MEMORIZE Chapter 214

00214 Conflict that comes to life ———————————————- ————————–=

Week 1 of the User Academy, which I thought was going fairly smoothly. Could it be that the subtle creaks interspersed foreshadowed the dissonance of the second week? After Na Seung-hye of the clan and Jo Eun-young of the clan clashed, the conflict that had gone inside began to rise to the surface again.

After receiving the report on the incident, Park Hyun-woo once again displayed superhuman patience. From what I heard, she politely asked Na Seung-hye to just go in the direction of her original teaching.

However, Na Seung-hye clearly rejected Park Hyun-woo’s request. She insisted that I was assigned to be her instructor for the remaining nine weeks and that the method of instruction was hers alone. She clearly didn’t say anything wrong, but anyone could see that it was a legitimate pretense.

Na Seung-hye pushed ahead with her claims despite the opinions of the Golden Lion and friendly clans. Of course, there was no way she could have gone ahead with it just on her own. On the surface, it appeared that the had intervened in the conflict between and , but beneath the surface, numerous clans must have been competing for power.

In the end, new personnel received training in magic theory again, and from that moment on, the conflict that had been barely resolved began to break out again.

Although it was still only the beginning, signs of conflict were slowly appearing. The most obvious of these was the uncooperative attitude toward instructor work. Close clans cooperated well with each other, but otherwise, they maintained a passive attitude. As requests for support became more frequently rejected, it reached a point where support was not provided at all.

When it reached that point, Park Hyun-woo, who had endured it with extreme patience until now, finally gave up. The dissatisfaction of the clans, which had a friendly stance towards the Golden Lion’s lukewarm stance, was growing day by day, and it seemed that they judged that if education was forcibly shared like this, a second incident could occur again.

Accordingly, my position became quite ambiguous. As a free mercenary clan, they claimed to be neutral, but there was no way they would just leave it alone. Both sides started sending me so-called “love calls.” I couldn’t help but be troubled for a while. It was obvious that the moment one became friendly with one, the other would feel disappointed.

The best way was to ride on water. But I immediately shook my head. The potential value was high, but there was no firm awareness yet. There was a high possibility that both sides would see it as a waste if they tried to swim in that situation clumsily.

In the end, I had no choice but to side with one side, and after much deliberation, I decided to catch the lines sent by the non-participating clans. After weighing various factors, it seemed that joining hands with non-participating clans would be more beneficial for future actions.

Of course, that wasn’t something that was obvious on the outside. Since I had been given consideration so far, I needed to pay for the bare minimum, namely food. The request for support through Hanbyeol Kim was equally accepted. However, other private meetings were usually held with non-participating clans. In some ways, it could be seen as leaving room, but for me right now, it was the best option.

While responding appropriately to the academy’s internal circumstances, I did not forget my duty. When Na Seung-hye and Jo Eun-young clashed, the inexplicable sense of discomfort I felt in the facial expressions of the new members continued to remain in my mind. And at the center of it all was Park Hwan-hee.

When I first saw him in the square, I thought he was just an interesting guy, but then I realized he was worth a closer look. I couldn’t shake the feeling that one of the many branches secretly flowing internally was related to Park Hwan-hee. So, I decided to keep a close eye on him for the time being.

The things I felt while watching Park Hwan-hee during the second week were in some ways strange and in other ways unremarkable. There was nothing particularly wrong with her outward attitude. She was well-behaved and polite, and her grades were among the top among her new recruits.

Education, control, and life instructors all had favorable reviews of Park Hwan-hee. In fact, there has already been a fierce competition to recruit Park Hwan-hee, so you can guess who she is without saying anything more.

The only problem was that new users around him followed him too much. Sometimes, he looked like a control instructor. He was said to have done a lot in the rite of passage, and he also had charisma, which was an innate ability, so there was room for consideration.

However, I had checked the user information with my third eye. To that extent, I could not accept the outward attitude at face value.

After that incident, I tried to move around in my own way, but I wasn’t able to gain much in the second week. The information I got was only barely able to scratch the surface. Of course, there were more than two months left until academy completion. However, I couldn’t help the feeling of frustration that was growing as each day passed.

While I was having such a stuffy day, I received an unexpected call from a visit. No, it would be absurd to say it was unexpected. Because we had obviously made an appointment to meet in advance. In the meantime, she had been so focused on her fast-paced user academy that she had forgotten about her promise.

I was able to receive contact through Hanbyeol the day before my appointment. That promise is that Go Yeon-joo, , came to visit me. She said she was bringing an extra child with her, and she asked for one more pass.

And the moment I heard those words, I was able to think of a clever idea to overcome this frustrating situation.


Today marks the end of the second week of the Academy. And starting tomorrow, we will enter week 3.

I could say that the current intensity of education is very low compared to when I was there. There was definitely an increase compared to the first week, but it was a formal increase. The intensity of training in the notorious Northern Continent of the past was nowhere to be seen.

As a specific example, there was originally a special weekend training where users competed with each other while holding weapons. It was a training that I personally valued quite highly, but this week I eliminated the special training time and filled it with rest.

From the instructor’s point of view, I had no major complaints because I could rest, but it was also true that I felt bitter at the same time. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the Northern Continent, which seemed to be doing well at the time of the convocation, was slowly falling into a quagmire.

I sighed and left the instructor’s quarters. Kim Han-byeol was nowhere to be seen. She also got the day off today, but she had been working since morning and didn’t show up until lunch.

As I was leaving the main building and heading towards the main gate, I could see two users walking from afar just in time. And as soon as I saw those two, I couldn’t believe my eyes for a moment.

As I was informed, Go Yeon-ju did not come alone. He brought another person next to him, and when he tried to improve his eyesight, he was able to confirm that it was Ansol, whom he had heard about yesterday. The important thing was that Ansol was coming, holding Ko Yeonju’s hand tightly. He also had a very lively expression as he waved his hands here and there.


Ansol also must have seen me walking from the other side, so he ran towards me with his arms wide open and walked at a brisk pace and hugged me. I hugged her out of sheer joy, even though I reflexively tried to pat her on the back.

“Sniff sniff.”

I was horrified by her continued behavior and pulled it away. Ansol looked up at me with her dissatisfied eyes. I poked her puffy cheek once and lowered her to the ground. Ansol immediately clung to me again.

“Brother. “I missed you.”

“… “Oh yeah.”


As I was sighing, Go Yeon-ju, who had shortened the distance, was looking at me and Ansol alternately with a lazy smile. Her face was filled with joy. It was as if she was looking at her child with pride as she met her father for the first time in a long time.

“Meet the Mercantile Lord.”

“When you say that with a face like that, it doesn’t feel weighty at all.”

“Oops, you got caught? Ho Ho. I missed you. Su-hyun.”

“is it so. me too… . Ah, Sol. wait for a sec. Don’t rub it too much. Hey, hey! Where are you now… !”

“Wow. “Ugh.”

I could barely open my mouth while barely removing the ansole, which showed the magic of rubbing my head two or three times a second.

“I was a little surprised when I received a call about my visit last night. “To be honest, I was so busy with the academy in many ways that I forgot about it.”

“iced coffee. are you okay. I know roughly what’s going on. Completely… .”

Go Yeon-ju nodded once or twice and spoke, but then stopped mid-sentence and closed her mouth. Eventually, she looked at her surroundings with her serious gaze and then spoke in a significantly lower voice than before.

“Su-hyun. Is there any other good place? “It’s too open here.”

“ah. okay. Well, I know a good place, so let’s go there. But somehow, existing users aren’t flocking in? “The Queen of Shadows visited the academy.”

“Oh~. “That was announced in advance.”

“What do you mean?”

Go Yeon-ju came next to me and gently folded her arms. Then she lifted her left hand. When she turned her gaze there, she saw a large basket covered with cloth. When I blinked at her to show that I didn’t understand her, she narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly.

“This is a lunch box I made myself. You must have had a hard time eating food that didn’t suit your taste. “You missed my cooking skills, right?”

“yes? Um, no. Not really… .”

“Oh, even if I said something, it didn’t matter. “She said she was going to spend intimate time with Soo-hyeon and that if she interfered for any reason, she would kill her.”

“… Let’s go.”

I quickly stopped what I was saying and led the performance. Ansol, who must have seen her and I moving her steps, moved between us with agile movements. Go Yeon-joo obediently gave her space and grabbed her left hand, and An Sol grabbed her left hand with his remaining right hand.

“Wow. It’s a picnic. picnic. “Waaaaa.”

Ansol held my hand and Go Yeon-ju’s hand and shook it wildly as he sang. She obviously asked me to push her as hard as possible, and she originally seemed to have difficulty playing Ansol. But in just two weeks, her attitude changed 180 degrees. It was a situation that she could not understand with her normal way of thinking. I asked Go Yeon-joo, tilting her head.

“Go Yeon-ju. “Why is he so excited today?”

“Ho Ho. “The weather is really nice today.”

“What happened during that time?”

“Hohohoho. My child is hungry. Now, let’s go quickly. “Where is that place?”

“… … .”


Until we arrived at the place named Easter Egg, Go Yeon-ju avoided my gaze and did not answer my questions. He continued to be curious, but decided to put his personal curiosity aside for now. He would find out everything later anyway, and before leaving Barbara, he asked her to train him and give her some carrots. Thinking that the late Yeonju would have taken care of it anyway, I took a bite of one of the pieces of bread she handed me.

While eating food prepared by Go Yeon-ju, I was able to hear about what the clan members were up to over the past two weeks.

“All the clan members are doing well. “There are children who wake up to me day after day, and there are children who live happily as usual.”

“The one who breaks down is Ahn Hyeon. Because I firmly begged him to come to his senses. “Anyway, who lives happily?”

Instead of answering, she pointed her finger forward.

“Wow. There~! “There~!”

“… “It seems like the symptoms have gotten worse.”

Ansol was toddling around, chasing something intently. As I was looking at her in her bewildered state, her low voice next to her struck my ear.

“no. “You don’t necessarily have to see it that way.”

“What do you mean?”

When I turned my head, I saw Ko Yeon-ju’s face, not the drowsy face I had seen at first, but with strength in her eyes. She continued her words while staring at Ansol with a sharp gaze.

“Su-hyun. “Did I once look at that baby and say she was mentally ill?”

“yes. That thing… “It was because of that.”

The moment he nodded his head, Go Yeon-ju turned his gaze from Ansol to me. She stared at me for a moment and then opened her mouth in a clear voice.

“that word. “I want to cancel.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I had Paldo Bibim noodles for dinner tonight. It was so delicious when I ate it in the military, but today, after eating it for the first time in a while, it doesn’t taste like it did back then. ha ha ha. Sometimes, my mouth starts watering when I think of the food I ate when I was in the military. The most memorable thing among them was ramen boiled in a bowl. I can’t forget the taste of the ramen, which was red and steaming. ㅜ.ㅠ


1. Sensitive: Congratulations on first place. Personally, I feel sad, but also great. ha ha ha. I thought I would be able to see 1st place 4 or 5 times in a row for the first time in a long time. 🙂 Anyway, congratulations again on winning first place after a long time. Please enjoy this episode as well!

2. Human Life: Long time no see! I thought you hadn’t seen me for a while, but it was exam period. ha ha ha. I was very surprised by the sudden long comment. 😀 We will address the issues you mentioned one by one in the future. ^^ Thank you for your comment.

3. ads123: Happy birthday. Surprisingly, there are many people who have birthdays. I envy you. My birthday is still a long time away. ㅜ.ㅠ Actually, I don’t remember receiving much congratulations on my birthday in recent years. Tsk. -_-a

4. Kurosion: Heh heh. I think that if that were to happen, readers would probably be confused. Well, these days, I’m satisfied because I don’t hear any eunuchs. Cook, cook.

5. BloodArk: Haha. It was the most shocking comment I’ve seen in a while. But Go Yeon-joo didn’t just hit him! They give carrots and encouragement in moderation. What exactly happened to Ansol?

6. Office2Lub19: I saw it! I wrote it directly in the review rather than on Riripple. ;blanket; Aren’t the reviews better? ㅜ.ㅠ

7. Hyeonoh: Hahaha. Probably not only for women, but also for men and women of all ages and animals. huh? Oh, no. I just said nonsense. Hum hum.

8. Sereson: Well, if Sereson makes the first comment on the midnight series, I will think about it. What are you trying to say?

9. Repil: Repil’s comments always seem to make me think about a lot of things. haha. It’s surprising that you put so much thought into a scene that you can just look at once. 🙂

10. Raccoon Wings: Thank you for the coupon. _(__)_ Yeoncham, um. Let’s try. LOL. Oh, congratulations on getting back to work. I also want to become an office worker quickly. I can imagine myself working coolly by tapping on the keyboard. lol.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode