MEMORIZE Chapter 212

00212 Conflict that comes to life ———————————————- ————————–=

It’s not unfamiliar. Slightly wavy, flowing hair that covers his shoulders. A slim, white face at first glance. When I looked a little closer, I saw thin eyelids rising in a gentle curve. Her identity was Kim Han-byeol, who went through a rite of passage with me and the kids. She was sleeping in a pitiful state.

After staring at her for a while, I carefully closed the door. And with her steps that muffled her sounds to the fullest, she shortened the distance between her and her.

“nose… .”

“… … .”

Her face, which made a weak nasal noise, looked much gaunt compared to before. Even though she was clearly sleeping, her eyebrows were slightly narrowed. She was making groaning noises every now and then, as if she was having some kind of bad dream. For some reason, I got the feeling that the atmosphere surrounding Hanbyeol itself had a very gloomy glow.

I picked up Hanbyeol’s body with calm hands. A slender body came into my arms. There was no other meaning. The sun would rise in two or three hours anyway, so rather than waking him up for no reason, I wanted to let him sleep comfortably for the remaining time.

“huh… .”

I thought he was paying attention, but I saw Hanbyeol’s eyes slowly open as if he sensed my presence. There was a cloudy color inside the eye that was revealed through the gap. Even after washing my eyes, I could not find the sharpness and intelligence that I often displayed in the past.

“oh… under… ?(brother…?)”

“huh. ruler. “It’s okay, you can sleep more.”

I heard Hanbyeol’s sleeping voice, and I comforted her and laid her down on the bed. I saw her lips purse a few more times, but only unintelligible sounds came out. Soon she started tossing and turning her body once or twice, and then she began to breathe evenly.

Seeing Hanbyeol sleeping with a much calmer expression than when I came in, I was lost in thought for a while.

Six months have passed since completing the academy. It was true that she thought about Hanbyul a few times during that period. I think the disappointment I heard from her when she didn’t choose me was probably due to her regret over missing out on her Jewel Mage.

But looking at it like this, I didn’t feel anything. Ah, I felt a little sad. I don’t know the exact circumstances, but I felt like I wasn’t adjusting well within the clan. I thought I would feel something special when we reunited, but my honest feelings right now are just indifference.

I let out a long sigh and turned around. The reason I first saw the bed as one was because the two beds were next to each other with a very slight gap. At first glance, it looked like just a spacious bed.

After roughly taking off my equipment and setting it aside, I immediately laid down on the empty bed. As I closed my eyes, the events of the day suddenly began to come to mind. Promotion, convocation order, Han So-young, godmother, clan members, Ansol, academy, instructor meeting… . When I thought that maybe Sol An might be the reason why she cried, I couldn’t help but laugh.

As some time passed, darkness slowly began to creep into my mind.

… … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … . … … … .

I did sleep. But she couldn’t sleep deeply. I was able to sleep soundly in the arms of Jeong Ha-yeon and Ko Yeon-ju. It was such a mysterious thing. Although it was a light nap, it was better than not sleeping at all, so I decided to stop complaining and slowly open my eyes. This is because I felt staring eyes on me from the side.

“… … .”

When I raised my head and looked, I could see Hanbyeol Kim standing quietly next to me. Her expression on her face was cold and quiet. The moment she made eye contact with me, her eyes twitched for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure.

Hanbyul didn’t open his mouth, and I didn’t open my mouth either. “Why is my brother here?” or “This is my accommodation.” These words were meaningless conversations for both of our personalities. Because we both know very well what the situation is.

I immediately got up from the bed and spoke in a calm voice.

“It’s been a while since I last saw you. Ah, I saw you yesterday, so it’s been a while, isn’t it?”

“… Long time no see. oh… .”

“okay. I heard a story from Hyunwoo Park yesterday. “I’ll take good care of you for the next three months.”

“… yes. Please take care of me.”

Hanbyeol’s voice somehow sounds like it’s being squeezed. It seems like he still finds his relationship with me awkward. I decided to show a calm attitude. If you’re a somewhat perceptive and quick-witted person, you’ll be able to figure out what my actions mean. I didn’t want to be an unnecessary burden, and I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable.

In order for that to happen, I needed to clearly draw a line in my relationship with her. The working relationship between a regular instructor and an assistant instructor. So, even though I already knew, I naturally opened my mouth.

“Fortunately, I don’t think I fell into a deep sleep. “Do you know your schedule this morning?”

“… … .”

“I don’t know?”

“… Working with life instructors to wake up new users… . “You can lead it to the control instructors.”

“Oh yeah. thank you.”

When I asked her once more, a cold-sounding answer flowed from her lips. However, somehow, a calm sadness was oozing out. After giving a brief reply, I turned around and opened the door in front of me.

Anyway, he’s a kid who’s good at taking care of himself. She left the dormitory at a brisk pace, believing that she would be able to overcome her current hardships on her own.


There were many twists and turns, but the User Academy signaled the beginning of education. Since I handled the work almost as if I was roasting beans in the heat of lightning, I had doubts as to whether it would work well. However, it could be said that the first week went well, as Park Hyun-woo’s desperate division of roles seemed to have shown its strength.

There were many reasons why I decided to postpone my plans and join the User Academy. I definitely did not accept the position as an instructor, putting off my original plan simply to help new users. As such, I intended to act in various directions in my own way, and there was also a need to do so.

The first reason was to build friendships. Whether the future was twisted or not, connections were a very important factor in Hall Plain. This time, a large number of top people from each clan participated as instructors in the user academy. They were definitely interested in me, and I also planned to maintain a good relationship with them as much as possible.

Even though I was given free admission, I showed my utmost sincerity. Because sometimes I felt some eyes observing my actions. Even though I didn’t watch it, it was a video where the control and life instructors would relay my daily life to the instructors of the same clan.

If I only believed that good-looking rice cakes are good to eat and that they have the potential for development and showed an insincere attitude, I would be lowering my self-worth. Such good looks can serve as a stepping stone to goodwill when meeting with instructors with positions in each clan in the future.

Next, it was a matter of examining whether there were users who could be accepted as new clan members. Perhaps this could be said to be the biggest problem. This is because the sound of proving one’s qualifications in a rite of passage on the fifth day was a 100% guaranteed check that revealed the user’s extraordinaryness.

Although I thought it was a bit foolish, I activated the third eye for each new user from day one. We didn’t just look at simple abilities. We opened up user information to the maximum and carefully read, calculated, and considered each case to see if we might have missed anything.

It was after three days that I stopped doing this. After checking about 30 people, we realized how inefficient this method was. Of course, if things continue like this, one day you will be able to see everything, but it was quite tiring to consider the number of cases in one user information window. However, once I glanced at it and passed it on, I really hated the fact that if I couldn’t find it later, I would have to start all over again.

Since I had a lot of time anyway, I decided to be a little trick. It was still week 1, so only a brief preview was being provided, but professional training was scheduled to begin soon. At that point, the levels of users begin to gradually diverge. Depending on the individual’s abilities and potential, the individual either overcomes or encounters limitations. In other words, it was said that it would be possible to gauge one’s suitability as a combat user.

There is a saying, ‘Nangjungjichu (囊中之錐)’. It means an awl in the pocket, and contains the meaning that a person with great talent will be revealed on his own even if he is hidden. If you wait a little longer, users who will gradually stand out will appear, and then you will only have to judge the combatants separately. If it doesn’t come out even then, we really need to conduct a thorough investigation.

Eating in a hurry made me feel sick, so I proceeded with my plan slowly, aiming for two main reasons. Of course, there were one or two things that bothered me quite a bit.

The words Ansol said before leaving Barbara were always kept in his heart. But there was no sign or sign. However, he said, “It seems that the Golden Lion Clan Godmother is not feeling well. How did that happen? And what’s going on these days? “I feel strangely anxious.” She couldn’t even ask.

So, we decided to wait for a while while proceeding with the academy plan. My worries may have been unfounded, and it was a problem that could not be hurriedly talked about. If there is no clear solution from within, you must borrow external power. So, I decided to discuss it with Ko Yeon-ju, who would come visit me after the second week.

Other than that, I could mention Kim Han-byeol’s case.

“Merchantry Lord. “Do you have any inconveniences in your life as an instructor?”

“Suhyeon. How is life at the academy? “Does the assistant instructor help you a lot?”

Hyun-Woo Park and Yu-Bin Seong would sometimes come to me and secretly flirt with each other. To be honest, I couldn’t help but feel pitiful every time something like this happened. When I heard about it from Jeong Ha-yeon, I thought it was just like that, but when I experienced it myself, I could clearly see that it was rotten.

Every time they ask me that question, my answer is always the same.

“yes. Hanbyeol Kim is a very capable user. I think I understand why you said that then. “It’s definitely convenient to be assigned as an assistant instructor.”

“haha. I am receiving a lot of help from Assistant Instructor Hanbyeol Kim. Thanks to her, her life at the academy has become much easier.”

I’m sorry, but I had no intention of hugging Kim Han-byeol. I didn’t want to be fooled by their intentions, and if I formed a deep relationship with the Golden Lion now, I would do more harm than good. Already, several clans were drooling(?) upon seeing me. It’s just a trickle right now, but I was planning on making it dripping soon. I wanted to block in advance any actions that could cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

The most important thing here was Kim Han-byeol’s position. I thought it would be quite difficult to get between me and the executives, but fortunately, he didn’t show any particular attitude until now. No, in a way, it seemed like he understood my signal. As time passed, the initial awkwardness disappeared, and he often showed his true colors. I was satisfied with just that.

There were times when I came into the dorm with a red face, but in most cases, I just asked once or twice as a courtesy and moved on. For example, “What’s wrong with your face? “Where does it hurt?”, “No. “It’s no big deal.” etc. It was a little unfortunate, but it wasn’t something I was in a position to help and he didn’t want to talk about it.

The long-awaited first week of the hectic Academy has passed.

After the first week, the User Academy recorded an unusually low number of discharges. This time, the Academy started with a significantly lower level of difficulty for the first week compared to the previous episode, and the reason was clear without saying anything. Since I went from full to hungry again, it seemed like they were trying to drag me out as much as possible. Well, they say it will be raised little by little starting from the second week, but it remains to be seen.

Anyway, after the first week, I could see Park Hyun-woo sighing in relief at the restaurant. Perhaps he thought he had taken the first step well in a confusing situation.

But the academy was just the beginning. Conflicts between clans still remained, and although subtle, there was even a subtle sense of competition over new users. There were even a few times when a strange sense of tension was created while performing the life and control role.

It wasn’t serious so it wasn’t a problem. However, with nearly 20 conflicting clans, I felt that it would eventually explode. The only difference is when and who makes the first move.

And around the middle of the second week, an incident occurred that proved my thoughts.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I uploaded it really quickly today. By the time I finished writing, it was 23:57. Before updating in the serial section, upload it to the study first and go through it slowly. I usually read it with a lot of leisure time, but this time I read it really frantically. @[email protected] I don’t think it’s easy to do anything simultaneously. ㅜ.ㅠ Even today, after the lecture, the kids in my department refused to ask me to go out to eat, and I felt so sorry. He tells me not to be too expensive. lol. 😀


1. Miwolya: Congratulations on first place. You have achieved first place for the second time in a row! I wonder if you actually achieved it 3 times in a row. I haven’t seen the comments on the latest episode yet, but I’m looking forward to it with excitement. 🙂

2. Enjoy Play: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I want to repay you with more interesting content in the future~.

3. Shin Yujin: Haha. I understand. When I was a novel reader, I read one work and always regretted that it was short. I didn’t know it at the time, but writing a series every day was a daunting task. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. Prince Gaechavan: Yes. Ah, there was no user academy in the past. The academy was founded by a user in the past, and the angels who recognized its useful value gave it a of 4 mission reward points upon completion. That’s all about the Academy. If you go any further, there will be net information and spoilers. 🙂 (For your information, there are facilities similar to the User Academy on other continents. However, the original is the North Continent.) And the question you asked later (before conquering Barbara) is simply put in the following order: Unexplored (Northern Continent) → Small town → Normal city → Big city. (This also contains settings.)

5. sereson: Sereson likes sereson~? Or do you like Ansol?

6. brisingr: LOL. You don’t have to worry. Would you be swayed by the main character’s personality?

7. Office2Lub19: Thank you! Typo has been corrected! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

8. Broken Fan: Oh, I was coming home on the subway and suddenly that song came to mind. Hehehe. Round round~.

9. Cube Chessboard: Hmm, I didn’t understand. What does the comment about collecting by color and type mean?

10. Late rent: NO. There was no intention to show the status of the fallen golden lion. I would appreciate it if you could connect me to the next luxurious appointment. However, we will make sure to refer to Milinbangse’s comments and connect this part more smoothly when revising the e-book in the future. Thank you for your valuable advice. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode