MEMORIZE Chapter 206

00206 It was just an illusion ———————————————————– —————————-=

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Son Bunrye (9th year)

2. Class: Rare Divine Judgment Master

3. Nation: Barbara

4. Clan: Golden Lion

5. Jinmyeong · Nationality: One who defies heaven · Republic of Korea

6. s*x: Female (78)

7. Height/Weight: 153.2cm/48.7kg

8. Tendency: Good · Neutral

[Strength 20(-10)] [Durability 18(-10)] [Dexterity 22(-10)] [Stamina 38(-10)] [Magic Power 95(+4)] [Luck 72(-10)]

(The magical power circuit has suffered irreversible damage. It has become increasingly hardened over time. If you use magical energy in this state, you may suffer severe side effects.)

(The magic circuit is being forcibly operated by a force that goes against the truth, but other abilities have decreased due to the principle of equal exchange.)

(It is maintained by retrograde or retrograde, but it is an incomplete recovery. If the magic circuit is activated beyond the ability to handle, the side effects that have been barely suppressed so far will come back like a boomerang. Absolute stability is required.)

< Achievements (8▼) >

< Unique Ability (1/1) >

1. Reverse Heaven (Rank: EX)

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Retrograde: Strengthening (Rank: B Zero)

< Potential (3/3) >

1. Great Magic (Rank: EX)

2. Judgment Scythe (Rank: A Plus Plus Plus)

3. Resistant horsepower (Rank: S Zero)

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Kim Soo-hyun: 542/ 600~

[Strength 96(+2)] [Durability 92] [Dexterity 98] [Stamina 72] [Magic Power 96] [Luck 90(+2)]

(There are 12 ability points remaining.)

2. Son Bunrye: 233/ 600~

[Strength 20(-10)] [Durability 18(-10)] [Dexterity 22(-10)] [Stamina 38(-10)] [Magic Power 95(+4)] [Luck 72(-10)]

(There are no ability points remaining.)

The moment I saw Godmo’s user information, I was a little surprised. Currently, her body was in very poor condition. To make matters worse, her magic circuit was distorted in a situation where her abilities were likely to decline due to aging.

I don’t know what power the rare class has. However, judging from the true name, unique, special, and potential abilities, it seemed like the circuit was being forced to operate using the abilities it possessed. What on earth happened to put my body in that state?

While she was lost in thought for a moment, her back as she crossed the central hall was obscured by the slowly closing doors. As she was a little dazed, staring at the messages floating in the air, the sounds of cheerful chatter next to her finally reached her ears.

“Then, since the godmother has gone, shouldn’t the rest of us discuss the academy issue soon?”

“that’s right. Since you don’t know when the portal will close, you need to quickly adjust the details. Ho Ho.”

The representatives of the non-participating clans all had excited expressions on their faces. On the other hand, half of the friendly clan agents had a somber look on their faces and the other half were looking at them with resentment. Of course, the objects of attention were focused on the remaining Park Hyun-woo and Seong Yu-bin.

Park Hyun-woo lowered his head with a silent expression on his face, then sighed and placed his buttocks on the empty head of the table.

“phew. All right. We will adjust the details of the User Academy matter according to Godmother’s wishes. Of course, before controlling it, we first need to select a control instructor and the clans that will participate in teaching new users.”

The friendly clans continued to cry, but they seemed to come to their senses when Park Hyeon-woo spoke. Now that his godmother had left her nails firmly hammered in, he could neither remove nor pierce them. As things turned out like this, perhaps because they were trying to grab as much food as possible, they also relaxed their expressions one by one and began to quietly participate in the meeting.

Afterwards, the discussion about the Academy incident went quite interestingly. They were showing such fantastic compatibility that it seemed as if they were people who had been struggling not to eat each other until just a moment ago.

“I’ll say it again, I don’t have a lot of time. As such, we need to secure participating clans as quickly as possible. In the current situation, there are many difficulties in posting an announcement from the beginning, so I think it would be better to make up only the clan members who are currently here. “What do other people think?”

“I agree. To be honest, it’s true, aren’t the people gathered here all representing one city? “In terms of qualifications, I think it’s more than enough.”

“But I think it might sound a bit bad if only representative clans participate. For example, aren’t there some users who criticize the representative clans for sharing?”

“That has been coming out before… . Hmm, no. Anyway, although it is not a representative clan, there are also famous clan members here. “If you include these people, you won’t have to worry about such trivial matters.”

Although it was wrapped here and there with false words, it all came down to one conclusion. They said they had no intention of including any other clans other than the ones here. The intention was to share even a little less of the pie that had already been shared. In some ways, it was showing the height of self-justification, but it didn’t feel particularly contemptuous. In any case, considering the urgency of the current situation, his cause was sufficient. However, no matter how much it was, it was not completely without problems.

“But when Godmother sees this, will she think it’s right?”

“… … .”

Everyone kept an awkward silence as someone carefully said something. It seems like they themselves were feeling it as they spoke. Looking at their methods now, they seemed to be following what the Golden Lion Clan had done, just with a slightly expanded version.

Suddenly, the words my godmother left behind came to mind. Her other users also had shocked expressions as if they remembered what she had said. As they boasted that they too would be different from before, it seemed like something was holding them back.

Since it had nothing to do with me anyway, I was quietly yawning and waiting for it to end. The moment I was about to lower my head, I made eye contact with Seong Hyeon-min, who was looking at me with clear eyes. At that moment, I could see a sparkling light passing through his eyes.

I thought it was an illusion, but when I saw his lips open, I suddenly realized that it was not an illusion.

“hmm. “I would like to say something about that.”

“Ah yes. It sounds like you have a good idea. “I will listen.”

Once Park Hyun-woo’s permission was given, everyone’s eyes once again focused on Seong Hyun-min. He was looking at me gently with a polite and impressive face. Eventually, he cleared his throat once or twice and continued speaking.

“Maybe Godmother also understands the situation. There is no time to inform other clans and receive applicants. But nevertheless, when you left those words, it seems like you had the Mercantile Clan in mind.”

Most of the people gathered here were so-called casual users who held high positions among the clans representing each city. In other words, they were people with a certain degree of intelligence. Just mentioning my clan name got people saying “Ah” everywhere. An exclamation came out. And one by one, they began to express their opinions.

“But it’s a new clan. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore it. Still, it’s a bit… odd for a clan that’s been founded for a week to come to the user academy. .”

“hmm. well. I think it’s a good idea. Isn’t it possible to slightly alleviate the impression of sharing, and above all, there is a top 10 performance? “I think she will be able to fulfill her role as an instructor.”

“aha! Yes. surely… .”

“I’m sorry for not saying anything.”

I interrupted the Su clan member mid-sentence and intervened in their conversation. Then, the attention gathered around Seong Hyeon-min and others suddenly focused on me. Most of their gazes were filled with curiosity. Up until now, the attention had been focused on that area as there was an important matter ahead, but now that it was resolved, it seems that Mercenary became curious about the clan.

I endured those stares and opened my mouth in a calm voice.

“Clan member Go Yeonju cannot participate in the User Academy. She has a favor to ask of her after her summons. “No one else can do it, so she can’t participate in the Academy Gun.”

“ah… . okay. “We were so excited for no reason.”

Even though Seong Hyun-min heard what I said, he still did not lose his smile. No, on the contrary, he asked me back in a calm voice as if it had gone even better.

“okay. “Then, among the clan members, is there anyone you can recommend as an instructor?”

“hmm… . yes. “There are no users I can particularly recommend.”

Shin Sang-yong and Vivien were in charge of rare classes and elixir research, respectively, and even if they were sent, they still felt a little anxious. In that case, the only person left was Jeong Ha-yeon. However, as Jeong Ha-yeon also had a strained relationship with her golden lion, he was reluctant to ask her to participate in the academy.

“Hmm~. I’m a little troubled. “The Mercenary Clan needs to participate so that we can have something to say to our godmother.”

There was no answer this time. From his tone earlier, I felt a strange sense that he wanted to somehow attract me. It seemed that Sung Hyun-min did not just want the Mercenary Clan to participate, but he also wanted me, Kim Soo-hyun, to participate. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I decided to listen to him more. Eventually, he continued speaking in a calm voice.

“To be honest, I wish the Mercenary Lord would personally participate in the User Academy.”

“yes? I beg your pardon?”

“Han Road. That’s unreasonable. Since it’s a new clan, there aren’t enough squads to send. “What on earth are we going to do if the clan lord disappears just when we need to settle down?”

“is it so. Moreover, he is a user with 0 years of experience. Goyeon may be the Lord, but I have never heard of someone who has been in charge of a user academy for 0 years.”

As soon as Seong Hyeon-min spoke, a violent commotion broke out. Even the eastern representative clan was showing disapproval. However, he shook his head without the slightest hesitation and soon began to speak his thoughts in detail in a confident voice.

“Of course, your argument has a point. But I think this way. First of all, regarding the personnel issue, this could be a very good opportunity for the Mercenary Clan. Of course, you’re probably busy as you’re in the midst of settling down, but wouldn’t participating in the User Academy give you more opportunities to promote your clan to new users? If you invest 3 months, you may get new users who want to join the Mercantile Clan. Rather, this is a good opportunity to make up for personnel shortages.”

“Hmm. Indeed, new users… . Ah, I see. However, having a user with 0 years of experience as an instructor seems a bit… . I didn’t say this with the intention of disparaging Mercenary Lord. However, everyone here is probably thinking the same thing. “It’s something that has never been seen before.”

After finishing speaking, the Northern Clan agent bowed his head to me respectfully. I smiled softly, saying it was okay. Of course, it was a response to image management. Anyway, from an objective point of view, it was something I had never heard or seen of a user with 0 years of experience entering the academy. From that unexpected perspective, it wasn’t anything to be upset about.

But this time, Seong Hyeon-min’s words began to flow like clear water.

“We promised our godmother that we would no longer repeat the evil practices we have continued. ah. I certainly agree with the point that instructors should be comprised of users with some seniority and experience. But try changing your perspective a little bit. In other words, aren’t there a lot of people here who can fill that role? As far as I know, there are also instructor roles that do not necessarily require such experience.”

“No matter what… .”

“Now we need to make a change. And although there is a slight difference in timing, wouldn’t it be a great motivation for new users to have the same 0-year user as an instructor? As a fellow year 0 user, in less than 6 months, I founded a clan, excavated numerous ruins, and stood on equal footing with other older year users. “If I were a new user, I would probably feel something while listening to Mercenary Lord’s story.”

When I mentioned that I was a user with 0 years of experience, the initially intense reactions from those around me began to subside little by little. Everyone had a worried look on their faces, but on the other hand, they had an expression that they thought Seong Hyeon-min’s words made sense. He looked at the reactions around him and soon smiled with satisfaction. And then, he opened his mouth once more to conclude what he had left to say.

“As you all know, although the Mercenary Clan has a small number of members, its potential for future development is incredible. Two secret classes and three rare classes. What has lifted the depressed mood caused by the current expedition is the achievements and appearances of these people in the small town of Mule. As is also present, judging by her future growth, it is highly likely that she will exert a great influence in the Northern Continent in the future. In that case, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to build friendships with the people here while performing your role at the academy for the future. “I can assure you that it will be of great help not only to us, but also to the Mercenary Lord.”

These words played a decisive role in the atmosphere starting to change. Until then, users who had a calm expression on their faces began to look at me with subtle eyes at that one word.

I had a calm face on the outside, but on the inside I let out a short sigh. First of all, rather than being dragged along by these well-packaged words, I thought it would be better to analyze the situation on my own and decide whether to accept it or not.

It was a moment when I was trying to turn my head so quickly. Across from me, I could see Han So-young, who had been quietly observing the situation, slowly open her lips.

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

hello. This is Ro Yujin.

The time I am writing this review is 11:55. Ah, it’s been delayed lately in completing my writing. In the past, I still had 10 or 20 minutes left to write reviews and replies, but these days, I’m really bleeding. ha ha ha. Sometimes I miss February. At that time, I had a lot of free time to upload two episodes a day.

Oh, and I apologize for the scene change. Even if we can’t, we will finalize the summons within the next meeting. Once again, I would like to offer my deepest apologies. Nod. (__)


1. Re-creator of myth: Wow. I can’t believe it. Since it was done in succession, it would be good to see it as the emergence of a new strong(?). I can’t believe you continue to take first place, beating out those prominent people. ha ha ha. Congratulations on first place. Well, I hope you enjoy this episode as well.

2. EyeSeeYou: Me too. I also came in first place in the midnight series, so I want to praise myself.(?)

3. Siege Player: No, just wait a moment. It’s good up to scratch. By the way, what do you mean by behind it?

4. Kabram: Hehe. What about Eugene? He’s a good kid. Ansol Ver. released after a long time. (Pukpuk! If you are offended, I am deeply sorry. Hahaha.)

5. Aficionado C + MT Bear: No, these people. Why are you trying to kidnap me! Kidnapping is bad. From next time, please don’t say anything. Now that I think about it, I suddenly remember someone who said that he would kidnap me and give me a meat side dish at a time. Ugh.

6. Sereson: Everyone! Readers! Ansol is here! sereson is the incarnation of Ansol! Ansol is here! Whale whale!

7. Fallen Wing: Yes. That’s right. You can increase your abilities to over 100 at any time. 🙂

8. Demon Temple: Wait a moment. I simply asked for a pat on the head, but why are you calling the Podol guys? And even in prison, you’re trying to get me to write using Sasik as bait. omg. Now that I think about it, what is your nickname?!

9. Toranoanal: Hehe. Thank you. Hehehe. Oh, you can pet me more. More, more, more, more.(?)

10. Yusuwolhyang: I’m sorry. So I tried to increase the capacity as much as possible, but there were a lot of stories I wanted to include, it was an important part, and the content increased as I added foreshadowing for a dramatic twist later. We will definitely finish the next circuit. (__)

Your recommendations and comments become the driving force of Yeoncham. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too disappointed that it’s not on Riripple.

If you have any questions, please send me a message and I’ll answer!

Well then, I will leave for today.

I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.

Selection, recommendations, comments, criticism, and questions are always welcome.


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not work with dark mode