Memorize Chapter 21

00021 Break up for a while. ————————————————– ———————-=

The sky seen through the window was full of dark clouds. Although it was not thick, there was a faint fog hovering in the air, and drizzle fell occasionally. As he watched the raindrops hitting the window, Kim Han-byeol felt his mood calm down.

I can’t say it was cozy, but I still felt comfortable. Even if it was a sentimental feeling that didn’t suit the current situation, it was a much better feeling compared to when I was in the forest and when I was chased by strange things after I came out of the forest.

‘If you think about it… . ‘When I was young, I really liked the rain.’

Kim Han-byeol loved rainy days since she was young. For him, walking down a rainy street with an umbrella and listening to music was a small happiness he could feel in his boring daily life. Suddenly, I desperately wanted a cup of coffee. He felt like he could forget everything around him for a moment, as long as he had a cup of hot, delicious coffee to warm his insides.

Kim Han-byeol looked at the world reflected outside the window with a sad face. As I watched the gray shadows cast over my body, it seemed like evening had already arrived. I experienced so much today that I was full of physical and mental fatigue. Rubbing her sleepy eyes she turned her head. I saw a large room that looked about 20 pyeong in size. Everything there was was there. No food, water, bedding, toilets or even showers.

While running away frantically, he saw a city and went inside, but as he entered, Hanbyeol Kim felt a strange sense of discomfort. The city was so quiet, it seemed as if no one lived there. When she first saw the city, she thought she had died. Along the way she found a medium-sized building. This building, whose rooftop was painted black, particularly caught the group’s attention. I don’t know if I was lucky, but when I came in as if I was being lured by something, I found that everything was provided.

Kim Han-byeol’s body and mind demanded sleep, but it was still difficult for him to fall asleep. Ansol was still in a daze and couldn’t come to her senses, and Anhyeon was busy taking care of her by her side. And Lee Yu-jeong… .

Kim Han-byeol, who was following Lee Yu-jeong’s traces, was able to find her without difficulty. Before she knew it, she was picking up the knife that Kim Han-byeol had neatly placed next to the front door. Since Hanbyeol had a rough idea why she was acting like that, she sighed lightly and opened her mouth.



“Put down the knife.”


Lee Yu-jeong unlocked the front door without even listening. When a loud clanging sound was heard from the front door, Ahn Hyun seemed to be surprised, so he opened the door and came out. When he saw the knife Lee Yu-jeong was holding, he immediately frowned at her.

“It’s in vain. “Put down the knife and wait patiently.”

When Kim Han-byeol’s voice was heard, Yu-jeong Lee was glaring at Kim Han-byeol with an angry face.


“… … .”

“Suhyeon will bring her brother, so you guys wait.”

‘brother. ‘Suhyeon’s oppa.’

I said his name softly in my mind. His thoughts appeared in Kim Han-byeol’s head. From the moment he first met Kim Han-byul, he thought that Kim Soo-hyun and himself were similar types of people. From the moment he saw it in the clearing, he could get the feeling that something was special. Always have a calm face and confident voice. And calm eyes. Maybe that’s why he talked to him on the hill and was guided by his judgment. Kim Han-byeol looked at Yu-jeong Lee blankly for a moment and then continued speaking.

“You’re not the only one worried about your brother. And even if she goes, there’s nothing she can do. “Just waiting patiently will help.”

“He might still be waiting there. Again, if you don’t want to go, get out. “If you don’t go, I will come and get you.”

“Lee Yu-jeong. Hanbyul is right. “Put down the knife first.”

When Lee Yu-jeong heard Ahn Hyeon’s stern voice, she immediately turned her head. She snorted while looking at An Hyeon and Kim Han-byeol for a moment, then continued her words in a sarcastic voice.

“That’s too much. By now, my brother might be wandering around looking for us. huh?”

It’s too much. This single word contained numerous meanings. Upon hearing those words, everyone felt a tingling sensation in their hearts. however. Ahn Hyun kept her mouth shut, but Kim Han-byeol did not. She glanced briefly at Ansol, who was still lying down in the room next to her, and then opened her mouth.

“There was nothing we could do. They were running at us, and we were in a dangerous situation. “If it weren’t for that kid, everyone here might be dead right now.”

“Who doesn’t know? That’s why I avoided it for now and Sol brought me here. Is it over when you come? We’re safe for now, so it’s over now? “Your brother will come find it on his own, right?”

Kim Han-byeol felt uncomfortable as she watched Yu-jeong Lee mocking her with interrogative sentences. From the beginning, it was really annoying for her to yell and speak informally. Without realizing it, Kim Han-byeol answered coldly, raising the corners of her mouth slightly and making a mocking expression.

“Then go out. Go out and search as much as you can. “I won’t care whether my sister dies or not.”

I wanted to say it myself, but the water had already been spilled. After hearing her story, An Hyun looked at Kim Han-byeol with a surprised face. Lee Yu-jeong’s face looked shocked for a moment, but then she said, “Ha.” She let out a hollow laugh.

“you… . You really, really are a cheesy kid. Did you sacrifice yourself to save this kid? What a disappointment. “It looks like the worry you had about not going earlier was all an act.”

“I clearly told you not to go. Still, he was the one who said he would do it. “Why are you blaming me for that?”

“you… . Sorry, no. It’s not worth talking about with trash like you. Just shut up. “A cold bitch without blood or tears.”

Kim Han-byeol, who expected Kim Han-byeol to rush in and shout again, was a little surprised by Lee Yu-jeong’s unexpected response. And I felt that my self-esteem was severely hurt by the attitude of ignoring me and calling me trash. She didn’t realize it, but Kim Han-byeol’s breathing had become even rougher than before. Then, as she spoke, there was a faint anger mixed in her voice.

“Your words are harsh. “Is there anything wrong with what I said?”

“I don’t know. I’m not interested in that. But at least I don’t want to live as pretentiously as you.”

“Have you said everything?”

“He’s so young that he looks at me with his eyes straight open. What are you going to do? Should we at least pull each other’s hair out? Arthur. “If you don’t want to scratch that white face, just close your pretty mouth.”

“Everyone stop!”

Ahn Hyeon, who could not see the argument between the two escalating, strongly scolded them in an angry voice. Lee Yoo-jeong and Kim Han-byeol stopped talking without realizing it. An Hyeon glared at the two with her hollow eyes for a moment and then held out her hand towards Lee Yu-jeong.

“Give it to me.”

“… no.”

Looking at Lee Yu-jeong hugging the sword tightly, Ahn Hyeon sighed deeply again and continued speaking in a slightly weakened voice.

“I’m going to go find my brother. “Now that I think about it, I think you’re right.”

“… really? “Then let’s go together.”

Lee Yoo-jeong was shocked to see An Hyeon suddenly change her attitude, but her face became welcoming. Anhyeon responded to her words by shaking her head weakly.

“no. It’s easier to go alone. I don’t know if they might be there. Sol will take care of you and Hanbyul.”

“With him? no. “I can’t trust him anymore.”

As Lee Yu-jeong continued to criticize her, Kim Han-byeol also felt something welling up inside her. What she had been holding in from before finally exploded. However, she had a cool head. When she gets angry, instead of raising her voice and getting angry like Lee Yu-jeong, on the contrary, her voice becomes cold and cynical. She opened her mouth towards Ahn Hyeon in a cold voice that had never been heard before.

“Do not go. “If I go, my brother will definitely suffer as well.”

“Don’t you shut up?”

“Just shut your mouth.”

“what? That one? “Say it again.”

When Lee Yu-jeong rolled her eyes and looked as if she was going to hit her, An Hyeon quickly forcibly snatched the knife from Lee Yu-jeong’s arms. However, Kim Han-byeol also seemed to have already made up his mind, and the words that had once been opened were flowing out like water from a burst dam.

“Don’t step forward without even knowing. What do you think would happen to us all if it weren’t for him? Have you not seen that neither swords nor fists work? “It’s obvious that you’ll die if you go, so why on earth would you go like that?”

“This double bitch is really… ”

“You must be swearing because you have nothing to say. Are you saying you know where my brother is and are bringing him here? If you have a brain, think about it.”

“It’s a good excuse, right? Now you’re revealing your true nature, right? Don’t you even think we’re here now thanks to you? Hypocrisy is something that only trembles and thinks about putting others behind. The answer appears just by looking at it. Is it more ugly than that baby? ”

For the first time, Kim Han-byeol’s expression distorted when he was compared to the trouble maker, or rather, he was further belittled. As her anger rose, Kim Han-byeol raised her tone and spoke in a trembling voice.

“A dead person is a dead person! “What’s wrong with a living person wanting to live?!”

Those words seemed to have been a catalyst, and Lee Yu-jeong rushed at Ahn Hyeon, pushing him hard. Kim Han-byeol was also biting his teeth hard and was about to raise his hand with the intention of lifting his cheek with all his might.


“what. “Why is there so much fuss?”

The unlocked front door opened and a young man entered. A calm face, confident voice, and calm eyes. Lastly, the crossbow strapped to the left arm. Everyone in the room who saw him held their breath at the same time. The atmosphere in the room where the conflict reached its peak seemed to have disappeared like a lie.

“I’m glad everyone is safe.”

He smiled calmly, released the crossbow in his left arm, and then raised his right hand in greeting to everyone.

He was none other than Kim Soo-hyun.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

1. Correction of typos and context.


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not work with dark mode