MEMORIZE Chapter 208

00208 I left and met ———————————————- ————————–=

There was a lot to think about on the way back. Go Yeon-ju must have known how I felt, and instead of making jokes like usual, he quietly followed behind me. While contemplating how to proceed with the matter, I was finally able to recall the thoughts of my clan members the moment I saw the Inn.

Before entering the inn entrance, I turned around. Go Yeon-joo, with her drowsy face as always, was looking at me with her eyes wide open.

“High user performance.”

“Yes, Suhyeon.”

“I told you to wait before leaving the inn, so I’m sure you’re not sleeping yet. “Why don’t you go in first and gather your companions?”

“Office… . Oh, no. “Can I call you into that room?”

“If you mean the room I use alone, then that’s correct. I’ll just smoke one at the beginning and then go in. “Please tell Jeong Ha-yeon to pack all her luggage and come back.”

“yes. “Don’t worry too much and come in slowly.”

Go Yeon-ju answered in a soft voice. Only after she opened her door and made sure I went inside was I able to let out a short sigh.

Even though it was night, the street in front of the inn was a bit chaotic. Users living in the city also seemed to know that the portal to would soon be closed and new users would enter. Even if they were users who could not participate directly, it was an unusual sight to see unspoiled people coming in.

Smoke with a soft, light scent flows into your throat. I sucked on the tobacco that was in my mouth and fell into deep thought.

The future has changed. No, the possibility of change has increased. The non-participating clans responded to the Golden Lion’s summons and achieved what they wanted. Thanks to the godmother’s actions, many of the conflicts that had been growing were resolved. Looking at this in itself, it couldn’t be said to be a bad thing. The fact that their relationship does not descend into extreme evil means that they do not cross the final Maginot Line that they have barely maintained so far.

As a result, the Northern Continent no longer needs to shed unnecessary blood. A world of conflict between clans reminiscent of turbulent times or the Warring States Period will not come. After the User Academy, the world will continue as before, exploring outside the city, excavating ruins, and joining forces against vagabonds.

However, there were a few things that bothered me so easily that I could not just admit it and move on. Among them, the most questionable thing was the condition of the godmother and the reactions of the people around her. Son Bunrye’s body was almost falling apart. When Seong Yu-bin was worried about her godmother’s physical condition, Park Hyeon-woo immediately shouted and stopped her. It seemed like she was acting to hide something she didn’t want to be found out about. Why on earth… .


Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling between my index and middle fingers holding the tobacco. I was so deep in thought that all the burned tobacco touched my skin. After dropping it on the floor and rubbing it a few times, I turned around and opened the entrance door. No matter how much I thought about it, there were so many uncertainties that I couldn’t make any hasty guesses.

As I entered the inn, I saw the attention of users occupying several tables. I ignored the curious looks and went straight up the stairs. Eventually, after entering the third floor hallway and opening the door to my room, I could see my companions sitting in a circle next to the bed.


A warp gate drawing a huge oval stood tall above the long, square-angled altar. I looked at the light blue sphere floating around the open center for a moment, then lowered my gaze. In front of the gate, the Mercenary Clan members were all staring at me with sad faces.

It feels like about 3 hours have passed since I returned to the inn. I summarized the whole thing and pointed out only the key points as much as possible, but there was a lot to tell. The conversation about the summons was relatively simple, but future plans and actions inevitably took up a lot of time. This is because we had to distinguish between things that could be known and things that could not.

“Then please take good care of the clan while I am gone.”

“yes. “But I don’t plan on taking it for long, so you have to come back soon.”

“Do not worry. “Don’t worry about us, we just hope Su-hyeon takes care of himself.”

Ko Yeon-ju and Jeong Ha-yeon responded with words that revealed their individual personalities. After exchanging greetings with all the other clan members, I turned my attention to Go Yeonju again.

“Go Yeon-ju. “You remember what I said, right?”


“Your role is most important. “You will have to be busy from now on.”

“We will do our best to meet your expectations.”

After hearing her rant, I felt a little relieved. When she withdrew her gaze, she saw Vivien sucking her finger with a sullen face behind Ko Yeon-joo. Without Go Yeon-joo and me, her actual power in the clan could be seen as her being the strongest. So, I decided to give Vivien a word of advice as well.



“Go Yeon-ju has to be busy moving around, and Jeong Ha-yeon has to refine the inside of the clan. “It’s unlikely to happen, but when something does happen, you’re the only one who can respond quickly.”

“… okay.”

Vivien answered a beat late. Looking at his cheeks puffing out and his lips pouting, it seemed like he was very dissatisfied with something. I thought I could roughly guess the reason, so I just sighed and turned his head. Now she didn’t have time to match her rhythm.

“Then just go in. “I will go there in three months.”

“yes. Until the day I can see Rod again… .”

It was a farewell for a while, but strangely enough, the clan members were just keeping an eye on me. This was especially severe for children. In the end, it was the moment when Go Yeon-joo, who was no better than me, came forward and received my greeting.


Ansol, who had been in tears ever since he left , finally burst into tears. Eventually, I saw her running towards me with her usual pace, and as I was about to dodge to her side, the thing that her teacher had told me passed through her head.


While I was unconsciously stopping, I reflexively took the Ansol that was thrown at me. As she was held in my arms, she looked up at me with wide eyes, and then she began muttering words that I could not understand. I sighed inwardly and patted her on the back.

“Ugh… . Don’t go… . Brother, don’t go… . Ugh… .”

“Sol. It’s not like I won’t be able to see you forever, it’s only 3 months at most. The more Sol is like this, the more embarrassed my brother becomes. “Now, stop crying.”

“I don’t like it… . You shouldn’t be here… . Let’s go together… . Ugh… .”

“I can’t help it since I already said I would do it. Ansol, you keep… .”

I got a little irritated because he kept acting so foolish. So, just as she was about to press him a little, she felt a little uncomfortable in her last words. You’re saying I shouldn’t be here?

“Baby. For your information, please come here within 5 seconds. There’s no way I’ll allow you to stay here or Lord to follow us anyway. “I know it won’t be fun if you keep complaining.”

“hey! You must be embarrassed. Do you know who doesn’t regret it? You say you can’t help it. “Stop being annoying and come quickly.”

Go Yeon-ju and Yu-jeong Lee’s sharp voices came from in front of them. As he tried to force her away before her mood turned sour, Ansol opened his mouth once again, her voice laced with tears.

“That’s not it… . Ugh… . I’m saying I’m anxious… . Ugh… .”

“unrest… “You said that?”

The moment I heard Ansol’s words, I felt my heart sink. Still, there was something that bothered me ever since the summons. She had kept it to herself just in case, but suddenly, as if her words had become a catalyst, her suspicions grew like a snowball.

It was then. I, who was in front of the warp gate, could feel a huge mana moving behind me. It seemed like I wasn’t the only one who felt the flow.

“Lee, leader. It looks like we’re almost at the end of the season for new users. no… . “Wow, it looks like it’s already done.”

“that… That’s right. “I have to go quickly.”

I responded to Shin Sang-yong’s words with a sense of exasperation. Ansol held me tightly and never tried to let go. It was then.

“No, just a moment.”

I felt like my mind was brightening. Thoughts about various things I had experienced so far came to mind simultaneously. I gently wiped Sol’s tears, which were still crying, and then slightly bent my knees. After she was at eye level with her, she opened her mouth in her caring voice.


“Well… . yes… . Ugh… .”

“okay. If you’re anxious, it’s probably true. I don’t know what happened, but it seems difficult to reverse the decision now. But don’t worry. Don’t listen to what you say. I will always be careful and stay alert. Others may not know, but my brother believes you. Sol can trust her oppa too, right? “If you believe me, I wish you would just stop crying.”

“Well… . Black… . Don’t do it… . That’s not true… .”

“Ansol! My brother is in trouble. Ah, why is it like this today? I’m sorry bro. “I will take you there myself.”

“Sigh… Black… Ugh… Wow… .”

In the end, Ahn Hyeon, who was unable to do anything, came forward at a fast pace. Meanwhile, Ansol’s eyes were clear and clean, even though she had tears in them. Looking at her like this, it was difficult to see her as simply having foolish eyes.

“brother. See you in 3 months. And I’m sorry.”

“Hey… . Let go… Let go… . Ugh… !”

Ansol burst into tears again and waved his hands. However, Anhyeon lightly suppressed her resistance and began to forcibly drag her away. I let out her long nostril as I looked at her innocent gaze directed at her from behind.

For a moment, my heart was shaken. But there were things that had to be done now. No matter how good Ansol’s feelings were, it was absolutely not the right choice to reverse and leave Barbara since the conversation had already been completed at the summons. Still, I felt like I needed to come to my senses first.

“No, it’s okay. You have nothing to be sorry about. Don’t push yourself too hard and listen carefully. Also, would you like to take care of Sol? “Well, I’ll figure it out and take care of it.”

“yes. Rest in peace, bro. “I’ll be working hard.”

Even while being forcibly dragged away, Ansol did not stop his hands and hit Anhyeon. If we stayed like this, it seemed like we would just be looking at each other forever, so I thought it would be better for me to leave first. I picked up the magic backpack I had placed at my feet and shouted a little louder.

“Let’s go first!”

“Su-hyun! take care!”

“yes~. See you later then~.”

“Kim Soo-hyun, you idiot! idiot! “I don’t even spank your ass!”

“brother! You must come alone! “You can’t come in groups of two or three!”

“Lee, leader! We are waiting for you! In the meantime… !”

The clan members waved at me, and I waved at them and then immediately turned around. I felt several gazes on the back of my head, but I tried to ignore them and walked even faster.


Maybe it was because it wasn’t a permanent farewell and it was just a temporary departure, so I didn’t feel very uncomfortable. To be honest, although it was only a little, I felt relieved. During the first round, traveling alone was common. As such, I felt relieved by the freedom I had experienced for the first time in a long time.

There was just one thing that bothered me. The words Ansol said right before we parted ways continued to linger within me. Of course, she cannot take her word for granted. I recognize the Luck 101 ability, but it was an ability I had no idea about at the time. She has no idea about the anxiety she feels. Is it a sense of some kind of danger, or is it the anxiety I felt when I spent my first night with Go Yeon-ju before, or is it about something else I don’t know? In other words, her anxiety was much more multidirectional than my anxiety, so there was no guarantee that it would match my thoughts.

There was too little information given. One is the state of the godmother and Park Hyeon-woo’s reaction seen in the Golden Lion Clan. The other is Ansol’s anxiety detection. The problem is that both have generic meanings rather than specific ones. There were too many uncertain factors to make a plan based on these alone.

I decided to think in a positive direction for now. Even if you have anxiety that you are not aware of, there is no need to start shaking already. In fact, when she was confronted with the anxiety she had been feeling for some time, she handled it with ease.

Of course, it was impossible to let down one’s guard. As I assured Ansol, there was a need to be careful. A last resort could have been to withdraw quickly, but that was literally the last resort. Rather than being distracted, it would be better to find out as much as you can.

With this thought in mind, I continued walking. As Shin Sang-yong said, new users would have entered the by now. First, the Golden Lion Clan decided to lead them to the square, and other clans decided to recruit the necessary personnel until the speech at the square was over. Even though many of the older users have died, it will be able to handle India without any problems as it has accumulated so much.

Although the distance from to was a bit long, it was much closer if you left from the warp gate.

As I passed through the empty square, I had some doubts. In the process of guiding new users, access to other users except those involved was strictly blocked, so it was understandable that existing users were not visible. However, there were only three or four people controlling the square.

And I was able to understand that question after arriving at the .

“f*ck! Where am I! Where are you? Uh, huh? Don’t you let go of this? Won’t you let go?!”

“Stay still! “Please stay still!”

“Where is here? Where are you? It’s not Earth! I lied! “Who are you!”

“What are you doing if you don’t control it quickly!”


If I were to define in one word, it was a mess. Users screaming and struggling going back and forth. The Golden Lion Clan members run around quickly to control it. The new users’ movements were full of confusion, and although the controllers were busy running around, they looked somewhat clumsy.

He must have gone through a rite of passage and received a sufficient explanation from the angels. However, there were still some people who were unable to acknowledge reality. However, no matter how many people were present, this could be considered severe. The moment I clicked my tongue and was about to start walking, the loud voice I first heard as soon as I came here hit my ears.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

Oh, sorry. I had an appointment this evening. It was around 22:00 when I came home. Fortunately, I wrote a little bit before leaving, so I wasn’t too late. ㅜ.ㅠ Oh and readers. I have a habit of writing the plot slowly, so this time I increased it a little. (Of course, I plan to move slowly to the parts I deem necessary.) I plan to increase it as much as possible in the future, but if you see any awkward parts, I would appreciate it if you could point it out. The valuable advice from readers will be the foundation for my growth. Nod. (__)

P.S. Thank you very much to everyone who gave us coupons. _(__)_


1. Bird with folded wings: Oh my. Flying bird! Flying flying bird! Congratulations on first place. ha ha ha. I was really surprised. How did you get first place as soon as you uploaded it? As expected, the two of us are a match made in heaven. (Sigh! Just kidding.) 🙂

2. qklcnw: Study for the exam! The process is definitely difficult, but the feeling when the test is over is truly exhilarating. I hope you get good results.

3. sigma815: Ah yes. I am also aware of my shortcomings in that area. I will add content when revising the e-book in the future, or add it to the side-story or flashback section next time. (For now, I plan to focus on making progress.)

4. Lancelot du Lac: Haha. Please be patient. In the summons, Su-hyeon’s right to speak is bound to be weak. Also, as you are a new clan lord, you need to manage your image. We will go through the User Academy without feeling frustrated.

5. Raccoon Wings: Thank you for the coupon. We will repay you with better content in the future. (__)

6. Latina doll: Oh. You nailed that part. ha ha ha. What kind of relationship was it? Sometimes, I think it would be fun to tell Soohyun’s story from the first episode.

7. Resite: Wow. You gave me high praise. thank you I didn’t know what to do after seeing the comments. (__)

8. Myeongbakjjang’s Yangyang Unity: Hmm, I was shocked when I saw the word ‘Yukxx’. I can assure you that such a thing will never happen. -_-+

9. Haruzion’s: I’ll leave Kim Han-byeol to your imagination. As for Ansol, what Haruzion S said is correct. Oh, Kim Han-byeol doesn’t have a bad meaning, I just told you to really imagine it. (I’m afraid there may be readers who misunderstand…) 🙂

10. Gutsy Man: I have already calculated this part. We will gradually explain the details in the future. A few words of advice: Don’t use this User Academy as a standard. If you watch episodes 37 and 197, you will be able to understand the content more easily.

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode