MEMORIZE Chapter 220

00220 Many ———————————————— ————————=

‘Something is a little strange.’

It was difficult to pinpoint something. However, there seemed to be a strange, unintelligible smell coming from the flow. I tilted my head for a moment, but immediately looked away. This is because the classroom door opened and an instructor from the Northern Clan entered the room.

After exchanging formal greetings, I was able to receive a thank you from the instructor. I’ve been short on hands these days, so thank you for your support. It was a formal greeting that said, “Please ask me often from now on.” I also responded with a smile. However, since I knew that of course it was a lie, I could only snort inwardly.

After starting training, I decided to thoroughly familiarize myself with new users. Since Park Hwan-hee already knew, she skipped over and focused on ruminating on the faces of the users sitting around him. Judging from the story I heard earlier, I thought there must be people who sympathized with his plan.

I looked at Baek Han-gyeol and Cha Yu-na’s movements from time to time, but I couldn’t find anything unusual except for the beginning. Except for the occasional glance at each other and a grin during the training, they showed an overall attitude of concentrating on the training. But I decided to trust my intuition. The strangely unpleasant feeling I felt for the first time was so strong that I couldn’t forget it.

“Merchantry Lord. “I’m sorry, but I have a favor to ask you.”

“yes? yes. “Tell me.”

After the theory training session, a short break was given. In the meantime, while I was using my third eye, I heard the instructor talking next to me. After quickly deactivating the unique ability, I turned my head and was able to see a northern clan member with a humble expression on his face.

“Oh, look at my mind. Come to think of it, we couldn’t even communicate with each other. My name is Jang Yun-ho, and I belong to the representative clan of the northern city of Pamela. Although he is lacking, he has the title of executive. He is a user who has just moved up to his 4th year.”

“Ah yes. This is Mercenary Clan Lord Kim Soo-hyun. “It’s year 0.”

‘I’m not really curious.’

I answered simply. Jang Yun-ho only smiled awkwardly, then opened his mouth cautiously, sweating profusely.

“haha. It’s nothing different from a request… . “I hope you can help me a little with the training next time.”

“If it’s education… ?”

“During the pilot training, Na Seung-hye from taught in a very twisted way. Because it is quite difficult, new users are having a hard time actually practicing. As such, when entering practical training, there are many users who need to be held one by one and provide personal guidance.”

“Then wouldn’t it be better to gather only those users who are lacking and provide supplementary training? “The total number of people is only 38, so I don’t think there will be that many people.”

At my words, Jang Yun-ho waved his hands in a way that seemed excessive, and then continued speaking.

“Oh, that’s it. It is said that there will be another class schedule immediately after this training. This is a class led by Seong Yubin of the Golden Lion Clan, so participation is mandatory. And as it is connected to this education… . So, I think it would be better to avoid supplementary education if possible.”

“No matter how much it is, I don’t really feel like participating in actual training.”

“iced coffee. I don’t ask for much. Since the Mercenary Lord has also completed the Academy, could you please give us a word or two of know-how in helping new members control the magic circuit? Time is very tight as theoretical education takes up too much time. “If you can see even one less person, you will be able to free up that much space.”

‘You’re being damned.’

I had thought that the new staff’s attitude was too relaxed, but the instructors were showing an equally relaxed attitude. Of course, even if you have an excuse and understand the situation, control instructor. It was quite funny to ask such a request from a user with 0 years of experience.

Anyway, since it wasn’t much of a burden to just say one or two words of know-how, I sighed and nodded.

“If that’s the case, I understand. “After the break, we will take turns starting from the left.”

“Oh oh. thank you Thanks to you, I wasted an hour. phew. To be honest, I don’t like this teaching method either. No matter how efficient it is… .”

Jang Yun-ho thought it was time to gossip about Na Seung-hye’s education theory. I heard those words in one ear and out the other, then turned my attention to the users in the left column. And there, I could see Baek Han-gyeol with his eyes closed and his hands clasped together.

It seemed like they were practicing the process of generating magic inside and guiding it along the circuit. She seemed to be making some progress, as she occasionally looked back at Cha Yu-na with her bright face.

After a while, the break ended and practical training based on theory classes began. Jang Yun-ho ordered new employees to try controlling their magic power themselves, and said that he would help users who were having trouble controlling their magic. Soon, as I saw him moving towards the right row, I slowly moved to the left. The reason I insisted on turning from the left was, of course, because of Baek Han-gyeol.

“Is everything going well? “Is there something that’s not going well?”

“Yes, four? Oh no! Well, it was just okay… .”

When I approached him and spoke to him, Baek Han-gyeol responded with a surprised expression. After laughing for a moment at the reaction, he lightly placed a hand on his back. When I turned my head, I saw the back of Jang Yun-ho turning in the opposite direction.

“Eh, eh.”

“calm down. Create magic power as you learned, and calmly guide the magic power along the circuit.”

Baek Han-gyeol made a confused sound when I touched it, but I could soon feel that magical power was slowly being generated according to my spell. I don’t know if he was trying to hide the flow of magical power that followed, or if he was nervous, but it wasn’t as good as expected. He was able to point out a few rough and janky parts.

I gently penetrated the magic into his insides and whispered into his quivering ear.

“Do not resist. “Just quietly entrust your magic to the flow I lead.”

“yes yes.”

I didn’t intend to teach you anything very special. Since you seem to be hesitant due to the complexity of the circuit, I thought I would slightly tweak the hesitation part and guide you in a slightly easier direction. So that you can solve only the parts that are difficult for you right now.

‘The magic power is really good, but it’s timid.’

I felt a similar feeling as when I stabilized Ansol’s magic at the previous trap point. I was riding the circuit slowly and delicately.

‘Look at this guy?’

I felt my eyes narrow as the flow suddenly began to gain speed. The horsepower, which had been struggling to keep up until the first lap, began to change little by little as soon as the second lap began. Then, as it rotated three and four times, it showed a 180-degree difference from the first time. Now, seeing the guy sprinting as if my magic power could push him away, I tried to speed up even more.

Meanwhile, when I took a quick look at Baek Han-gyeol’s face, I could see that he was very engrossed with his sunken face. It was truly terrifying concentration. I was a little amazed as I felt the magic power that easily followed my flow at a higher speed. And only then was I able to recall Baek Han-gyeol’s true name, .

Eventually, after completing eight laps, I was able to see Baek Han-gyeol staring at me with a blank face. There was a clear expression on his face asking for more. Due to his natural talent, he fell into a trance without realizing it, and when he woke up from that moment, he seemed to be disappointed.

“It’s not bad. “It was pretty good.”

I was afraid that if I praised it openly, it would attract attention, so I opened my mouth in a euphemistic way. Instead, I stroked his head as a private compliment.

“thank you!”

“okay. Well then, good luck. “I have to look after other personnel as well.”

“Hey, instructor, wait a minute! “If there’s anything I don’t understand, can I ask you again next time?”

“I don’t know if I’ll get another chance. I’m in charge of life and control, not education. I participated today as an exception, but it was originally impossible. Well, if it’s not training time, I don’t know… .”

I finished my sentence with a lingering note. If he’s not an idiot, he’ll remember what I said earlier, telling him to come to my dorm. Anyway, I decided to recruit this guy no matter what, so I calmly turned around and moved towards the other user. This is because I felt the stinging gaze of Park Hwan-hee from somewhere.


I don’t know if it was worthwhile to teach him that day, or because he got to see me often (of course, I intentionally adjusted my schedule), but Baek Han-gyeol clearly began to recognize me. I subtly appealed to the fact that we were in a secret class with a user with 0 years of experience, and took care of him as if he were my own brother. First of all, I planned to gradually increase intimacy.

However, I tried my best to keep the line between instructor and new user. Rather than having to approach them unconditionally, I also needed to make them approach me on their own. This minimum distance was his responsibility to reduce, not mine. In other words, my strategy for Baek Han-gyeol was to create an atmosphere where he could trust me and completely open his heart.

As we slowly progressed the recruitment plan, we also paid attention to newly added matters. Until now, control was mainly involved, but the work ratio for life instructors has been dramatically increased. This was because it was much easier to live in a lodging where new users could monitor their movements rather than being controlled and taking up a lot of time for training.

In that regard, I did not target Park Hwan-hee. There was a reason why he memorized the faces of the users sitting around Park Hwan-hee during Jang Yun-ho’s training class. Even though I only noticed the slightest hint and didn’t dig into the details, he proceeded with his plan without my eyes for as long as two weeks. Looking at the people around her rather than Park Hwan-hee, who acts very cautiously, I expected that she would definitely get caught at least once. And there is less chance of being noticed this way.

And, the opportunity to prove my predictions came soon.

It was when all the training routines were over and time for personal maintenance was given. While walking around the dormitory for patrol purposes, I saw a familiar new user walking around, looking around. It was clearly one of the users sitting around Park Hwan-hee at that time. I immediately stopped patrol and chased after her.

Soon, she entered the dormitory and was soon seen bringing out a woman. The woman who was dragged out was none other than Cha Yuna. The two whispered for a while in front of the dormitory, but Cha Yuna seemed to be in a one-sided listening position. Eventually, as if she had heard everything, she nodded her head and appeared to be walking down the hallway without returning to her dormitory.

During a training session the other day, I noticed that Cha Yu-na was looking at Park Hwan-hee, so I was always keeping a close eye on her. When I thought she caught me, I started following her.

While I was walking behind her, I felt a strange sense of déjà vu. I definitely had the feeling that I was going to a place where there were no people, but strangely enough, the surrounding scenes did not seem unfamiliar.

And only after arriving at the place where Cha Yuna stopped walking, did I finally realize the true nature of the deja vu. The place she arrived at was none other than the place I named Easter Egg.

‘Holy shit. I thought I was the only one who knew.’

Grumbling to myself, I killed the presence and went inside. There was no way they would find me, who had hidden myself with the intention of becoming a user with 0 years of experience, but I couldn’t let down my guard. After quietly climbing up the lush tree, I looked down and could see Cha Yuna, who had already entered, and a man standing in front of her. The identity of the man was, of course, Park Hwan-hee.

He showed a bright smile and mumbled something towards Cha Yuna. I quickly turned on my hearing.

“ah. Yuna is here. haha. I was waiting. Thank you for coming.”

“Why did you call me again?”

“huh? iced coffee. Don’t be too guarded. Now we are all in the same boat… .”

“I think I’m misunderstanding something.”

Cha Yuna fiercely raised her eyes and opened her mouth. Then, as she was about to approach, she hesitated, looked at Park Hwan-hee, and continued her words in a sharp voice.

“It was not for your sake that I cooperated with you and gave you information about Hangyeol. It’s for me and Hangyeol. “It’s okay if we’re all in the same boat, but I wish they would stop coming closer.”

“this. “I’m still hated.”

“Isn’t that obvious? “Considering what you did, don’t you think a slap in the face isn’t enough?”

Hearing her poignant words, Park Hwan-hee stroked his right cheek. She sighed and then opened her mouth with a serious look on her face.

“phew. That’s right. Sorry.”

“What you say doesn’t seem to contain any truth. “It’s also the reason why you called me here in the first place when you could have just said it.”

“Oh, it doesn’t have any strange meaning. I still had to keep it a secret, so I needed to talk about it in a place away from other people. and… .”


Park Hwan-hee scratched his head for a moment at Cha Yu-na’s sharp retort. Then she opened her mouth with a slightly downcast look on her face.

“I didn’t want to make Hangyeol more anxious. “I think people around me would definitely be worried if Hangyeol saw me after seeing you.”

‘You’re using your tongue quite a bit, aren’t you? The facial expressions are also excellent.’

When I weighed what Park Hwan-hee was talking about and what Baek Han-gyeol had talked about, I couldn’t help but laugh. I became even more interested and focused more on their story. As if his acting had worked, Cha Yuna was blinking with an expression of surprise on her face.

“Hangyeol relies on you, Yuna, for a lot of things. “You already don’t trust me, and I didn’t want to give you any room for misunderstanding.”

“Huh, huh. If that was really the case, that’s fine. “Anyway, please tell me the business you called me quickly.”

On the outside, he was still shooting, but his sharp voice had calmed down a lot compared to the beginning. He soon changed his expression from a downcast face to one with a light smile.

“Oh, it’s nothing else. “I told you most of the plan last time.”

“yes. “Because I put Hangyeol’s information on the condition that I listen first and judge.”

“huh. Actually, there was a bit of a problem with that plan.”

“problem… ? Could it be Hangyeol?”

Instead of answering, Park Hwan-hee nodded his head heavily, and then expressed the problem with a very sincere expression. She didn’t say much. She told Hangyeol about her plan, but the main part of her message was that he did not want to go along with it because he did not trust her. As much as she was shocked by seeing the scene in person, the boring stories she already knew continued.

“Did you even say I told you my information?”

“I did. But he didn’t want to believe it. “My sister said she would never do that.”

“Tsk. You stupid idiot. “I thought something was strange these days.”

“huh? “What’s strange?”

Park Hwan-hee asked quickly, his eyes shining. But Cha Yu-na narrowed her brows and shook her head.

“not a big deal. Just keeps talking about one instructor… . Anyway, so what are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure about that either. Of course, it was my fault, but it was a bit shocking to see such vehement rejection. I’m so sorry, and I don’t know what to do. What should I really do next? . Phew.”

Park Hwan-hee droops her shoulders with a truly sad face. A moment passed. Chayu I glanced at that figure, and then she opened her mouth in a cautious voice.

“It’s just that I…” . Shall I tell you?”

“Really? “Can you do that?”


As if waiting for the answer, Park Hwan-hee jumped up and grabbed Cha Yu-na’s shoulder. She screamed in surprise, and he withdrew his hand from her hurried shoulder with an “Ah-cha” look on his face. The important thing is that Cha Yu-na only flinched and did not move her hand away.

“I told you not to come closer!”


“What if I catch you suddenly… ! in amazement… .”

“Stop without even realizing it. I did it because I was so happy. Me too. ha ha ha.”

‘It looks like this wasn’t the first time we met. As expected, I was right.’

Cha Yuna slightly bit her lip and looked away, perhaps feeling burdened by Park Hwanhee, who was smiling so happily. The nape of her neck was slightly red. I don’t know if he saw the scene, but he opened her mouth with a deeper voice than before.

“Hehe. thank you. But let me say it again.”

“What, what? I told you that Hangyeol doesn’t want to believe it. Even though I said that… .”

“okay. But since this is what I did, I want to restore trust again. If you truly ask for forgiveness and show your sincerity, Hangyeol will soon understand. Because like you, Yuna, you are a good person by nature. So, will you give me just a little more chance?”

“W-what did you say suddenly? Whatever, do whatever you want! “Don’t go and cry for help later.”

“huh. don’t worry. “I won’t disappoint.”

Cha Yu-na, who was barely able to maintain her expression, was falling apart moment by moment from the moment her shoulder was grabbed. As if she couldn’t bear Park Hwan-hee’s staring gaze, she soon said, “I’ll leave if I don’t have anything to say.” With just those words, she turned around and left. However, Cha Yu-na’s steps contained a strange stumble.


The moment I saw Cha Yuna disappearing into the distance, a strong sigh came out of the Easter egg. When she lowered her head again, she could see Park Hwan-hee with an expression that had never been seen in the previous conversation.

The expression, with the corners of the mouth slightly raised, contained obvious meanness.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

haha. Isn’t today’s volume a bit large? I need to slow down the pace, but since I have a lot of content to include, I’ve ended up exceeding my usual amount. ha ha ha. Anyway, a difficult Monday has passed. I must have exerted too much energy today and I am very hungry. I guess I should at least cook ramen and have a late dinner. 🙂

P.S. I’m sorry to those who feel that the plot is slow and boring, but I plan to stick to what I first said about the speed of the plot. I can move quickly on parts that are not necessary, but I plan to move slowly on parts that I deem necessary, even if I get criticized for being slow.

If you feel very frustrated, I recommend that you sit down for a while and then binge-watch the book all at once when you have enough content to satisfy each individual reader. I think this will probably be my last word on the speed of development.


1. EyeSeeYou: Ansolbaragi EyeSeeYou! Congratulations on first place~. ha ha ha. Above, second place went to Ansol’s incarnation(?). Is this your first place? As for the first comment, it feels like this is my first time seeing you. 🙂

2. Brown Bear Liz: Ah, Brown Bear Liz haha. Long time no see. Where have you been so far and are you back now?

3. 破天魔痕: Yes. I also had strange lag. If you click register and click another site map, only a loading screen appears.

4. Enjoy Play: Thank you for the book review. It must have been difficult to find each character’s abilities, but thank you for your hard work. thank you (__)

5. Dicho: That’s right. Good and desire. Isn’t this a combination that goes well with the extremes of self-justification? I think so.

6. Eulararat: Yes. I definitely plan to see the ending. I am thinking of dividing it into parts or chapters. lol. I mentioned the pace of development above, but I decided to stick to my normal pace. I was able to make a decision thanks to comments from many readers and valuable advice from writer acquaintances. I plan to go quickly on the parts I don’t need, but slowly on the parts I deem necessary. This thought will no longer change. 🙂

7. Dalidakum: Yes! thank you! You may find it frustrating because the progress is slow, so please come back later when there is more content!

8. Sunsets: Of course, you can think like Sunsets. 🙂 However, rather than answering this question now, I would like to answer your questions in the future. So please wait a moment~!

9. River of Tears: I also had a lot of concerns regarding my personality. I wondered if it would be better to change it to neutral or moderate in the middle. I’m still thinking about this, and I’ll also take into account Teargang’s opinion. Thank you for your valuable advice. Oh, and the setting of the Mind’s Eye was changed once in the middle (Episode 105). It is difficult to give an exact definition of the essence of what Tears River said, but rather than saying that it has not yet been highlighted, you can say that it has been buried by . .

10. Ugh: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ From now on, I will maintain my original posture without wavering and always write diligently. thank you 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode