MEMORIZE Chapter 207

00207 It was just an illusion ——————————————– —————————-=

“That’s a good idea.”

Han So-young’s lips opened, and her soft voice softly rang throughout the conference room. The moment she uttered her voice, there was an instant silence inside her. She looked back and forth between Seong Hyun-min and me and then began speaking again.

“I definitely think that if the Mercantile Clan participates in this User Academy project, we will be able to achieve a lot of mutual development and improvement. It is an opportunity to strengthen the clan’s power, get to know the representative clan members, set a good example for new users, and reduce the impression of sharing. And later on, you can also make a favor to your godmother. From the perspective of the entire Northern Continent, it can be said to be killing five birds with one stone. To that extent, I would also like to ask Mercenary Road to participate.”

It was quite rare for Han So-young to talk for such a long time. In the meantime, most of the users who listened to her had blank faces, as if her unique ability, charisma, had been activated. In particular, some of the male users were even blushing.

“That’s right. “That is exactly what I am saying.”

“I also agree with what Lord Han said. It definitely seems worth a try.”

Seong Hyeon-min, who barely came to his senses, smiled awkwardly and accepted her words. Park Hyun-woo expressed his agreement with his opinion with a calm expression. And the moment I got the Golden Lion’s consent, users from other clans who had been quiet until then also started to pester me.

“I’d like to ask you a favor too. Of course, you may be busy settling in now, but I think it’s something worth trying for the future development of the Northern Continent.”

“is it so. If you are worried about clan affairs, after completing the academy, come to Koran, a small town in the south. “Not only our clan, but the Southern Liberty Alliance will be able to provide a lot of help.”

“The same goes for us and our Moonlight Clan. Although it is still only a small town, we provide maximum convenience… .”

“Merchantry Lord. “The offer I mentioned earlier is still valid.”

When the Su Clan took the lead, other clans followed suit and began lobbying. Even Soyoung Han was reminding me of the conversation she had with me before the meeting. Perhaps because it wasn’t just one or two people talking, she felt a little dizzy.

Suddenly, I felt that this situation was very funny. During the first round, these were people who were in a position that I couldn’t even dare to look at at this time. However, now that we have reached the second round, I feel a little bitter when I see them trying to somehow drag our clan into their city.

It was then.

“… … .”

The voices that were getting louder disappeared in an instant like a lie. When I turned my head with a tired face, I could see Go Yeon-ju, who had been quiet until now, casting a cold look in her eyes.

“ha ha ha. “Maybe it’s because I’m excited, but I feel like I’ve only told you our position.”

Seong Hyeon-min, who was quick-witted, seemed to have quickly grasped the situation and immediately spoke.

“Of course, I plan to give priority to the Mercenary Lord’s opinion. “I apologize for going too far ahead.”

“be quiet.”

Go Yeon-ju’s voice was languid, but it had a cool, blade-like energy. Seong Hyeon-min stepped back with a shy look on his face. Although the atmosphere became a little cold, he was finally able to take a breather. I savored my appetite and slowly closed my eyes. There were a lot of things to think about.

There are clear benefits to joining a user academy.

There are also benefits to not going in and leaving Barbara right away to put this plan into action.

Each had its own advantages and disadvantages as well. Each had equally equal benefits, so much so that it was a waste to give up one or the other.

The reason I’m considering the User Academy issue, even putting off the plan I saw, is because I was able to read information about not long ago. The greater the number of new users entering, the proportionally higher the probability that it contains users with deep potential. Moreover, this time it will be even more certain. There is a user who completed the rite of passage in as many as 5 days.

But the problem was that there were too many clans participating this time. There were a lot of prominent clans, but there was no guarantee that new users would join my clan. Our clan certainly had things to boast about, but objectively speaking, it was true that we were lagging behind in competitiveness. If you think about it this way, it would be better to give up cleanly, but another variable has arisen here.

That means the future has changed. The clans responded to the summons, and the conflict between them was resolved through the intervention of the Great Mother. Something happened that didn’t happen in the first episode. Of course, it is still too early to make a hasty conclusion, but after the development of the Western Continent, the possibility of a civil war between users has been significantly lowered.

Perhaps if the vagabonds invade, they might send a relief force. Because there was a justification for protecting the user academy. Then, the future will take on a completely different aspect from my memories. Thinking about that time, I thought it would be a good idea to create a position in the user academy now.

I thought about it for a while, but I needed to come to a conclusion quickly. Everyone was waiting for my answer and I couldn’t keep dragging it on.

“hmm… .”

Soon after making up my mind, I opened my closed eyes again. I could see everyone staring at my face with nervous expressions. First, he quietly raised his hand and grabbed Go Yeon-ju’s arm. Then, I could feel the cold gaze emanating from her eyes disappearing immediately.

Subtle expressions appear on the faces of nervous users. It seemed refreshing to see a user who had reached level 10 obey the commands of a user with only 0 years of experience. After ignoring their gazes, I opened my mouth in a calm voice.

First, start with a slight bounce.

“Currently, the Mercantile Clan is a new clan that has just been founded. However, since I have already planned my future steps, I am not very happy about this User Academy incident. As someone said, Mercenary is currently short on squad and personnel.”

“Of course I can understand. At first, you will have a lot of things to do. Moreover, I heard that you have already made a plan… .”

Seong Hyeon-min scratched his head with a puzzled expression and trailed off. I quietly raised my head and looked into his eyes. No matter how high the potential for development and high performance was, there were basic differences. However, this person is showing me a more cautious attitude than necessary. I activated my third eye again.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Seong Hyeon-min (4th year)

2. Class: Normal Sword Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Korea

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: Cold Flame · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Male (33)

7. Height/Weight: 178.8cm/73.8kg

8. Tendency: Mild · Belief

[Strength 87] [Durability 81] [Dexterity 84] [Stamina 85] [Magic Power 90] [Luck 76]

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 542/ 600~

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

2. Seong Hyeon-min: 498/ 600~

[Strength 87] [Durability 81] [Dexterity 84] [Stamina 85] [Magic Power 90] [Luck 71]

(There are no ability points remaining.)

The abilities were decent. The overall information, including classes, was somewhat inferior compared to the 10 lectures. But I was drawn to his personality. A strong heart hidden in gentleness. It almost matched what I remembered of him from the first inning.

He was a user who was not indecisive and had a strong sense of responsibility. He was especially famous for carefully observing and taking care of each and every clan member. There was speculation that the reason there was not a single dissonance while encompassing the Great Union in the future was because of his tendency.

There is no evil tendency. It seemed like there was something else going on, but I felt like I could roughly guess what was going on. The method might be a little different, but it was clear that she was thinking similar things to Han So-young. The difference between the two is that Han So-young just spoke straight away, and he plans to take his time and move forward slowly.

To put it bluntly, although I was good at going with the flow, it was also tiring to go too well. Because they have already started to implicitly compete with me.

Seeing him with a sad look on his face with the end of his words blurred, I opened my mouth in a low voice.

“But it also bothers me a little that they are rejecting your request like this. Still, I’m still only in my 0th year, so I’m not sure if I can really help as much as you said… .”

“Oh, no. Not at all. “A lot of people here think it’s worth a try.”

“Merchantry Lord. It’s not that difficult. “We can handle most of the annoying tasks that require experience at the academy.”

After leaving a slight lingering feeling, Seong Hyun-min and Park Hyun-woo quickly began to cajole me. It seemed like another full-length speech would begin if I left it like this, so I decided to get straight to the point.

“Well, then can I ask you a small favor?”

“yes. “Please speak.”

“Nothing else, as far as I know, user access is strictly controlled during the academy period.”

“Um, yes, yes. that… “That’s right.”

Park Hyeon-woo nodded with a nervous expression. If we look at the reality, access was strictly controlled in the beginning, but there was a tendency to loosen it little by little as the completion of the course got closer. In fact, when I received the offer, I also received meals from outside a few times. Reminiscing about that time, I spoke slowly.

“Is it possible for you to receive some consideration in that regard?”

“If it’s consideration… .”

“The initial operation of the clan can be carried out without my presence. Of course, it would be better if I were there. Still, I think can sufficiently perform the duties of my representative.”

“ah… . ah! okay. Yes, you don’t have to worry about that. “For the only, we will allow free access to the user academy.”

The good thing about talking with users of a certain level is that they understand you easily by saying “ah” and “uh”. There was no need to say anything. I took a quick look around and saw that everyone had generally satisfied faces. Users who knew the internal situation would probably have felt that my request was not a big deal and was fully acceptable.

I smiled inwardly and decided to end the push and pull at this point.

“thank you. “If you give a little consideration to that, I think I will be able to participate in the User Academy with pleasure.”

“haha. no. That’s as easy as it gets.”

Only after concluding the story with my participation, I was able to control the details. And after that, the pace of the meeting began to gain momentum again. The most important of these was the recruitment of new users, which could be easily agreed upon by adhering to the basic principles. Anyone can equally promote their clan and make offers. And since the final choice is said to be made by the new user, it can be said that it basically depends on the clan’s capabilities.

“Then let me conclude the primary story with this. I think it would be a good idea to end the summons at this point. And you may think it’s a little tight, but I think those participating in this User Academy will need to move quickly to the warp gate.”

“yes. Then, as I said earlier, I will arrive at Barbara’s Square with carefully selected people before the end of the night. Until then, please take care of yourselves, Golden Lion Clan members.”

After concluding the conversation, they exchanged a few words of courtesy. Then, one by one, they started leaving the conference room. Looking at the busy pace of the eastern and southern clan members, it seemed like they wanted to report today’s achievements as quickly as possible. Han So-young and Yeon Hye-rim also gently made eye contact with me before leaving the conference room. They looked at me for a moment and then immediately left the conference room. A bitter smile appeared on Park Hyeon-woo’s lips as he watched them leave.

Just as I was about to get up and leave, he suddenly turned his head towards me and spoke to me.

“Merchantry Lord. Could you please wait a moment? “I have something else to tell you.”

“Ah yes.”

I stopped moving and turned around. But I didn’t sit back down. It was an unspoken signal that I also had work to do, so I should finish it as quickly as possible. He glanced at Ko Yeon-ju next to me and quickly opened his mouth.

“If you don’t have a suitable place to stay, our clan can introduce you to a good place. Oh, it’s not inside the clan, so don’t worry. “There is also a building outside that clan members used for lodging.”

“it’s okay. “I already have accommodation arranged.”

“ah… . Is that so. All right.”

“I wonder if you want to say something else… .”

“no. “It’s not that important, so I’ll let you know later when the work is somewhat completed.”

It was a little surprising to me. I thought he was going to bring up the Mule incident, but he was sneaking it around himself. I tilted my head for a moment, but after seeing Park Hyeon-woo’s reaction, I felt like I could sense something.

Perhaps the Golden Lion valued us more highly than the Beech Tree. And since Go Yeon-joo is involved, it may feel awkward to mess with it. Of course, I didn’t think it would just go away like this. We’ll have to wait a little longer to find out, but even if the investigation process comes in later, there’s a high possibility that it will end up being a formality.

“Anyway, thank you for your consideration. Well then, I’ll just leave. Although it is said to be within Barbara, we need to hand over the future work.”

“yes. Then take a look. And I wish you all the best in the future.”

After exchanging formal greetings with him, I quickly left the conference room. As I crossed the hall and exited the entrance of Geumhogwan, I saw the sky becoming dark. As the cool night breeze hit my entire body, I felt as if my hot body had cooled down a bit.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

I wrote a long review but deleted it. I have read all comments. Some people may have enjoyed reading the summons section, while others may have found it boring. I think you must have felt that way even more as you have been writing daily series rather than being able to participate in the series these days. Personally, I thought it was important in its own way rather than useless content, so I allocated the content to a little less than two chapters.

Regarding the anxiety that readers are currently feeling, all I can say is that you don’t have to worry. I’d like to say it out loud, but I think that would take away from the fun you’ll have from reading the content in the future. Therefore, with future content, we will do our best to eliminate the anxiety that some readers are currently feeling.

In the future, I may proceed slowly in the necessary parts, but I will try to progress faster in other parts while keeping my writing as much as possible. Thank you for always reading.

We will post a re-ripple soon.


1. 破天魔痕: Congratulations on first place. 🙂 You won first place for the re-creator of the myth. I thought it would be the first time in a while that we would see 1st place 4 times in a row, but I am a little disappointed. ha ha ha.

2. Re-creator of the myth: Happy birthday. And I pray that the surgery will be successful. I was going to write this, but luckily I was able to see comment number 207. I hope you enjoy your day to the fullest!

3. Myeongbakjjang’s Yangyang Harmony: Well, then I guess we can say it’s a polite Yeoncham this time. ha ha ha.

4. Siege Spread: If you pay attention to the subheading, you may be able to get some idea. No need to worry.

5. Face value: I see. I would appreciate it if you thought of it as a way to adjust the mood for a moment. Since this is the part where the chapter changes, I think it’s because there’s a lot of explanation and foreshadowing involved. We will do our best to help you have fun again in the future.

6. days0314: Eh, the possibility of getting a coin attack is increasing. We will keep this in mind. We ask for your understanding as we occasionally practice new skills like this. haha.

7. Intention: Oh, I see. Last time, I made a separate distinction for the perspective change part, and I did so because there were people who said that their immersion suddenly broke while they were reading well. Let’s think about this for a moment. Thank you for your valuable advice. We will sufficiently collect and reflect the following content during proofreading.

8. Osian: I think your thoughts are somewhat similar to mine. At a gathering of the best clans in the North Continent, I thought that Su-hyeon’s right to speak was bound to be weak. Of course, by having high development potential and high performance, you can avoid being ignored.

9. Toranoanal: I was very comforted to hear that you enjoyed reading it. ㅜ.ㅠ I’m just thankful.

10. Elf Kai: The part you pointed out has been corrected. thank you (__)

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it isn’t on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode