MEMORIZE Chapter 216

00216 Omen ———————————————— ————————=



“Oppa, I have a question for Sol.”

“Ugh? Which one? “What are you curious about?”

An optical illusion occurred as if a question mark was floating above Ansol’s head. She stared at me with bright eyes, and I met her gaze with a gentle gaze. They just looked at each other for a while, and when Sol’s face turned red, he spoke.

“Do you remember what you said to your brother in front of the warp gate before?”

“yes? yes… .”

“So what about now? “Are you still anxious?”

Ansol nodded silently, then opened his mouth with a downcast expression.

“But still. My brother believed me and told me not to worry. If I keep showing up like that. I feel like I’m causing unnecessary worry to my brother… .”

When I saw Ansol talking fluently, I felt happiness welling up inside me. This is why her fathers love her daughter so much. Feeling satisfied with her, he reached out his hand and stroked her head, and Ansol burst out laughing.

“okay. My brother always believes what Sol says. In fact, he has received help many times by trusting our words.”

“lol. Oh no, no. I feel like I’m always causing trouble… .”

“What is a nuisance? Anyway, that’s why I want Sol to get help this time too.”

“yes? Help?”

Ansol’s eyes turned round. I nodded once and made a serious expression. Since he can’t understand if you talk back and forth, it was necessary to calmly move up the level one by one. (I was able to learn this conversation method when I raised Ansol’s luck to 101.)

“These days, things at the academy aren’t going as well as I thought.”

“to… .”

“I think Sol can relieve this frustration.”

“Well, that’s not true. I don’t know much about academy work… . And how dare I… .”

“haha. Do you really think I would ask you to help me with my instructor duties? What I want help with is something else. And the task itself is very simple.”

Ansol must have misunderstood what I said, shaking his head and shaking his head to show his anxiety. Seeing her like that, I let out a small laugh and then reassured her that it wasn’t a difficult task. In addition, when I added that it was something only you could help with, it was only then that I started to feel a little more stable.

After comforting her for a while, I quickly got up. She lifted her body upright and tilted her head with her puzzled face. She seemed to be generally unsure, perhaps feeling burdened by her sudden full trust. They clearly came to make me not regret it, but when they actually laid the mat for me, I was hesitant.

‘It’s a little strange to think it’s just a misunderstanding. ‘Maybe he thought I would do something for him once he got here?’

Ansol was a kid who enjoyed the atmosphere. Rather than pressuring him here, it was a hundred times more beneficial to gently coax him and guide him to use his abilities. If so, I first needed to help her feel less burdened. So, I showed a slightly mischievous expression and told a joke.

“don’t worry. “You just have to do whatever your brother tells you.”

“Oh~. Do as you say? I understand. I’m not sure about something… . Anyway, I just have to trust you, right?”

“then. “Do you trust me?”

To lighten the mood one more time, I tried to make a joke about just holding hands and going to sleep, but I decided to quit after seeing Ansol’s passionate eyes. Eventually she nodded her head loudly, indicating her agreement. Now all that remains is for Ansol to test her luck skills. I had high expectations as to how this would relieve my frustration. What answers will she bring me after activating her abilities?

I went to Easter Egg with excitement.


I put a lot of thought into it, but my first plan was to let Ansol do whatever he wanted. After urging her to shake off all her anxiety, I walked her to the front of her main building.

“ruler. “Why don’t you go where you want to go?”

“yes? “Where do I want to go?”

“okay. It’s okay to not think about anything else for now. Imagine you came to visit the zoo. There must be a lot of places you want to go here and there, right? Just follow your heart and go to the place you are most drawn to. “Don’t be anxious.”

“Yes… .”

One of Ansol’s strengths is that he follows my instructions quite well. She tilted her head for a moment and then, as if something had dawned on her, she started walking briskly. I followed her with a startled heart, wondering if I had already gotten the hang of it.

The first time he went to the Easter Egg, he looked around and looked curious, but this time he wasn’t even looking around. In other words, there was a place that my heart was truly drawn to. I controlled my excitement and continued to follow Ansol.

But that excitement didn’t last long. The more I went, the more familiar scenes I saw, and the more I saw them, the more anxious I felt. Obviously, this is where I always walk after waking up in the morning… .

“Brother, brother. Better, better. “I want to go in there.”

Eventually, Ansol seemed to have reached his destination and whined, pointing in one direction. And the moment I turned my gaze to follow her fingers, I was greatly surprised.

“So, Sol. “Not here.”

“Ugh? why?”

“Anyway, you shouldn’t go in here. When you enter, this guy is scary! And scold me. So come quickly.”

“Si, I hate it. “I want to go in.”

The place where she stopped was none other than my instructor’s dormitory. She quickly turned to her senses and checked her insides. To her relief, she found nothing. However, as Kim Han-byeol also lived there, there were many items she used. Moreover, there are even beds that are right next to each other. Even though she was fierce, Ansol was also a woman by nature, and unless she was a very stupid person, it was obvious that she would notice.

When Ansol saw my reaction, he narrowed his eyes and quickly jumped forward. But I also didn’t stay still. In the first place, there was a huge difference in agility, so even if I tried to run, I was a flea. As I grabbed Ansol’s waist and lifted her up as she ran hard, she flailed her hands and feet as she floated in the air. It looks like he wants to get inside somehow.

“I’m going. “I’m going in.”

“now. He’s nice. “Listen to me.”

“Wow. “Why are they not letting me in?”

Ansol puffed out his cheeks and looked up at me with a dissatisfied face. I felt cold sweat running down my back. It’s true that I told you to just go wherever you want, but that wasn’t the case here. As expected, I comforted Sol, who was constantly complaining, after confirming that the luck ability was flying in unpredictable directions.

In the end, the two of us were able to quickly return to the front of the main building.

“Sol. Let’s do it a little differently this time.”

“Eh, different?”

“okay. Do you remember the last time you explored outside the city? “You pointed the way in this direction and that in the Blue Mountains.”


“good. Do you remember what your brother said earlier? “I hope this time you go thinking about those words.”

“yes. then… . huh?”

It was then. Ansol could not finish his answer and burst into question. The way you speak when you realize something is wrong. She soon frowned, and the frown quickly became tinged with urgency. The moment she thought why on earth she was like this, Ansol started making fun of her walking at a fast pace.

Ansol this time started going down the stairs leading to the side. I also hurriedly followed her and tried to gauge the direction she was going. There were several buildings, but one thing was certain: there seemed to be nothing more to see in the main building.

Ansol was probably in such a hurry that he didn’t even open his mouth for a while and just focused on walking.

While walking along the road to the left, I could see several new users gathering and giggling. Some users were gathered in groups of twos or threes chatting, while others were lying down on a wide rock taking a nap. Although I was given a day off today, it was a sight that made me frown.

I thought about taking control for a moment, but then gave up. For some reason, Ansol also seemed busy, and the control instructor could be seen from afar, surrounded by new users and bursting into laughter.

If you make a hundred concessions and look at it positively, you can praise the fact that you can smile like that after only two weeks, but compared to before, the atmosphere was so loose that it kept feeling unfamiliar.

As I walked past them, several buildings began to come into view. This site was a place with quite a few annexed buildings, so there were many narrow streets with various branches.

I didn’t really notice because I was just following behind him, but the moment I saw Ansol’s profile, I held my breath without realizing it. I don’t know when things changed, but the fierceness on her face from before had disappeared.

She was very absorbed in something. I don’t know her identity, but even now, I feel like she is slowly falling into that immersion. And just as the feeling seemed to have reached its peak, Ansol stopped walking again. I quickly spoke to her.

“Sol. “What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?”

“I’m sorry, brother.”

“Sorry? What are you talking about?”

“I don’t know either. I just keep feeling rushed. I should have gone sooner… . “I keep feeling that way.”

Ansol’s answer was quick and sharp. I thought it was time to look at her face closely. Her face was not its usual neat appearance. Her eyes were narrowed and she was glancing around as if she didn’t like something. Finally she said nothing and stretched out her hand towards the hem of my dress.

I wanted to avoid her touch. This is because, if possible, I wanted to leave her without holding the hem of her dress. However, just as she was about to twist her body, an unknown sense of discomfort enveloped me. Even I couldn’t figure out its identity. Suddenly, it occurred to me that the unknown energy that Ko Yeon-ju had talked about was seeping into me. In the end, I obediently gave away the hem of her dress, and only then did Ansol moan in satisfaction.

After looking at the building for a while as if searching here and there, she led me in one direction.

“… … .”

Finally, the building she was aiming for slowly began to come into view. It wasn’t inside the building. To be more precise, they were going inside along the road that runs between them. Accordingly, I gradually began to get nervous.

I only knew the User Academy roughly, but it was hard to say I knew every detail. Aside from the fact that there was no connection during the first round, the site was very large and there were quite a few buildings. Moreover, the place where Sol-i was currently leading was an area with narrow maze-like streets filled with buildings. So Ansol was leading me little by little to a dark place.

How long did you walk? There were not only buildings in the middle. There was a warehouse that looked like a container through a barely made gap, and there was also a place where boxes that looked heavy were piled up. If this were modern times, it would probably be the perfect place to hide after skipping class.

Ansol stopped walking once again. And, there were a total of four roads in front of where she stopped. It was difficult to see it as a straight intersection, but anyway, there was a road leading to the front, back, left, and right. She then let go of the hem of my dress and bit her lip. At first glance, she had a very troubled face.


Sol, who was deep in thought, soon turned her head to me. Should I say she’s on edge somewhere? Of course, her appearance and expression were soft and overall she had a benevolent aura, but she was giving off an unapproachable aura. okay. This feeling was similar to the feeling she received from Yoo Hyeon-ah, the who later awakened.

After looking side to side for a while, she raised both hands and pointed to the left and forward. She then opened her mouth in a quiet voice.

“I think it would be better for you to choose here.”

I was stunned for a moment by her words. Are you asking me to choose? However, he soon came to his senses and began to ask questions one by one.

“What are you telling me to choose?”

When I asked, Ansol quickly raised both hands and pointed to the left and forward. Then he answered in a low voice.

“Strangely enough, I don’t get to choose here. I feel like I want to go to both, but I think I should go to only one. So, brother, please hurry and choose one.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I am skipping the review of episode 216.

The 216th re-ripple will be included in the 217th.

We ask our readers for their understanding.


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not work with dark mode