MEMORIZE Chapter 222

00222 Many ———————————————— ————————=

‘It’s a secret. It looks like something happened recently.’

Although he was shouting “Nice” on the inside, on the outside he had a serious expression on his face. Soon after, he slowly nodded his head once, and Park Hyeon-woo wet his lips with saliva. What on earth is going on that makes you look so nervous and hesitant?

“hmm… . Then I will believe you and tell you. It’s been almost two months now. Do you remember the time when various clans gathered together under a summons?”

“of course.”

“Then I guess your godmother remembers it too.”

“I only saw him once, but I remember him clearly.”

godmother. 9-year user experience. A legendary figure who laid the foundation for the Golden Lion in the past and led the clan to its heyday.

Regardless of the user’s individual abilities, the sight of him controlling a gathering of various big names was quite something to see, so of course I remembered it. Since I didn’t expect her to be mentioned, I listened intently to what followed.

“okay. Now, let’s move on to the next part of the story. At that time, the godmother left immediately after the convocation order ended. “It was to treat our clan lord who was seriously injured during the Iron Mountains expedition.”

“ah. “It looks like you’re still not feeling much better.”

“yes. I barely survived, but… . Anyway, at that time, my godmother simply said that she was going to the eastern mountains. “You didn’t tell me the details of her destination.”

‘I guess you don’t want to tell me much about the clan lord’s condition.’

He tried to bury it once, but Park Hyun-woo kept silent, only mentioning facts that were already publicly known. Finally, he clasped his hands together and continued speaking.

“I think you went to look for the cure you saw earlier… . To be honest, I haven’t received a single call since the Inn of Beginning portal opened. “And that’s for as long as seven weeks.”

“Did you say when you would be back?”

“That’s not it.”

“Then I don’t think there’s anything strange about it. “Wouldn’t it take longer than expected to find a cure?”

“… … .”

“If you’re worried, you could form an investigation team with users with excellent tracking capabilities and dispatch them… .”

“Actually, we have already dispatched it.”

Park Hyeon-woo responded in a gloomy voice and took out a cigarette. He responded by looking for understanding in his eyes and taking out the beginning of the year for me as well. After igniting the Mana Stone and lighting each other on fire, we simultaneously exhaled gray smoke.

“… There are complicated circumstances inside. Except for clan members. No, except for executives and a few clan members, most people are unaware of this situation. So it is difficult to tell you in detail.”

“I understand.”

“thank you. Anyway, putting that situation aside, Godmother needs to return quickly. This is true both when looking at the external situation and when looking at the internal situation. As the Mercenary Lord has just arrived in Hall Plain, there are probably many things you don’t know yet. Now, the North Continent is chaos itself. It’s so confusing… .”

There wasn’t a trace of arrogance to be found on Park Hyun-woo’s expression. In some ways, it sounded like he was complaining. To that extent, he was barely able to speak with such sincerity and a look on his face that made him want to collapse at any moment. I stared at Park Hyun-woo quietly, and just sucked in the last bit of tobacco.

“As I mentioned earlier, the investigation team was dispatched long ago. You can’t just wait for a call. “To be clear, even though the user with the best tracking ability in the clan stepped forward, we were unable to find the Great Mother.”

“Have any traces been erased?”

“To be precise, there were traces left before entering the eastern city. But even though I tried to look for any traces after that, I couldn’t find it. He is also a person who moves in a very strange way… . “I’m not the type of person who would intentionally erase traces.”

“then… . “It sounds like someone intentionally erased their traces.”

“That is very likely. Since you used the warp gate in the first place, there is a possibility that someone made a deliberate move. The investigation team has currently arbitrarily entered the eastern mountain range. However, we are hearing reports every day that no trace of Godmother can be found anywhere.”

‘It’s definitely natural to find it strange. However, if you are a godmother-level user, you don’t have to worry that much… . ah.’

Suddenly, I remembered the time when I checked her information as she was leaving the conference room. At that time, she was also carrying deep internal wounds. Compared to the time when it was called a legend, it was in a considerably weakened state.

Park Hyeon-woo took a deep breath and shook off the tobacco as if he had finished explaining. The embers that still remained danced around, then slowly melted into thin air. He stared blankly into space for a moment, then opened his mouth in his first serious voice.

“It’s a shame, but if we can’t do it with internal strength, we will have to borrow external strength.”

“That’s why you asked about Go Yeon-ju’s visit schedule.”

“Yes that’s right. To put it bluntly, I really want to borrow her skills. At her level 10, the Shadow Queen’s tracking abilities are so great that she is unmatched. “I’m sure she can help us discover something else our clan is missing.”

“… … .”

“Please also ask the Mercantile Lord. Even if you don’t get results, it’s okay. “If you help me just this once, the Golden Lion will never forget this favor.”

I was lost in thought for a moment as I watched Park Hyeon-woo politely bow his head and ask. It felt like many thoughts were swirling around and quickly taking over my mind. I was in the middle of weighing things up with the clan work I was currently doing. I felt a gaze flowing through the air as if it were piercing me. When I gently raised my head, I saw Park Hyeon-woo’s eyes shining brightly, although his face was still tired.

I met his gaze directly and calmly opened my mouth.

“That might be a little difficult.”


On my way back after a conversation with Hyunwoo Park. She accepted the invitation, hoping to get at least a little information, but unexpectedly, she heard a huge story.

‘The expression on his face when he rejected it was quite something to see.’

Park Hyeon-woo’s face was colored with embarrassment upon hearing my euphemistic rejection. However, “I think it will be difficult.” This does not mean complete rejection. I was able to calm her down by telling her that she would be visiting right at the end of her 8th week.

It is also okay to decline the request and just proceed with the initial plan.

It’s also a good idea to do a favor and owe the Golden Lion Clan a debt.

Both have their pros and cons, but in the end, I reserved judgment for Ko Yeon-ju. Rather than making a direct judgment there, I thought she would be able to make better decisions since she was currently in charge of her clan’s plans. In the first place, there were so many things I had accepted that it was difficult to reject them outright, so in many ways, the best way was to turn it over to Go Yeon-ju.

The sun was already setting. As I crossed the quiet vacant lot of the academy, I could smell the warm scent of the evening air.

Suddenly this thought occurred to me.

‘I am about the present. ‘How much did you know during the first inning?’

Strictly speaking, I can say that I don’t know much. At that time, I was only a zero-year user, and I was busy looking after myself. Of course, the future was twisted. This was certain. Originally, it would have been normal for the Western Continent to rise and the western cities to fall by now, but there was no sign of it, let alone a fight. But I felt like something invisible to my eyes was still alive.

Whether it would correct the twisted part or follow the flow in a different direction was something I could not yet guess. That was the moment I thought about it. Suddenly, the air that had felt warm just moments ago suddenly seemed to have become extremely unpleasant.

I sighed and briskly walked towards my dorm.


Week 8 of the User Academy has begun. The total completion period was generally considered to be between 13 and 14 weeks. In other words, it was now a little over half way.

Training intensity was gradually increasing from the first week. However, if I were to compare it to when I was there, the intensity of the 8th week of training was considered similar to the 1st week. In any case, most of the new employees were adapting well to what they had learned so far, and not a single person wanted to leave. however.

‘Once you have doubts, everything seems suspicious.’

The current Academy didn’t seem to have any problems on the outside. Since other clans were also participating in the training, one or two people might be suspicious, but everyone was busy praising Park Hwan-hee. All they know is that he is popular among new users?

Ironically, this aspect of Park Hwan-hee further increased his value. She seemed to think that if she could recruit Park Hwan-hee, it would be easier to scout talented users who are close to her. Of course, there is a clan that looks after him, but it can also be seen that Park Hwan-hee’s management skills are quite outstanding.

After checking the payment card I received from Hanbyeol this morning, I walked to the classroom where the training was scheduled. The morning training had already been completed, and there was group physical training in the afternoon.

As I walked towards the central playground, I could see new users huddled together from afar. I stopped for a moment and looked at their ranks. At first glance, they were just scattered around indiscriminately, chatting excitedly with each other. However, when I used my magic power to strengthen my eyesight, I soon discovered something strange.

I immediately moved towards that place at a fast pace.

“What are you doing here?”

“ah. ah? ah! hello… !”

Baek Han-gyeol, who was crouching in a corner, raised his head as soon as I touched his shoulder. However, his voice was strangely weak, and his face was shadowed everywhere. He quickly tried to stand up and said, “There’s still some training time left, so it’s okay.” After forcing her to sit down again, he slowly placed her butt next to him. He must have been so happy that I came to his side that he almost had tears in his eyes.

“Is something difficult going on? “Why are you sitting alone and shaking?”

“that is… .”

Baek Han-gyeol must have been a little hurt by my words, but quickly turned his head with a sullen expression on his face. When I turned my head in the direction his eyes were focused on, an interesting sight caught my eye.

Users surrounding Park Hwan-hee. Among them, I could see Cha Yu-na with her eyes wide open. However, her gaze did not contain any disapproval, it was just a gentle glare. Besides, they seemed to be having a very pleasant time, laughing loudly with each other. It was a very unique sight compared to before, when we always stayed close together.

Baek Han-gyeol looked at that place with faint eyes, and then drooped his shoulders despondently again.

“Did you fight with your girlfriend?”

“… … .”

“So you broke up?

There was no answer. Instead, he nodded his head slowly and then responded by shaking his head again. That face looked very sad. The way her lips were smacking together made her look like she was about to shed tears at any moment. I gently stroked his head, then applied saliva to his lips and said,

“I’m glad we didn’t break up. So can you tell me why you had a fight with her girlfriend? Even so, I think I have quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to dating.”


“then. I once… .”


It was at that moment that Baek Han-gyeol’s eyes began to sparkle, as if he had found hope in my words. From far away, a clear voice struck my ears. When I heard the voice, I thought it was probably Yeon Hye-rim, an education instructor. I vigorously ruffled the hair he was stroking and then stood up.

“Oh my, the training instructor is here. I don’t know what’s going on, but cheer up. “If you’re having a hard time, you can come to my dorm.”

“Is that really okay?”

“then. I say it again, because I am in charge of life other than controlling it. “It is also my job to listen to the concerns of new users.”

The saliva I had applied was gradually drying out. I thought it would be difficult to tell any more lies, so I spoke firmly one last time and looked back at Yeon Hye-rim.

She was looking at me with a gloomy expression as always, but she was waving her hand happily, showing her unbalance.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

After getting some rest today, my body felt much lighter. Yesterday, other than other things, I almost got hit by a car. ㅜ.ㅠ It’s hard to say that’s the car’s fault. Obviously there was no one on the road. So I think they were trying to enter the road from the alley, but I looked at the distance and the speed and thought they would pass by before I could cross there. But the car that was passing by suddenly stopped and collided with my body as I continued walking.

ㅇ(Car) ㅇ(Bicycle)


If you express it in a picture, it can only be done like that. Anyway, fortunately, it stopped as I was passing by, and I turned quickly and ended up just crashing into it. When I looked to see what was going on, I saw two students in school uniform riding a bicycle passing in front of a car. ㅡ_ㅡ The man in the car was yelling at the bike that was running away with a look on his face, and it wasn’t even a fuss. Sobbing.

『Reripple (220 times)』

1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. I would like to offer my deepest condolences to you as I have unintentionally disrupted your 4th or 5th consecutive number one comment. (__) Well, still. A comment that overcomes such adversity is a true first-class comment! (Pukpuk!)

2. Diableret: I can give you the answer by correcting the main character. yes. No matter what the protagonist does in the novel, it is converted into unconditional benefit and comes back… . Oh, no. I was delirious for a moment. Hmm.

3. Back alley kid: Thank you. ㅜ.ㅠ But, please don’t get angry. 🙂

4. Hyeonoh: I miss Hyeonoh’s sharp comments. The comment you made exactly when you saw Ansol’s actions at that time remains in my head and makes me laugh every now and then. I am anxiously awaiting the comment of Jeongseok Hyeonoh, who has a sharp comment. Hehehe. 😀

5. Waryong Teacher a + Passionate Novel Boy + [priest]Priest: I’m sorry. I know that feeling well. A long time ago, I unintentionally encountered NTR for the first time and had a mental breakdown that day. ㅜ.ㅠ However, as I already mentioned, direct NTR (based on the surroundings of the main character) may not appear in future content, and indirect NTR (unrelated to the main character) may appear. However, we will do our best to develop the content as much as possible so that you can understand the reason for the behavior. Nod! (–)(__)

『Reripple (Episode 221)』

1. 破天魔痕: Congratulations on first place. haha. I didn’t mean to catch it, but I happened to be able to upload it a little faster. ㅜ.ㅠ I’m not a liar! Ah, anyway, congratulations again on first place. 🙂 Please enjoy this episode as well.

2. Blamy: I guess I need to keep my head straight from next time. While listening to the song and thinking about the content, a light suddenly flashed before my eyes, and I was really surprised.

3. Seolwi: Wow. Was it very complicated? I guess I should have written it a little easier. ;blanket; If there is anything you do not understand, please ask a question. I will answer in as much detail as possible. 🙂

4. Strawberry Pie: Sorry. The moment I saw Strawberry Pie’s comment, I thought it was somehow cute. +ㅁ+

5. letzgo02: Huh! You are a married reader! envious. I, too, want to find my partner quickly. I feel lonely sometimes these days. ㅜ.ㅠ

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode