.

The characteristics of magical power vary depending on the personality of the individual. Her magical properties that I feel right now are good and have that much white light. At first, I was hesitant and anxious, not knowing what to do with the overwhelming magical power that flowed into me, but I embraced Sol’s magical energy as gently and sweetly as possible so as not to startle them. are you okay. are you okay. I’m here to help. Are you nice? Stay calm. As I continued to caress Sol’s magic power with a soothing feeling, they seemed to realize that I had come to help them, and soon they started rushing towards where my magic power was.

I operated my magic as flexibly as possible so as not to frighten her, and comforted her. Then she thought it was cute to see her magical powers rubbing back and forth as if asking him to pet her first. It scans her entire body, calming any areas that are startled and loosening any tangles. As she neared the end of her progress, a bright blush appeared on her face. Her face also looks relaxed. Are you having a happy dream?

There was one thing that caught me off guard. After scanning the entire body, when he tried to collect the magic power again, Ansol’s magic power all stuck together. When I tried to take her hand away, she felt the magic inside her body telling me not to go and to give me a little more care, and I was barely able to catch my breath.

By the time I finished the work, it felt like about an hour had passed. It seemed like it took more time than expected because they paid attention to the details and encouraged me to finish it quickly. There is nothing special about the presence outside the room. It looks like everyone is in trouble. After raising both hands and stretching as much as I could, I flopped down in my seat. There’s nothing to do anyway, so it might be better to close your eyes for a moment.


How much time has passed? I opened my eyes at the sight of someone opening the door to my room. Before we knew it, pitch-black darkness had descended around us. When she turned her head, In-young, who had a sturdy physique, slightly raised her head and made direct eye contact with me. Lee Yu-jeong had her hair short and Kim Han-byeol had straight hair that fell down to her shoulders. Since it was neither, it ended up being Ahn Hyun.

“You must have been tired today. “You can sleep more.”

When I greeted him in a calm voice, he did not respond for a while. But I could see him staring at me blankly. A minute of silence passed and I could see Ahn Hyun’s mouth slowly opening.

“no. I’m so worried that I can’t sleep well. brother. “How is our Sol?”

“It’s improved a lot. So much so that I could wake up tomorrow. “You don’t have to worry too much.”

“Really? thank god. Hey bro, then… .”

I felt that he was hesitant, which was uncharacteristic of Ahn Hyun. But I calmly waited for him to speak. For some reason, I felt like I had to do that now. And Ahn Hyeon immediately opened his mouth.

“brother. There is something I want to talk about with my brother right now. But it’s difficult here.”

“However much. “Then shall we go to the rooftop?”


From the looks of it, Anhyeon also didn’t seem to be able to sleep much. It was probably complicated in one way or another because there were a lot of things to think about and there were issues with Ansol. After reading the sincerity in his voice, I immediately stood up.

In the living room, Lee Yu-jeong was sleeping, hugging the bedding tightly. I couldn’t see Kim Han-byeol, so it seemed like she was sleeping in another room. I carefully unlocked the lock so as not to wake them and quietly went up to the rooftop with Ahn Hyeon.

As I stand on the rooftop and breathe in the cold night breeze, my head feels clearer. We stood in silence for a moment, looking at the pitch-black city in front of us. It was Ahn Hyeon who spoke first.

“brother. “This city is so quiet.”

“yes. It’s suspiciously quiet. But you can’t let down your guard.”

At my words, Anhyun made a lonely face, but then smiled self-deprecatingly. I could roughly guess what that face meant, but for now I had no choice but to hold back and wait for him to reveal his true feelings.

“When I see my brother, I feel really great.”

“what. “They are the same person, but how can they be different from each other?”

“No, that’s not it. “That’s not what I want to say.”

Ahn Hyun shook his head in denial three times in a row. His face was full of confusion and a sense of helplessness was also visible. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what he was feeling, but he was still vague, so he kept his mouth shut in hopes of hearing more.

“I thought a lot after my brother left today. When my brother was around, I felt like we really got along well with each other. “Maybe not my brother, but I thought that the five of us could work together to escape this place.”

“i think so too.”

“yes. But it wasn’t. My brother said that. He says he takes good care of the other kids. But I couldn’t lead the kids well. Strange things hit him and he collapsed, putting Sol in danger. And did you feel something strange while watching Yu-jeong and Han-byeol today? The two had a fight. Let’s go save my brother, because let’s not go.”

Ahn Hyeon spoke for a long time and had a painful expression on his face. But his words did not stop.

“But what I really didn’t like was… . I mean, I couldn’t make any choices at that time. I couldn’t even stop it. As if I’m being pushed to do it, I’ll go. I had no choice but to step forward. “My heart was so tight.”

“… … .”

“If it weren’t for my brother, I would still be thinking like this. What about tomorrow? Will I be able to do it well? “I was struggling under this pressure and thought I just wanted to die.”

“Ahn Hyeon.”

I spoke to Ahn Hyeon to stop him from becoming more emotional, but he shook his head again. It was a sign that he still had more to say.

“But then my brother appeared. Really like a miracle. Do you know what I felt as soon as I saw my brother? Thanks? no. sorry? no. It was a feeling of relief right away. If it were my brother, he would do something. If it’s his brother, he can trust something. That’s actually true. As soon as my brother came, the mood got better again and Sol’s condition also improved. My brother is always calm and collected. Does he feel unwavering? I think it’s different from us. “I don’t know what it is, but there’s definitely something different.”

Ahn Hyeon’s last words made me feel sick for a moment, but I was able to maintain a calm expression. I opened my mouth in a quiet voice as I watched Hyeon lower her head as if she had said everything she wanted to say.

“Then may I say something? “It won’t be that long.”

“It can be long. “I will listen.”

I smiled as I saw him answer in a light voice. Then he slowly approached him and placed his hand on his head. Anhyeon raised his head again and looked at me with a surprised face.

“It’s okay to want to rely on you or to feel this burden. On the contrary, I feel fortunate.”

“Thank goodness?”

“lets think. What was it like for us in the forest? You didn’t mean to do everything on your own like that trouble maker. That doesn’t mean they oppressed other people. When I gave a rough opinion, Yujeong and Hanbyeol looked at it carefully and gave additional opinions. And you and I gathered our opinions and chose the method we thought was best.”

“… … .”

“We are all here to help you. It’s natural to have burdens, but you don’t have to bear all of them. “Even if something goes wrong, I think it’s all of our responsibility and not yours alone.”

“but… .”

Ahn Hyeon tried to say something, but this time I raised my hand and stopped him. Ahn Hyeon seemed to have understood my signal and closed his mouth again.

“You may think that I am great, but on the other hand, I also think that you are great. Not only because I brought my timid little brother here, but also because I always take action quickly and proactively. Just as Ansol relies on you, you may also want to rely on me. Me, Yujeong, and Hanbyeol may all depend on you and Ansol. The five of them join forces to escape this place. That’s the first thing you said to me. But what you said next was quite contradictory. “There’s nothing wrong with relying on each other.”

I tried to keep it short, but as I talked back and forth, it ended up getting a bit long. But since I couldn’t stop now, I decided to continue with my last words.

“We will share the burden called burden. So you only do what you can. “That much is enough.”

“What I can do… .”

“okay. What you can do. You don’t have to worry about anything else, right? “For the rest, we will help you as much as we can.”

I felt the night breeze as I watched Anhyun slowly pondering my words. Especially today, I felt a tickling feeling as the night breeze blew. After enough time to have a cup of tea passed, Ahn Hyeon raised her head from her bowed position. When she came up to the rooftop, her eyes did not have unstable eyes, but instead had the same hollow and heavy eyes as when I first saw her. And Ahn Hyeon seemed to have alleviated some of her worries, as a feeling of relief appeared on her face.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode