MEMORIZE Chapter 209

00209 I left and met ———————————————- ————————–=

“You damn bastard! Stop whining and hurry… . “Uh, huh?”

“This crazy bastard is really… !”

puck! Craddangtang!

A short shout was heard and a dull noise rang out. I quickly turned my head in that direction and saw a dirty-looking man rolling around on the floor. And above it, there was a user breathing hard and wheezing. Judging by the golden lion emblem, it seemed like he was a member of the Golden Lion Clan who had been selected as a control instructor.

As if the user wasn’t satisfied with the one slap, he started kicking the man who was lying on the floor.

“Now, how dare you rebel against Barbara, the Golden Lion, and the Clan?”

“Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh!”

Every time the fallen man was kicked, the instructor’s voice also cut off. The man screamed in pain, and naturally the attention of those around him focused on him. The buzzing noise was so loud that it didn’t attract everyone’s attention, but it was enough to attract the attention of new users nearby who were trembling with anxiety. And, a feeling of fear appeared in the eyes of the personnel watching the scene.

When I saw that scene, I shook my head. Strictly speaking, even though proper control was carried out, the control instructor was able to impose appropriate sanctions on those who went too far in disobeying and agitating the atmosphere with his/her own authority. (Of course, there is a degree.) Even around the time I entered the second session. It was like that. At that time, Park Dong-geol was dragged beaten to the center of the square and humiliated in front of everyone.

However, considering the current situation, it was a mistake to choose beatings as a sanction method in a public place.

These users are like a blank sheet of paper who have not yet experienced the whole plane directly. At that time, you may see the effect of oppression for a moment, but it will create a vicious first impression on new employees. Wouldn’t it have been better to secretly beat her like Park Dong-geol and later, after explaining the situation, publicly tell her the reason?

In any case, I thought that the Golden Lion Clan would regret choosing that user as a control instructor. At first glance, it seemed like he was a 2 or 3 year old with some skill, not a senior. If he was older, I would have skillfully controlled him or subtly dragged him to a dark place. However, looking at the instructor, it seemed like he was intoxicated with pride rather than understanding the situation of the clan he was currently affiliated with.

I felt a little sad when I saw the instructor still unable to open his eyes, buried in his former glory. It is no longer the golden lion it used to be. At that time, they may have been able to cover everything with pride as the best clan, but now they have fallen into the same hungry state as other clans. In other words, their high pride would not work anymore. Considering that competition between clans to recruit users would be fierce, it remained to be seen.

Fortunately, some of the control instructors next to him were belatedly trying to stop their colleagues. I was thinking about just passing it on, but a good idea suddenly occurred to me. The white drawing paper of new users who have just arrived is being stained by the golden lion. I feel sorry for them, but this could have been an opportunity for me. Although we will have to secretly compete with various clans for the next three months, I thought it would be a good idea to build a good image one by one from now on.

I slowly walked towards that direction. Even while the man was being beaten, he was constantly saying things like, “This guy is beating people,” “Look at this,” etc. Normally, he would become quiet after being hit a few times, but he seemed to have an angry attitude. The control instructor seemed to be a bit of a grumpy guy and even rolled up his sleeves.

After defeating his comrades, his arm is thrown back wide. It was the moment when his fist was about to slam down on the man who was barely able to get up. I quickly got between them.


The sound of friction between the controller’s fist and my palm holding it spreads out like a flutter. The impact I felt on my hand was quite heavy as I must have applied quite a bit of force. A slight magical power response was also felt. I laughed inside. No matter how justified the control, this could be seen as going too far.

“What, what! Who are you!”

“uh… ? uh! hey!”

The instructor who had just swung his fist seemed a little surprised, and turned his head with a high-pitched voice. And slender fingers quickly grabbed his shoulder. A fellow user who was stopping me next to me wondered if he knew my face. Did 1 or 2 seconds pass? She immediately slapped the instructor on the back of the head and screamed in horror.

“Oh sir… . Why are you suddenly hitting me… .”

“Be quiet, you idiot. Mercenary… .”

She swore loudly enough for me to hear. Then, he caught my attention, pulled the control instructor’s ear, and started whispering. Soon her wheezing face began to slowly change into a puzzled expression. Only after seeing the ever-changing expressions did I open my mouth in a calm voice.

“I came because there was a lot of commotion. “What’s going on to make it so loud?”

“Well, meet the Mercenary Lord. Oh, that’s not it… . This guy is disobeying control and making too much noise… .”

“Even so, the punch you made just now wasn’t that light. “It caused serious injuries to new users.”

“Oh, no… . that is… . There are a lot of people running around strangely… . that… .”

He must have finally come to his senses, and stuttered with a thoughtful look on his face. The goal was not to push these two users to the end anyway. So I thought it would be better to release it at this point.

“Anyway, I understand. First of all, since I am also a person involved, it would be better for me to participate in the situation. “It looks like we don’t have enough hands.”

“Okay, thank you. Ho Ho. “The number of people attending this time was more than expected.”

As the control officer hesitated, the female user next to him quickly intervened. I nodded her head once and turned her body to the side. There was a man sitting on the floor, staring at us with a blank face.

“Let’s get up first. “Are you feeling okay?”

He held out his hand and said, “Hot.” on the man’s face. A thought passed by. He seemed a little hesitant, but then he took my hand. At that moment, I immediately applied strength to his hands and forced his body to stand up.

“f*ck, f*ck. Who the hell are you… . omg!”

The man who stood up was boasting of his considerable stature. His height seemed to be well over 190, and his upper body was full of pig muscles. When I lightly lifted up such a large person while holding one hand, small exclamations of surprise erupted from those around me.

The giant looked at me with a confused face for a moment, then coughed loudly and opened his mouth.

“Hey, hey! Are you his superior? Where is this place that I have to go through this crappy experience? huh? Wow, we’ve been going through that barrel for a week… what? Anyway, I had to survive against monsters in a strange place!”

“Oh, that’s right! Where are we? Isn’t it Korea? japan? “No, it’s actually the Earth?”

“Please send me home! Please, please send me home!”

“Where am I again…” . She barely survived… . mom… . dad… . I miss you… . Ugh… .”

Seeing the way I was controlling the two users, I wondered if they thought I was some kind of high-ranking person. Questions started pouring out like a torrent of questions. I patiently waited for their words to die down. Soon, I heard someone crying, which drew my attention for a moment, and I took advantage of the opportunity to open my mouth in a calm voice.

“You must have gone through rites of passage and met angels, so I won’t think you don’t know much. Of course, I understand your confusion right now.”

“okay! They said it was a rite of passage!”

The man responded to my words with a growl. I shot him a look with a faint hint of murder in his eyes, and soon I could see him flinching. After confirming that, he gradually became reluctant to live and continued speaking.

“Let me tell you one thing, we here right now are in the same situation as you. I went through a similar rite of passage, met angels, and entered this place called Hall Plain. “The only difference is whether you come in first or later.”

Although he spoke quietly, it contained magical power, so it must have been heard clearly in everyone’s ears. Silence suddenly fell among the noisy users. A little time passed, and I could feel someone carefully raising a hand next to me.

“So, does that mean we can’t go back home? Is there still something more left?”

Although he was a little bit tearful, a very young-looking voice flew into my ear. Since answering this question could lead to a long conversation, I thought it would be better to save words at this point. I shook my head and continued to speak, straining my neck even more.

“That part will be explained soon. I’ll be back soon to tell you more about the current situation. In this noisy situation right now, no matter what I say, I can’t hear it. So, even if you are curious, please be patient and just follow the guidance of the control instructors for now.”

After I finished speaking, I could feel the commotion calming down, although not completely. The control instructors standing next to me looked embarrassed. To be honest, I felt a little sorry. Previously, the control instructor had created an atmosphere of fear by knocking as much as he could, but he sneaked in through that gap and took control of the situation. Of course, some of my abilities were involved, but life is all about timing.

When the situation seemed to have settled down to some extent, I turned around and looked at the two instructors.

“I have one question. “There weren’t many people involved in the square. What happened?”

“Ah, unexpectedly, a lot of new users have joined. We’ve requested personnel support from the Clan House, but as soon as possible, we’ll need to quickly remove the personnel in the plaza… .”

“hmm. okay. All right. “Then I will ask you to lead the way.”

“yes. Thank you for your help.”

They both bowed their heads and expressed their gratitude to me. When I glanced at him, I noticed that the nape of his neck was slightly red and he looked like he was embarrassed. I nodded and moved out of the way so they could take control. Eventually, the two instructors took control again. In the eyes of new users, their anxiety did not seem to have subsided yet, but they showed a relatively calmer attitude than before.

I took a few steps back and looked at the overall situation. As time passed, the commotion seemed to be getting slightly better, as support personnel were arriving one by one. There was still a murmur, but it had recovered from the opening to the 5 minutes before the opening.

Soon, the entrance to Building 5 was finally seen opening. More than 50 people began to flock there. I was worried that the situation would become chaotic again as additional people came in, as the situation was barely regaining stability.

However, it was shown that there were quite a few experienced users there and things were resolved in an instant. After looking at that place for a moment, I slowly turned around. With this, all five inns were opened. Now all I had to do was go to the square and wait.


The main square of the big city, Barbara. After about 40 minutes had passed, the first group of new users began to arrive. I thought it would take at least an hour, but it was unexpected. And the atmosphere was completely different from before. The anxiety that was deep when I was there has now eased considerably. So much so that it’s almost invisible.

While I was tilting my head for a moment, I saw Park Hyun-woo and Seong Yu-bin entering the center stage from the fork in the road. Eventually, they found me standing on the center stage and opened their mouths with a light greeting.

“Merchantry Lord. “You came early.”

“no. “I should have arrived before the portal closed, but for some reason I was a little late.”

“it’s okay. “You came quickly enough.”

Park Hyeon-woo shook his head with a bitter expression and turned to the steps of the square. As I followed suit, I could see the instructors classifying new users into classes and seating them on each floor.

Among them, one female user slipped out and soon started running toward me and Park Hyeon-woo. I thought it looked familiar, so I looked closely and saw that it was the user who had stopped the control instructor who was excited earlier.

She looked surprised when she saw me standing next to Park Hyun-woo. I signaled that it was okay and took a step back. It meant talking comfortably. She cleared her throat once or twice in response to my consideration, and soon began speaking in a cute voice.

“I will report on the personnel. There are 47 people in building 1, 51 in building 2, 52 in building 3, 50 in building 4, and 52 in building 5. The total number of members is 252.”

“That’s a lot. Compared to 4 years ago, the number is extremely small, but compared to the number of people who recently joined, it seems like the number has almost doubled. Do you know how much of a difference there is?”

“Eh, that, that.”

As if she didn’t know that much, the woman stuttered with a puzzled look on her face. At that time, Seong Yu-bin’s voice was heard from behind her.

“There were 19 people in building 1, 43 in building 2, 22 in building 3, 29 in building 4, and 17 in building 5, for a total of 130 people.”

ah. Are you talking about when I came in? Park Hyeon-woo nodded once or twice before continuing.

“How many people are classified into each class?”

“There are 126 close combat classes, 59 ranged combat classes, 38 magic talent classes, and 29 priests. Secret, rare, and other occupations have not yet been identified in detail. Oh, and there is one special thing to report. .”


When Park Hyeon-woo asked again, the woman turned her head towards the stairs. She rolled her eyes here and there as if she was looking for someone, then raised her finger and pointed at someone. And her lips gently opened.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

It’s very late today. ㅜ.ㅠ This is all because of Ansol. Therefore, for Ansol, I plan to just suck his fingers while Kim Soo-hyun hahahahahahaha with other female users. (Pukpuk! Hahaha. Just kidding.) I want to write a long review, but I have to eat dinner quickly and write the midnight series. Seems to. I have another morning lecture on Monday, so I have to go to bed early today. Therefore, we will combine Ripple with the next corridor. We ask our readers for their understanding.

P.S. The content of episode 208 has been revised. Su-hyeon’s inner self was revealed in more detail, and a conversation with Ansol was added. The misleading parts have been replaced with other parts. thank you


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not work with dark mode