MEMORIZE Chapter 219

00219 Omen ———————————————— ————————=

“Su-hyun. I’ll just go now. Clan members, don’t worry too much.”

“I’m sure you’ll do well. Anyway, please take care of me.”

“Brother. Bye~bye~.”

“okay. Hello to you too Sol. “You have to listen well and train hard.”

After rejoining Go Yeon-ju, we headed straight to the warp gate. This is because I felt more comfortable seeing them off until the end rather than just saying goodbye at the front door. Ko Yeon-ju and An Sol both smiled brightly and said goodbye to me. I don’t know anything else, but I was relieved to see Sol with a big smile on his face instead of breaking up crying like before.

After sending the two away, I immediately returned to the academy. While we finished a simple dinner and revised our future plans, time passed and night fell before we knew it.

‘Are you planning on not coming in today at all?’

After finding the name in the list of new members, I sighed and looked around the room. A cool breeze was flowing through the bed Hanbyul was using. After looking at the items she was using for a moment, I turned off her rice stone. Anyway, I need to sleep.

The inside of the room suddenly became dark. As I threw myself onto the bed, I slowly closed my eyes against the rushing water.

… … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … .

Squeak, squeal.

I suddenly opened my eyes at the sound of the door opening. Although he was naturally sensitive (let’s make an exception when he sleeps with Go Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon), he often fell into a light sleep these days. As she gently took in her breath, the cold air that had been hovering in the air rushed into her nostrils.

For a moment, I felt her hesitate in front of my bed, but then she carefully laid herself down on the bed across from me. I reflexively closed my eyes. It’s okay to ask if it’s okay now, but it would be easier for you to just pretend it never happened and move on.

It was the moment I gathered my thoughts and tried to sleep again.

“Well… . Black… . Wow… .”

The sound of Hanbyul sobbing quietly flowed through my ears. In the meantime, it was evident that he was forcing himself to keep quiet in case I heard him. I felt sad, but I ended up turning around and turning around. The sobbing stopped for a moment, but soon began again.

With those pitiful cries as accompaniment, I forced myself to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt like covering my ears.


The next morning.

Nothing changed between us. I also treated her with the same nonchalant look on my face, and Hanbyul also showed the same attitude as always. My eyes were a little watery, but I tried to ignore it and was just about to leave the dorm.

“excuse me… .”

Hanbyeol’s small voice caught my footsteps. I thought about just turning my head, but I turned around instead. Her face was colored with subtle anxiety, and her slender fingers were wriggling. It was similar to the way she looked right before she said something difficult.

“huh. why?”

“This afternoon’s training schedule… . “Is it possible to change it?”

“Afternoon training schedule? That has already been decided. Why all of a sudden?”

“that is… . There is magic talent training, but they say there is a shortage of control instructors… .”

“Not enough? That’s ridiculous. It’s not melee or stamina. “As far as I know, it doesn’t even include the priest class.”

“… Please.”

In response to the euphemistic rejection, Hanbyeol lowered her head and began to slightly shake her shoulders. Now he was showing almost hysterical symptoms. Looking at her like that, he tasted her for a moment, then took a deep breath and continued speaking.

“Tsk. First, give me the schedule.”

After receiving the payment sheet from Hanbyeol, I carefully looked over today’s schedule.

‘for a moment. Baek Han-gyeol was clearly a magical talent type.’

Awakening Secret Class . When I checked the list yesterday, Baek Han-gyeol was classified as a magical talent. Since durability, stamina, and magical power are special abilities, it is a bit difficult to decide which branch you belong to.

Anyway, if you went with the magic series, it wasn’t a bad choice. No, maybe it could be seen as very good. I’ll say it again, the most important among the abilities was magical power. Since there are ambiguous classes, it was thought that it would be best to level them up evenly, but to focus on magical power according to the character of the assistant.

I felt relieved to change my schedule. Of course, I may have encountered him a few times during that time, but at the time, I was unaware of Baek Han-gyeol’s existence. As Park Hwan-hee said, it was because he did not know that he wanted to hide himself. Without knowing that, I only checked the information of kids with good grades, so there was no way I could find it.

Since the instructor’s work was kept as the same as possible anyway, there was no major burden to change. I pretended to look intently at the payment board and put on a worried expression. And although I didn’t feel like it at all, I opened my mouth in a tone that said there was nothing I could do.

“… i get it. “I’ll try changing it.”

“ah… !”

When I gave permission, Hanbyul let out a small exclamation. As I returned the payment card and looked at her expression, I could see her face starting to brighten up a little. She quickly took what I offered her, held it tightly in her own arms, and continued her words hesitantly.

“I… . “And please tell me that Senior Executive Park Hyeon-woo would like to have a meal with me sometime.”

“meal? Why is that again?”

“He said he had something he wanted to tell you. If you are busy, you might want to make room even after this parking training session is over… .”

‘Mule, it must be something to do with the beech tree.’

It feels like it’s been buried under a lot of things, but it was something I had to point out anyway. In fact, it was so quiet that you could say it was a little late. I nodded once more, and Hanbyul, seeing my reaction, stared at me with faint eyes. I could feel that there was some kind of kindness in that gaze. It seemed like he thought I was guessing his situation and being considerate.

“I don’t know anything else. From next time, please tell me the instructor’s work schedule early. “It’s better to adjust it in advance without having to rush to change it.”


“There is nothing to be sorry about. But thanks to you, I am living a fairly comfortable life. Anyway, let’s go eat now.”

After concluding our conversation, Hanbyeol and I headed straight to the restaurant. As I was walking, I felt like the sound of her footsteps following me had become slightly lighter.

After finishing breakfast, I participated in the close-range group training as a control instructor as scheduled. The instructor in question was Yeon Hye-rim from , and we were able to build a very close relationship over the course of two weeks. In important situations (for example, she told me when Han So-young was around), they were polite, but in other situations, they would not talk to each other.

Although she was almost as picky as Han So-young, she seemed to have heard something from the Clan Lord and instead showed herself approaching her first. I also met Yeon Hye-rim once and ate together for a long time, so it wasn’t difficult for us to match each other’s preferences.

Even now, she and I were chatting haha ​​during breaks during training.

“really really? That bitch… . “No, she really cried like that?”

“It would be more accurate to say I howled rather than cried.”

“That lump of flesh? Karrr! Oh, it’s really awesome. I can’t even imagine. Usually, whenever he sees me, he throws everything he wants. Well, there was a lot of excitement when I saw the record of Go Yeon-ju being recruited from Mercantile. What’s worse, there’s even a rumor going around that you captivated people with your size and technique? Phew.”

“What is it. Anyway, how cute. You won’t know unless you see and hear it for yourself. Argh! “He was screaming and I hugged him tightly without even realizing it.”

“Ugh? Ahhhhh? Ahahaha! Ah, ah, my stomach hurts. It’s really disappointing. I heard you came to the academy yesterday. It was my first chance to make fun of someone in a while. “Giggle.”

‘He’s talking about big trouble. Let alone making fun of me, I’m glad I didn’t get stabbed.’

Yeon Hye-rim laughed, holding her belly button as if she was really dying of laughter. The topics she is interested in are performance and s*x. In the first episode, she often s*xually abused Go Yeon-joo, and this strategy was effective this time as well.

Of course, in the conversation just now, I absolutely did not mean to disparage Ko Yeon-ju s*xually. It was just a retelling of a story about a night out between me and her, and it could be seen as a kind of joke that would be tolerated in Hall Plain.

At first, Yeon Hye-rim maintained her natural, calm attitude. But as time passed, her eyes sparkled, revealing extraordinary interest. She felt like she was still the same as before, but she couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

The other control instructors around us were all just watching the two of us. Top 10 and Lord of Mercenary Clan, whose stock price is rising these days. There was a clear look in his eyes that he wanted to join in, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so and just wandered around.

After finishing the morning training, I had lunch with Kim Deok-pil of the clan. He always had a bad habit of taking my tobacco after eating, and today I gave him a pack. But he didn’t take it. In other words, he drew the sympathy of smokers around him by emphasizing the sophistry that the best way to smoke tobacco is to steal it from others.

I knew that this was a sign of his friendliness, but as a smoker, my frustration was indescribable. After finishing lunch with such a dirty(?) feeling, I was finally able to participate in the afternoon training.

The instructor in charge of today’s magical talent training is from the clan, which has a friendly relationship with the . After the first week, most of the training was handled by non-expedition clans, but they still accounted for about 20% to 30% of the training. Compared to before, the situation could almost be seen as reversed.

Before training began, I first entered the training room. This is because it was necessary to create an atmosphere in advance before the instructor arrived. The moment I entered, the noisy classroom instantly became quiet. It was to the point where I didn’t need to control it.

There are a total of 38 people in the magic talent category. There wasn’t a single control instructor other than me, but there wasn’t much of a problem due to the small number of people.

I looked around them all and stood on the center platform. All their eyes were focused on me, and I could sometimes hear whispers. Apparently, as Park Hwan-hee and Baek Han-gyeol said, the instructors had talked about me a few times. To be honest, I didn’t know much during that time, and it seemed like they only talked about it when I wasn’t there.

The first user that caught my eye was Park Hwanhee. He was sitting slightly above the center, and when I made eye contact with him, he bowed his head. After being greeted with a simple nod, I checked the faces of the users sitting around him.

Eventually, I turned my head to the left and found Baek Han-gyeol sitting at the end. It was clearly evident that he intended to sit as far away from Park Hwan-hee as possible. Baek Han-gyeol had a proud look on his face, but when I looked at him, he was startled and lowered his head. Unlike Park Hwan-hee, I responded with a thin smile.

He seemed happy that I knew him, and showed his excitement by pulling the arm of the female user sitting next to him. Perhaps that woman is Baek Han-gyeol’s girlfriend, Cha Yu-na. Judging by the fact that she was in this training, she also had her magic talent class at work, so I calmly examined her face.

I heard that Baek Han-gyeol was devoted, but my first impression was that he seemed blunt. Although her face had fine lines and an overall pretty face, the raised eyebrows and cat-like eyes gave her a strong impression of being pale. If we had to compare her, she had a similar vibe to Lee Yu-jeong.

‘Yes, our Yujeong is much prettier.’

I’m not saying that because of my father’s feelings, but in reality, Yujeong was much prettier.

Soon after I finished thinking nonsense, I maintained my gaze and activated my third eye.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Cha Yuna (Year 0)

2. Class: Normal Mage Beginner

3. Nation: –

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True name · Nationality: Person who has proven qualification · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (20)

7. Height/Weight: 167.3cm/52.7kg

8. Tendency: Good · Ambition

[Strength 22] [Durability 16] [Dexterity 25] [Stamina 28] [Magic Power 47] [Luck 39]

‘It’s nothing special… . ‘The inclination is good, it’s desire, right?’

Although it is difficult to say that there is a stark contrast, they could still be classified as opposing properties. Cha Yu I held Baek Han-gyeol’s hand tightly as she was pulling me, and then slowly turned my head. But she didn’t see Baek Han-gyeol. Her attention was directed towards where Park Hwan-hee was.

The moment I saw the scene, I could feel that there were subtle emotions in Cha Yuna’s gaze.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The golden three-day holiday has passed. Ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. ha ha ha. haha. under. under… . It’s the beginning of a new Monday. ㅜ.ㅠ I think Monday Disease is really powerful. Ah, there are a lot of comments about Hanbyul. Since we’ve already decided on the ending for this child, I think we’ll probably stick with it. A new incident is scheduled to unfold soon, so please look forward to what happens to Hanbyeol’s fate(?) along with that incident!

P.S. A lot of coupons came in today. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who provided selections, recommendations, comments, and coupons. (__)


1. Sensitive + Liodry: Oh, Liodry. It seems like it’s been a while since I last saw you. ha ha ha. Congratulations to Sensitive and Riodri for first place. I was curious to see who would take first place after uploading two episodes at midnight, but they each took first place. 🙂

2. dbss: No~. Thanks for reading. I will upload part 2 next time when I have time!

3. Hawthorn: I changed the name because I think a lot of people are confused. The change from Kim Han-gyeol to Baek Han-gyeol has been completed!

4. Kkoya: No! I am not S. ;blanket; As for Hanbyul, things are going according to my plan(?). Hehehehe.(?)

5. Shiraya: Rather than looking at me like I care, I look at her cutely. lol. Park Hwan-hee, no matter how good this guy is, how dare he treat our protagonist! Our Soohyun even receives corrections (?!)!

6. Them: Huh? omg. no. Although Baek Han-gyeol looks feminine, he is male. South to the castle.

7. Fireworks Posim: That’s the correct answer. Yuna was added. lol. We will satisfy your curiosity with more exciting content in the future. 🙂

8. Sereson: Huhu. I will keep quiet about that part. I know! Are you curious? Ahahaha! (Pukpuk!) Kkuang!

9. Ziclant: Oh, I remember that too. I think that was probably my first education(?) about NTR. FYI, I haven’t looked at it anymore since then. No, I think it’s true that I didn’t see it. I was so shocked. ;blanket;

10. Estaia: Thank you for enjoying it. 🙂 At first, I was thinking about completing it at episode 550, but now I’m thinking about even more than that! As one reader said, even if I have to go 1,000 episodes, I plan to see it through to the end, no matter what.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode